Jenna M, Allison B and Coach Margie at the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification (2009)
Harvest Party at Herondale Farm this Sunday!
There’s still time to decide to head up to the farm this Sunday for Herondale and Sol Flower’s Harvest Fest. There will be good food, farm tours, bluegrass and gorgeous weather! Jeremy and Margie will leave the gym around 11:30am and plan to head back to the city around 8pm. If you are interested in joining, they have a couple of seats in the van. Contact Margie if you would like a spot, or if you have a car and can transport folks. Click here for more information!
Tough Titsday Returns!
Intermediate Cycle
Ladies, it is time to go heavy. Join Margie for a special four part series on pushing big weight. We will refine technique on Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Press and, most importantly, break down the mental aspect of moving maximal loads. Together, we will develop a solid sense of how to translate your linear gains at SBK into that triumphant 1 Rep Max. Classes will involve low volume and heavy bars, as well as an introduction to some assistance lifts and equipment. This is an opportunity to dude out in a women’s only environment.
For women who have been out of Foundations several months and attempted heavy singles.
Limited to 4 participants, please email if interested.
Sundays from 9-10:30am
10/16; 10/23; 10/30; 11/6
Register Here!
Chris Spealer and Miranda Oldroyd do Tabata Double Unders CrossFit
Positive Thinking, And Other Crap Like That Catalyst Athletics
Weight Loss Plan Lacks ‘Evidence’ BBC
Steve Jobs NY Times
Started training for the CrashBs today, but I think my rower may have been a little akimbo. I have been missing xfit! Hope to be in for a long metcon this weekend.
3x1000m row
410.1 (PR?-Suspect broken meter)
Cleans 3-3-3-2
95-105-115(PR for triple)-125(PR for double)
Biked to work. Excellent morning.
(PS, the cleans were from above the knee.)
great video on spatchcocking chicken, an easy way to make roast chicken on a weeknight:
spatchcock is definitely the word of the day now
huh. that post just simply makes no sense as a stand-alone. here is the link I meant to include:
Sorry guys, won't be able to make it in today for open gym, best of luck on the Again Faster WOD!
CFSBK! Shake out your muscles on the dance floor tonight to some 90's jams!
Bell House, 11 p.m.
Blergh, for some reason the link didn't post. Copy and paste:
Good workout today…
Strength Cycle B: Volume Day
Squat: 250x5x5
All felt good and pretty strong
Press: 145x5x3
This was a 5RM. I'm back over where I got to in August which is great. The frist set and the last rep were the hardest. The last rep got stuck, but I ground it out. Was wondering about how bad the layback was…
Left arm felt week overall– sprained arm is still not 100%. Wrist bugs me but feels better the last few days. Left shoulder also funky, but better today than last Friday after pressing…
Prowler: 8 runs, 70 pounds, ~100 feet, 10 seconds work, 20 seconds rest.
I took an extra 30 seconds rest after 4 runs. The speed was good through out except for run 7. Made close to 100 feet throughout. Very good work for me. I'll good for more runs Sunday and use the HR monitor again.
strength cycle: week 4.3
squat: 190x5x3
these felt awesome. i was sorta worried because i have some crazy weird inexplicable pain in my right hip joint today, but i didn't feel it while squatting tonight. these actually felt lighter than the 185 i put up on wednesday.
bench: 100x5x3
no comment. felt fine.
clean: 110x3x3
my favorite lift. still have issues with being too hasty and jumping at or just above the knee, but these are looking better and i'm maintaining my speed well enough.
Warm Up
Practiced Cleans
150 Air Squats
2k Row
150 Air Squats
Time – 16:00
I hate Air Squats. Definitely need to work on doing more then 40 unbroken.
Thanks Coach Margie for not letting me do something stupid. My body will thank you tomorrow for it.