Jacinto B. keeps score for Allen E during FGB 3!
Fight Gone Bad Then and Now
The photos for the remainder of the week will come from the last 3 Fight Gone Bads. We thought it’d be an interesting trip down memory lane to get a sense of the history of this event at SBK and how it has grown over the years.
Fight Gone Bad 3-26 Athletes competed-$7,500+ raised for charity
Fight Gone Bad 4-40 Athletes competed-$26,826 raised
Fight Gone Bad 5– 50 Athletes competed-$48,052 raised
Fight Gone Bad 6-107 Athletes competing-$38,654.00 raised so far!
It’s been an incredible journey but it isn’t over yet. We have four full days of fundraising left to top last year’s total. If you have a $0 by your name or haven’t hit your goal yet now’s the time to make it happen!
The $23 Dollar Challenge is still in Effect!
Last week we asked all participating members to raise at least $23 dollars this year not only to show support for the people that FGB 6 supports but to also show solidarity with our own Matt U. who by last Friday at this time had raised over $23,000 (now he’s raised $24,500). $23 less than a weeks worth of lattes and while it might not seem like much a little goes a long way. If you’re not able to participate in FGB as an athlete this year and want to help out why not contribute $23 CFSBK BFFs page?
THE CFSBK CSA Starts This Week!
Veggie CSA and Meat CSA begin this Wednesday, September 14! Pick up window is between 4 and 7pm. Please bring a shopping bag to transport your vegetables; meat members will receive a cooler bag.
Remember that we can not hold food at the gym for you outside the time of the pick-up window. Please plan accordingly. If you have any questions about the pick-up contact Margie(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
So…how’d those Sumo Deadlift High Pulls go?
Are You as Fit As a WWII GI? Art of Manliness
Unleash the Power of the Nap Art of Manliness
Nutrition in 60 Seconds Whole 9
lovely 6am with coach d.o.
pre wu
remember everyone's name
sdlhp with pvc
3 Rounds of:
10 sdlhp with pvc
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats with mini band holding at bottom for 1sec
6 Push-Ups
6 strict Pull-Ups
3 Rounds for time:
subbed 30 Box Jumps for 30 Slam Balls, 20lb
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls rx'd
15 Burpees
Rest 1 Minute
really liked this one. a fookin heart burster!!
Extremely excited to be back in the gym tonight. It's been a long, busy week of lots of work, little sleep, and lots of running around. Feels like I've been away forever. Especially bummed to miss Subway Series this weekend, which made it a perfect 0/4 for me this year. I think my Mets are rubbing off on my batting average.
In a lucky break I got assigned by work to "work" at the US Open Men's Final yesterday, which was pretty neat. Got to watch the whole match. Never been to a tennis match before, it took forever! Also, I like when the crowd shushes unruly people, so very genteel.
My SDLHP strategy is just to stay smooth and fluid. I feel like speeding them up to much is just asking to get unbalanced and spend most of your energy fighting the bumps hitting the ground unevenly. Matt Ufford had some good advice last Friday to really try and treat them like good deadlifts which I thought was spot on.
I will also be avoiding Luca/driving to Foxboro to stab Wes Welker in his leg this week, if anyone wants in.
I second Noah's comment, the key to keeping the SDLHP consistent is controlling how they land. The more they become imbalanced the harder it's going to be to cycle through them and way harder to counter balance one weight hitting the ground before the other.
You can count me in on stabbing any Patriot players in the leg…can we add Peyton Manning to that mix?
That was the first time doing SDLHP and I agree with the comments above. I also noticed that while cycling them and trying to go fast I lost my back which made the weight imbalanced. Felt like I got good pop from the hips.
While you guy will be stabbing Welker, I will be avoiding Marc mess during deadlift days for the week, marc if your reading I come to class at noon on Tuesdays.
Does anyone have a reference for a good realtor in the area? Or, better, one who is an SBK'er? I have a lease coming up in the end of October and I am looking for a 1br or studio as close to CFSBK as possible.
Feel free to call or email me if anyone has any ideas. – 516-551-3803
I'm in on the Welker conspiracy, as well. He and Woodhead won't last long this season.
