Fight Gone Bad House Teams 19 and 20!
Team 19
Noor Alam
Daniel Olmstead
Barbara Kryszko
Nino DePaola
Nate Oseep
Team 20
Phil Catelinet
Tom Shpetner
Joy Mele
Colette Komm
Scott Lundhagen!
Fignt Gone Belated (updated)
Lana Zellner
David Mcgrath
Katie Mears
Alexander Tilney
Charmel Rogers
As of right now, everyone we have on our list has been placed on a team. If you signed up and aren’t on a house team yet, please contact David ASAP! There are a few “anonymous” players which may or may not be legitimate submissions, if that’s you please contact me and update your information on the FGB6 site.
Fundraising Update
CFSBK is in 2nd place worldwide with a whopping $29,839.00 raised for charity! This is a tremendous effort from our affiliate team and we’ve still got time to keep making CFSBK history!. Currently, out of 104 members, 43 have stepped forward and raised funds for charity while 61! have big donuts next to their names. That means less than half our team is carrying this effort. Remember no amount of fundraising is too little and the point of this event is to come together to help others, not just participate in another workout.
Here are our top 10 Raisers:
1. Matt Ufford $21,903
2. Peter Mattis $950
3. Yoshi Stone $710
4. David Osorio $700
5. Isaac Wayton $575
6. Chris Paschke $500
7. Maxwell Knight $385
8. Melissa Loyd $380
9. Josi Stone $375
10. Charlotte Kaiser $300
The ISR is one of the charities associated with Fight Gone Bad 6. Below is the preview for “Sterling’s Story”, a touching story for all, especially parents.
A Preventable Tragedy? Infant Swimming Resource, Sterling’s Story CrossFit Journal Preview
Learn more about the ISR at their official site.
Worked on my squat snatch a little at the 7am today – trying to get comfortable in the catch again.
Worked up to 65kg, which was about the limit of what I could catch without it turning pretty ugly today, but definitely made some progress with sticking and holding at lighter weights.
Did tomorrow's WOD, so I won't spoil it for those who like their WODs shrouded in mystery. I will only say that I wish I'd gone a *little* heavier, but then again it's probably not a bad thing that I didn't, since it's not a movement I'm used to.
Tried blue banded pullups in the warmup. I'm only able to do two at a time right now, but that's going to change!
Also: Where are all the ladies at? The 7 AM was a total sausage fest with 8 or 9 dudes and lil' ol' me.
Stella – you crack me up on a regular basis with your posts!
I try, Fox, I try.
WOW! Nice work Matt!
Bad A$$ pic Meliss!!
Belated surf notes: really fun! I was shocked, however, to show up and find out that I was not a natural. I am not sure if I ever even made it to my knees. At any given moment, whatever is happening below my neck is usually a giant mystery to me, and as it turned out, surfing really wasn't any different. It was HARD! I think I will stick to wakeboarding, and let the boat do all the work for me. My favorite part was when one of the instructors would turn himself into a man-blanket and throw himself over me in order to keep me anchored to my board when a giant wave would come. I definitely got my money's worth in the mock turtle neck and man blanket departments. As for the next field trip, we saw some kite surfers on our way home, which seems seriously bad ass and hard, so that gets my vote.
Sorry I missed the surfing. Water was great this weekend but I was with kids. I have seen guys on the beach trying to get out to kite surf take an hour and still not be up and running yet. Setup time seems pretty brutal. I'm ok with missing the man blanket.
Any good team names?!
Hey all,
2 of my good friends started a mobile app development company and they designed an app that is in beta for crossfiters and such.
They need testers/people who can give them insight into things they missed. They would love some feedback. If any of you are interested in testing or just seeing the beta version of the app look at this link here and sign up, or let me know.
Workout School
ATTN: All SBKers!!!
Registration has re-opened for the final Subway Series event at CFSBK this Saturday so if you haven't yet, register! If you didn't confirm your previous registration with me you will have to re-register as well.
People, I got to 10th place in FGB fundraising with two lousy facebook posts. Let's set a goal of the other 103 of us put together raising as much as Ufford on his own.
Sad to miss surfing–we realized too late how non-toddler-friendly the day was going to be, and opted for an early-morning jaunt to Coney Island instead. Fun.
A belated happy birthday to Margie!!
Did Sunday's WOD as:
3 rounds of
10 shoulder to over head @ 115
20 box jump 24"
30 1.5 pood kettle bell, American swing
1/3 mile run (in the rain!)
Push press unbroken first two ronds then 7, 3
Box jumps slow but pretty unbroken
Kb swings unbroken then 20, 10 then 15, 10, 5
Runs – slow
Recovery Squat; 225x3x3
Bench: 170x5x3
Barbell row: 115x10x3
WOD: 1 minute each: Box jump (20"), DB thruster 35#, row for calories. Two rounds with 1 minutes rest between.
I had go to 30# dumbbells after the first round and it still destroyed me. I can't seem to do thrusters for reps without getting completely gassed. Not promising for FGB. Box jumps were OK– at least I can go Rx'ed there. Need to get under the wall ball soon. Did a 'bonus rd" of 20 more box jumps and 10 cal row. Wouldn't do another thruster wihtout getting paid to do it. No one offered me any.
Rob – there are no thrusters in FGB, maybe you're doing them as an assist for another movement?
FGB is
Wall Ball
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Box Jump
Push Press
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×3
Work: 1805×3
Bench Press
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 155x5x3
Warmup: 75×3 95×3 135×1
Work: 150×1+f+f 150×1+f+2 150×2+f+1 150x3x2
Need to get under the bar. The pull is plenty high; I'm just not dropping under it for some reason. Going to tackle 150 again next time.
Pullups 7 6 7
Active Recovery class with Fox then comp wod…
5 rounds:
2 deads 315#
3 hspu
4 c2b pull ups
5 burpees
3:39, felt pretty good, deadlifts need more work
Holy moly Fox!
I tortured myself out of senility and ignorance!!! I'm so relieved. I swear I looked at that workout twice this month and kept thinking Thrusters.
Push Press? This changes everything. THANK YOU coach, I'm so relieved.
It was SO awesome to be back at CFSBK today! Great to see everyone again, I was super impressed by how many people actually remembered that I've been in California for the last month.
I used the rain as an opportunity to work on my lack of rowing form. (Thanks for the help Jess.)
10 shoulder to over head @ 85#
20 box jump 20"
30 16kg kettle bell,
500m row
completed in 22:31
I did a decent job of working out while in the golden state, but I drank my weight in liquor each week and had about 2 weeks of doing nothing more than that, so I was sucking wind pretty hard by the end today.
Have to say, I'm a little happy that the Irene business blew through because now I get to be at one of the Subway Series event! Woop!
My teammate is clearly being more conscientious than I am…I need to get some practice on wall ball STAT!
Can't wait to see Rob crush push presses with a revenge from not having to do thrusters!!!
i have a question about the CSA but i think with margie away i'm SOL, right?
I just wrote her an email because I can't find the right CSA forms, so I would say go for it…