WU1 or WU2 x5
Add 6 Kip swings to whichever Warm-up you’re doing.
Box Squats 101
Work up to a moderate set of 5
Radikha comes up out of the hole.
Strength Cycle Total Tonight
It’s time! 8 long hard weeks have all lead to tonight. Come out and watch the men and women of Jeremy’s strength class lift heavy sh…stuff. The Total starts at 6p and is way more fun than that Law and Order marathon you were planning on watching. We wish all tonight’s lifters the best!
KSK Khares Kharity Drive: The Fight Gone Bad Never Nude Challenge
Reigning FGB fundraising champion Matt Ufford is back at it again. His blog Kissing Suzy Kolber is using it’s annual week-long chairty drive to support Fight Gone Bad for the second year in a row. Check out the video chronicling Matt’s awesome achievement from last year and to find out read the KSK rundown of this year’s charity drive right here.
All T-shirt and tank top sizes are in back in stock including the new CFSBK “Misfits” style t-shirt. We’ve also got logbooks (That’s right Pete!). Treat yourself or someone else to a little SBK shwag. Not to mention they make perfect Labor Day gifts!
A Short History of Polyface Farms: An Interview w/ Joel Salatin Robb Wolf
Real Food Education w/ Joel Salatin Robb Wolf
Elitism or Independence w/ Joel Salatin Robb Wolf
Homo Erectus Processed Foods like Humans Bloomberg
Whole 9 Seafood Trifecta Whole 9
Best to luck to all of the totalers tonight! It sounds like it's been a great cycle, and there should be some big time results! Bounce out of the hole and be a beast tonight!
YES, GOOD LUCK strength cyclers!!
good luck strength cyclers!
Early morning class with Jeremy:
5 rds warm-up 1 + kip swings. Shoulder are mysteriously super tight.
Box squats (5): 135, 155, 175, 175, 175
Get em Strength Cyclers!!! PR PR PR
Kick ass, all you strong folk!
Watching the strength cyclers made me wish I was one of them. What a great, supportive group.
Box squats 5×5@155
Only my second time doing Box Squats – Margie's cue to really find the hamstrings helped a lot, and driving up out of the hole without rocking forward was quite challenging (and satisfying). Look forward to more of this.
Box squats – First time at these. Used 20" box so was slightly above parallel. Only coaching I could find and trust was a Dave Tate youtube vid. Maybe I was rocking forward a bit. Not sure. Definite hamstring and glute WOD. Think this was right.
Box squats kicked my ass. My adductors are going to hate me tomorrow. Loved it. Sadly, my muscle up wasn't there tonight. 2 steps forward and all.
Love love love watching the totalers. So inspiring.
Love those! I enjoy following your posts on facebook and rss! zlhprl zlhprl – Kids Moncler Outlet.