For Time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
Post time and Rx to comments
Compare to 11.6.10
This is the start of Crush Week!
Congratulations to Gabrus on his wedding this weekend!!
It’s Gotta Be the Shoes
CrossFitters use a wide array of footwear to train in. Below are some resources for the interwebs detailing and comparing some of the most popular makes and models out there.
The Latest and Greatest CrossFit Shoes
The EvoSkin vs. The Vibram Five Fingers Video Comparison
A Sneek Peak: Reebok’s CrossFit Shoe
ShoeMart’s CrossFit Shoe Page
What’s your favorite shoe to train in? Why?
Chris Spealler Does Angie CrossFit
Ever wake up with a little bit of a chest cold and think, "Ah, it's not bad, just a touch of something," then check the blog and see that it is crush week and crush week is beginning with Angie (really?!) and suddenly feel like complete crap? Related, does anyone else feel like CrossFit just keeps getting harder?
Regarding CrossFit training shoes: indifferent. I like my minimus shoes, but mostly because they remind me of the footsie pajamas I wore as a kid. They are great for working on foot strength, heel strikes when running, etc but they are no good for most traditional sports. I actually burned a hole in the top of mine at the tennis court last week when I dragged my back foot to slow down and change direction.
Wait…THIS is Crush Week? I felt pretty crushed after last week! 😛
I have the Vibram Bikilas for CrossFit and the occasional (once a week) run. For the rest of my running I have the Inov8 230s, which Fox calls the "clunky" Inov8s. Still much more freedom of movement than the running shoes I used to use, which feels great, but enough cushioning to get me through the marathon.
My first WOD after completing Foundations two weeks ago. Injury to insult, the night I finished Foundations my kid got sick, so I've been wiped out for 2 weeks. I wake up this morning to get back on the horse and see Angie. Well, it's gonna hurt huh. Not feeling like I have full energy. Pull ups and push-ups need a lot of work. Shocker. Anyway, got the ball rolling, extra inspiration from 7-month old Felix gettin his grove on to Van Halen. Kid's got good taste.
Good weekend at the gym.
Saturday: 11 am with Coach Noah. BSQ 205x3x5. Dropped down to try to get control of my right hip weakness/right foot pronation problem. I controlled the right knee better.
Tabata mash up with db snatches (each arm) and push ups – 132 total.
Round 1: 8, 9, 20
2: 9, 10, 14
3: 10, 10, 11
4: 10, 11, 10
I thought this was going to be 6 rounds, I could have pushed a little harder.
12 pm: Active recovery with Coach Shane. This helped a lot and I woke up itching to go to the
Sunday 9 am with Coach Fox and my first encounter with Angie.
I did it with 50 pull ups, 100 of everything else. Kips are a work in progress, but I think they're slowly heading in the right direction.The push ups were a little slower than they should have been, maybe due to yesterday's tabata mash.
Wod'd at crossfit wellington in florida, fun bunch of crossfitters…. I'm gonna do Annie tomorrow…..
Sneakers i have a lot, I have the new minimus trainers which i like better than the minimus trail. My merrell trail gloves are better than both minimus……The problem is i don't truly care for any of them. Im still in search for a better shoe, something minimal, but still has some support for Oly lifts. I think i'm gonna try innov-8 195's next. Ok that is more than i ever wanted to type about sneakers in my life.
On another note i got my first ring muscle up today. It was actually the first time i ever spent time trying to do a muscle up. I certainly have to work on them, but i hope we do more in the future, they aren't as hard as i would have thought once i was shown the false grip.
I have and LOVE the Inov8 F195s but they're falling apart. I need to replace them and am considering getting the 230's because A: they look a little sturdier and B: They come in lime green and black which I think looks SO cool. My only concern is that the heel is higher which Im not crazy about. The feel of the 195's was unbeatable.. the jury is still out.
I'm also considering getting the Reebok CrossFit Weightlifting/Hybrid Shoe when it comes out. Very curious about that one.
Anyone have both the Inov8 195s and 230s and can tell me if there really is a big difference?
Squats yesterday: 125 was feeling good so I added some weight at the end and did one set at 130 and the last at 135. Saw Dr. Fidler before class and he alleviated some nagging hip pain. No pinch in the squat! I was thrilled.
Amazingly, I'm not real in to shoes although I need a new pair and really appreciate the post. I remember the coaches briefly touched on foot wear in foundations, and Fox saying he hated my shoes. Then he kicked my foot. Yeah, that happened.
Also, I'm sitting in JFK wishing I was at CFSBK doing Angie. Funny how flying can make you wish for more interesting types of misery.
Angie wasn't as nasty as I feared – 17:46 for 35 (band)/50/100/100. Thanks to Coach Margie for correcting my squat form and the great encouragement!
Paleo question: I know some of us are doing the Urbanathlon (gulp) in a couple of weeks, and others the NYC Marathon on the 6th. Any ideas out there (preferably tested!) for paleo-friendly carbo loading?
@Brandon, have you done some hard endurance workouts to prepare for the race? If so, I'd just eat whatever you ate before a long workout (assuming of course that it didn't give you any GI issues at the time). I don't carb-load before long runs or marathons any more and my performance has significantly improved from back when I did eat pasta the night before a race.
If you do feel that extra carbs before a race give you a boost, I'd add sweet potatoes to your regular meal, and snack on fruit that doesn't have too much acid in it (I find that high-acid fruits like citrus tend to upset my stomach if consumed too close to a run).
