7 Rounds for Time of:
10 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
10 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
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CFSBK Article Repost!
More work? Or a sip of water?
by Christian Fox
You’re mid-Helen. You’re finishing your 2nd round of KB swings and the pull-up bar is waiting for you. So what do you do? Place your bell down, grab a sip of water, wipe the sweat from your face, chalk up your hands, and then size up the pull-up bar? Or do you ditch the bell and get on the pull-up bar knowing that you’ve only got one round left and the big rest is coming. Last sprint, last swings, last pull-ups. Forget the chalky feeling on your tongue; you’re getting on the leader board this time.
In many WODs, a sip of water here and there is totally appropriate. Think Murph, Angie, Barbara (during the rest), or some other 20+minute chipper style WOD. These are designed to be done at a medium to medium-high intensity and take significant time to complete; hence they need to be paced out and can allow for a sip or a break. WODs like Fran, Annie, and the like are meant to be executed at a high intensity throughout, and take a short time to complete. I feel pretty confident saying that you will not dehydrate during 5-10 minutes it takes to complete either of these couplets. Often though, we see athletes stopping mid-WOD to grab a sip or just to put their hands on their hips and rest. Sometimes, sure, this is appropriate. Are you sick, pregnant, injured, or the like? Then yes, you may need to pace even short WODs. But if not, then be honest with yourself about why you’re reaching for your water bottle again or chalking up for the 4th time in 12 pull-ups. It probably isn’t thirst. It’s being uncomfortable with being uncomfortable.
Let me be clear…I’m not saying not to stay hydrated and on the south-side line of Pukieville, but if this sounds like you then try this trick. BEFORE the clock starts, drink a cup of water. Then put your water bottle away from you and out of reach. Mid-WOD when you start to think how nice a little H20 would feel on your tongue, use that to motivate you to finish faster. The water is the reward. Finish and it’s yours.
Train smart, but train hard. Remember that intensity is what brings results. Increase your pain tolerance. Try getting more comfortable with being uncomfortable.
How would you describe your discomfort tolerance? Are there types of workouts or specific exercises you find yourself taking lots of breaks from?
2011 CrossFit Games: Women’s Rope Climb/Clean and Jerk Event
On long workouts where breaks are needed but too many or too long breaks can submarine you, I use this strategy:
I pick a landmark, maybe 4-8 feet away. When I need to put the bar down/come off the pullup bar, etc I walk to the landmark, touch it, and walk back. When I get back its time to work again.
This helps me regulate my rest and not have long undefined rest periods.
I still think I put the bar down too much. I try to approach WODs tactically and sometimes I overthink and leave too much in the tank and need to explore the suck zone more.
Attention football fans! Some of us will be at 200 5th watching the Giants/Eagles game at 1pm. The cool kids will be rooting for the Giants. 🙂
Walking home, I decided I must have – yeah, even with the whiteboard – missed a set. 16:08 is too fast, even with a 14# ball and 5 asst. pull ups. Sure, it *felt* like 7 sets… but as a newcomer to CrossFit, I'm still learning to not trust my body when it says "dude, that's enough already!" Focus. Rest less. Push through. Next time that 16:08 is going to be for real.
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×3 195×1
Work: 205x5x3
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 115×1
Work: 120x5x3
Warmup: 135×5 225×5 265×1
Work: 280×5
Chins 7 7 5
Anyone that's smoked weed knows one's subjective experience of time is affected by the herb. Well, the good news is you can get the same effect by doing a wall-ball/burpee workout. Consider today's WOD. T he clock says I took 19:19 to do it with a 5 strict chin-ups sub. But it felt like approximately 3.25 hours. Give or take an hour or two.
Put down the bong! Pick up that wall ball!
18:55 as rx. This one was tough but the encouragement from my classmates helped. Woding on weed is highly unadvisable. Burn PWO with some chocolate milk. Go jets.
I had a blast today WODing with the noon class! Thanks to David for having me, I'm normally a coach at CrossFit 718, but I started a year and a half ago with you guys at CFSBK and wanted to swing by for a WOD!
WU was WU #1, 15 hollow rocks, wallball squats, 10 pushups, 5 strict pullups for three rounds.
I did the 7 RFT as Rx'd, hitting 17:51. Those burpees killed me. All but one set of the pullups werre unbroken, and all but two of the wallballs. But those damn burpees.
Thanks again guys, I had a great time!
