3 Rounds NFT of:
“Warm-Up 1”
15 Squats
10 Push-Ups
5-10 Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups
20 Hollow Rocks
“Warm-Up 2”
16 Reverse Weighted Lunges (8 each leg, load with same DB as Presses)
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Presses, each arm
12 Ring Rows
+ Once You’ve completed 3 rounds sit in a Middle Split until the warm-up period is complete
Turkish Get-Up
post loads and implement to comments.
compare to 6.11.11
Jessica Fox and her Fancy Wrist Wraps
Big thanks to Josh M for building out our new Kettlebell Racks.
Hoboken Winter Challenge
The CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge is upon us again and CFSBK is sending a team! So far Chris F, Jessica F, Marcos M, Josh M, Melissa L, Noah A, Dan H, Kiki, Mike M, Kate D and Rolando have signed up. These slots sell out quickly so if you’re interested, jump on board and register today! Everyone who signs up will recieve a Hoodie and gift bag. Top male and female will recieve $600!
“It is a sublime thing to suffer and be stronger.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A Tour of Westside Barbell Youtube
haha middle split…. i'll get right on that…
a reflection crush week:
last saturday i didn't get into the gym because yosh was working and i had felix to myself. i was nervous to take him by myself because he's more active than he used to be and not as keen to be trapped in a seat or pen and watch me work out. so these nerves caused me not to go. sunday morning, i realized that what's the worst that can happen, he doesn't let me get a work out in? and what if he does? so i had better get off my ass, stop making excuses and get to the gym. "angie" happened. about halfway through fox picked up felix and carried him around while he gave people the tips and encouragement needed to get through the bodyweight beast that is "angie". saturday i had somehow forgotten the community that is SBK. felix is welcomed, and usually seen as a treat rather than a nuisance. and SBK is a place of support for all, new moms included. thanks fox for reminding me. a good start to the week of crush.
then came the deadlift, wall ball, double unders WOD. i peeped this on the blog before i went and it reminded me of FGB. i think because the DU's were supposed to be substituted for box jumps if you didn't have them. so my supreme captain for FGB, ellie myers, with her supreme captaining skills had sent out and encouraged our team to send out inspirational thoughts of videos before the big Fight. she said that for her the day was about gratitude. for our troops, our community and our healthy bodies that we are able to do this workout. that bit of inspiration helped me get through FGB, so why not crush week? the thought, "i am lucky to pick up this barbell, i am lucky to do another 15 wall balls, i am lucky." it's a very empowering thought. thanks ellie.
"nate" happened, and while i scaled the shit out of that WOD, it was still taxing. thanks to josh m. for helping me scale, and seeming proud of my work even though, like i said the shit had been scaled out.
then we all know what came next. there were some movements and some running. and some burpees. ugh. it was a really tough one. for me it was really difficult because i couldn't find a positive spin on it psychologically. knowing i was out on the last run wasn't even encouraging because what was i running back into? mother f-ing burpees, well, let's be honest, squat thrusters. which i know are not the same thing as burpees, but suck nonetheless. i had a series of sour looks on my face the entire work out i'm sure. and i'm guessing something like "are you kidding me? this sucks and i hate it and also, i hate it!" was written all over my face after about 5 squat thrusters. david o. said something infuriating like, "smille josi!" so i gave him a big cheesy, fake smile. turns out, that made me actually smile. and the smiling made the last squat thrusters go a bit faster and feel not so hellish. thanks DO.
I heart SBK and I heart all of the people therein. all in all, pretty good crush week.
Big shout out to Josh on the new kettlebell rack. Sweet!
Fun at the Sunday 9 a.m. Got on with my turkish get-up. Thanks, Fox!
Great kettlebell rack indeed. Now all we need is to do is to spray paint the KBs so they are color-coded by weight.
20 hollow rocks are more than 15.
Great thoughts Josi! Count me among one of the SBKers who would be more than happy to Felix-sit when the opportunity arises. It helps that your baby ain't ugly. 😉
I second you on DO's talent for saying things that are infuriating at the time, but that really work and that you're really grateful for after the fact. (See WOD 10/14 for evidence.)
TGUs: 2pood right and left, up and down. This was pr. I had never made it down on the left.
I am speechless with gratitude for the kettlebell rack. Thanks to Mgmt and Martinez.
David pointed it out to me this morning (trust me, I noticed it!!) and I think I gave some non-committal grunt in reply. That was only Attitude Associated with Squatting Heavy in the Morning without Coffee, David – I assure you I am SUPER THRILLED with the new racks.
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×1
Work: 190x5x3
Bench Press
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 145x5x3
Power Clean
Warmup: 45×3 95×3
Work: 100x3x5
Pull ups 5 4 4
Josi, I second Stella's sentiment. You've got a badass baby and we're totally down to hang with the felix.
Also, can someone explain this winter challenge to me? What kind of workout situation is it? I'm interested, but not sure if I'm capable?
We'll see if this post goes through, the site has ethered 2 of my posts this week…
20 hollow rocks = cruel and unusual punishment. just sayin.
Replaced push-ups in my warm-up with 2 handstand push-ups for fun.
Josi – I'm happy to felix-watch and Malcolm too. Nice thoughts – thanks for sharing.
Turkish-get-ups: 20lb db, 22lb bar, 33lb bar, 43lb bar, 55lb bar, 60lb bar only on the right side. the 60 went up beautifully but got funky coming down when I accidentally went to the wrong knee and had to stand back up again. I wish my brain worked better under workout stress – I tend to go blank, forget rounds, reps etc. grumph. Good think Carlos was there spotting and giving encouragement!
Post workout play time while waiting for strength class to release Malcolm : 1-1-1-1-1-1 strict muscle-ups, these felt better than expected. 3 more singles with big kips, Fox noticed that I was pulling early, something to focus on in the future. 🙂
Parallette handstand practice against the wall, :15 second holds where I kept trying to take my feet off the wall.
Press-up handstand practice. Surrendered my dignity completely (literally everyone was laughing at me) to attempt assisted press-ups against the wall. Got 2 that worked and lots that just looked like strange leg waving. I'd love to have a press-up handstand this year.
Fun day at le gym today. Did 3 private sessions and a couple classes. Also did some Halloween Decorating, organizing and
Josi, Stella,
Thanks for the kind words! I think today's quote speaks for itself, glad that I can be directly considered part of your suffering. Excellent posts!
You seemed very appreciative! Im going to Lowes now and will be bringing back paint for it!
If I worked out at Westside I would be a LOT stronger and constantly tweaking out on how dirty and unorganized it is.