2 Reps On The Minute for 10 Minutes
Add 5-10lbs from last week
Post loads to comments.
(e5/6) compare to 10.11.11
3 Rounds NFT
5 ea TGU Sit Up (heavy)
8 ea SLRDL (contraleretally loaded)
35/45/55 Double Unders*
*2 minute practice in lieu of DUs
Post loads and DU RX to comments.
Mindy gives Whitney H. a lift-off
Happy Birthday Rob I and Joy M!
Josh M.’s Ragnar Relay Recap
“I asked myself if Crossfit would really prepare me for the unknown and unknowable? Now I know. No roadwork, no early morning runners, no miles and miles each week. Just CrossFit training leading up to the race. Not bad at all.”
Josh M.’s stats
First leg of 8.3 miles, with an elevation gain of 663 ft (1hr, 2 mins)
Second leg of 4.6 miles, with an elevation gain of 686 ft (45 mins)
Third leg of 3.7 miles, with an elevation loss of -233 ft (34 mins)
Fourth leg* of 4.6 miles, with an elevation gain of 194 ft (42 mins)
*We were missing a runner. So I had to pick up an extra leg…
Melissa L.’s (Team captain) stats:
First leg 7.5 miles, w/ elevation gain 608
Second leg 4.9 miles, w/ elevation loss -332, gain 391
Third leg 6.2 miles, w/ elevation loss -346
Teresa’s Stats
First leg 4.1 miles, w/ elevation loss -260, gain 244 (32 mins)
Second leg 3.8, w/ elevation loss -558, gain 326 (43 mins)
Third leg 5.5 , w/ elevation loss -359, gain 395 (45 mins)
Pennsylvania Ragnar Relay Info:
202 miles total
Started 7am Friday
Finished approx. 1pm Saturday
Congratulations on completing a tough event and excllent work done by all three of you guys!
An NFL Reporter at the CrossFit Games CrossFit
Coaching A Surgeon: What Makes Top Performers Better New Yorker
Great night at the gym last night. I PR'ed all 3 lifts for the first time quite awhile….
Squat: 295×10
I got 7 in June at this weight and in August at 290 I got 9, so this was a big one. Finally seeing some concrete progress on the squat after months of start and stops.
Press: 147.5 x5x3 still going, wondering where the 1RM is now.
Deadlift: 355×5
Ditto. This was heavy and a grind, but is only 5 pounds off my 1RM
Good way to kick off my birthday. I'm younger (and a hell of a lot stronger) than a year ago.
"contraleretally" is 100% not a word.
"Contralaterally" however is. A "rarely used adverbial inflection of the adjective contralateral" – quoth Websters.
Writing this post gave me flashbacks about Reagan and Oliver North. The Good 'Ol Days. Gun running into Nicaragua. Now, its all drones. Boring.
Nice job, Ragnarites!
I love that yesterday's photo was 'altered'. I do not love typos in programming…my fault!
Had to Globo it today and couldn't find anything in that rat hole to box squat on so i did front squats @ 205lb 2 reps on the minute for ten minutes. This was fun not having done front squats too much in the past few months.
i'm off to florida on friday for a week, trying to get in touch with local affiliates to do some drop in classes anyone happen to know of any good affiliates in the west palm beach area? shot in the dark…
Thanks for the shout out! Miss you guys, gotta get back in there!
*I ran an extra mile on that second leg passed the exchange point 🙁
Box squat
Played with less of a pause at the top of the first rep
Did Sunday's WOD
3 GTO (clean and push jerk) @ 155
3 Pull Ups
6/6, 9/9, 12/12, 9/9, 6/6, 3/3
Got to the 12 round and finished it in 12:08, just above the cutoff. I was really looking forward to that downhill but all the C&J caught up to me.
Nice, quiet afternoon in the gym with just me and Tom Waits.
Jumped into the work gym and did my 5-3-1 press work:
105×5, 120×3, 135×3
Dissapointing. Hate lifting at work, there's some weird black vortex energy in the gym there. Or maybe its the mirrors and having to stare at my ugly mug while I press, I should probably just do them with my eyes closed.
See you box squatters in a few.
I also ran 1.5 extra miles on my second leg.. this time I didn't miss the sign. It wasn't clear in the direction (turn right or slight right). I had a 50/50 chance to pick the correct path.. I picked wrong.
The team came in 25th place overall (out of 96 teams)
But 7th place our division (out of 44 teams)
Exact time finished: 1 day 5 hours 25 minutes 36 seconds
Strong work Ragnar folks! Congrats!
