21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time of:
Thrusters, 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.23.11
NO Subway Series Event Today
Due to the MTA shutting down public transportation today at noon, the final event of the 2011 CF Subway Series has been postponed until 9/10/11. Competitors will receive more information about the updated plans via eventbrite. We’re still going to run “Fran” as a pretest for everyone today. You’re welcome? Also, there is NO Active Recovery OR Teaser Today
Post Workout Meal at Bierkraft
Bierkraft is making a special paleo meal to refuel after Fran today! Get a half chicken, tropical jicama slaw and bacon sweet potato salad to satisfy your big hunger PWO. Big thanks to Ben G, co-owner of Bierkraft and SBKer extraordinaire for setting up this special!
Because SBK is in a category C flood zone, we’re going to ask folks who show up today to help move some equipment so that should Degraw Street flood we don’t lose all anything. Thanks for your understanding and support! Also, we are not planning on being open tomorrow (Sunday) Stay tuned to the blog for more updates.
Stay Safe everyone! Are you in a Flood Zone? What are your Irene Plans?
CFSB is in the flood zone??!! I'll be there to help out FER SURE!!
my Irene plans involve getting drunk and packing for our trip that Irene delayed…that bitch.
or maybe also doing FRAN…god damn.
The irony of Fran is she was one helluva hurricane that beat the crap out of North Carolina. I'm in Raleigh. It's just a little windy and wet here now but hopefully we'll be able to head to Wilmington tomorrow – seems they dodged a bullet there. Y'all stay safe, Irene is dumping a ton of water on us today.
Hopefully Irene causes you guys less destruction than Fran will. Stay safe everyone!!!
I'm bailing on my workout, etc today. Sorry for not helping to move stuff. I was going to come by to do some work, but am clearing our deck of random items and 20 potted plants and am generally lethargic…
Anyway, we are not in a flood zone and will hopefully continue to obsessively surf the internet all weekend which would mean we didn't lose power. A couple of movies will be mixed in there and I got a nice big bottle of Bulleit Bourbon. Upstairs neighbor suggested mixing Hurricanes tonight, but too many ingredients! Maybe I'll invent a Gowanus Tropical Storm drink instead.
Take care everyone. See you Monday!
The giant 11am class was really fun. 1st ever rxed Fran in 6:59. 95# thrusters have been one of my CF weaknesses but I'm getting better with them and felt ready to give it a shot. Thanks all for encouragement. Awesome job McDwl with 4:04!
Rounds were 7s, then 5s, then 5/4 and 9.
Going to Bierkraft with clan to take down some chickens!
10am class with DO. Rx'd Fran in 6:41. More than 1:30 slower than my PR. Thrusters felt heavy and pull-ups felt slow.
Am currently stuck in L.A. due to Irene but just wanted to post the last WOD I did at CF South Bay in Hermosa Beach:
Warm-Up- Run 1mile, mobility work, group DROMs
WOD- 4 rounds NFT of 25 zercher squats+25 sots presses (15#barbell)+200 m KB waiter-walks (16# I think).
Very welcoming, laid-back, DIY, open-gym vibe there. It was their Back-Off Week, too.
Also did lots of yoga at a studio overlooking the Pacific Ocean. So, while everyone was panicking (on the news anyway) over Irene on the East Coast, I was busy visualizing calm and peace in NYC… La-La Land, indeed!
P.S. I have absolutely no idea how and when I'm getting back to NYC.
Note to self: Always check the blog before coming to GYM. Didnt see email or blog that subway series had been canceled. So rolled out of bed jet-lagged from flight from SD to see that it had been.
Still, took 9am with Margie helped move some things, and did Fran.
5:32 RX'd.
Pretty damn hard, i was a bit dizzy after.
Hope the gym stays dry and all this "hurricane" talk is just hysteria.
Did Fran with basically the entire gym at 11am…5:05 Rx'd
I liked the round of 21, did not like the round of 15, we won't talk about the round of 9.
I need some better yelling skills, I tried pushing Rickke into the sub 4 min range but my usual get back on the bar and don't stop didn't work today…NEXT TIME!
Josh M your DB Fran was ridiculous.
Rx'd @ 95#
First time at regular Fran (non Chest To Bar Fran) since Level 1 cert In September 2007 (time was 7:07). I remember Rob Wolff telling me he had never seen anyone's lips turn blue, and face green during Fran. This time I think I retained my pasty white appearance. Felt great!
