1x 1000m Row
2x 500m Row
4x 250m Row
Work with a partner (or 2) and allow for approximately a 2:1 rest ratio.
Post times to comments.
Compare to 5.17.11, 7.30.10 and 7.14.11
David O. demonstrates how to scale up today’s WOD.
Happy Belated Birthday McDowell M.!
Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser at CrossFit Queens!
Our friends at CrossFit Queens will be hosting the annual Barbell for Boobs Fundraising event to raise money for to combat breast cancer. Here’s the info:
Barbells for Boobs “Amazing Grace” Fundraiser WOD this October to benefit
Mammograms In Action (MIA), a Southern California based non-profit that raises
funds in the fight against breast cancer, both locally and nationwide.
On Saturday, October 29th, CrossFit athletes from around the tri-state area
will be gathering at CrossFit Queens in Astoria to complete “Grace”, a workout
consisting of 30 Clean & Jerks for time.
If you’d like to participate you can find out more information and register HERE!
Upcoming Foundations Cycles
October Late Morning Foundations
+ Brooklyn Boulders “Learn the Ropes” Course
10/4/11 – 10/27/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00am-10:15am
Learn more and register here!
November Evening Foundations
11/10/11 – 12/6/11
Thursdays and Tuesdays from 8:00-9:15pm
Registere Here!
November Morning Foundations
11/10/11 – 12/6/11
Thursdays and Tuesdays from 7:00-8:15am
Registere Here!
FGB 6 Featured on NBC Nightly News MSNBC
Train the Mind for Increased Strength Starting Strength
Lost some foot skin to the foot strap.
Slow on erg. Maybe b/c of new endurance work? Long metcon yesterday? Mental toughness lacking?
1000 – 4:03, 500 – 1:57, 500 – 1:54
250 – :57, 250 – :54, 250 – :56, 250 – :54
Last week I did 8x250s and pulled a bunch of 49s, 51s and one 1:01 at the very end. With a strict 60 second rest between. It was in the afternoon.
So today's WOD would look like this? (Times are approximations):
4 minute 1K
8 minutes rest
2 minute 500m
4 minutes rest
2 minutes 500m
4 minutes rest
1 minute 250
2 minutes rest
1 minute 250
2 minutes rest
1 minute 250
2 minutes rest
1 minute 250
Samir – that's right on, except that an individual's 'barf' interval is variable. It may show up earlier and/or more frequently. Or, not at all.
Chris: Thanks. You're right. I was being excessively methodical in placing the 'barf' interval right at the end. One might, for instance, barf in anticipation of the WOD. Or even during the actual rowing.
Life, its all about learning these little things.
Came across the latest "Self" Magazine write up on CrossFit http://www.self.com/fitness/workouts/2011/10/crossfit-slideshow?intcid=trail0926#slide=1
Think they missed the mark on this – All you need is a timer and 5-15 lb dumbells eh?? Hmmmm….
Well Mel, they kind of sort of have our standardized warm up. Not really.
There's a movie about a strongman "stanless steel" at brooklyn heights cinema. Might be fun. Let me know if you're interested. http://www.strongmanfilm.com/
With all the photos of legit CrossFitters available they elect to use this photo? Really?!
Agreed on the photo Dan – And the caption says we treat all our fellow CrossFitters like family – Really? Well um…Then your photo gets a little awkward, sir!
Going to try to WOD results more regularly. Today's 6 AM:
1k – 3.54.0
500m – 1.52.7
250m – 51.8 sec
no barfing. but much hyper-ventilating.
Random post on scientific research about exercise. Apparently icing between sets has been shown to increase performance
RE: self article
Not too sure I could manage that 15lb deadlift. Crazy stuff…
I have spent the day trying to convince myself that since my knee is not swollen, it's not really hurt.
Hey coaches, what lifts can we expect this month on which days? I've picked up on Squats on Wednesdays and Saturdays so far but was expecting Press today and see tour de erg instead…
Bethany: This cycle (which started this past Saturday) will consist of regular squatting on Wednesdays (speed box squats) and Saturday (heavy). It's the same template as the previous cycle, mixing up the squat with one-off max effort lifting days (like the press you saw last Monday) with more traditional CrossFit style programming. We liked the way it worked out last cycle as it allows a little more freedom programming-wise to expose people to a wider variety of time domains and lifts.
Made up yesterday's WOD
13:33 Rx'd
I think the last 2 rounds took me as long as the first 4. Fun. I vicariously used DMak's encouragement (which was aimed at Earl) to get me through it.
I walked a good bit today. And then I sat on my butt and watched "Contagion" in a nice cool movie theater. That was fairly intense, but no zombie apocalypse.
DAVE– why did you go into the pain cave!
Oh, it must have been the burpees. Gulp.
Right now I'm sitting on a lacrosse ball. TMI.
re: Self CF. I'll withhold negativity.
I only post because I care
Michele, I want you to go to the doctor. I'm sure if I were you I'd be saying "if I can air squat, surely I can't squat with a barbell" but I'd advise against that logic. It sounded painful. Maybe it's good enough to deadlift on? But see a doc first.
i don't have anyone to go see. i need a reco.
Ah, the sure fire nausea workout! Seasick with out the sea.
Nice working with Earl, dude can kick it.
Times were as follows:
1:36.8; 1:43.2
45.8; 49.6; 50; 47.3
WOD 1: 2:30pm
Warm-Up x3
20 Lunges with barbell overhead
10 GHD Hip Extensions with bands
5 Tucked Front Lever negatives on rings
Static Supine Hold on the GHD.
