2 Reps On The Minute For 10 Minutes
Add 5-10lbs from last week. Focus on a tight bottom position and explosiveness off the box.
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(e/8) compare to 9.21.11
3 Rounds NFT
10 V-Ups with a 2 second hold
10/leg Contra-lateral Weighted Step-Ups
50-100 Single Unders
For the contralateral lunge the DB is in the opposite hand of the stepping leg. Perform all reps on 1 leg before switching
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Kate D. Stays Tight at the Bottom of her Box Squat
Columbus Day Weekend On the Farm
Looking to get out of the city for a day or two over the long weekend? Good news! SBK’s CSA farms are hosting their second annual Harvest Party on Sunday, October 9th and we’re invited. It’s an all day affair featuring food from the farm, local beer, live music, a bonfire…. really all you can ask for from a farm party.
This is a great opportunity to get to know our farmers, see where all that tasty goodness comes from and meet people from the local community.
Tickets are $40, which gets you food and booze for the day. There are plenty of B&B’s in the area to spend the night.
If you are interested in going, contact Margie(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com by October 2 so she can arrange transportation and accommodations.
It’s Almost Like This Stuff Really Works!
Congratulations to Craig C. who participated in the Westchester Olympic Distance Triathalon this weekend and hit a 17-minute PR (3:03) down from his previous Westchester time of 3:20. Craig’s training has consisted solely of CrossFit. Nice work Craig!
How long have you been training and what are some of the lessons you’ve learned about your body, your goals and your perspective?
Top 5 Suprises of the 2011 CrossFit Games Beyond the Whiteboard
The Stages of Crossfit 1-Armed Fit Guy
Heaviest Map Ever? Visual News
Strength Cycle B: Intensity
This was my first intensity squat day since food poisoning in August. Rep out "up to 10" maximum. I decided to start with 275 which is a fairly safe number considering where my volume day currently is.
Squat: 275×10
Had more in the tank. Good for a first rep out. Gotta get 10 at 285 now!
Bench: 182.5 x5x3
Felt better prior to wrist sprain, but hell, will take the linear progression as long as it's there.
Deadlift: 335×5
5RM PR. I feel pretty good about it seem to have more. It's hard, but not a slow grind. Hopefully I can ride to this a 1RM next and PR the shit out it.
Finally got the whole program working again. Feels good.
Am out of town for work, just saw yesterday's post. If anyone ever needs a ride home from the gym at night, don't hesitate to ask.
Robb Wolf was recently working on a "secret" project he couldn't talk about. I must admit, I'm very surprised to find out what it was.
this is for DanH3 and any other hippies who dont have TV but keep asking about my show
Box squatted yesterday since I'm out of the gym today.
Felt good, will go up again next week.
I am really sore from the rowing.
I should have made it in yesterday to do L'shana to-box-squats, as I will be celebrating the New Year tonight. I was just so sore from Sat-Monday that I thought I'd listen to my body.
With respect to training and what I've learned about my body, it's that I'm not that much different from everybody else. That is to say, my body shape (short/stocky) is different from others, and perhaps I'm naturally tighter than others, but ultimately my body responds to stimulus just like everybody else's does. If I work on something, it gets better. If I neglect it, it doesn't.
I might operate within different potential maximums across a variety of spectra, but I've been doing barbell training of some form or another for 3 years now, from the first time my friend Jon told me that I needed to be deadlifting and squatting and he was doing Crossfit and that I, too, should be doing it, and wouldn't you know, I've gotten a lot stronger at everything. I never did enough mobility work, and then I got to CFSBK and found out that if I worked on that, it too what get better. So yeah, that's what I've learned about myself, I'm not particularly special or different and I mean that in the best of ways.
Question re the self defense class on saturday:
may i bring a non-CF friend?
My body
Like anyone else, I've got my strengths and weaknesses, some things come more naturally to me (crossfit "gymnastics", oly lifting technique) and others simply don't (slow lifts and endurance). Ultimately though, I'm happy with my body because I feel very fit and very capable which I think is the point of doing CrossFit. I'll never be a big guy and the amount of food I'll need to force feed myself to get there isn't really worth it given my goals. If I can take my natural frame and continue to make steady progress I'll be very happy.