11am class was about the size of what the Subway Series would have been. Nice to have a big group to share the pain with. Good job everyone!
Fran 4:04 rx'd PR.
Mike, Joel, and probably a few others saw the likelihood I could hit a sub 4. I either ignored their yelling or just couldn't hear after the set of 15 was done. I couldn't get the last set of pull-ups unbroken because my grip was fried, so I missed my sub 4 by a few seconds. This was the first time I did all the thrusters unbroken.
My last time was 5:47, so I'm happy with the improvement. I'm hoping for a sub-4 for Subway Series on 9/10.
Bierkraft afterwards was delicious as usual. Thanks for the great special, Ben!
took a break this morning to do Annie in the park with Paul. then i practiced some handstands for our upcoming vacation. Paul recently said it was "pathetic" that I didn't have handstands yet and we are taking a vacation soon. 🙁
other than that most of my time the last few days has been spent working. helping to keep the city's websites up so that you all can find out if you are in a flood zone or have an evacuation order. it's been a bit hectic.
Fran with about half the gym at 11am was most excellent! Great encouragement and spirit – glad to have had the dress rehearsal prior to Subway Series on 9/10. Kudos to all who RX'd – it really is inspirational.
Not nearly ready to RX myself, but did a more robust scaling than in the past:
21-15-9 – Thrusters at 55lbs
15-9-6 – Pullups w/Greenband
Time – 7:40
Had to cheat a bit on the last pullups. Have been cheating too often w/ice cream and put on a few pounds since July 1!
Thanks David and all the coaches for keeping the gym open today. Clearly I wasn't the only one who needed it!
Doing "Fran" as a non-crossfitter is kind of hilarious and I'm not sure WTF i was thinking, other than "I want to think about something besides the hurricane for a couple minutes."
It worked! I feel like I was hit by a truck, but it worked.
Still struggling to scale things right: I scaled my 21/15/9 thrusters too light (first and third sets were unbroken) and struggled even with banded 15/9/6 pullups.
Thanks Carlos for asking what kind of encouragement I wanted and delivering it. Some of those pullups were dodgy – next time I gotta make 'em crystal clear. Josh M. also corrected a mental error I was making on the pullups – thanks.
Shoutout to Ben Bierkraft for the half-chicken Paleo special today – a BIG success. the chicken was perfectly cooked and the rub awesome. The sweet potato bacon mash was DIVINE. Everybody raved about the plate and we particularly wanted to mention that the portion size was spot on. We'd love to see that special in regular rotation!
Sarah, tell Paul to save that talk for pre-fight weigh-ins. Your vacation handstand pic is gonna be great, and if you have any trouble, just hoist a big log or stone over your head. Perfectly acceptable.
Loved the number of people at the 11 AM class. Did Fran rx'd in 5:55, which I was happy with. I was hoping for 6, thought 6:30 was realistic, so sub-6 was great.
That chicken at Bierkraft was also just the shit. Thanks Ben.
Hello all,
Thanks to everyone for helping move stuff at the gym. I'm hoping it was all just overkill and there is no severe flooding or need for it but I figure better safe than sorry.
Great classes today, we had 30 people show up for 11am so I ran a mini subway series with 3 heats of 10, thanks to J Fox for helping me run that last heat and everyone for their understanding and actual positivity about the rather large class.
Afterwards went to BKFT with everyone which was fun, I drank 3 beers and got pretty tipsy. Felt very social. Then I biked home to beat the rain and then passed out on my mattress.
My Irene plans are to hunker down in my apartment and watch curb your enthusiasm season 7, do some reading, resting and packing.
Thanks to everyone for all the great energy at the gym today.
This is kinda cool:
Hurricane Irene Tracking Map
Uggg. Fran sucked today. 9:04 RX'd, about 2 minutes slower than my PR, and a minute slower than my last RX. I think I need to start doing more met cons, as I'm hitting heavier and heavier weights on my lifts but am not loving the burners. The recipe is going to require more sleep, more met cons, and better eating on the weekend. My diet is quite dialed in during the week, I think I actually need to eat MORE during the weekends (so hard to stay on track with kids).
Stay safe everyone!
It definitely was an awesome 11am class!
6:49 rx'd
pr by 1 sec. need to move faster. and probably shouldn't drink so much the night before.
Good times at Bierkraft!