Every Minute, On The Minute, For 10 Minutes
2 Reps at 5-10lbs heavier than last week
Bar speed takes priority over heavier loading.
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(e2/8) Compare to 9.7.11
2 Rounds Not For Time
15 Frong Squat Rack Lunges/leg
15 Log Roll V-Ups
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Jenna M. stares into the abyss that is Wall Ball during FGB 4
A Call For FGB Prizes
Each year for FGB we like to award the top fundraisers and performers with prizes to show our gratitude for their hard work. These prizes often come from members of the CFSBK community and/or the companies they work for/own. If you or your company/business would like to donate a prize (No matter how small) to reward the top fundraisers/athletes for this year’s event please contact David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com. We thank you in advance for your support!
FGB Volunteers Needed
We’re looking for bright-eyed and bushy-tailed individuals who are not participating in FGB as athletes this year who could volunteer during the event. We’ll need help with set-up and breakdown, scoring, athlete check-in, t-shirt sales and more. If you are interested in lending a hand please contact David(AT)CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Doin Big Thangs: Top 10 Fundraisers Update
1. Matt U.-$24,470
2. David 0.-$1,200
3. Peter M.-$950
4. Yoshi S.-$900
5. Chris P.-$700
6. Isaac W.-$630
7. Tom S.-$500
8. Rob N.-$479
9. Chris A.-$427
10. Josi S.-$425
Phenomenal work everyone!
CSA Pick-Up Tonight
The first pick-up for the veggie and meat CSA is tonight from 4pm-7pm! Come get your delicious meats and veggies!
If you were to sub any exercise out of FGB what would you put in it’s place?
Your CrossFit Whiteboard Beyond the Whiteboard
Primal Chef Episode 1 Featuring Robb Wolf Youtube
Dewd, Your Bed is Thrashing You and Making You Weak MobilityWOD
No need for both SDHPs and rowing. Get rid of SDHPs. Swings would be my go to, though maybe HP snatches or something like that. Essentially an explosive movement that isn't SDHPs.
Right on with Joel…I would get rid of SDHP and sub in KB swings.
I would actually take out rowing. I can deal with SDHPs 1x per year, In FGB my rowing effort always ends up being pretty underwhelming and life draining. I would prefer.. Burpees!
Not much of a fan of SDHP's either, would go with power snatches (AKA: ground to overhead in one movement).
And that rest interval is overrated, how about we replace it with max double unders. ๐
FGB always sucks but your so wrapped up in the event and everyone cheering that you don't really care and it's over before you know it. I've never started at the same station twice so the station that comes before rest always winds up sucking the most. Although I agree with David that rowing is the most life-draining of the 5 stations. I've been toying for the last few years with using that minute as an extra minute of rest. This year I may just try it.
I ususally go about 50-60% on the row and kind of use it like active recovery. I think if you keep moving without giving it too much effort you end up with 75% of the calories you would have gotten but it doesn't really affect your recovery.
Today's box squats: 175 (+10 from last week)
Felt pretty quick on the way up though I had a little tightness/soreness in my hamstrings (not sure what from) – will probably go up 10 again next week
Burpees? Bite your tongue!
Hey folks, for the three runner up teams, I am eager to contribute, I just need a link to someone on the team. Thanks!
Wall Balls by far, get rid of that monster…EASY DECISION…double unders!!!!
Mike, you had me at wall balls, and lost me at double unders, which might be the only thing I suck at even worse than wall balls!
JR. Marcos Martinez came up with the name Blood, Sweat and Beers so why don't you give the runner up contribution to him. Much appreciated.
Ben W
HAHA Stella!
I say we allow David to sub burpees for rowing…strictly on principle.
3 rounds nft
20 kb swings, 20kg
15 ghd sit-ups
10 ring push-ups
Box Speed Squats e2
(45×5, 95×5, 115×5)
135x2x10 OTM
Up 10lbs from last week, felt good and fast. Did the last set high bar for kicks, very different!
