There are NO group classes and NO Teaser class tomorrow
A Very Special Episode of Active Recovery
This Sunday, September 18th, Coach Fox will be hosting a special FGB edition of Active Recovery so you can get your quads back in working order! Join Fox at 11AM to get back on the road to recovery. Remember AR is $15 drop-in or you can use it as one of your classes from your monthly membership or punch card.
Fight Gone Bad Scaling Options
A: Mens Rx’d, B: Women’s Rx’d, C Additional Scale
Box Jump:
A/B: 20″, C: 16″, D: 12″
A: 75lbs, B: 55lbs, C: 35lbs
Wall Ball:
A: 20lb/10′, B: 14lb/10′, C: 10lb and/or 8′ or 10′ target
No Scales
Push Press:
A: 75lbs, B: 55lbs, C: 35lbs
If anyone has orthopedic conditions please let us know ahead of time and we can scale movements altogether too.
FGB 6 Heats/Schedule
The heats for FGB6 have been set and are available here. Remember, each team has two assignments, one for their workout and another for judging duties.
Team captains, please be sure to email out to your team one last time to remind them when they need to be ready to WOD and judge.
O Captains, My Captains: Team Captain Responsibilities
Below is a list of things each team captain is responsible for over the next couple of days:
– Each team will owe $15 for their T-Shirts. Captains will collect $ and get it to David Day of.
– Each team will have to post their Fundraising total, we’ll award prizes for top 3 teams. Team captains need to collect and sum the fundraising efforts of everyone on their team to post on the FGB board
– Teams are encouraged to coordinate outfits, the weirder the better!
– Re-email teams their judging and heat assignments.
So Close It Is Scary!
At $45,378.00 raised, we’re within spitting distance of Potomac Crossfit ($48,120.50) now! Alamo Crossfit is creepin’ on a come up with 43,950.16. Today is the final full day of fundraising before the event. We’ve got today to get it done. Let’s go SBK!
What are you most looking forward to about tomorrow?
The Plight of Muscled Americans The Daily Show
Daily Show clip is great. "So for now, he works out in a yard, moving shit back and forth."
I am looking forward to doing this workout alongside my team mates, especially John C. John is a long-time private client of mine who has been through a hell of a year and it'll great to do this workout with him.
8:38 AM
1 CrossFit South Brooklyn $50,416.00
2 Potomac CrossFit $48,985.50
3 Alamo CrossFit $46,493.15
Good luck everyone! One of the finest causes out there, give em hell!
I'm looking forward to doing FGB for the first time, and watching DO do FGB with a 20lb vest.
Just a little Putin redux. I love the "courageous" line. LOL
Is there an option for those of us who feel like we're somewhere in between the B and the C scales to tweak a little? For instance, I'm iffy on SDHPs and push press at 55, but I can do 45 just fine (and I can do 14# wall ball to the 8' target).
(I totally get it if the answer is no simply because there are so many heats to get through in so little time — if that's the case, I'm happy to C scale!
Mashup post from today and yesterday:
Love the Putin shots, he does exactly what I'd want to do if I was president, minus the hegemonic puppet government stuff.
As far as fundraising strategies goes: The last two weeks have been extremely busy for me, and I haven't been able to hit it as hard as I'd like. That being said, I used to work in politics, and about half of politics is fundraising, so here is a little commentary for people who want to bump their total on this final day:
1) FB updates are probably the least effective method- they're what you call "soft" fundraising, a kind of general, open ended "ask" with no real targeting etc. A good way to hit a lot of people without a lot of effort, but I wouldn't expect a ton of return.
2) Emails are better, as they are more direct, personal "asks." You can also follow up, re-email etc.
3) PHONE CALLS RULE. They are the highest percentage and with them you make the person actually say yes or no, as opposed to not responding at all. I plan on calling my "inner circle" today, all of the people who I know will donate but haven't (ahem, mom and dad.) For calls like this, make sure you ask firmly: "Will you help me support the Special Operations Warrior Foundation this year?" Don't pussyfoot around the question or skirt the issue, ask directly and you will get results.
I know this may seem manipulative or uncomfortable to some- trust me, I'm not a natural phone person and I hate asking for favors. Consider the cause, consider how close we are to #1 in the world, and hit the ground running. Pick 3 people to call directly and do it, that will be good for $100 each, easy!