Wes Welker has been a nemesis of mine for years. He's always killed my team. He annoys the hell out of me.
I unleashed the power of a 3 hour nap on the coach at CrossFit just now.
i fookin <tm McGrath> can't wait to lift tonight.
A long catch-up post:
Favorite part of the Subway Series
I agree with everything that was posted on Sunday. There were so many great moments. I would add that Shawn’s performance in the last event (see photo from yesterday’s blog) was inspiring. He refused to give up! I also enjoyed “competing” (i.e., participating) in my first CrossFit event. Thanks again Allison 🙂
Sunday’s barbell complex
I did 32, 42, 47, 52 – my second set of cleans fell apart during the last round.
Yesterday’s WOD
3 Rounds:
30 Box Jumps (16’’ box)
20 SDLHP’s (35#)
15 Burpees (well, I did squat thrusts)
1 minute rest
First round was the hardest. After that, I was on autopilot. SDLHP’s are starting to come together, but they aren’t my favorite. I also had a hard time cycling my box jumps, which are supposed to be my moneymaker for FGB…
I have a couch in my office, ready to unleash the power of the nap. Comes in handy on those days when I have a night class and a morning class.
-Samir, you obviously don't understand David's comment. He napped on a 'coach'. It wasn't me so I'm guessing Jeremy or Shane.
-I am in on any conspiracy to stab any player from any sport from any New England state.
-SDHP sucked a bit, but not too much. Pace, pace, pace…
David napped on Greg Glassman?
coach napping, the new planking.
SDHP: I have a feeling I am going to get yelled at a lot on Saturday to set my back, just like I did yesterday. Such an awkward-feeling movement. I'm glad we don't do it except when it's FGB time!
I can't bring myself to care enough about football to stab anyone in the leg yet. Not until after baseball season is over. I have until the end of October before I have to be all conflicted about rooting for a team with a nasty human being for a quarterback. Sigh!
Something funny for football fans
I am reporting all of the above conspiracies against New England sports to the proper authorities.
I have Jeff Gilooly's phone number, but only for two of the four New England franchises.
Welker and Gronkowski saved my ass last night!
Noah, what's your schedule like this week? I feel a bit of a pinch in my back, may need someone to put back all my bumpers when I'm done with them. does the bet apply if you're coaching too? i vote yes
Luca, I saw Noah today taking the Monday 9pm class.
Tuesday Active recovery with Fox was good. We did some sort of contortionist hamstring stretch which totally was painful and awesome.
Took comp class and did a 3rd partner workout with Josh M.
3 rds of 250M row and 35 pushups…first 2 rounds were good but 3rd round of pushups was ugly. I hit failure and was fatigued on the last 15 pushups. Not sure they would have counted. I
went out too fast and burned out quick. Fun workout though.
sorry luca, I meant noah said he's taking tomorrow's 9pm.
Strength Work
Cycle 4, Exposure 1
Rep out: 11×280
Rep out: 10×135
Metcon Work
Two 1 minute ERG pressure tests — went to the red line on these, heart rate exceeded 190bpm.
3 rounds of 30 box jumps, 20 SDHPs, and 15 burpees in 7:42
Unbroken box jumps throughout, unbroken SDHP's until round 3, burpees were a general mess.
Squat rep out could easily have been 12 or even 13 x 280. Moved smoothly and felt strong on all the reps, lost my balance coming out of the hole on rep 11, felt disorganized and decided it would be better to end it there.
The 135 thrusters began to feel heavy, paused at the top of each rep as opposed to in the rack.
Metcon felt strong until I hit the burpees. Since re-aggravating my shoulder, movement in that plane has been painful, and subsequently eliminated any strength progress. Am actually putting up worse bench numbers than when I initially started 5/3/1. Fortunately there was no pain during today's WOD. Kept a decent pace throughout, and went as fast as the limb would allow. I see lots of pushups in my future…
Nice to see the comp class folks tear it up!
Comp wod:
Partnered up with Lady Fox…so naturally we crushed it…
3 rounds of
250 m row
35 push ups