Like mentioned above, to me the point of CrossFit is to feel as fit and capable as an individual can be. My goals are to stay healthy, injury free and have fun with my training, which I do pretty well at. To that end, I listen to my body and generally take workouts a little slower and try to execute perfect form with everything I do. That has worked really well for me and I don't see that stopping. In the last two months Ive directed my training towards getting better at my nemesis.. squatting. I've got a love/frustration relationship with them so Ive made sure to hit every exposure of them and do a little additional assistance training for them when my body feels up for it.
I think if you approach training with the mentality that it's enjoyable and it's enriching your life both inside and outside the gym you're in a good place. The day to day training is the stuff to focus on and enjoy, not just the numbers you put up (or don't). To quote a recent foundations graduate, we do "awesome shit" which I think is true. Compared to the majority of the population we're having a lot of fun with our training and doing things that challenge us physically, mentally and sometimes even emotionally. I do CrossFit because I enjoy the training and I enjoy the people who it attracts, that's more or less my perspective on it.
Oh and also- compromising form is never worth it! Even if you stunt your numbers!
I like David's format. Here's mine:
1. My body. Same deal strengths and weaknesses. I like cleans, I like powerlifts, I hate metcon. hate it. I am also blessed with these lovely Irish hamhocks that tend to develop around my midsection when I drink excessively and party like a rock star. Nothing turns the ladies on like some good old fashioned back fat!
2. Goals. My long time nemesis has been the vortex of alcohol and sleep. I am please to say that I've had tremendous success this month with all of that. I am probably at 25% of consumption of booze. In turn, my sleep has been much better. I plan to continue the fine work that I do with Jeremy, I really enjoy it, and I will start to dabble in the sweet science again.
3. Perspective: Everyone is unique in their interests, but I like chasing a goal. For now, I am going to continue my strength work because it's awesome, but also, try to get myself into shape for some good old fashioned sparring. Nothing pushes me more than trying not to get my face busted open. I love it, and I should have returned to the squared circle a long time ago. Now, when I push that damn prowler, I'll be thinking about surviving a round. It's ideal to me to have a sport to apply the work to. I don't think that it's a requirement for everyone, but I suspect that I am not alone in that.
hugs not drugs.
I've been training for over three years at CFSBK. The most interesting thing I've learned about my body at CFSBK is how training affects my blood sugars. I have been a non-insulin dependent diabetic for 14 years. About 6 months ago I'd put on some weight due to quitting another medication and got a higher-than-usual A1C (blood glucose average). I started testing my blood sugars more frequently to try to diagnose what was going on and confirmed what I'd suspected for a while: metcons unfortunately spike my blood sugar. That was about all the push I needed to sign up for the Strength Cycle I'd been wanting to do forever.
A couple of weeks into Strength Cycle I was super stoked to discover that I no longer needed the oral meds I had relied on for 14 years to keep my blood sugars in check. I couldn't have picked a better time either because soon I found out I was pregnant and my oral medication is not approved for pregnancy. Now that Strength Cycle is over, my training goals are simple and are all towards at my big life goal of avoiding insulin injections for the duration of my pregnancy: make all squat exposures, avoid long crazy metcons, press and deadlift once a week, and make sure I get into the gym at least 3 times a week. Diet obviously plays a huge role in this goal also, so I've started logging my food intake alongside my blood sugars.
What I've learned about my body:
– I am not ever going to weigh near 200lbs and be fit. When I got there I felt sluggish and fat, and fat…I still have room to get stronger and weigh 165-175, which is more natural for me.
– I can NOT afford to be stubborn about training through injury anymore.
– I don't need to do as much mobility work as much as I used to, but I do need to do it more than I've been these last 6 months.
– I occasionally need to take a workout at 65-75%
– I occasionally need to push myself to 110%
What I've learned about goals:
– Goal reaching takes 3 things. A strong dedication and desire. A realistic plan. A consistant attack (coupled with the ability to eff up and continue on the very next moment). I need goals that jive with the rest of my life's plan otherwise I don't achieve them. A current goal is to understand how everyone can bold and italicize and do other fancy things to the text within these posts and to employ that knowledge to have fancier posts myself.