I'm looking forward to seeing 20 FREAKING TEAMS do FGB!
I love all the anticipation leading up to FGB!
Bummed to not be able to participate this year!
Kick ass everyone and have a blast!
Looking forward to be friends with Asta again.
Looking forward to the first minute of FGB
Looking forward to the Fight Gone Badasses uniform
Looking forward to my family (nephew included, you're welcome JJ) most likely coming to watch.
Looking forward to see if somebody from Pukey in Pink in fact pukes, in pink.
I heart FG Badasses
Looking forward to wearing our cool team SOCKS.
Looking forward to 12:37 p.m. when my heat is DONE.
I am literally nervous, right NOW, an entire day away. God, I'm a tool.
Man oh man!
#1: CrossFit South Brooklyn: $52,648.11
#2: Potomac CrossFit: $49,475.50
#3 Alamo CrossFit: $47,808.16
CFSBK is making HISTORY again! Way to show the WORLD what we're made of team! FGB is going to be bigger and better than ever tomorrow!!!
Our gym is badass.
I anyone filming/photographing tomorrow?
I made a funny post but it's gone….
Yes, our gym rocks in so many ways.
I'm looking forward to hanging out with everyone and shooting the shit before, during and after!
@ Chris A: I heart you too. Nice work on the donations! And I too, am totally nervous a full day out. WTF?
Two phone calls made, two donations secured, and I hit my goal!
C'mon folks, keep at it, I feel like we're gonna have to hustle to hold Potomac off! Work those phones!
It appears my friends Joe and Jesse have Given some, and I quote, shekels to Mr. Ufford. So I'm counting it.
I thought you might enjoy this post from Potomac Crossfit's blog today.
Matt R.
September 16th, 2011 on 8:31 am
Does anyone remember who came in second to Michael Phelps at the summer Olympics when he won all those gold medals? How about the team that lost the Super Bowl? Sure second place gets a medal. Second place is in the history books. Second place in a crowded field of Elite athletes is nothing to be ashamed of. Second place is for winners….well, people who would have won had the other guys not been better.
I hope we are all comfortable with second place. Because that’s where we are right now in FGB. That sound you heard early this morning was Brooklyn South Crossfit sprinting ahead of us by nearly $2000 in FGB fundraising. And while they did they were debating whether to WOD to Vampire Weekend or Arcade Fire while arguing about what small basement store in Brooklyn is currently making the best artisinal pickle. Hey, no problem, second place to these guys is nothing to be ashamed of. We might as well just quit raising funds now.
But don’t break out that silver polish just yet, because Alamo Crossfit is about to catch us as well. Anyone know how to keep bronze looking nice?
If you need to laugh go to the CFSBK facebook page – of the battle between team Searching for Jeremy Fischer and team Dead Girl's Unicorn Collection
Just Remember Billy Keefe started it. Clearly not much is getting done where she and I work today.
I wish I could tell you what I'm looking forward to tomorrow but I'm utterly consumed by the following thoughts:
1. Should I be listening to TV On The Radio or to MGMT or to YeaSayer while WOD'ing?
2. Will my local farmer's market still be open when I get back home after FGB?
3. Should I ride the subway or my fixed-gear bike to CFSBK in the morning?
So many questions for a Brooklynite the day before FGB.
Um, it's *clearly* Vampire Weekend and Brooklyn Larder.
Can we please take video of us playing Vampire Weekend while FGB is going on and post it on their site?!
/mentally goes through wardrobe in hopes of doing FGB dressed as Vampire Weekend
We could all just wear mustaches!@!!!
Okay, very last email sent out for FGB! I was thanking everyone who donated and giving them an update on Team SBKs overall total. Nice to let folks know they've contributed to something BIG! Also a last push for any other folks who might have been on the fence about donating.
We have done an amazing job but the fight is not over yet! Lets make that gap impossible to close for Potomac CrossFit!
and to boot, I WILL be doing FGB with a 20lb weighted Vest and adding 15 burpees (that won't affect my score) during my rest period.
@Rob. Can we both be nervous ninnies and badasses at the same time?
