3 Rounds NFT:
400m Farmer’s Walk
Go as heavy as possible. Wear a weight vest if you’re feeling frisky. Do 7 Burpees on the spot everytime you put the bell down.
Post loads and time to comments.
Compare to 9.12.10
Fight Gone Bad Top Fundraisers and Performers
Top 3 Female Athletes:
1. Jessica F.-303
2. Melissa L. & Jenn B.-275
3. Steph P.-257
Top 3 Male Athletes
Scott L.-400
Mike M.-392
Ryan P.-386
Top Performing Teams
1. Breaking Bad-1438
2. Fight Gone Badasses-1404
3. Ze Jermans-1363
Top 3 Fundraising Teams
1. Dead Girl Unicorn Collection-$33,000
2. Team Thunder, Bitch-$3,385
3. Ze Jermans-$2,355
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
1. Matt U.-$33,310
2. Yoshi S.-$1,395
3. David O.-$1,325
Thank you to everyone for your hard work today and over the last several months! FGB 6 turned out to the biggest and best yet!
Post-FGB Active Recovery at 11 AM Today
Join Coach Fox for a special edition of Active Recovery! Class meets at 11AM and you can use it as one of your classes for the week or pay $15 drop-in.
Thank You Dr. Fidler
Isn't that photo from Subway Series?
I think my favorite part of FGB would have to be Yoshi in full makeup and a skirt…discovering that skirts don't work so well on the erg.
David the Burpee Machine would be a close second.
Looking forward to Tough Titsday tomorrow (today, really)!
Hey guys, I think your math may be off on our team total, somehow we raised less than Matt, which is weird, b/c I raised, you know, like $500 bucks and stuff.
Didn't another team edge out Ze Jermans for 3rd place with a final score of 1379? And to echo Stella's comment from yesterday, any chance that individual score sheets were not thrown out at the end of the day? I also forgot to take a look at mine; I know my final score was 248 (not rx'd), but I'd love to look at my individual scores and compare back to April. Favorite part of yesterday was easily the energy in the gym. Amazingly supportive and badass group of people. ESPECIALLY ZE JERMANS! thanks for be an awesome team!
Sorry about the totals. I was working off the spreadsheet given to me. Which is obviously incorrect. We'll get the right information up. Apologies
The crescendo of cheering during David’s second weight-vest-burpee torture session heading into the third round definitely choked me up (am I a badass or a sissy?)
Also, the support I heard through the murk of wind sucking during my own heat was a real motivator! Thanks all!
Thanks, Shane, 🙂
Lots of highlights from yesterday, but it was especially awesome watching Jess, Josh M, and Ryan go into BEAST MODE during their last round. I wish I had that extra gear. Oh, and of course it was amazing watching Scott chug along like the T-1000 the whole time. We've got a bunch of savages at our gym.
FGB was an awesome experience all around, my favorite part was all the support during the rounds. I heard people yelling goose which is always funny, my judge Katie was awesome, and then when i was about to give up on my final row my wife came over with my daughter for that extra push. It was a really cool experience… What an amazing and diverse group of people we have at CFSBK, this place is the tits.
First Tough Titsday with Margie, Noor, Marion, and Beth. Thankfully, Margie took FGB into account and had us do bench press today. I think I would have cried if squatting had been on the menu 🙂
Bench press 5-5-5-5-5. My last set was at 85. Learned a lot about how hard I should be pushing myself when picking a weight, and it was really helpful to see everyone get cues on their form in addition to hearing cues for myself.
Stuck around afterward to do 3×3 pullups with the blue band. I will conquer you, blue band!
My FGB score ended up being 284, which is almost 50 points higher than when I did the same scaled version in April. Next year I will definitely do this Rx'd, but I'm still glad I was conservative since I have a marathon to run in 7 days and I really didn't want to risk doing myself any damage that would last longer than a day or two!
Speaking of which, today was my last time at SBK until after I get back from Berlin (I have to go to Boston for work right before I go to Berlin, joy). I'll see you all again when I'm an international marathoner!
Aside from the obvious, "when the workout was over," I would say my favorite part of the morning was when I found 5th gear on rd. 1 of the push press. I had already put the bar down twice and then suddenly did 10 reps in what seemed like 10 seconds. This was brought on by a bunch of people screaming "go Rob!!!." It was a very cool moment.
Bierkraft post-wo meal was spot on.
Stella: have a great trip!
Slept for 11 hours. It was good.
