Given the nature of the actual Irene, I propose the following Irene Wod:
AMRAP for 2 minutes:
5 reps 45 lb backsquat 5 greenband pullups 3 5lb bicep-curls each arm
Might work up a sweat. Or might not.
"Irene Bee-yotch" 500m Row 5 rounds 7 Burpee Pull Ups 7 Pistols each leg or Goblet Squats. 7 Dumbell Push Press 400m run
*must be be done in rain.
Shawn Sadjatumwadeesays
100 Burpees for time.
Stayed in town just in case so I could get to work. New York Athletic Club. Folks, they have updated the gym, there are 3 platforms and bumpers! Here was my Irene workout today:
5 minute run warmup Power cleans 3×5 185 Front Squats 3×5 185 Face Pulls ab wheel interval sprints on indoor track – (felt gassed almost like prowler) steam room
not bad for being stuck in town!
Chris A.says
A little off topic, but could the gym offer a tutorial on how to use rapid giving? I've managed to make a donation for myself, but for the first time in my life I'm gonna hit up some other people to give and I have no idea what to tell them to do. And the site ain't helpin'. Or maybe I'm just slow. Yeah, that's probably it. so if someone could help out a brother who is a little, um, challenged, he'd be grateful! if you have tips, i'm at :-/
The thought of 10 minutes in a third world squat makes me want to cry.
i was gonna say, there HAVE to be sandbag getups in Irene.
Fran absolutely smoked me; I slept until almost 2 today and my body still feels a little bit in shock.
Mike Mishiksays
I second Michele's comment…I can barely move today
Irene: Find a heavy single for overhead press.
First complete required warm-up sets: 15x5x5, 20x5x3, 25x5x3, 30x5x3, 35x3x1. Spin for 30 seconds with eyes closed between sets.
Note: heavy single cannot exceed 75lbs for men, 50lbs for women.
Daniel Osays
Tell everyone they'll be doing Murph in full scuba gear with a fire hose blasting them, then when they show up give them a shake weight and squirt them in the face with a water gun.
Daniel FTW.
Nice Daniel!
Honestly though – so much nicer to have prepared and not needed it.
David Osoriosays
I agree with Laurel, while this whole thing ended up being a bit overblown, the actual outcome was much better than the messy alternative. I've been in my house packing all day but it doesnt look too bad outside, I heard that some trees fell on cars and buildings and there was some flooding. Hope everyone is okay.
I'll be heading to the gym in about an hour to start putting some equipment back. If anyone is in the hood and wants to lend a hand I'd repay you with a 1 comped class. I'll be there at 6:30 until about 9.
They lost most of their furniture, cabinets and they'll need to redo their floors and some of the walls
i'll come by, david.
Oh David that sucks about your sister. Bummer. Nick is on his way over.
Next time you need last minute help, send out a Facebook message or something. I was totally stir crazy and would've been down there to help you in a second had I known.
Instead I went to Prospect Park and did hill repeats like a jackass.
David Osoriosays
Huge thanks to Katie M, Daniel O, Michele K and Nick P for coming out and helping reset the gym. That would have been an all nighter had I not had their help. Not much water damage to the gym, there was some significant leaking but I pulled the mats up to dry them out overnight.
David Osoriosays
thanks for the offer. I'm currently not on the Facebook right now but noted for the future
crawl into a hole and be afraid, for time…
10Min AMRAP of
100 M Sprint
10 Pullups
250M row
10 Squats
AMRAP 17 hours:
:30 Spin in place with eyes closed
15 burpees
I think Laurel wins.
Irene would include some swimming in addition to hiding in fear and spinning in place. Oh, and some drinking.
One round, for time:
Assemble "Go bag". All components must be present, including your passport and emergency cash. Extra points if you remember the can opener.
Rob, OMG, I can't believe you would put swimming in a WOD. That's so insulting.
Given the nature of the actual Irene, I propose the following Irene Wod:
AMRAP for 2 minutes:
5 reps 45 lb backsquat
5 greenband pullups
3 5lb bicep-curls each arm
Might work up a sweat. Or might not.
"Irene Bee-yotch"
500m Row
5 rounds
7 Burpee Pull Ups
7 Pistols each leg or Goblet Squats.
7 Dumbell Push Press
400m run
*must be be done in rain.
100 Burpees for time.
Stayed in town just in case so I could get to work. New York Athletic Club. Folks, they have updated the gym, there are 3 platforms and bumpers! Here was my Irene workout today:
5 minute run warmup
Power cleans 3×5 185
Front Squats 3×5 185
Face Pulls
ab wheel
interval sprints on indoor track – (felt gassed almost like prowler)
steam room
not bad for being stuck in town!
A little off topic, but could the gym offer a tutorial on how to use rapid giving? I've managed to make a donation for myself, but for the first time in my life I'm gonna hit up some other people to give and I have no idea what to tell them to do. And the site ain't helpin'. Or maybe I'm just slow. Yeah, that's probably it. so if someone could help out a brother who is a little, um, challenged, he'd be grateful!
if you have tips, i'm at
Amrap 20 minutes of:
5 Sandbag Runs, 130m
10 Ground to Overhead, 135/95
Deadhang hold, accumulate 5:00
3rd World Squat, hold bottom for 10 minutes
The thought of 10 minutes in a third world squat makes me want to cry.
i was gonna say, there HAVE to be sandbag getups in Irene.
Fran absolutely smoked me; I slept until almost 2 today and my body still feels a little bit in shock.
I second Michele's comment…I can barely move today
Find a heavy single for overhead press.
First complete required warm-up sets: 15x5x5, 20x5x3, 25x5x3, 30x5x3, 35x3x1.
Spin for 30 seconds with eyes closed between sets.
Note: heavy single cannot exceed 75lbs for men, 50lbs for women.
Tell everyone they'll be doing Murph in full scuba gear with a fire hose blasting them, then when they show up give them a shake weight and squirt them in the face with a water gun.
Daniel FTW.
Nice Daniel!
Honestly though – so much nicer to have prepared and not needed it.
I agree with Laurel, while this whole thing ended up being a bit overblown, the actual outcome was much better than the messy alternative. I've been in my house packing all day but it doesnt look too bad outside, I heard that some trees fell on cars and buildings and there was some flooding. Hope everyone is okay.
I'll be heading to the gym in about an hour to start putting some equipment back. If anyone is in the hood and wants to lend a hand I'd repay you with a 1 comped class. I'll be there at 6:30 until about 9.
Did anyone see this:
Reporter gets covered in "Green Foam" which is probably sewage. This is gut wrenching to watch.
My sisters house flooded 🙁
They lost most of their furniture, cabinets and they'll need to redo their floors and some of the walls
i'll come by, david.
Oh David that sucks about your sister. Bummer. Nick is on his way over.
Next time you need last minute help, send out a Facebook message or something. I was totally stir crazy and would've been down there to help you in a second had I known.
Instead I went to Prospect Park and did hill repeats like a jackass.
Huge thanks to Katie M, Daniel O, Michele K and Nick P for coming out and helping reset the gym. That would have been an all nighter had I not had their help. Not much water damage to the gym, there was some significant leaking but I pulled the mats up to dry them out overnight.
thanks for the offer. I'm currently not on the Facebook right now but noted for the future