This Ragnar thing sounds fun, as does lifting with Tom Waits.
Gushing over that article re Coaching… Surgeons are such a self-assured bunch, so to see the author reaching out for help is very thought-provoking. I circulated the article to my team at work to see how they would react, and whether we could adapt any ideas from it.
Also, I may just be stating the obvious, but the coaching I receive at CFSB is a tremendous thing. Margie gave me a lot of help on Monday – things I never would have noticed on my own, and it made a big difference. So, big ups to you members of the CFSB faculty – I need the help, and you all are always generous and patient with your advice. Means a lot to me.
Went up 5 lbs from last week on box squats, felt really good, then got my first consecutive double unders. Woot, 3 in a row!
Nice to work with JZ tonight.
I have been battling a bought of annoyances which keep docking me to 2x/week as of late. As of late I've been naggy sick, which cut into this week. (Not really sick, but sick enough to be tired and sneeze/cough a bunch.)
Box squat:
I'm happy with this. My back has resumed full function, and although the weight did feel a bit heavy at the beginning, it felt much better at the end. I blame this on my wannabe cold: I think I just had to start recruiting my braincells to fight past that bit of lethargy.
The 'indigenous people' runs were good. I dislike them, but I need to do that stuff. I enjoyed the accessory work too: I used the 16kg kettlebell, really felt that burn on the outside hip and I love TGU situps. Double unders are coming. Although I still have whipping marks on the backs of my thighs from them.
Noor and I had our 'Stretch and Chat' time post workout, which we're going to try to keep up so that we can be limber loquacious ninjas.
strength cycle week 5.2
squat: 205x5x3
fucking heavy. lost my balance a little on one, definitely was a little shallow on another, but i got them done. i feel like i'm going to have to gain 2 pounds by friday if i want to make 210.
bench: 110x5x3
also heavy, but didn't have to grind. i used to think this was the most boring lift but i'm starting to get into it. you really have to focus on pushing like all hell to get through it. i want to carry that into my other lifts.
chins: scaled to ringrows: 10-10-14 (final set is a rep out set)
i hate ring rows. i want to do a real pullup. but i think i'm still far away from that, particularly with the extra 20+ pounds i'm carrying around since starting this cycle.
195 on the box squats – up another 10 from last week. Speed still seems ok, but that might end soon. Good thing this cycle is wrapping up. Nice squatting with Vincent.
Then, I caved to Mr. Mishik's peer pressure via text from Minneapolis and did the WOD from his box out there.
400m run
50 wall-balls
50 burpees
400m run
Great job on Ragnar Josh, Melissa, and Teresa! Happy bday Rob and Joy!
is Mishik that persuasive? i should get him texting me something taunting as well.
Back Squats
(45x5x2, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×2, 215×1)
Had a 40 minute window between clients so I rushed in to get another exposure of back squats. Only got in 4 sets before having to start my 8pm. These felt really good (although very deep, as usual) A struggle but overall organized. As these get heavier confidence becomes more and more important. Up to 2 wheels next time!
Box squats @185. Partnered with Alex -good times!
-droms, native run
-couple rounds of warmup 2 with an added 20sec ring support
-couch stretch
Box Squat:
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×1)
work: 145x2x10 on the minute
-each one definitely felt like work. was pretty tired towards the end and that definitely affected my speed off the box. probably only a 5lb. jump next week.
Accessory work:
2 rounds of:
-5 TGU Situps, 12kg
-8 SLRDL with PVC along spine
-55 du's
The last round I went for a max double and I got 88 which is a PR!
Happy b-day to Rob and Joy and congrats to the Ragnar folks! Next year's NY Ragnar is in September and is running through the Adirondacks. Bound to be beautiful and its got me wondering if I'm up for another…
Also, forgot to post today's NYTimes article with updates about the attacks on women in the neighborhood. It also mentions the training at CF718 led by Center for Anti-Violence Education. It's good to see so many community-led efforts rising up to keep one another safe.
And yes, Michele, Mishik's that good. I'm sure he'd gladly add you to his challenge list.
Thanks Samir for taking a look at my squat and advising me to go up 10 lbs–145 felt just right.
After having a nagging shoulder issue for a few months, the kipping swings and the TGUs at 16kg felt pretty much spotless. This is great news.
95# on the boxsquat with Mindy. Good times. Felt pretty strong on it. I've been liking this sequence, I need the work in terms of bouncing out of my squats. Sad to see it end before I got to the triple digits. Super stoked to practice newly found double-unders. And of course the stretch and chat session with Lady la Rosa kicked some knotted glut muscles!