Watching David do burpees in a 20# vest while I was sucking wind between rounds was inspiring. Missing a ton of reps on wall balls was rough, but the encouragement from PR and other people around the pull-up cage was amazing. Thanks, guys.
Oh, and finding the taco cart parked across the street afterward. There should always be a taco truck parked by CFSBK. They would make bank, esp if they had a paleo option (just put the meat directly in our hands?).
ruling fgb
horrible score. oh well.
today, 1pd, 1 foul – 1.25 pds, 3 fouls, 1 pood + 40lb vest, 3 fouls
Yesterday was all around amazing…it's hard to pick a favorite part, but I echo Stella's comment about Yosh getting his skirt stuck in the erg. And that massive cheer of support as David chugged through his second round of burpees was incredible. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look so sad while being such a bad ass before. Definitely inspiring stuff.
Also, meeting new people and putting faces to names on the blog was a highlight. I can't imagine a more supportive, fun, and inspiring group of people. BEAR HUG!
And a HUGE thanks to Lady Fox for helping me reach my goal of 200 points, RX'd. Big ups to Ohio tattoos!!
Billy, the number we've got for your team total was what was reported to us by your captain at the event. DGUS reported 33K+, otherwise I think everything is kosher. All the score cards will be available for pick up on the coffee table all week.
From Alamo CrossFit:
Thank you for the post brother and no matter what, together we (CrossFit South Brooklyn and Alamo CrossFit) raised nearly $140k for the children of our warriors. We have a ton to be proud of.
And on another note amigo…it was your climbing numbers that drove us on. And this:
Check out minute 1:30….Dave…we couldn't let him down…Keith was one of the many wounded warriors at Alamo yesterday and we just couldn't let them down.
Next year we raise the bar…for the warriors.
FGB is always a great day. It is another example of how great a community we have.
– I AM jealous that David had all that support during his vested burpees…it was a little 'quieter' at 9:30 when I did the same thing!
Yesterday was a very, very humbling experience for me. FGB made me her bitch in a Big, big way. This was my first FGB and since I've only done about 5 WODs since the end of June, I should have expected that. I haven't done wall balls since Foundations back in Feb and they killed me. Maybe I shouldn't have been so aggressive and scaled it down instead of doing it Rxed. Who knows, but my score was an embarrassing 149/159/169? I really didn't even even care to check my exact number. I guess it was fitting that I was wearing pink yesterday, no offense ladies, especially since most of you kicked my ass anyway. Shout out to my team captain, Mel, who tore it up yesterday!!! When i grow up I want to be as awesome as you!!
OK, enough complaining……
My heat was at the same time as David's awesome performance and could not appreciate it at the time, but my wife videoed me and I was able to hear all the cheering for David….Awesome, like goosebumps awesome. I didn't remember hearing any of that at the time, in fact, I didn't even know music was playing until I saw the video.
There were only 2 times that i remember hearing anything. At one point during my push presses, I racked the bar to catch my breath. A female voice(I think it was Lady Fox) behind me yelled, "Pick that bar up Robert!" I needed that.
The other was during my last round of box jumps, i had both my wife and Fox yelling at me to get up on the box. Little things like that made an otherwise miserable 17 minutes, enjoyable.
i guess I now have a goal for next year…I will not suck on FGB7 as I did on FGB6.
Chris: If it helps, I thought you were, as always, a total stud.
Rob F don't get so discouraged. FGB should not be a measure of your total progress in crossfit. It is a huge muscle endurance wod that can go either way on athletes of all levels. Don't think so negative, that is disease, I am guilty of this some times myself and it gets you no where. Trust me 95% of the American population couldn't touch your score. Buck up, here is a video for you…..
Favorite part of yesterday was watching Fox and David stepping up and doing some serious work with the weight vests. It's always fun to watch someone give 100% but it's downright incredible seeing them push themselves beyond their limits. Proud of you guys!
What a great vibe though going through that last heat. To be honest I never hear anyone (except Marcos, I swear he swallowed a mic when he was younger and its lodged in between his throat somewhere) when I workout, it's typically a zone out thing, go somewhere dark and block everything but yesterday it was so damn loud I think I heard everyone going nuts during that last minute of FGB!
I've belonged to a lot of CrossFit gyms over the past few years, the community at SBK is a step above anything I've experienced!!!
GO SBK!!!!
Oh yeah, If Matt was a CrossFit gym all by himself he'd still place top 5…RIDICULOUS!!!
