Happy Birthday Jenna M.!!!
No Active Recovery Tonight 🙁
Due to the Fox crew and King David being out of town there is no AR tonight. Active Recovery will return with a vengeance on Saturday, September 3. Until then, mobilize your business.
No Classes on Labor Day
Trainers need a break too. CFSBK will be closed on Monday, September 5th. That gives you no excuse to not take advantage of the offer below!
Get Stoked for the CFSBK Labor Day Surfing Trip!
Get in touch with your inner Johnny Utah and join us Jessica Fox and over a dozen others as they head out to Rockaway Monday, September 5th for a day of surfing with Frank and the guys at New York Surf School. The session will run from 11am-1pm and will be $70 (board, rash guard included). They provide the boards and a rash guard so all you’ll need is water and a post-wave-riding snack. Plan to stay after the lesson to chill out with the SBK crew in the surf and sand of sunny Rockapulco. Contact Jessica(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you want to find out if you’re a goofy foot or a regular.
October Foundations Dates Announced!
Tell your friends!
October Evening Foundations
10/11/11 – 11/3/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
October Morning Foundations
10/11/11 – 11/3/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00pm-8:15am
Register Here!
August is coming to an end. How’d you fair with your August goals?
Robb Wolf Answers Your Paleo Diet Questions Mark’s Daily Apple
Good Egg, Bad Egg Fooducopia
Other than "get over my hand injury," I didn't really set myself a goal for August. But I'm doing strict pushups in sets of 8 where I used to be able to do only 4s and 5s, and I'm doing pullups with the green band instead of blue and white together. Thank you standardized warmups!
August goal FAIL. Beer fat still here. Hello September goals!
I guess I did achieve August goals of vacation and r and r. There's a price to be paid for that, and yes, it's from the booze.
September – I don't like to measure things in weight really, but I will shoot for 10 pounds off the frame. I know that I'll do it.
Earl Loria I need your email! Or you can email me at astafivgas (at) gmail (dot) com.
Otherwise I went to a bootcamp class at 7am this morning. Funny how I feel really strong at the high-intensity, short time events (sprints, etc) but burn out really fast on the "just go ahead and continue doing that movement … for awhile". Did one really fun movement that everyone at CFSBK is going to hate me for (potentially). Mountain-climber with hands on a medicine ball (large of small, we used the smaller harder ones). Brings a whole new level to the movement with the balance/core aspect.
See you all at the gym tmw night!
Oh yeah..
And my august goals were pretty successful! Managed to squish in a full series of Wendler Work despite traveling, etc. My backsquat is up to 125×12 which is a HUGE strength gain for me. (Strength both physically and mentally, got over some hurdles!)
Have also been good about CFSBK 1-2x a week with Wendler at home 3x a week and then 1 other misc cardio activity thrown into the mix.
The only really big fail is the pint of ben and jerry's currently hanging out in the freezer 1/2 finished. Hoping to take a few steps back from that bad habit by starting to eat this awesome Frozen Kefir that we found at the grocery store. Sugar comes from natural sources and is colored with things like beet juice instead of Red 05 or whatever. And it's 99% lactose free & gluten free which makes my belly happy times.
Baby steps. 😉
Will there still be a Comp Class at 7 tonight? Just wondering since Active Recovery got cancelled…
August goals…
I set out for 7 consecutive muscle ups (turn out and all). I haven't really tested it while I've been fresh but I did get 5 in a row on the first round of Nasty Girls last week. Confident I could have gotten 2 more but saved myself for later rounds.
Backsquat PR hasn't been tested yet but my working 3 rep sets from the previous cycle ended up surpassing any 3 RM I previously had so very happy about that!
Missed my August goal by 21 mins, but I have another chance in two weeks to try again. (Wanted a sub 6hr half iron race… Not a really a very strict "crossfit" goal, but putting it up here keeps me accountable. Also the crossfit strength helps me get there)
August goals were three. Muscle up, 50 consecutive double unders, and mobility work every day. I got the muscle up. I did not get the other two. I didn't expect to get the mobility work, and overall I was happy with the increased amount of time I spent working on mobility. The double under goal will roll into September.
