CrossFit South Brooklyn Team Total: $3,445.00
Subway Series Event 4 is Postponed!
Due to the MTA shutting down public transportation tomorrow at noon we’re going to have to cancel the Subway Series. Many folks competing from other gyms won’t have any way to get back to their homes after the event. The new date for Event for will be 9/10/11 at the same times. Color us bummed!
We’ll be running a normal Group Class Schedule tomorrow with the exception of NO Active Recovery or Teaser Classes.
Fight Gone Bad House Team 13
Samir Chopra
Shawn Sadjatumwadee
mindy shikora
Melissa Lloyd
Dan Reshef
Post Workout (Pre Irene) Meal at Bierkraft..
Bierkraft is making a special paleo special on Saturday! Get a half chicken, tropical jicama slaw and bacon sweet potato salad to satisfy your big hunger PWO. Big thanks to Ben G, co-owner of Bierkraft and SBKer extraordinaire for setting up this special! Since there i no subway series, lets not leave ben out in the rain on this one, stop by Bierkraft and get your PRE-Irene Half Chicken!
Which Cooking Oil To Use? The Natural Recovery Plan
The Science Behind Hangovers BBC
Thoughts on America’s Most Obese Region NPR
New Study Finds Best Sunscreen Is Layer of Human Blood
Daniel Frankels Home CrossFit Gym CrossFit
I’m Really Happy: Amy Dracup CrossFit Games
At a not-so-bad hotel gym. It actually has a pullup bar! No bands, of course, but I'll try to stay here again next time I have to see this client, and bring my own.
Warmup #1 with negative pullups, since I couldn't do banded pullups.
Then I did this WOD from the bodyweight list:
lunges (both sides=1 rep)
11:08, and probably about 2/3 of that time was those damn burpees.
(ps, autocorrect, yes, I mean burpees and not burps!)
First day back in awhile – great to be in the gym!
Grace Rx'd in 3:17
Didn't push it too hard since I've done almost 0 metcon in the last couple of months.
Glad to have made it to the end of my first crush week. Thanks Helen, Grace and Cindy. Don't come back too soon, ya hear? Grace was my favorite since it gave me my first bar-hickey. I'm wearing it proudly. So back off week…that's when I come in and someone feeds me a margarita and gives me a rub down? I guess I will settle for drinking beers after watching SBK rip Fran a new one.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow in the Subway Series! Wish I could come by to cheer but I'm heading to Massachusetts later for the Deerfield Dirt Road Randonee (D2R2) tomorrow–70 or so miles of cycling on mostly dirt roads (inlcuding Cow Path 40, in Vermont!). Kick some ass!
On a team with Samir my CFSBK BFF again!
Are we supposed to get an email with everyone on our teams email?
I can't believe the lack of attention the sunscreen of human blood article has gotten today
that bierkraft meal sounds amazing. can we rename fran to irene just for saturday?
Yeah, team thirteen, (unlucky for everyone else)!
@MikeMishik LOL I missed that…..absurd…who is going to the beach covered in blood?
With Lenny Dykstra back in the news, arrested AGAIN, we were having a laugh at this again today. This video makes me laugh EVERY time. Cramer is such an idiot:
Cool Ian, send pictures!
Times is reporting that the MTA will be shutting down at noon tomorrow. I suspect that by taking the subway out of the subway series, it will need to be postponed.
Shutting down the train 12 hours early? WTF
Lenny Dykstra was an Uncle of my best friend from middle school.
subway series with no subway?!?! HUH?
I may have to work if Manhattan starts to evac tomorrow, which would take me away from the subway series. eep.
a quiet 6am with coach shane, katie and jamie.
pre WU
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
10 DB thrusters
5 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups
can't remember details, but it was good.
GRACE (modified to muscle cleans and push press).
4:03 rx'd
was looking forward to this yesterday… but had absolutely no energy this morning, courtesy of my beautiful children.
The only website more ridiculous than Nails was Ric Flair, who at the top of the market, was a mortgage broker, and had a "figure four approval process." I kid you not, they advertised it at Panther games. That website was taken down.
Good luck folks with the subway series!
bah. official links on MTA shutdown at NOON…wtf,b=facebook
@JR Sad story about R Flair
As per Fox (and thanks to the MTA) the subway series has been cancelled for tomorrow. 🙁
More details on when it will be rescheduled will follow soon.
I say we still hit Bierkraft though!
Uhh, so no classes either?
@Ian- That randonee sounds great!
Another trail run this morning out in Colorado, land of the Long Slow Distance. No snakes, but plenty of scrambling. Good times!
Good luck with the weather this weekend everybody!
So, does that means that tomorrow's AM wod is still Fran?
And Shawn, looks like we're paired up again! Just like the good old days.
