For Time:
400m Run
20 Jerks 165/115*
400m Run
20 Pull-Ups
400m Run
20 Front Squats 165/115*
400m Run
20 Power Cleans 165/115*
400m Run
20 Burpees
*Athletes will load one barbell and must use the same load for all the barbell movements. There is a 20 minute cap on today’s WOD
Post time and Rx to comments.
Nicole at The Starting Strength Cert
Photo courtesy of Thomas Campitelli
Upcoming Foundations Cycles
November Late Morning Foundations
+ Brooklyn Boulders “Learn the Ropes” Course
11/2/11 – 11/28/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00am-10:15am
Register Here!
November Morning Foundations
11/10/11 – 12/6/11
Thursdays and Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15am
Registere Here!
Running Resources
CrossFit and friends are hosting a 5K at Atlanta Motor Speedway, outside of some nice cash prizes, they’ve offered up some running resources for you to check out. These links offer insight into footwear, pose running, endurance programming and running drills. Check it out!
Clues about Early Diet Found In Fossilized Teeth NY Times
Why Gamers Are a Great Fit At The Gym CNN
Inside the Cult of CrossFit Men’s Health
Bar Slammin, Wall Punchin, Heavy Liftin Califorina Strength
CrossFit’s Official Trainer Manual
I'd like to give a shout-out to whoever formatted the official manual, for putting these two Q&A items right next to each other:
Q: Can I enjoy optimal health without being an athlete?
A: No!
Q: What if I don't want to be an athlete; I just want to be healthy?
A: You're in luck!
robb wolf reflects on the I-Caveman show, part two (and it relates to something melon just posted):
I knew this was going to be bad when I was walking up to the gym, saw Yoshi running, yelled "Go Yoshi!" and he responded with "PLEASE KILL ME."
26:06 with row (because I woke up with foot pain again this morning), 15 green band pullups, and 63# bar. And STRICT BURPEES, which, although I will never call burpees "easy," were definitely easier than they were last week!
Okay so I hope I don't sound foolish, but I have a question for every one (cossfiter, athletes, coaches).. is there a such thing as restarting your training?
Has anyone ever got to a (relative) high level of training for an event, competition, or even life.. then BANG your hurt, you move, life gets in the way so you have to stop training for some time.
Now everything is in order and your ready to get back on the "gravy train"..
Where and How do YOU get started?
Apologies for being slightly off topic, but Movember is rapidly approaching. I lead a team, "The Lance Chargers," and we grow mustaches for charity, and raise money to fight prostate cancer. (Men just don't have the same level of awareness.) I am proud to say that my team raised 40k last year.
I'm looking to grow this manly chapter in the same way that my follicles will grow iin the ensuing month. If anybody would like to join the team, it's a great time, with a fundraising party at the end, the more the merrier
Get your Magnum PI on! Here's the link to join if you are interested, and remember, there's no such thing as too much macho!
To join my Movember team go to
7am lifts: Squat: 150x3x5 – These were heavy but good. Last Saturday I realized that I forgot to increase my weight on the last exposure of last month's squat cycle and did 145 two weeks in a row, so I was happy to make it up today. Really stoked that heavyish squats are still do-able.
Press: 50x5x3 – went pretty light on these because my arms are still sore from Tuesday's DL/wall-ball couplet.
a glorious 6am with coach d.o blasting the soundtrack to drive. good times.
pre wu
foam roll
lots o foam roll
mountain climbers
" "
22:50 125lb.
good christ this hurt. and not being at the gym regularly over the last while made it more so.
i think this wod should have a name. and i think that name should be "MOTHERFUCKER!"
i ran it by a couple of my 6am comrades and they seemed to agree.
man i'm missing all the fun stuff, and then i get to come home to "slack off" week. bah humbug.
My apologies also for being a bit off topic as well. 'Tis the season for fundraising for causes we all care about – one of the many reasons I really appreciate CFSBK.
I'm in my last day of fundraising for FIERCE, a non-profit organization I worked at as an organizer and then as the Director for the past 7 years. Around this time last fall, you may recall the overwhelming amount national media coverage about the devastating LGBT youth suicides linked to bullying in schools and harassment on the streets. Last year FIERCE successfully got Mayor Bloomberg to release an official city proclamation declaring every October LGBT Youth Empowerment Month to raise visibility about the challenges facing LGBT youth in the city. This was a huge victory for FIERCE and all LGBT youth, but there is still much work to be done as violence and bullying persists across the city.
FIERCE holds a fabulous annual bowl-a-thon to support their crucial work and they rely thoughtful supporters like us who believe everyone has a right to feel safe regardless of who they love or how they express themselves. FIERCE is an organization very dear to me and I hope some of you will consider helping me meet my fundraising goal by tomorrow by making a donation in any amount that is meaningful to you. You can make a donation to my bowl-a-thon page online here:
Thank you SO MUCH to the people who have already contributed! I really appreciate everyone's support.
Ok, back to Crush Week….
Anyone want to band together for some moral support and make up today's WOD at open gym tomoorow? I don't wanna go it alone.
rickke – thanks for the prompt, and for all your work on such an important cause.
Thanks, Michele! And thanks to all of you who have contributed! I'm so appreciative to belong to a gym with such supportive people.
Jenna – I'm in for making up today's WOD tomorrow at 5:30!
Rickke and JR, both great causes, thanks for all of your work and dedication.
Today, crush week was crushing. 20:17 @115#
The runs I used basically as recovery. The weight was definitely limited by my jerk ability (ha…jerk ability)! Jerks were done in three sets, pull-ups were unbroken, front squats in 2 sets, power cleans I bailed each one and made sure to reset my back, burpees straight through but slow.
22:30… went super light on the weight since I'm still working on getting the movements down and, because I inexplicably misread the board, I tacked on a nice extra 400m at the end. Oh well, good prep for next weekend's Urbanathlon!
Rickke – thanks for the heads up about your work with FIERCE today. I don't know if you intentionally made your plug on Spirit Day, the of support for LGBT youth who are victims of bullying, or if it was coincidence, but it was a nice reminder!
19:52 @115, 10 strict chins. As DMak noted, jerks were the limiting factor; in fact, I was amazed at how they dropped off: I got 13, 3, 2, 2! Unbelievable. Front squats were 10, 5, 5. Cleans were all singles, as I tried to keep them clean (haha) between each bail. I could probably have done 15 strict chins as the 10 were unbroken. The runs got progressively harder (no shit, Sherlock!). Burpees, despite being expressly prohibited by the Eighth Amendment, just got done somehow.
Rickke- YES! I will be there.
it sounded like a crossfit hootenanny in the gym tonight!
i had a pretty good night on the platform – knee is behaving so my squat numbers are finally going back up into meaningful territory, and definitely learning how to use my whole body when I bench press. tonight i did three sets of three at just 5 lbs less than my standing 3-RM.
i'll take it!
i couldn't clean for shit, however. odd.
WOD Rx'd
27:14? 28:17?
Crushed, indeed. Slammed the bejeezus out of my collarbone on some jerk recoveries…
Tried posting this the other day but by post didn't take.
24:44 at 95#
-first day coming back after 2 days off recovering from Angie and fighting of a nasty cold. This was brutal. The weight was manageable but my lungs were gone. I was honestly questioning whether I could finish those last 20 burpees.
Would love to try this again when my immune system hasn't failed me. But 115#? Damn son.