8am Group Classes Announced!
You asked for them.. now you’ve got them. Starting next week we’ll be adding three 8am classes to our schedule. Now you’d better all show up!
New Classes:
Monday 8am
Wednesday 8am
Thursday 8am
As always, check out Class Schedule page to see updates to the calendar and holiday/event closings.
Come See Krishnan’s Film!
Our own Krishnan V made a documentary about New York’s recycling problem. It’s screening at the Park Slope Food Coop (free, no Coop membership required) this Friday, October 7th at 7pm. To watch the trailer, click here!
What was a recent training related highlight for you? What was a recent non-training related highlight for you?
Legs Too Large? WTF? Talk To Me Johnnie
Roundtable: Training Through and Around Injuries Starting Strength
The Gymnastics Kipping Pull-Up CrossFit Journal Preview
Damaged by Drink: The Toll Alchohol Takes On Our Bodies BBC
Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? NY Times
Training highlight benching 2 plates after only benching twice in the past 6 months. Crossfit works.
Non training highlight… Something to do with a big hug I got from my daughter, I'm a simple man I guess… All the dads out there know what i'm talkin about, when your child is about 15 months and you come home from work and she gives you her first sincere hug. My world froze for a second. Ok that's it from me.
Training highlight: scoring like 50 points higher on FGB than I did in May.
Not-training highlight: oh my god, the food we had in Austria was TO DIE FOR. The earthiness of the wild mushrooms is something I'll never forget. And I had an unbelievably rich lamb-belly stew that made me want to cry, it was so good.
Speaking of food, there's a meat CSA pickup tomorrow night, right?
Training highlight probably doing the prowler sat am and actually feeling ok afterwards. (I will regret typing this, I am sure)
Non training highlight has to be watching my oldest, my 5 year old, at the driving range with his golf lessons. He wants to be Rory McIlroy for Halloween. This kid has a very nice swing! at 5! It really doesn't get any better than that.
Training highlight: My second Squat Exposure feeling lighter than my first.
Non-Training Highlight: Hanging out with my buddy Matt. He lives in Greenpoint but we never see each other so he came over to hang out and ended up leaving two days later. A highlight within that highlight was going with him, Sam and two other friends to Dachshund day at Washington Square park.
Coaching Related Highlight: So many!! But I've really enjoyed sending people out on Jerry Can trips
First off — THANK YOU for the 8 a.m. group classes. I will definitely be getting to one or all of those in the near future.
Training highlights — not moving my feet so much during last week's squat clean training with Fox. Also Noah showing me how simple a kipping ring dip can be.
Non-training highlight: Shooting video for work at the Batman open casting call on Saturday. I got to meet some of NYC's premiere badasses, all hoping for a place in The Dark Knight Rises.
training highlight — i'll say last night, hitting 180 on my squat without a problem, when just a little over a month ago i was failing on 165 (and fighting almost every rep).
i'm also going to count this as a training highlight: learning about sarah H's stitching club. i don't stitch, but i do knit, so i'm definitely joining that!
non-training highlight: taking this past weekend off work! i've worked every day for the past month+ and really needed a break. it was great to just spend the weekend relaxing with friends in this awesome weather. it looks like it's going to be close to 80 this coming weekend which i'm really not pleased about!
training highlight
pre-bachelor party press 200×5 and deadlift 405×5
non-training highlight
finishing second screenplay and I have a feeling ill have a new highlight in 11 days.
Posting to the blog is starting to feel like making up missed WOD's, at a certain point will have to resign to let them go and start fresh. But I'm damn stubborn…
My primary goal has been to get stronger. Over the past 4 months I've hit my 5/3/1 training hard and combined the strength work with the CFSBK programming. Overall body weight is up (~174lbs) along with better body composition. There have been some big improvements to overall strength and short/heavy metcons. But there were some trade-off's in explosive lifts, certain body weight movements, and metcons in the longer time domain (10+ minutes) being blunted somewhat.
Like 'Nucky' Thompson, "I expect to have everything."
Yesterday started a back-off week in my strength training and I'm planning to use next few days to benchmark a number of fundamental movements.
Put together a spreadsheet with fundamental movements, along with relevant data points: unbroken reps, volume completed in 1 minute, volume completed in 2 minutes, and overall time for completion.
Looking to use this information to inform future supplemental training, then retest those movements along with overall strength gains (bi-annual CF Total?) in 2 – 3 months.
2nd try at posting.
