30 reps for time of:
Clean and Jerk 135/95
7 Minute Cap
This WOD is ideally done incredibly fast, in 2-4 minutes or less, which is why we’ve done a 3-4 minute cap on her before. You can scale this to be able to achieve the desired result or, maybe today you go for a heavier weight and gut it out…if you’ve got the guts. Either way your goal should be to STAY ON THE BAR…you only need to chalk up once before the clock starts. No water breaks during Grace.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 6.3.11
Joe O goes overhead at the CF Subway Series Event in Long Island City
We saw an absolute storm of PRs happening on the “Helen” leaderboard for the ladies this week. Here are some of the top time put up by our femme fatales:
Melissa L: 10:04
Ellie M: 10:06
Christine D: 10:17
Jess F: 10:36
Jackie Z: 11:31
Kate D: 11:50
The CFSBK CSA Has been approved!
We’ve reached critical mass and the farms have agreed to host their CSA programs at CFSBK. The first pick up will be on Sept. 7th or 14th, if you didn’t recieve an email from Margie about this yesterday and are interested in joining, please email her at Margie(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Fight Gone Bad House Teams 12 and 13!
Team 12
Matt Katz
Katie Mohrhauser
Stephanie Paddock
Scott Jackson
Carlos Guerra
Team 13
Rickke M
Inka Hodes
kristen silverman
Nick Peterson
Nick Pines
Have you signed up for Fight Gone Bad yet? If you plan on it, doing it TODAY is the perfect time to sign up. If you procrastinate too much there might not be time to get an awesome shirt printed with your team’s name on it. Also- we recieved some notifications about people who joined the team but there was no name left on the submission form. If your name is not listed here, you’re not on our team yet! Email David(AT)CrossFitSouth Brooklyn.com to get that squared away.
Our Affiliate Team total is at $3,135.00 raised for charity. Great work team!
Here are our top 5 Fundraisers so far:
Peter Mattis $850
Chris Paschke $500
Yoshi Stone $450
David Osorio $400
Maxwell Knight $450
Rugged Maniac 5K Race coming to Brooklyn
New York’s Failed Earthquake Response Test NY Times
A Pull-Up Contest For Those Who Train On The Streets NY Times
Here in Red Hook Kickstarter
Caveman Diet Draws Grunts From Nutritionists Chicago Tribune
Why Do We Like The Taste Of Protien? Wired
letting my nutritional standards go out the window in the naked pursuit of calories was initially exhilarating, but my body is not amused and is sending me gigantic EFF YOUs.
i only share that detail to undercut my long train of recent giddy posts about the junk i've been shoveling in my pie hole.
Duh signed up but didnt add CFSBK to my team.
The Here in Red Hook kickstarter campaign is being launched by my close friend and co-worker andy vernon-jones. he is trying to raise the money to self-publish his book. thank you so much for putting it on the blog, DO. i truly believe that the interchange of emotion that andy allows between his subjects and himself is unique to the point of really human and sad and angelic, and i believe this book will garner world attention. so please give it a looksee and check out andy's blog by the same name (i believe the link is somewhere on the kickstarter page). i'm looking at you, palimpsest.
Love, BAZ
p.s. i BSQ'd my 1 RM three times yesterday: 235, boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Can't wait to do FGB with my team. I'm going to go ahead and call us Team Discovery Channel until anyone can think of a better name.
Did my first 7 a.m. class today. Rx'd Grace in 2:44, which (I believe) is a PR. Was hoping to do a bit better since I did well at the axel clean and jerk during the subway series, but whatchya gonna do?
I'm really bummed I missed out on Grace this morning. I don't even have a good excuse — I forgot to set my alarm.
Off to Boston this evening so I'll have to do some kind of bodyweight WOD tonight. I'm thinking Annie.
GREAT JOB ON YOUR PR'S LADIES!!! Can't wait to get back in the gym!
Jonah Lehrer is a pretty smart dude, but he is wrong about Marmite. Marmite is delicious. It's ambrosia, baby, ambrosia!
so we have Team Discovery Channel. What else? Have to figure out whose good cause to take up! Prowler kicked my ass last night. I've got a lot of work to do, but as Winston Churchill once said, "When you're going through hell, keep going!"