My perspective:
-I train because I enjoy it. Sure, sometimes training is laborous and I really don't "want" to do it, but those times are few and far between. It's OK to sandbag a workout every now and then. I train and eat to be better at life and to feel comfortable within my body. I enjoy being able to use my body while it's healthy and train to prolong this as long as possible (Foundations grads have heard my "drop dead and leave a sexy corpse" speech). I enjoy that the training I do enables me to do other non-gym things that I enjoy like hiking, swimming, running, playing pick up sports, moving heavy furniture for friends…OK maybe not the last one so much but it does feel good to be able to rise to the occasion. Sometmes I take it for granted that I am pretty fit compared to the general populaiton. As someone who was a fat kid, this feels pretty good nowadays. Plus, my wife is 6 years younger, I have to keep her interested in me!
hey All
Was in last night and made up a WOD from the weekend with Baz. He was doing this one and thought I'd join him as it's not fun doing WODs alone and because my Wallballs need alot of work. Thanks to Earl for hanging out a bit and keeping score for us and giving a push when needed.
10 WB – 14lb
5 strict Pull Up
10 Burpees
Happy to make it through it. Wallballs felt better than during FGB. shane helped with his tip about spreading my feet wider on them.
I have to work on Kipping, Strict Pu began to take their toll in round 4 and had to break them to3/2.
Burpees were the easier of the 3. All rounds unbroken on them.
Rob F
Michele – Jess is out in the field all day so I figured I'd respond in her stead… yes. email Jessica(at)crossfotsouthbrooklyn to reserve space.
My body
I feel like my body has changed and morphed so much over the last year, and its been interesting to see how the programming and diet has affected that. I feel stronger in my lower body than I ever have, I feel faster and quicker since staring crossfit a little less than a year ago. I never realized how un-flexible I was, until hanging out in the paleo chair for less than 1 second.
My main goals when I started was to just get back in shape and be able to play a few bball games in a row without fatiguing. Now they are to get better mobility and flexibility since that is an area where I am lacking. Over all I want to maintain the same build, increase strength and agility.
I like to get better at things I suck at. Im motivated by potential "failure" but also realize that goals and accomplishment are extremely helpful in ensuring that I remain in a positive frame of mind. I crossfit because it forces me to realize that fitness is a life long goal, and because everyone at SBK has had a positive influence on me,
thanks Jess and Fox 🙂
I really appreciate the sentiments expressed above. Especially David's non-compettitive attitude and focus on precision of movement. Even though I don't take regular classes, I can see that attitude and mind-set expressed constantly at the gym. Whether it's in strength class, editorials on the blog or just in the programming and comments. It's one of the very great things about our gym, so thanks to David for subtly and overtly leading us in that direction.
My Body
I've had all kind of chronic pain my entire adulthood and regardless of my activity or lack-there-of I find myself with something going on. Jeremy is tired of hearing about it by now for sure, so I only let him in on the stuff that I'm concerned about getting under a heavy bar with. Writing this now, I wonder if I'm some kind of hypochondriac, but no, I did sprain my wrist, my lower back is sore and dammit my left hamstring has been constantly bothering me for 6 months months. The point? I will never reach the nirvana of body-awareness and I need to constantly focus on taking care of myself: mobility, strength, alignment are musts for me, otherwise I'm heading for trouble.
I definitely have thrived in an atmosphere of PR's– that was easy the first 6 months. I want to be improve and get better (stronger). However, when I first started to lift it was about the process and spending the time focused and being under the bar. I try to constantly return to the "the road is the destination" approach. That said, my goals are clear. Get stronger. Get more mobile. Grow bigger lungs. Improve body comp and continue to get bigger.
I spent most of my adulthood partying or sitting still: either meditating or working. 3 1/2 years ago when my boss– who is only 5 years older than me– had a heart attack, it was a wake-up call. Along the way I learned to enjoy "getting in shape" even on an elliptical machine, I learned to like going to gym (believe me I tried previously and it did turn out to be fun), I learned about eating in a radical new way and I learned I was capable of way more and being much stronger than I had imagined, even in my forties. I'm really glad I bought "Starting Strength" and found CFSB, what a strange and fortunate turn of events.
Box squats:
Only went up 5lbs this week but could have probably made another 10lb jump.
Accessory work felt good today.
Body, goals, perspective — If I start writing it’ll be way too long for a blog post.
Box squats today at 175 – up 10 from last week. Speed is still feeling ok with the weight jumps so far.
The body, goals, perspective question is great. Gotta get back to my reading, so I'll have to indulge on this one to myself later. Thanks for all the questions that keep us grounded in our training.