Then I felt like doing something different
1/3 mile 95lb keg carry. Held it bear hug style the whole way, 8 fouls. Got hard as my arms got sweaty and it began slipping a lot. Very fun and draining. I was asked twice if I needed any help.
Mike, into it!!
I hate the row hands down. I recommend starting there just so you don't have to spend time putting the straps on and all. I'd rather hang power snatches too. I'd like to see David do burpees. That would be BEAST!
Mishik you'd get over 1000 reps if you did DU's.
Team BSB thanks you JR for the donation.
To: Management
Subject: Confirming FGB Movement order
I'd like to lock down the start positions for everyone on my team, can you please verify that the movement sequence is as follows:
WallBall –> SDHP –> Box Jumps –> Push Press –> Row –> Wallball –> …
Moose knuckle will be my team's name next year!
I'd easily replace the SDHP with power cleans. Du's would be too easy to score high although it would leave you mighty gassed.
I also use the row as active recovery. I planned it so that it's my middle movement and I use it almost like rest where 10 cals is my max. Once I hit that I'll get off and walk over to the wallball station and try to catch my breath. I also never strap in.
Dan – yes
big day at the gym today for me.
I was secretly trying to turn my old 1rms into triples maybe…but instead hit huge PRs
Deadlift 405×5 (was my old 1rm)
and my fave lift
Press 200×5 (was my old 1rm as well)
full disclosure I dont test my 1RMs all too often.
I am off to Munich this weekend for Oktoberfest bachelor party. Or as I am calling it…actual fighting gone bad.
im already having an awesome weekend!
People! CFSBK is in 2nd place and closing in on 1st world wide!!!
I'm currently at $1,200 raised, if I reach $1,500 I'll do no less than 10 burpees during my rest period, if I hit $1,800 I'll do the whole thing in a 20lb weighted vest!!!!
make that 15 burpees
This year's FGB is going to be ridiculous:
David's going to do FGB with a 20lbs vest and do 15 burpees during his rest period.
Rickke's just wearing his compression tights.
Matt K will be dressed as Richard Simmons.
and Matt's wearing those faux denim boxer shorts.
Anyone else making a spectacle of themselves?
Searching for a football game to watch, I realized that the 2011 Crossfit Games (aka WSOE) are on TV tonight on ESPN 2 starting at 8
1. The meat in my meatshare is totally ridiculously gorgeous
2.Thank god for strength cycle so I could carry all that heavy frozen flesh home
3. This beauteous meat shower is perfectly timed since I QUIT MY JOB and can now go back to cooking for myself like a normal goddamn grownup
4. Finally, also re meat: Margie do you know if we can get bones+offal? Should I just "call the farm"?
today's WOD: the mile-and-a-half meat carry, NFT. (good thing, too – totally interrupted by an apologetic owner of a flat fix joint who has evidently been traumatized in the past by young female vandals.)
Um, so – what's the deal with the bags? We need to return them "prior to the next pickup," quoth Christine. (Or face the dire consequence of accidental bag purchase! the horror!) Is there a plan for a handy-dandy, at-the-gym bag drop? Some kind of time-warping insta-mail/portal system? Carrier pigeons flocking for Ancramdale? I guess you might need two pigeons to a bag, and then the drag would make it really inefficient… two birds with a bag of air, flapping as hard as they can and getting nowhere…
incidentally, i really like that "nowhere" is spelled "now here." it makes me happy every time. and stuff. um. 'night!
I'm open for spectacle suggestions.
Enjoying the games on ESPN. Weird to see Rogue and CrossFit commercials on TV.
I don't have a money maker and I don't know what I'd sub. All of them and do the big 5 lifts instead? ๐
David, you've officially lost it.
Yesterday's strength Cycle:
Squat: Skipped again. It was suggested that I take 2 weeks off from squatting to see if my hamstring improves, so I'm going to take at least 10 days and see how it reacts.