:15×5 with :15 rest, spicy
Back Squat
Worked up to 155 and then experimented with banded dynamic resistance. Just having fun with it and feeling it out. Worked mostly with a blue band double looped and a red band single looped. Interesting
WOD 2: 6:15pm
5 Rounds of:
35 Double Unders
3 Power Cleans, 185lbs
15 Push-Ups
Started this as the 15 minute amrap but then decided to do 5 full rounds when the clock hit 15. Pretty slow pace. I enjoyed the heavy power cleans
Strength work
Bench Press
Warm up
5 × 75
5 × 90
3 × 110
Work weight
5 × 135
3 × 155
9 × 175
Metcon/Endurance Work
1000m 3:38.9
500m 1:44.2
500m 1:52.7
250m 0:50.4
250m 0:51.0
250m 0:51.6
250m 0:51.0
Strength work went surprisingly well, after injury moving the empty bar hurt.. Last week I barely moved 8×165, so really excited to be able to move 9×175. Undecided if I'm going to add weight for the next cycle or stay where I am, will see how it feels after pressing and during the back off week.
Thanks to Margie for letting me jump in on this one despite being late (f'in R train).
Was looking forward to this WOD since I've seen it this AM. Needed something endurance based to couple with the strength work.
Hampered entirely by cardiovascular endurance, legs had plenty of strength just not enough oxygen to fuel them.
Shout outs
Nice to see Fox tough out the 7 rounds of Wallball, Pullups, and Burpees.
Great to see David Mak, and envy his speed on the erg!
There was a Kate Denny sighting!
Time to cook dinner, hope everyone rocked today's WOD!
Monday session with Alec and David O.
WU: 3RNFT: 16 hollow rocks, 10 push ups (starting to really dial these in),10 bent over DB rows(12.5#) those DB rows felt a little awkward I have to say.
10 GHD banded hip extension: 1set no band, 4 sets w/bands Interesting movement. Killer on the Hammies. I liked it. The band around the ribcage really provides a nice feedback.
Team row with Alec: 750m: 3:23.4, 500m: 2:10.8, 250m: 1:03
Rowing felt awesome! Been a loooooong time since I've been on the erg and I felt really efficient. Did the old power 10 trick every 250 or so meters and that helped.
Re: "Strongman"- Alec and I went to check out what we thought was a 7pm showing tonight only to learn the showing is at 9pm and the run at the theater ends on thursday. Just a head's up if anyone is interested.
I second DMak. Damn, rowing almost gets me to the Mr. Pukie everytime. This hurt.
1000m 3:30
500:m 1:44, 1:45
250: 50, 48, 47.9, 46.4.
Really happy with my pace, on the last bit. That 2nd 500 really hurt.
Todays wad was a bitch
1k 4:47.1
500 m 2:23.6,2:21.3
250 m 1:02.6,1:06.4,1:06.3,1:04.3
Made up Saturday's Back Squats at the local globo-gym on Sunday, along with some bench press thrown in since its been awhile. Upon seeing today's WOD posted early this morning, I thought, "What, no accessory work?" Oh, what a silly goose. After the fact I now know why.
Great working with DMak. Thanks for the motivation. Had to push it to try and keep up with his speed (and long arms) on the Erg. "I wish I were a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish…" Moving on.
1km- 3:43
500m- 1:42.7
250m- 50.0
LOL @ the Samir post!
My times on the rowing WOD:
Yay for not feeling nauseous on this one, but darnit, rowing is not fun when you're short. Towards the end of it I kept telling myself, "the sooner you finish then the less you'll have to listen to all this System of a Down that's blaring right now." hahahaha…
1. I want to apologize for making that face during FGB. Even with the scale up, it's just not appropriate.
2. UMMM Hello all these folks who don't usually post posting. Thankyouverymuch!
3. Michele, A/Deb know a great PT, so they say
4. I've got a pretty nasty bar hickey on my clavicle. Post bike accident I was wearing a towel over it a lot, I may have to go back to doing that. The damn bar kept hitting the metal today! Whack!
Member # 2504 "Bethany"
The only consistent lifts you'll see this mesocycle are heavy Squats on Saturday and Box Squats on Sunday.
Thank you
So we'll be squatting 2 days in a row?
David, as far I'm concerned you can make any face you want with the scale-up you did – I'm pretty sure most of us were not in our happy place in the third round.
1000: 3:24
500: 1:37
250: 46.something
This was sloggy, and I'm glad I didn't attempt it on my own – I'm not sure I would have gotten through it. Thanks to Jenna for the encouragement.
The Management is apologizes for the clerical error listed above
Box Squats Wednesdays
Heavy Squats Saturdays
Lets consider this case closed.
Warmup 1:
-15 hollow rocks x 2
-15 air squats x 2
-10 pushups
-5 chinups
-5 ring dips (white band assist)
only 1.5 rounds because I was late and ran out of time.
Erg ladder:
500m–1:53.3, 1:55.3
250m–53.8, 53.8, 53.9, 53.1
-I guess you could say I'm pretty consistent. I knew going into tonight that this was not going to be fun. Quads were on fire after the first 1000m and thought no way would I be able to go hard on all of them. Great partnering with Noor who definitely helped to keep me on pace!
On the erg:
About 3:45 the first 1000M which I was pretty happy with.
1:53.4/1:55.6 (I think) on the 500s.
I dogged one of the 250s, the 3rd one I think, but was around :54 on all of them.
Rowing remains one of my weakest skills, but as I fatigued during this workout I started to really try to pop at my hips and i think found some of the pop that will allow it to improve.
Can we row again tomorrow? I am ready.