CFSBK is Currently in 3rd Place in FGB Fundraising!
We’ve still got two weeks (and 1 day) to go until Fight Gone Bad 6 and the CrossFit South Brooklyn Affiliate Team is in 3rd place overall in worldwide fundraising with $22,385.22! Thank you so much to those who’ve been raising funds so far. If you’re still at $0 you can start your fundraising today. Why not donate to yourself or even put a few bucks in your CFSBK BFF’s account?
If you haven’t signed up for Fight Gone Bad yet it is not too late! You can register HERE and we’ll put you on an affiliate team. The next house teams will be announced this weekend!
CFSBK Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Leaderboard
1. Matt U.-16,600.22
2. Peter M-$950
3. Yoshi St.-$600
Incredible work gentleman!
Chris P.: Why I’m Doing Fight Gone Bad 6
As the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I reflect on how this country has changed; the losses on the grand scale, and also the very personal loss of my Uncle Richard Klares. When I see the young people who have returned from war with lost limbs and irreparable damages, I feel helpless and frustrated. When I hear stories of young families being separated and challenged by loss, I feel angry. Channeling this negativity for the greater good, I have joined the Cross Fit team in their fundraising efforts to support our soldiers.
Please take a moment to learn about “Special Operations: Warrior Foundation“, which raises money for injured soldiers and bereaved families. The money goes to immediate financial assistance, bereavement services, rehabilitation, mental health services and education programs for veterans and surviving children.
Chris P. is a recent addition to the CFSBK family and has raised $500 half putting him halfway to his goal of $1000! Great work Chris!
What’s movement is your moneymaker in Fight Gone Bad? What movement gives you the most trouble?
10 Best Mobility Exercises for Runners Competitor
WOD Talk Magazine’s Free Issue #2 WOD Talk
Aaron S says
Greetings from Nevada City, California. Liking the new website guys!
Just wanted to say hi from California. I just checked out Crossfit Sierra today. Nancy was pretty fun but hard after 3 months of not putting anything over my head.
The WOD left me feeling nostalgic for CFSBK. I had a sweet summer driving cross country to get here and am enjoying my new job as a teaching assistant and garden intern at a semester program for high school students out here.
Hope all is well back east and that you all survived Irene alright. I hope to visit in December.
Stella says
Moneymaker: box jumps.
Troublemaker: That damn wall ball. Getting it high enough is my nemesis!
JR says
$500 to the team with the best name. I love this cause. Let's get this party started!
Katie Mohr says
I'm with Stella. Box jumps are the best; wall balls are the worst.
Noah says
Moneymaker: Box Jumps
SoulStealer: Used to be Row, but now I think its Wallballs, I'm just too damn short.
In the spirit of group inclusiveness, some of my FGB team is going to be at open gym tonight workshopping some of the movements, playing with strategy, etc. I'd like to extend the invitation to anyone else who has never Fought Gone Badly or just wants to nerd out and overanalyze comeptitive exercise to come on in and play. We'll be starting at 6.
Missed my goals post yesterday:
1) Get my shit squared away at my new apt.
2) Survive rough month at work and make it jive with CFSBK
3) Figure out a muscleup that works for me- I used to have them real dialed in (close to 10 unbroken), then somewhere along the way they got funky. I still don't feel totally comfortable with the big gymnastics swing, but I think I can incorporate some of it into my personal "style."
Charlotte says
@JR: Team 15 has the best name. Just you wait.
Goals: For me, September is starting after Labor Day–I'm stretching this summer OUT! I think last month I had too many goals, but I'm also feeling like I've fallen off a bunch of wagons so there's lots I want to fix in September…
1. Figure out a regular workout sked with Nick on strength cycle and the capoeira studio is closed (SNIFF)
2. Get regular w/ grease-the-groove pushups and mobility work on weekdays
3. Drop the gluten and sugar, booze only on weekends
4. Focus better at work; no web-surfing etc. except at designated break times
5. PRIORITIZE SLEEP. This should really be #1.
PR says
When I first saw that the video on the blog today was Keith Zeier, I was real excited. Then, I watched it, and heard what happened since I last saw him.