Dan McC
9am with coach d.o.
pre WU
foam roll goodness
0:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)

16 air squats with mini band hold 1 second at the bottom

10 Ring Rows
7 Rounds for Time of:
10 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
5 strict Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
thanks dan for pushing me through it.
i try to not take a lot of breaks. try to do the 5 second count and get back into it. and always try to convince myself the faster i get through this the sooner it will be done. not sure if it's the constant interrupted sleep, but i feel more and more gassed during these of late.
David asked everyone in the 11am to post on the blog today, which reminded me that I've been a terrible poster since starting school again. It's an ok excuse, but the problem with that is this forum is also my log book. Oops. I could keep a written log book, but posting on the blog seems more social. I suppose I should be doing both.
7 rounds of WBs, pull-ups, burpees – 11:58 rx
Tried to stick with a pace that would allow me to do everything unbroken, which I almost did except for coming off the bar in the last set of pull-ups. The "no slop" burpees were a lot slower than usual, but my shoulder thanked me for it.
I;m going to try to make this brief, but there was a lot done today so I predict failure on that front….
Recovery Squats: 215x3x3
Press: 140x5x3
Lost count during the second set (was that 3 or 4?). so I did an extra rep. It was definitely 6 because it was wicked slow. The 3rd set was solid. Friday I will be back to where I stopped in August when I sprained my wrist so a 5RM PR is right around the corner.
Pendlay Rows: 115x12ishx3
Prowler: 10 runs of approximating 80-90 feet. ~10 seconds work and then 20 seconds rest. Did the first 4 with 80 pounds and the next 6 with 50 pounds– was slowing down too much. Pushed in the bike lane which was much better than the sidewalk.
I used a heart rate monitor (first time in about a year) and was happy to see myself well above 85%. Finished with an extra long run into the gym. When I stopped my HR was 172 and then proceeded to continue to climb for over a minute to 180 which 97% of my max HR based on my age. Obviously the prowler does what it was advertised to do. Intense.
As for the question, I rest when I feel pukey knocking on the door. I also do super short workouts so there is not much room to stop, otherwise there is no point. Today I took an extra 30 seconds rest in the middle to get myself together, but was then able to go even harder after that, so I thought it turned out well. If FGB was any indication, anything over 5 minutes is too long and I wimp out. I would like to see that climb to 10 this year.
Tuesday I'm going to try to do prowler completely based on HR and see how that is. It's one of the Matt Reynolds Prowler workouts and I've been curious about it.
I taught all 4 classes today. good times had all around! Now I'm sweaty and tired. Herschel got a WOD in by pulling me almost all the way home on my bike. That dog has an engine.
Thanks to Damian M for doing Wall Balls with a 20lb slam ball. Trooper!
I sandbag rowing, almost all the time. I have very very little mental and physical tolerance for it. I feel like im going to explode whenever I pull hard.
Today was a real grind for me. I think I did it in 18:47 with 9 foot wall ball shots and the 20 pound ball after round 2. Everything felt bad. I suppose the pullups were ok. I wish I had a better rhythm with the kips but overall I'm happy with where my pullups are.
Snuck in late to the noon class and did the workout in 17:43 with 2 Pood KB swings subbed for the wallballs (we were out of 20s)
Focused on replacing my hands with my feet on the burpees and getting my chest up and butt down and they felt great, was able to keep moving the whole time. The KB swings on the other hand were torture.
WOD in 23:29 with a 14lb ball and a green band assisting for the 10 pull ups. Wall balls, after I remembered how to do them, felt good, as did the burpees. Pull ups and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment. They take entirely too much gas. Thanks to David for getting me through the finish.
sudden extreme knee drama today – sorry about the cursing, everyone.
still tender 5 hrs later. thd only thing that could ruin my two weeks off would be nit being able to squat.
that was a tough one. wall ball smoked me. 14:17 as Rxed
Brutal. 19:16 RX'd.
It was fun racing to the finish. Wall balls are a world of suck, but the burpees really slowed me down today. Experimented mixing gymnastic kips and butterfly kips. I can definitely cycle butterfly kips faster, but wonder if it would be better training to do gymnastic kips when not shooting for a Fran PR or something.
I was so horrified of today's workout that I skipped not only the 9am and 10am but also the 11am class and ended up there at noon… which was a fantastic class! Also, in light of being horrified of the WOD I saw in front of me today, I way over-scaled all my movements… but finished in a pretty average time… so maybe not TOO over-scaled.