Training highlight recently was definitely achieving a muscle up no matter the toll it took on my body. I am too infrequently reminded that, yes, relatively strong determination towards a goal can get you there.
Non-training highlight: I took my friend Dave to Torrisi for his birthday, along with our respective girlfriends. Torrisi is in Nolita and is the best dining experience I have had in New York, possibly ever, at any price point. I cannot recommend it enough. It was also just one of those meals where you drink a lot of wine and the company and food are so good that the experience of the night is indelible.
I have a question which is the converse of the "my legs are too large" question: why is it that despite two years of squatting reasonably regularly at Crossfit, my quads lack any kind of definition or size whatsoever? I just don't eat right? Or enough? Or am I genetically cursed? Or I don't squat more? Or heavy enough, regularly enough?
Please pardon the sheer narcissistic inanity of my question, I do know I've gotten stronger; I'm just curious about how it doesn't translate into anything that would tickle a vanity grounded in visible results.
Wow, that caption… It's almost like you guys WANT me to come on here and make dirty jokes…
Training highlights: being able to bench double what I was able to bench back in April, even though I haven't worked on it since then. (thanks push ups) Getting a lot more organized with my cleans yesterday, and even though I didn't go THAT heavy, it was still heavier than anything I've cleaned in the past. (thanks DO's coaching tips) Joined a more advanced masters swim team this morning, and was able to keep up with the slow lane and swam a good 1,000m further than I've ever swam before. (i dont know who to thank on this one. the two guys in my lane that were actually slower than me so I could feel good about myself?)
non-training highlight: pork shoulder from meat share w/ paleo BBQ sauce. omg you guys.
Training highlight: Box squats. Love 'em, and they're going really well.
Non-training highlight: Reuniting with my 3 college roommates when one of them got married. We are all spread out between Oregon, NY, Mass., and Tenn. but make it a goal for all of us to get together at least once a year.
Upcoming non-training highlight: 90's dance party, this Friday night, Bell House, 11 p.m.
I promise it'll be the non-training highlight of your weekend!
Training highlight: strength cycle, the total, getting my first pistols (though now I'm possessed by the panic that I need to keep doing them so they don't go away – the one on the left was brutally difficult and I've not been able to replicate it).
Non-training highlight: Discovering the joys of Futurama, finding hope in Occupy Wall Street
Training Highlight: Managed a 400lbs BSQ 1RM
Non Training Highlight: Destroying the laws of probability at a craps table in Montreal and then blowing all of the odd colored money in an 11 hous odyssey.
I also have an extra ticket for the Red Bulls/ Galaxy game tonight if there are any soccer fans in the gym. It is front row on the corner flag, Beckham will hear you. email me at thatevansguy[at]gmail.com.
(tomorrow's) Box Squats
Go up to 210 next week
Sunday WOD
Did solo, every other minute
Rx'd RPU, 24kg, 20"
8 rounds ranging from :49-:53
Training highlight: cleaned and jerked 180 at Crossfit South Shore last Monday. That was a pr clean, pr jerk, and pr clean and jerk.
Non training: watched Manuel paddle out and surf chest high waves at Ditch Plains in Montauk on Saturday morning.
Training highlight: PRing back squat at 190 pounds (while 18 weeks pregnant)
Life highlight: holding my friends' less than 1 day old baby!
Open gym:
Benchpress: 70×5, 72.5×5, 75×5
Deadlift: 170x5x3
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×3 205×1
Work: 215x5x3
This took some focus, but I got all the reps. Onward.
Warmup: 45×5 95×3 115×1
Work: 125×3+F 125×1 95x5x2
I used a different bar than normal, and my grip felt narrow on the first set. Reracked it after 3 reps and tried to immediately continue the set and missed. After a rest I managed to get 1 rep, but it was a 1RM-esque grind, but knew I didn't have any more. Didn't expect to fail here, but it is what it is. Will re-set to 105 and start 2.5 lbs jumps.
Warmup: 135×5 225×3 275×1
Work: 295×3+F+F
275 felt strong off the floor, so I was confident going in to the work set. Took my time to get set in between each rep, and make sure my business was organized. Rep 4 didn't make it off the ground. Waited 60 seconds and tried again. Got that one a little higher, but still didn't have it. Will reset to 275 and switch to 5 pound jumps.
Squat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3) 215x5x3
They feel super slow, but I made them all. Need to consistently find the bounce out of the hole.
Press: (45×5, 65×5, 85×2) 90x5x3
Much easier than 85x5x3 last week, strangely enough. I'll take it.