Hello all-
I've just changed the blog to reflect the changes to tomorrow. As you can see, the SS event has been rescheduled for 9/10/11.
Tomorrow we'll be running a normal group class schedule with the exception of No Active Recovery or Teaser class.
Has there been a decision to postpone the Subway Seeies? I live in Manhattan and my SS heat is 11:15. Happy to still participate in SS, but would have to get an earlier heat to get back to city before subway shuts down. Unless someone will drive me home from the Bierkraft afterparty. Oh wait, that may not be a smart idea either…..
Anybody want to go and do Fran at open gym tonight? I had so little idea what I should be aiming for tomorrow, that now it might be nice to get some idea.
Boo! Same day as the Civilian Military Combine Race 🙁
All, in case you didn't see the blog edits:
Subway Series Event 4 is Postponed!
Due to the MTA shutting down public transportation tomorrow at noon we're going to have to cancel the Subway Series. Many folks competing from other gyms won't have any way to get back to their homes after the event. The new date for Event for will be 9/10/11 at the same times. Color us bummed!
We'll be running a normal Group Class Schedule tomorrow with the exception of NO Active Recovery or Teaser Classes.
also, if your'e in the hood, help Ben out and eat a half chicken! he bought a ton for the event and it would be a shame to see them go to waste!
can we do fran for tomorrow's WOD? let's do fran tomorrow.
Joel, you might get a chance to pre-test tomorrow..
Thanks DO.
i'm going to need the gym tomorrow. the prospect of a power outage is making me a little coo-coo.
my ban on hugs is temporarily lifted in light of this.
OH MY GOD – I'm coming to the gym tomorrow specifically to hug Michele.
And maybe do a workout.
I guess I should be taking this hurricane more seriously and go to the grocery store tonight. SIGH. When I lived in Maine we had this terrible blizzard/ice storm and lost power for 2 weeks. Thank god we had (2) wood stoves and gravity feed plumbing/well. It was pretty awesome to sled down hills on pure ice in the middle of the road since there were zero cards out. I doubt it would be as much fun if we lost power for 2 weeks during this hurricane.. hehe..
PS: David, forgot to punch my punch card last night – will double punch tomorrow.
Also No NOON class tomorrow
I've got my Bierkraft marching orders…I'll be there!
My WOD for the next two days will be dodging the hurricane. Seriously, I'm working all weekend covering the devastation (if it happens) and will be videotaping the whole thing. wish me luck!
Count me in for Bierkraft. Is there an ETA?
Also in for Bierkraft, post 11 AM class.
Yes noon class tomorrow!
After a prolonged 45 minute warm up due to Rickke…Did Nasty Girls with Rickke and PR…
8:48, first 2 rounds felt amazing, last round was a gut check
Very happy with the muscle ups today (5 unbroken in the first set)
Nice job to all the guys who rocked this today! Great mini competitive vibe tonight!!!
in for BIERKRAFT…not so stoked about Fran :/
Sounds like we'll be taking over Bierkraft tomorrow– fun!
Good luck this weekend Matt! Looks like we'll have a warmer than usual nor'easter, be safe!
Ramping back up strength from the food poisoning. Did ascending sets for squats as per Justin Lascek's Texas method protocols… Look to go 5×5 for sets across next session:
45x5x3, 95×8, 135×5, 185×5 and for work:
205×5, 215×5, 225×5, 235×5, 245×5
Think I'll start cycle on Monday back at 245. It's easy to load and enough stimulus for now….
Bench: reset 10%
I cut this short because I basically ran out of time. The first set was harder than I would have liked. The second set had faster bar speed.
Was going to try to squeeze the prowler in (You know I'm committed to conditioning when I ditch a bench set for it) but then I didn't really have time for that either. Easy solution: come in Saturday and do some body weight stuff and the Prowler.
Then Biercraft. Should be a cool pre-storm party!
I'm in for lots of food and beer at Bierkraft after the 11am Fran!
Nasty Girls with the nasty boys. Janet Jackson nasty. Thanks PR and Mike for waiting for me while I completed my diva movement preparation. (This looming hurricane has me a little saucy apparently)
9:24 rx – about a 3 minute PR for me I think. Awesome job to everyone who went at this one tonight. Good times!
Also, impressive squats from the strength cyclers! I was also impressed with your ability to handle the Lady Gaga for 10 minutes before it had to be changed. Baby steps…
i heart cfsbk.
I was impressed with Jeremy's ability to handle Gaga for a full 10 min…
Nasty Girls in 13:33?
Not my best showing. Thanks for the support though!
Mishik- look in your heart, you'll know what to do.
New Tee Shirts are in! Checkacheck em out!
jeremy – gaga for 10 mins?? that has to be a PR!