@ Michele, that post from from Potomac is priceless, particularly the pickle part. Thx for sharing!
btw, I'd like to WOD to Megadeth. Start with "Peace Sells." You with me Fox?
@Chris A. I'm with you!
Big fundraising push via email (total blitz with generous amounts of guilt) has netted me 700 since yesterday. I'm pushing even harder today as the obvious donors chipped in yesterday. If Potomac beats us, I won't be able to enjoy my artisinal pickled beets and home brewed kombucha for weeks.
Chris A – I'm buying.
And wear jeggings while we do it.
Chris, at 8pm on Friday the night before FGB6, I see that you are still under your fundraising goal.
Now I am quite impressed to read that, despite the fact that DO has already met his fundraising goal, in an attempt to increase his final fundraising amount, he will be doing FGB6 with a 20 lb weighted vest and 15 burpees during the rest periods.
However, I don't recall reading anything indicating you were volunteering to do this same heroic act in order to meet your goal and possibly then some.
So I thought, why not give Chris a little motivation to reach his goal .. and then some .. and in that way I can make my contribution to a worthy cause.
So … if you agree to wear a 20lb weighted vest and do 15 burpees during the rest period for FGB6 ….. I will make sure you surpass your fundraising goal by 100%.
I will check the site again at 11:30pm tonight.
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×2
Work: 195x5x3
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 105×1
Work: 115x5x3
Warmup: 115×5 225×5
Work: 265×5
Pullups 7 7 7
Looking forward to FGB tomorrow. Get some rest kids!
Wait, what? Who? Me, or another Chris? I upped my goal tonight after hitting it, but I'm a sucker for challenges…god damnit.
Took it easy tonight…. Just bench and bent over rows:
Bench 177.5 x 5×3
I think I did 6 reps on the last set as I lost count and wanted to make sure I did at least 5. All in all it was a good 3 sets
Pendlay rows: 115x12x3
I'm having trouble counting tonight. I'm tired I guess. I got to *about* 6 and realized I wasn't counting at all. It was more than 5. I guess I was concentrating very hard on my back position. These are going well and actually gave me an arm pump, but I'm wondering if they are helping my rhomboids and lats which is actually the point.
Skipped the prowler. Tomorrow will more than make up for that, right?
We have ran away with FGB fundraising today people. Wow!!!!! $8,000 TODAY! Insanity. Potomac has been left in the dust and will have to be satisfied with "nice try."
Seriously, I'm impressed by the lot of you and I'm sure I will be even more so tomorrow.
Ate first selection. Went with the porterhouse. You didn't get a porterhouse? I'm terribly sorry. Yes, you should be jealous. it was AMAZING. Did a simplish rub, grilled, med-rare to rare and Bina and I chowed down with some kale on the side. One of the best I've ever had. It must be all the love.
funny thread today….. jeggings hahaha
ok see you hipsters tomorrow….
Yes you Mr. Fox!
I just checked the Donate Page …. said you were $75 away from a goal of $250.
Is that your new goal?
So can I assume that you accept the challenge?
Fox, looks like Kevin R1 is buying.
Kevin – accept.
I want Matt Ufford's dog.
The racks and barbells are lined up, the shirts are laid out, the posters are up and we are ready to go with FGB6!!!!!!!
INCREDIBLE EFFORT today everyone. Potomac Who???
The highlight of my day was Kevin Ramzas post. Priceless.
Nice challenge Kevin!!! Especially after Fox was just talking about what a bad idea David had… Anything for money!
i am very sad i won't be at the gym tomorrow- last minute spot opened up at Rip's seminar, and even though I took the seminar already, i had been wanting to do it again.
so proud of our gym though, and will be thinking of all of you tomorrow morning! take lotsa pictures, someone!
Well Mr. Fox .. .sweet dreams tonight .. of a 20lb weighted vest … and 15 vomit inducing burpees during the rest periods!!!! 🙂
Best of Luck!
God damn you, Kevin. If I die you're on the hook for my child support.
Good luck tomorrow everyone! I am very sad to miss my first FGB. I will be with you all in spirit, meaning I will think of you but won't actually make myself puke from exertion.
You won't die Chris …if you just think of what you are doing this for …
to offer just a little bit of help to those who have endured incredibly more mentally and physically challenging situations !!