DL: (135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255×3) 270×5
Never done 5 this heavy before–certainly not picture perfect, but I'll take them.
Took time today to work on assessing my skillz, very humbling and even more eye opening. I love data. Stuck around to watch the comp class kiddie tackle the Again Faster WOD — amazing efforts from everyone, but looked miserable on paper and worse in person. Props to Dan H3 for his perseverance.
100 Pullups
44 unbroken
44 in 1 min
51 in 2 min
06:03.0 to complete
100 Situps
100 unbroken
50 in 1 min
97 in 2 min
02:04.0 to complete
50 Wall Balls@30lbs
20 unbroken
23 in 1 min
33 in 2 min
03:35.0 to complete
50 Ring Dips
30 unbroken
17 in 1 min
23 in 2 min
06:58.0 to complete
50 Ring Rows
12 unbroken
18 in 1 min
25 in 2 min
04:38.0 to complete
Hands did not tear on pullups! +1
Made the leader board for unbroken pullups! +1
100 Unbroken situps! +1
Caught the 30# wallball with my face. -10 🙁
I missed the "fave piece of equipment at the gym" post, so this will have to do…
Took time today to work on assessing my skillz, very humbling and even more eye opening. I love data. Stuck around to watch the comp class kiddie tackle the Again Faster WOD — amazing efforts from everyone, but looked miserable on paper and worse in person. Props to Dan H3 for his perseverance on this one.
Skillz (here's the link to the Google Doc)
100 Pullups
44 unbroken
44 in 1 min
51 in 2 min
06:03.0 to complete
100 Situps
100 unbroken
50 in 1 min
97 in 2 min
02:04.0 to complete
50 Wall Balls@30lbs
20 unbroken
23 in 1 min
33 in 2 min
03:35.0 to complete
50 Ring Dips
30 unbroken
17 in 1 min
23 in 2 min
06:58.0 to complete
50 Ring Rows
12 unbroken
18 in 1 min
25 in 2 min
04:38.0 to complete
Hands did not tear on pullups! +1
Made the leader board for unbroken pullups! +1
100 Unbroken situps! +1
Caught the 30# wallball with my face. -10 🙁
Opps, sorry for the double post! Typo on the ring dips:
50 Ring Dips
13 unbroken
17 in 1 min
23 in 2 min
06:58.0 to complete
Ring dips were extremely eye opening.
Just finished out my last foundations class. Can't say enough about the experience and the instructors. Many thanks, looking forward to getting started on group classes.
Thx Dan. This was by far the most brutal wod i have ever done. That again faster wod was pure pain. Im glad I finshed but wouldnt have without Jess, so Thx Jess you were a big help.
20:14 Seconds, everyone in class you guys rocked.
IM going to do this again in 6 mos, see how much I can progress on air squats.
@DH3: I'll join you in 6 months. Hopefully, we'll both forget about it by then…
late post.
6am with the d.o.
pre wu
2 1/2 min row
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats with mini band hold at the bottom for 1 second
10 Push-Ups
6 strict Pull-Ups
felt good. going up again next week.
3 rnds nft
5 T2B
5 weighted lunges with leg on box
then to top it off coach decided to replace the last part with…
jerry can walk around the block. lovely to share this with yoshi.
i look forward to acquainting myself with those bad boys. good times.
What was a recent training related highlight for you?
getting below parallel on my squats and finding my bounce. it's a wonderful feeling. thank you jeremy for helping me find it.
What was a recent non-training related highlight for you?
seeing lucy swim after only 2 lessons and how much she totally loves it.
Made up Sunday's WOD with DH3 on the bench and Alan on the AMRAP – thanks to you both for the push!
Bench Press
Partner WOD
AMRAP 15 minutes
5 Ring Push Ups
10 KB Swings
15 Box Jumps
17 rounds in 15:08
1.5pood KBS
24" box jumps
I wasn't a member of the macho bench club prior to CrossFit, so bench is by far my weakest lift. I've been alternating pressing and benching each week, so perhaps Noah & Fox will provide me with an application to their club by 2012. 🙂
The AMRAP with Alan was fun!
Recent training highlight: participating in FGB – the incredible energy definitely helped me get a new PR.
Non-training highlight: I agree with Samir on the Occupy Wall Street actions. Also, seeing a bunch of friends (and my friend's new baby!) at a commitment ceremony in Atlanta this past weekend.
Training highlight: my first chinup. It's since left me, but being able to walk in the gym and do them was fun while it lasted.
Non-training highlight: quitting hell job/getting new job.