17 minutes even:
7 rounds:
10 wall ball – Thought I was using an 8# ball but was in fact on a 6# ball, which I realized when I put it back at the end of class (no wonder if was so much easier than expected… duhhh)
10 jumping pull ups – 30" box, tall bars. Next time it will be a 24" box.
10 no-push-up-burpies
Really hard workout no matter how under-scaled I may have been.
I thought I had posted earlier, but "poof" – nothing.
Awesome time at the 10 AM.
16:10 with some modifications:
20# wall ball, but 8', not 10'. During FGB6, I was a hot mess with my form – ball was everywhere. This time I wad able to keep it under control, and practiced building momentum, especially by catching and starting my squat together. It helped.
5 Pullups, with a green band. I am still a weak bitch, but good news is that bionic shoulder is pain-free, and range of motion is respectable, if not perfect. David's advice to not do negatives on the way down was invaluable, so thank you for that.
10 burpees – this is nuts, but I love burpees. I hated "squat thrusts" in 3d grade PE, but our gym teacher, Mr. Manzi was an asshole, and enjoyed hating the kids. I know I sound a bit nuts, but burpees are the greatest.
I coulda benefited from more rack the night before – I made a batch of "Black Sea Ale" the weekend of Irene, and was up until 2 bottling it. Bottling is a pain in the ass, but the cause was just. Anyway, great WOD and a nice vibe all around.
Wod in 17:16 with 14lb ball. There was a 20# ball shortage. I rested a lot. Beat myself up pretty good with yesterday's squats.
Ran a foot pain free park loop which I am very excited about. Fasciitis is finally disappearing. Working out with pain is tough and injury prevention is becoming a bigger deal as I get older. I feel I'm on an upswing and mobility disciplin is paying off.
Work Out
7 Rounds for Time of
10 Wall Ball Shots@20lbs
10 Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
in: 12 minutes and 30 seconds.
David asked the peeps in the 9AM what the most challenging part of this workout was. Strength limitations did make the burpees especially difficult and slow. And following them with wall balls, also a weakness of mine, didn't help. Although sets of 10 of all the movements were sustainable. Thermal management was by far the most difficult aspect of today's workout — can't imagine how much more challenging this must have been for DMG, Bjorn, and others who were outside baking in the sun. Super impressed by DMG who did this WOD with strict pull-ups.
Notes on the WOD
This didn't go quite as planned, guestimated that each round would take no more than 90 seconds to complete. This appeared sustainable when finishing the second round at the 2:30 mark. Soon afterwards, local muscular fatigue of the chest and arms killed any hopes of maintaining that pace. Burpees slowed considerably, although they remained unbroken along with all the pull-ups and wall balls. Overall very pleased, and have a better idea where to focus my efforts to continue improving.
Q and A
Q1. How would you describe your discomfort tolerance?
A2. Depends on the source of the discomfort.
Local muscular fatigue is the kind of pain that I can't fight, only avoid by pacing/slowing down or focusing upon and strengthen for the future. Monostructural movements don't usually cause too much discomfort (i.e. Grace/Isabel), it's in the longer metcons where my cardiovascular/respiratory endurance is the limiting factor. In those areas I have a difficult time managing and begin to slow down to catch my breath. Have become more adept at moving past that type of discomfort, but am not there yet. Am looking forward to ending workouts desperate to breathe, as opposed to where I'm largely unfazed and ready to do more work shortly after the workout ends.
Q2. Are there types of workouts or specific exercises you find yourself taking lots of breaks from?
A2. Running and rowing tend to destroy me — these two activities can take everything I can dish out and laugh in return. They're one of single movements that I can easily red line myself on and I tend to be more reserved when performing them. I also take sweat breaks due to how much I perspire, if for whatever reasons my hands become wet am entirely useless for grip until I chalk up or towel off. Having a small wash cloth handy for longer metcons has become a necessity.
23:19. Wallballs are starting to feel manageable, I think I am not always hitting depth. Squat jump pullups were too easy, tore through them, will do box hanging pullups next time. As for thrusters, they were as humbling as ever. Someday, when my tummy is smaller, I may like them more than I do now.
Also, thanks to the noon class for helping me through that last set. I might have dnf'ed without your help!
"Damian M" will now be known as DM (unless there is another one already), as this will be his first post.
@ David O…no doubt bro, I kinda like that slam ball. Thanks for handing me my a** today.
WOD in 18:48 RX'd. Burpees murdered me.
Made up WOD
13:33 Rx'd
I think the last 2 rounds took me as long as the first 4. Fun. I vicariously used DMak's encouragement (which was aimed at Earl) to get me through it.