DeadLift: 315×5
This was solid but I felt my upper hamstring or glute (my ass really) on the reps. Again, is it an injury?
Press: 135x5x3
Felt strong– very last rep was very slow, but overall better than 132.
Row: Tabata– 7 or 8 rounds. Slowed down as it went, but intensity was pretty maxed throughout.
Carried some 45 plates around a bit.
Ate burgers, fries and a milkshake. So yummy.
I'm also open to spectacle suggestions. I like dressing up like a crazy person for anything. What do you guys think Team Thunder, Bitch! ?
I'm enjoying a fantastic salad ala CSA right now.
THANK YOU THANK YOU Margie! I know I said it already, but I'm so appreciative of you setting this up for us, it really helps me out with my problems in finding good produce/meat in WH.
Ala Michele, I'm also interested in bones/offal. I want to make some bone broth this winter, stock, fried liver with collard greens… etc
120lbs on the box squat. It felt like much more of a workout today, I do get a little freaked out about the time factor, but overall I think I was still exploding out of the bottom pretty swish. My V-ups were strong today. Looking forward to the madness that is FGB this Saturday!
i would also like to know if herondale could sell us bones and/or fat trimmings!!
I am so, so excited by all of the delicious-looking meat in my freezer.
My actual workout today was a 6-mile run in the park this morning, but this evening I added a 1-mile meat carry and some FGB practice with two of my teammates. Thanks Mike for all the advice! I do not promise to remember very much of it when I'm gasping for breath on Saturday, but I'll try.
I guess I'm not as bad at wall ball as I remember. I used to do the 8' target and the 10# ball. This time the 14# ball was no problem, although the 10' target is still dangling in front of me, tantalizingly, just out of reach. I'll take 14# and 8' as progress, though!
Box Squats
Michele – Congrats!
coach margie,
um, this is awkward for me but, uh, some of my CSA veggie were covered in dirt. is there any way you could, like, wash them off a bit before you administered them? i don't know if it's farm dirt or whatever, but the vegetables i'm used to from the supermarket are shiny.
p.s. i, honestly, eat my boogers.
-pose running drills
-3 mile run
-foam roll
Box Squats:
-all felt good. still good speed. plan to go up another 10# next week. I like these!
Accessory work:
-30 alternating front squat rack lunges
-15 log roll to v-ups.
holy moly was this hard, but good! Glad it's only 2 rounds though. ๐
p.s. kinda jealous of all of you picking up bags of meat…
My parents called to tell me that Xfit games were on ESPN2. Then they asked me if that's the kind of stuff I'd be doing at FGB. Then they expressed very sincere concern that I'd hurt/kill myself on Saturday and asked me to call home when I finish. I'm 43-years old. They also chipped in $217 to the cause. Thanks mom & dad! Team FGBadass has some BAD ASS socks. Thanks Mike M.!
Press: 5×125 — upper body is definitely feeling weak.
10 minutes of 2 reps on the minute of 195lbs box squats.
Started the accessory work, but stopped because of excruciating pain in the right leg when doing reverse lunges, Fox gave me some stretching tips. The "couch" stretch is my new best friend.
Had a little life left in me, so did a half dose of tabata wallball scoring 11 each round. Going to hit a full tabata tomorrow and then back off on Friday.
Thanks to Ben and Baz for joining in.
I'm going to do FGB left handed. Unless Reshef can come up with a more interesting challenge.
/gauntlet thrown
//it's going to be a shit show anyway
Re: Offal
Somehow my post didn't take last night. Yes, the farm has offal, just give them a ring and ask them about it.
Box squats 45×5, 95×5
135x2x10 (+10)
Still felt light an fairly explosive.
tx fox ๐
warm-up 1 w/ 4 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, hollow-rocks with moderately bent knees. Hollow rocks are improving – I can now keep decent enough form that they hurt a lot.
Box squats @105. These felt super punchy, the bar was bouncing inches off my back so I think I'll make a less conservative jump next time.
Accessory work was murder.