August goal was to stick to a paleo and no booze diet for 30 days. I made it to day 24 (when I went on vacation). I'm back on though! However, I am allowing myself the occasional glass of wine from here on out.
One of my September goals (of which I discovered it's existence this morning in group class) is to do a Ring Push Up. Today was the first time I've attempted one, and it was really *really* sad… I couldn't balance in the rings for even 5 seconds and doing a push up was pretty much out of the question.
Competition class today still on?
i'm thinking of stand-up paddleboarding instead of the surf lesson…anybody interested in joining me in renting boards that same day?
i didn't have any specific goals for august, i was just hoping for things: hoping to meet more people and get a little stronger. also, when the opportunity to do fran came up, my goal was to do it as prescribed without crying. i'm happy to say that it all worked out. more friends, heavier weights, all without injuries or tears.
i wanted to do a certain number of pushups and i don't think that will happen because my shoulders hurt like hell for a good part of the month.
however, i did some chinups unassisted, so that's cool.
we never did deadlifts all month so I guess that goal of mine will have to be pushed off…
I also have been so busy with work I have not finished a painting but I have one started. I guess Sept. (maybe) considering I have an event every weekend it seems… subway series, FGB, Spartan Race.
today's WOD was great until U ripped my left hand callus off near the end.
6 sets or 15 KB american swings with 20KGs and 5 sets +9 10 ring pushups missed the last one by a second. sigh.
Finishing up my third cycle of Wendler this week. Seeing good strength gains, but progression has been tempered by aggravating my shoulder and the start of the school semester which caused some irregularities in training (f'd it up big time). Created a new schedule of day to day which has been helpful in scheduling my free time and being honest about where my time goes.
Drink tea with either hand is excruciating, whole shoulder refuses to move for the most part. Although KB swings and presses seem unaffected. Benching and pushups are uncomfortable, last time this happened the sub was elevated pushups as there was no pain in that plane.
Goals for next month
Get there by 8:30AM every workday
Leave work by 4:30pm 3 days a week, and by 5PM everyday.
Use BaseCamp for managing tasks and corresponding with faculty/staff.
Work/Life Balance
Map out a month of a work/life schedule and note deviations.
Review prior FGB performance, establish metrics for improvements
Continue with 5/3/1 strength training
Investigate CF Endurance Training in Central Park
Manage recovery and sleep, heal up, and crush FGB6.
Make it to the turkish bath more often
One activity a week
Continue posting a photo every weekday.
Run for my life!
Greetings from sunny New Jersey! Jess, Dharma, and I did not make it to Mexico due to Irene but we're having a blast down here so far. My good fortune crosses state lines, apparently.
My August goals were to do all the programmed WODs. I did 17 of 20 programmed WODs, got to do a good bunch of them in classes, (not including this, back off week) and I feel great about that. It's nice to be Crossfitting again! My unspoken goals also included drinking less alcohol, and that was a big, fun, fail.
Mike, et al…Comp Class is ON for tonight. It's a special treat 😉
@Marian – I would consider doing that with you (but please see below).
Jess/all – Is anyone interested in going on Monday, but not surfing, etc? So this is embarrassing… I have little to no experience swimming in the ocean*, so I'm not sure surfing is such a good idea for me. That said, I really want to go to the beach, so let me know!
* Remember the discussion on this blog about the open water swim at the games? Well, I don’t want to bring that back up, but I’m one of those people who grew up not swimming in the ocean (and only occasionally swimming in lakes).
Does anyone have a number to a good deep tissue therapist?
goal was to make all squat exposures which I did. very happy with that.
another goal was to swim at red hook every week, but missed last week.
pool closes on sept 5 till next year. gonna try and make it at least one more time.
What happens during regular classes on rest days? Is it like open gym?
I have a guy in Chinatown named John who does Chinese acupressure massage (No happy endings).
Ive been going to him for years. Samir C and Vincent D can also attest to his "skills"..
Best thing about it is he only charges $40 an hour. I often spend 2 hours when I go see him.
shawnsadjatumwadee at Gmail
email me off site if you want his # I dont want to post it here
Hey all!