3 Rounds
16 weighted Lunges
10 Ring Rows
16 Hollow Rocks
Back Squats
225×2 (felt a little unorganized, decided to just rack it)
Wanted to feel something heavy on my back before we get back into heavy triples next Saturday
AMRAP 30 Minutes
5 Power Cleans, 175lbs
2 Hurricane Runs, 45lb Gravel Bags
Somewhere between 7-9 rounds I think. Totally lost count and after the 20 minute mark got into a really surreal euphoric headspace. Never redlined but never stopped moving. Cleans felt sharp. Feeling very loopy right now
So bummed to miss yesterday. I haven't experienced FGB in the new space and I was really looking forward to it. But I'm happy to report that although Nick looks like absolute he'll, he is recovering well. I'm also just so grateful to all the strangers who helped him and me over the past four days–from the guy who found him passed out and moaning on the Manhattan bridge and called 911, to the FDNY folks who helped me track down Nick's bike (not to mention the paramedics who took him to Bellevue and the docs who treated him). On a day when we honor heroes it's nice to be reminded that in NYC we are often surrounded by them.
EEK, poor Nick! I hope he feels better soon.
So alarmed about Nick and glad to hear he is on the mend. What IS it with our coaches and the bike accidents?! I think if I were an SBK coach I'd be mothballing any two-wheeled vehicle I owed right about now.
This weekend I went back for the second time to Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength seminar over at Paulie's place in Red Hook. I took the seminar in April, and spent the entire weekend scribbling notes furiously in the hopes of passing the certification exam afterward.
I did, but at the cost of really THINKING about the lifting, the method and specifically my own training. I was just trying to write down every word that came out of Rip's mouth. Even on the platform, with the bar on my back, I was thinking about the test.
This time, I kept my pen in my bag and just listened.
Either my lifting has degraded significantly since April, or my recent life explosion has been more serious than I expected. Perhaps both. In any case, the staff was quite critical of my performance. In fact, during the squat clinic, the coach stopped me at 115 and told me that was my first work set. You can't keep your back up, he said. Work on it.
Deadlift – same thing. Work at 135. You're losing your upper back, he said. Both those numbers are warm up weights for me and have been for some time. But I didn't argue. I knew they were right.
Overall it was sobering. I spent Saturday night having something of an existential crisis about what the hell I am even doing on the platform.
Ten much-needed hours of sleep later, I went back and had a good talk with the staff. Being rested is the best thing I know for getting perspective on a 'problem.' They gave me some suggestions for assistance work and talked about similar challenges their female lifters have faced (nothing you wouldn't expect – it's about the discrepancy between upper- and lower-body strength in women. In my case, it's even more pronounced than usual.) It's especially helpful for me to hear stories about their "regular" lifters – not ex-college athletes, not crossfitters, not people young enough to be my offspring. They've taken women like me, average women, and turned them into serious lifters. It can be done.
Ultimately, hearing Rip talk again today about how gaining strength is a lifelong pursuit is what got me excited to lift again, regardless of what kind of numbers I put up *today.* It's not really about today.
Tonight I'm going to drink a gallon of soup, lie on my couch and watch some football, plan my final week at this hell job, and put my lifting shoes back in my bag.
favorite part of FGB: seeing so many people, including my wife, my coaches, my friends, my gymmates, be a bunch of beastly badasses. the energy was out of control and it made me really proud to be a part of it (yeah that's right, one can be proud whilst wearing hot pink tights and getting one's skirt caught in the erg not once but THREE effing times). it was also really humbling to be a part of something so great and know that the heart of the event was charity. pretty special to be reminded all at once of how important it is to give, how I don't do it enough, and how I'm the luckiest so-and-so of all time to have bumbled my way into the best gym in the history of shaved monkeys.
Charlotte: Thanks for the update on Nick. Please give him my best. I hope he feels better soon.
Glad I got out to active recovery today. My inside quad is an effing mess. I have to roll it out more regularly, because that was insane how painful it was.
FGB was my first gym competition-y thing that I've done. I'm really happy with my performance, it was amazing to be on the team I was on, to have the support of everyone. I basically completely agree with yoshi's post.
One of my favourite things this weekend was just hanging out with everyone and seeing that married people can still be cool. [yoshi/josi mcdowell/ellie jess/fox issac/rosy] I mean, even josi&yosh's baby is a badass kid, and I'm not a big baby person. Everyone's attitude is super stellar in the gym and I'm just happy that CFSBK is in my life. I'm definitely looking forward to more outings/events and getting to know people better, b/c thus far, the more I learn about our gym-mates, the cooler I think they are.