I had the honor of training with Keith when we were both members of the now-defunct Black Box Brooklyn. He had a motor like nobody else I've seen, regardless of the fact that he had a massive scar on his thigh and apparently no sensation in the leg at all. On top of it, he was a super nice and humble guy.
I remember when he ran the Keys 100 – apparently, towards the end of the race paramedics made him sign a waiver saying if he tried to finish and died he wouldn't sue. He finished, and a few weeks later was back in the gym about 20 lbs lighter than before, trying to regain strength and weight. I remember when he ran the NYC marathon in fatigues with a 20 lbs weight vest on. He did this all to benefit a charity that paid for his mom to visit him in the hospital when he was recovering from his injuries.
I hadn't heard from, or about, Keith in a while. When I heard him say he had surgery to have the leg removed, my stomach dropped. He fought so hard to get back from his injuries, and to hear that he finally did lose the leg is just awful. Knowing Keith, it may set him back, but it won't stop him. He'll be back.
He says "someday, I'll move back to Brooklyn". I hope he does, and I hope he decides to drop in to our gym one day. And when he does, I'll bet he's still faster than me.
Guys like Keith really put things in to perspective.
Dan Rx'd says
Were there emails sent with our teammates and contact information?
michele says
JR, you are a standup guy.
Noah's post made me chuckle (again!)
Goals for Sept:
1. back on the paleo bandwagon post Labor Day (fell off due to extreme calorie deficit + life implosion)
2. 15-pushup goal (August's goal extended)
3. keep my deadhang chinup as my weight goes back up (yikes)
Joel W says
Hell of a write up to go w/ that video.
Joe says
Last year I found the SDLHPs really problematic – they actually decreased from my initial (real) FGB the year before. Not a fan, and firmly a member of the "SDLHP-is-stupid": camp that arose this time last year, but hopefully I can do a decent job on them this year.
Katie Mohr says
Noah: I'm coming. Thanks for the offer – I appreciate it!
ShawnS says
yea our team needs email information if anyone can help with that.
David Osorio says
Shawn and Dan, taken care of.
Nice to be back at the gym today after a crazy 48 hours of driving, moving, being yelled at by land lords and feeling like my life was just turned upside down and emptied into a new apartment and environment.
Very touching video and great follow up by PR. Im excited for this years FGB which is bigger than ever before! Okay, now back to a swimming pool of emails that need responding to from the last 4 days
Daniel O says
In other news, I think I've found next year's must-have CrossFit shoe:
Rob Is says
I re-injured my sprained arm spotting on Wednesday. It wasn't 100% and torque under load=bad. Overall it was rough week work/sleep/stress wise so I skipped my intensity day and dialed it back a little today.
Squat: 225x8x2
Dumbbell Press: right hand only 50x8x3
Barbell Row: 105x12x3
Prowler Pushes: 30 pounds x 80 feet for 8 rounds with about 30 seconds rest.
I have no money-makers for FGB.
Goals for next month are to continue to rehab my hamstring with constant mobility work and not get injured. I would like to get to 10 at 295 on my rep out before the end of the month and get back to 145x5x3 press which will put me in line for PR's in October. Oh, it would be nice to start dead-lifting again: 345×5 by the end of the month maybe? That is in realm of possibility.
Even though I didn't get to participate, the Total Wednesday was a blast. There was some super-great efforts made, lots of tenacity displayed and as always, superlative coaching. Glad I could be a part of it and help out a bit.
Mike Mishik says
Was convinced by Margie to do half Murph instead of the entire thing…this was probably for the better. Felt like I was able to sprint it out towards the end as opposed to grinding through the entire thing.
half murph + 20# weighted vest: 18:48
First time running in a while without pain in my foot!!! WOOT WOOT