Oh yeah, and I'm curious which SBKers are running the marathon on the 6th. I know Steph P and Shanna are, and would love to know who else as I'll be volunteering at the water station on 4th and Pacific. Hopefully I'll get to hand you some water on your way to Lafayette!
positive: finally lifted heavy-ish on my injured knee today. felt good.
negative: couldn't deadlift for shit. four hours of sleep MIGHT have contributed to that.
on a whim i bought the new merrell "minimalist" shoe and totally love them. i don't lift in them, because that would be dumb, but highly recommend them for everything else.
for lifting, i wear these Ristos that I bought from Paulie T-shirts.
before i bought them, i wore Chucks to lift in, and strongly recommend them as a "lesser evil" lifting option than barefoot, vibrams, or regular sneakers. plus: super cheap.
13:56 Angie rx'd PR
I have done Angie in over 1.5 years. I learned my lesson then on hitting failure, which paid off in my planning today. Pull-ups – opening set of 20 and then quick sets of 5 all the way through keeping the breaks to 3 breaths. Push-ups – quick sets of 10 and 5 all the way through until the 80s when I went to 3s. Sit-ups – opened with a set of 55 and then cobbled the rest together in a few sets. Squats unbroken – steady for 75 and then finished with a fast set of 25.
Great energy in the gym today. Yay for crush week!
Is it my contacts or did the body copy font on the web site change?
Recovery Squat: 235x3x3
No belt, tried to make these clean, slow and then fast out of the bottom.
Bench: 190x5x3
This was a heck of a lot better than 175 and 180 so I'm encouraged.
Prowler: 10 runs, 100 feet, 70 pounds.
Did the first 3 runs with no rest to get my heart rate up. After 6 runs I went to 40 seconds rests. Keep HR between about 150 and 160. (85-90%)
Got in a nice convo with McDowell afterwards about jazz which was a nice bonus.
Managed to skateboard home due to the fact the wind was at my back. Legs are shot.
Movie bonus: Bridemaids. OMG– we haven't laughed out loud that much since… it's been awhile.
@Stella: Thanks for the advice! In all my questioning of dietary conventional wisdom (i.e. giving the paleo thing a shot), it never occurred to me to question whether the notion of carbo loading before a race was also ripe for reconsideration. Maybe some eggs & blueberries will suffice.
Brandon — the most important piece of advice I've ever gotten about endurance racing is from Hal Higdon (who, by the way, is an advocate of the more traditional carbo-loading pre-race), which is "never do anything during (or just before) a race that you haven't done in training." That means no new clothes (I made the mistake of wearing a new pair of shorts in a 10-mile race, and ended up with a circle of bloody abrasions all around my waist from the elastic!), no trying out a new running technique you just heard about, and DEFINITELY no experimenting with nutrition!
If you go back through the SBK blog posts a few days, Jenna J and I had a discussion about carb-heavy vs low-carb for endurance events because someone else had a related question. Net: you can be very successful in endurance events on a Paleo (or close to it) diet, but you shouldn't make major adjustments to your diet, either to carb it up or to make it more Paleo, too close to your event. Stick with what's worked for you in training, then if you want to make changes, do it during the off season when you can experiment safely!
15:42 – thought it was a PR, but turns out I did it in 15:10 at one point. Still pretty happy with this time since I"m still getting my lungs and power endurance back after a long strength cycle.
Lots of good times today – sub-14 is pretty impressive Rickke
Stella – I believe I said "chunky"
Ellie – That never happened. Ok, maybe I didn't like you Frees…
Angie – 19:51
This sucked a lot for me today. Hands are sore and blood blistered. Elbows don't want to bend. Thighs and calves are not feeling great…meh.
On the other hand, it was a highlight of my weekend to watch Rickke finish under 14 minutes today. Stellar!
Have been running more and my right hip has been unhappy with me over the past few days. Doing what I can with ice, foam roller, and lax ball. Right hip felt wonky this morning, needed about an hour of mobility work to restore a full range of motion. Did some test squats at home, and slow/paced out didn't hurt. So went off to do Angie with the intention of taking it easy when it came to the lower body exercises.
Felt really strong on the pullups, finshed them in 4:30s
Pushups I knew were going to be challenging, and I died out around rep 60, forcing me to go with singles. That was really disappointing as there was real opportunity to get them all done by the 10 minute mark, but the last 10 took a full minute to execute.
Situps are normally unbroken, but I had to cut them into chunks and also slow down a little. No discomfort unless I tried to crank the speed.
Squats were SUPER slow. over 2 seconds per rep.
Am going to ice, and take it easy this week on the lower body this week — will continue working on upper body strength.
Proud of Asta for completing the workout even after her hands were ripped apart from the pullups.
Have a great night everyone!
Pulups from 20"box
Inclined Puhups
Sick, I think I could have done a higher volume otherwise. My muscles never got fried, I just felt like I was moving through wet concrete the whole time.
Nice work Ricky!
25 Blue band pullups
50 pushups (last 25 on knees)
Used up my pullups on Friday. Pushups failed early and often. Bleah.
aw man I would have loved to have don this one.
My first full Angie. 29:16
Yep, that was the slowest time of the day. Kinda embarassing and really wanted to quit. Thanks all for your support and not turning out the lights on me. My calluses were bad so I tore pretty good around rep 65. That really blew. Pushups in a couple sets of 5 to start but then 2-3's.
angie at a hotel gym in 22:00ish…..i went off a wall clock and forgot to pay attention to the second hand. There was no room to kipp so i did this with deadhangs and didn't scale down. This turned out to be as expected pretty stupid. My arms were so fried after 100 strict pullups that i couldn't do more than 10 pushups at a time and towards the end it was a mess. I will be sore as hell tomorrow i am sure.