Warm-up 1 or 2
3 Rounds for Time of:
10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/85
20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
1/3 mile run
1/3 of a mile is 1 lap around the block
David goes upside down at our last CF Gymnastics Cert!
Remember there are NO group classes tomorrow. Enjoy your Labor Day holiday!
Happy Birthday Coach Margie!
Coach Margie has been an integral part of SBK since it’s start at the Brooklyn Lyceum. Over the last few years she has grown into an awesome strength and nutrition coach. Happy Birthday Margie and here’s to many more!
Gymnastics Cert at CFSBK: The Jeff Tucker Experience
On November 5th & 6th CFSBK will be proudly hosting our second Gymnastics Certification. Join Jeff Tucker and his crew for two days dedicated to mastering handstands, ring and bar inversions, the paralletes and more. Tucker is an amazing instructor and a hell of a fun dude and he and his team run an informative and fun weekend guaranteed to get make you a better gymnast. You can register for the seminar HERE!
Also Tucker and the GSX crew have an awesome Gymnastics Blog with a ton of information that’ll improver your skills check it out at CrossFit Gymnastics
What are your plans for your day off?
Sorry I haven't been in this week. Hurt myself. Letting it recover. Back soon.
Happy birthday Margie!
I'm in Cleveland visiting my in-laws and will be flying home tomorrow afternoon. Hoping we don't get rained out of the air show today.
greetings from PA where i've escaped for some R+R. sad to miss the beach trip with y'all but happy that Jess Fox is serving as the box's Outward Bound Leader these days. i hope the end of summer doesn't mean fewer field trips, i'm really loving all the adventures 🙂
also, for your viewing pleasure:
here's an old video of a weightlifting contest from the late 60s. notice how much control the guys have of the bar – no bumper plates then, so nobody would just dump the bar cavalierly from whatever height (like you see some people do now.)
Happy birthday Margie.
That workout was awesome.
19:27 scaled to 115#.
Spent the workout chasing Baz. Thought I could catch him on the last run, but the bastard sped up. Must learn to put more ninja in my running.
I'm back. This Wod kicked my ass. 25:30 as Rx'd. My metcon is In the toilet. Month goals is 4 times a week every week this month. Feels good to be back, Sundays rule. Hey anyone know what time FGB is on the 17th? My wife wants to know I'd she has time to go to the beauty parlor after she cheers me on. Yea I said beauty parlor, I kick it old school.
Great to be back in the gym this morning!
19:04 rx'd at 85#
-what a doozie to come back to after a week of vacation! Nailed my chin in the very first push press and it's still hurting big time right now.
-first round of push press were done without putting the bar down. Other rounds in 2 sets of 5. The first round of box jumps were almost unbroken but I realized that didn't benefit me at all. This left me gassed and out of breath for kb swings. Decided to do 2 sets of 10 after that. 1st round of swings were 2 sets of 15 and then 3 sets of 10. Again, just couldn't breathe. Runs felt slow.
Can't wait for surfing tomorrow! We've still got a couple of spots left so email me at jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you're interested! If you contacted me about surfing/beach shenanigans and didn't get the email I sent yesterday then let me know!!!
This was a rough one.
Push press – 37 lbs
Box jumps – small box with 35 lb weight on top
Kettle – 12 lbs American
1/3 mile run
After the first run I was hurting, thought I would need to scale the run, but I kind of just pushed through it. Tried to link a few box jumps for the first time, didn't really go so well. I'm gonna work on that before FGB. First time doing American Kettle ball swings. They were kind of weird. Gotta work on those a little too.
Overall a fun day in the gym! Happy Birthday Margie!
17:47 – First real metcon in some time (4 months maybe?)
– Did the shoulder to overhead unbroken and then 5/5 in rounds 2/3 – could probably have done them all unbroken but tried to save something for…
– Box jumps – needs some work
– Running was OK, kept it kind of slow
– I felt like I would hit a wall but never really did – could have pushed a little more on the run
Pretty happy with it overall – just a matter of time til my lungs catch up
I LOVED this workout. 17:07 at 45#/16"/12kg. Was able to cycle the push presses pretty much unbroken till the last 3, and caught my breath relatively quickly on the run in order to really speed it up. Feels good to be coming back to the gym on a regular basis again.
Anyone driving to the surfing trip tomorrow that wants to adopt me into their carpool? I come complete with snacks and gas money, and maybe even adult beverages for the beach if you have special requests. I'm at jennajerman at gmail dot com
oh and happy birthday margie! forgot to say how incredibly helpful your squatting cues were yesterday about hinging at the waist and not bouncing off the box. thank you!
happy birthday margie!! 🙂
WOD Rx'd in 23:43
This was a rude first wourkout in a vacation week full of less than perfect food choices, lots of alcohol, and general sloth (is boogie boarding exerecise?). I considered it a NFT and just tried to chip away. Thanks to Jess for getting my butt out of bed when I didn't wanna, and to Scotty L for not lapping me twice in my first round.
Happy B-Day Margasaurus, cheers to many more.
Happy Birthday Margie and hellos to everyone else! I miss you all in the face and I will be @ FGB with bells on to scream all your names. Shut up Dan. <3 Regan
Happy birthday Margie!!
I would also like to be adopted into carpool, if possible. Please email me at katie.mohrhauser at gmail. Thank you! Looking forward to tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Margie!
Really wanted to hang out at the beach with you guys but I still need to put the finishing touches on this house cleaning cause the wife gets back tomorrow.
I also had a topsy turvy week with too much travel, moving apartments, and a bunch of beers for it all to swim in.
Came in a bit early to get my box squats in., Worked up to 165#, thought about hitting 175 for a set or two but wasn't crazy about my speed so just focused on clean, fast movement.
WOD in 21:17, slow and ugly.
Happy Birthday Margie, enjoy Montreal!
3 Rounds for Time of:
10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/85
20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
1/3 mile run
Jefff – 18:59 Rx'd
sHELLy (wife) – 17:36. Misread ladies weights and used 95# for push jerks by accident.
I can't beat her in anything over 15 minutes!!!! Frustrating.
Thanks for the bday wishes! Just had a wonderful meal here in montreal to celebrate. Have a great week everyone!
16:32 with 115lbs