Just a couple of things about surfing…
-You are more than welcome to come even if you don't wanna surf! It's fun to watch us all fall on our faces and you can always take pictures. Or, you could just chill and drink a tasty summery adult beverage. Your choice. 😉 Once the lesson is over, we'll walk a block or two from the surfing beach to a spot where we can swim and frolick in the water.
-Let me know if anyone else would like to Stand-up Paddleboard instead. So far, it's only Marian but I'd be more than happy to try to organize that as well!
-If you're interested in joining us my correct email is jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
@Daniel–Tuesday rest days are led classes where folks normally do either Monday or Wednesday's programming. Open gym is only on Friday evening.
As for my goals, I only get a 50% which is a fail. Did really well the first two weeks and then did a belly flop off of the wagon. Will establish my new goals post vacation/labor day. And then, it's on.
Yesterday before heading out to Jersey, I took a stab at "Nancy"
5 rounds of:
400m run
15 OHS 65#
-only got through 3 rounds in a little over 11mins before my low back seized up. All OHS were unbroken and the runs were where I really felt my low back hurting. I'll get you next time Nancy!
Vacay in Ocean City, NJ has been awesome so far! Today was AMRAP beach, tanning, reading and boogie boarding. Not bad at all. 🙂
Yes comp class tonight!
Sorry for the late response and for putting the wrong email for Jess Fox. Ack
Super Foxes: Glad your vacation is working out OK despite the detour. Love your flexible, positive attitude– enjoy!
3 of my goals revolved lifting PR's which were shuttled (for this month at least) when I sprained my wrist. I was about there too…. It's been a tough summer for making gains. I've had to do a 10% reset 3 times due to sickness or injury. I did acquire more mobility skills in the process though and have been doing a lot more of that in general.
My last goal of doing 2-3 met cons a week has been pretty close. I have definitely gotten more conditioned this month and plan on making it a priority up through FGB.
I'm sure things will go swimmingly….
Har, har.
Goals were to (1) get a strict push-up, (2) eat better/mostly Paleo, and (3) get out more. Success on #'s 1 and 3; complete fail on #2.
@Asta – Better the 1/2 pint in your freezer than the empty pint in my recycling 🙂 Clusterfluff is ruining my life.
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×2
Work: 170x5x3
Bench Press
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 150x5x3
Warmup: 75×3 95×3 135×3
Work: 145x3x5
Dips 10 9 8
Cleans weren't very crisp tonight. Missed the second rep on the 4th set, just didn't get under the bar fast enough. Reset and immediately hit the next two reps.
tried to squat with a box even at work weight to re-establish what my depth should be – been squatting WAY too deep.
experiment: successful.
eating before lifting: still unsuccessful.
squat: stuck at 140 lbs for several undernourished weeks. 140x3x5
bench 79x5x3
1 chinup, no more – trying to let my shoulder heal.
Fun day in Richmond, VA today. We went to a quarry and did lots of cliff jumping, I jumped off the 50' jump and did a back flip off the 30' Jump. Lots of swimming, sun and snakes.
Then we played 3 games of ultimate frisbee which I was much better at than football. Now Sam and I are going to power nap and go play capture the flag.
-Hit Every Squat Exposure: completed this one, and pushed about 15lbs beyond what I planned at the start of the cycle
– Strict Paleo: I felt like I didn't really get my groove on this as much as I wanted to, I started off really well and then about 2 weeks in started being more lax about it. In a good kick right now.
– Gymnastics: Wanted to do 1-2 classes per week but stopped due to my wrists not liking tumbling. Not sure where Im going to go with this as I REALLY was enjoying it and was finding a lot of happiness in it. I'm going to put it on the back burner for now.
August Goal update: tested the muscle ups tonight and hit my goal of 7 consecutive with full turn out, super stoked, especially since earlier this month they weren't that great at full extension.
Annie in 5:01
Great Comp Class with Laurel and Ken, lots of new things to add to my routines and probably some September goals…"cough handstands cough" along with it!