No training for me today, just coaching, which was a lot of fun and helped me get out of the sleepy haze I was in. Great question, and great answers, here's my slant:
I've been training "real" Crossfit for almost 2 years now, although I dabbled for a long time and have spent 3+ days a week in the gym since I was 14.
Body: Any answer I give here is probably better answered in the perspective section. I have gotten noticeably thicker and stronger this last year. I did a weight gain, which I initially thought failed, but actually kind of worked. I've ironed out some mobility issues and bad habits. The last paleo challenge I did showed me what I can really look like without all the extra "junk" (which isn't really even that much) and it was kind of impressive. Never thought of myself as a 6 pack guy, even for a brief period of time.
Goals: This is probably the hardest part for me. I'm often intimidated by the multiple areas of proficiency Crossfit presents. Off the top of my head I've wanted to: do more pushups, do a handstand, squat 300/350/400, do a backflip, press my bodyweight, etc etc. I think I need to set longer term goals with more incremental progress markers.
Perspective: I have had an on again/off again relationship with Crossfit the Sport as opposed to Crossfit the Life Enricher. Trying my best to balance competitiveness, health, goal setting, coaching, and a bunch of other stuff. I always walk a fine line when I get too caught up in the competitive stuff with beating myself up and focusing on my limitations. Its always refreshing to see guys like Ryan who are TFBAs but just aren't super keyed up by the competition stuff, just so humble and gracious, but ready to pull a 3 minute Fran out if asked.
At the end of the day my perspective is: My worst, most frustrating day at CFSBK is better than any day spent injured, lazy, or afraid to try and not succeed.
Ok, first off, I love this question and I love the answers. The main reason I'm going into the healthcare profession is because I believe we need to be proactive and preventative in the way we approach our overall health. (Mental&Physical) The American healthcare system rarely ascribes to this.
I have been training under a crossfit style since May 2010. I didn't commit seriously until September 2010.
My Body
This training modality has brought me back to a point where I am proud of the frame that I'm in and confident in what I'm capable of physically. I've always played some form of sport or physical activity, but have found that I'm stronger now than I've ever been, which still surprises me. I think I had some concept that my peak physical conditioning was going to be in my early 20's, so I'm quite happy to find myself thinking that I'm going to be stronger in my early 30's than ever was in my 20's. In the same vein, this program has exposed me to things that I never knew I would love so much (weight lifting) and exposed me to things I've literally thought I wasn't capable of (rope climbs, multiple strict pushups) My dietary changes have also given me dramatic improvements with my recovery time and have really helped free me from mentally screwing myself over in that whole weight/calorie cycle. I don't weigh myself anymore, I think about how much I can lift, how high I can jump, stretch… my focus has completely changed in the way I approach my body image.
My short term goals vary. Over the next year I'd like to lean out and see what I can do. Being at CFSBK has given me access to a lot of equipment I didn't have the first year and I've been having a good time seeing what I'm capable of. Long term, I want that whole longevity bias. I want to be healthy/happy/fit/supple ninja when I'm much older. I see what poor health decisions do to people everyday in the hospital and I don't want to be them.
I've learned I'm so much happier when I work out regularly, it is essential to my mental health. The CFSBK community is a part of that too, it's so nice to be around a group of people that are proactive about their health&bodies, and are interesting, good people. (Talk about healthy environmental exposure!) I've learned to look at my body from a whole new view and to find a modality exercise that really excites me, challenges me and makes me get on the train 3x a week, because I'm happy to go. That's what a successful exercise regime is: something you do regularly and enjoy.
I'm always thankful to have walked into CFSBK's doors.
Bethany – your story is fantastic. Reducing meds through healthy lifestyle changes is really exciting to me and something I hope to implement in my practice.
David Thank you for your help today, I'm feeling pretty good thus far. I appreciate the guidance on how to approach this in the 'active recovery' way.
Loved this wod. 125# squats. 25# dumbell step-ups, could really feel my sides/abs working on this. 100 su's, like lightening. V ups were not so pretty, though. Did 4 rounds.
I suck at Push Presses so I always try to keep them heavy enough to force me to use some hip drive but light enough where I'm not failing all over the place. I went too heavy for this WOD (155) and ended up with 3 rounds, 2 rounds + 3 PP, 1 round + 3 PP because I was struggling with the weight too much. Don't go too heavy today, kids.