Belated thanks to David O. and Billy K. for all of the great tips and support yesterday on my back squats. Yesterday in the gym felt awesome. I finished foundations back in May and it felt like everything came together in yesterday's class. First, I did five pull-ups in a row (couldn't do one when I started)! Then I squatted 113 pounds three times. Just a few weeks ago I was struggling with 105, and when I started I think I was around 80. It's amazing how much tangible improvement I've been able to see in such a short period of time, especially at only two days/week. I can't wait to try again – think I could go a little bit heavier.
Thanks CFSBK.
grace this morning scaled WAY down to accomodate my angry shoulder. 4:10 @ 75. even with the light weight, probably rested more than I should have.
anyone else unable to open the heat list for this saturday?
no one else can open the list.
also – david I emailed you, i'm signed up AND on the cfsbk team and have been that way for about 3wks. Just because I'm a trouble maker (and don't have a photo on my FGB page) doesn't mean I shouldn't be on your list. ๐
Damn you, Yoshi…damn you…>/
Just re-sent a new link. I am not technologically inclined x(
It works now. I'm just going to mentally slot myself into that 11:30 spot.
Matt, Killer Time!!!
Fox, I just kept refreshing at work mainly because I was bored but also because I knew you would fix it sooner or later ๐
This extremely nerdy post should be very interesting for all the tech-heads on this blog:
don't worry, fox, I can't make fun of your dysfunctional relationship with technology. otherwise you might make fun of the fact that I'm going to scale the hell out of fran. thrusters will be done with 2 1/2 pound plates, and instead of pullups I'll be doing vigorous eye blinks.
5:25 @ 105. Elbow was an issue and probably a bit under hydrated. Bailing was an issue also, bouncing all over the damn place. Jammed my finger on the second rep and it took me about ten reps in before I figured out how to control it.
Hi friends. The Sunday hurricane looks like it could get nasty. Please consider leaving town as early as possible. At the least please stock up on clean water. Safety first!
Sorry to be a worry wart. Got an alarming message from my aunt who is a satelite geologist about flooding likelihood.
Hi from Colorado where it is very hot and very dry!
Please be safe everyone this weekend!
Took and hour long trail run this morning. Unknown and unknowable=big ass rattlesnake in the middle of the trail. He was not happy to see us and made it clear.
Just wanted to vent
Stupid directions with inaccurate pictures.
Stupid furniture that you can't disassemble without breaking!
Grace – 55lbs : 5:36
I was about 5 reps in when I realized this was probably too heavy. But I kept going anyway, and finished it.
Thanks to Ricky, who counted for me, and kept telling me to get back on the bar. I definitely would have rested more if it wasn't for you!
Crossfit Invictus work:
10min foam roll/warm up of line drills (bear crawl, broad jump high knees, perfect stretch)
Then 5 sets of 3 single power cleans with 10 seconds rest in between followed by 5 single high box jumps with 3-5 seconds rest in between" Worked at 185, and felt pretty good got a good cue on curling my wrists under the bar in order to not muscle clean as much and keep arms longer" Did my box jumps with 32' box with 3 45lbs plates on top.
WOD was 3 rds of 600m run & 30Kb at 1.5 pood. finished in 11:01.
3:38 at 95#, which was apparently too light. I went in with the intention of going for 115, but was feeling so knackered after the warmup I overscaled. Next time.
Slipped in wet dog poo on my walk home and dislocated my knee, which was no fun. Dog owners, please clean up after your dogs.
Lots of good news today…Congratulations to Daniel and Rebecca!! Way to go ladies!! And hooray for the CSA! WOOHOO TEAM 12!
Catch-up post from yesterday: did sets across of 115.
Today: Grace, 42#, 3:54 (clearly too light)
Rx'd at 135#
Just following on Billy's heels, here, 'cause information is a decent prophylactic against paranoia – you can use the OEM's map (address below) to find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone. Zone A is currently "strongly encouraged" to locate alternate shelter for the weekend. That's you, Red Hook.
OEM keeps status posts on its website:
Thanks for the map, Melon! I love mapped information.
We don't live in any of these crazy evacuation zones so if anyone wants to come over and watch Star Trek… get at me. ๐
Did #115 in 3:59. Ok with it. I suck at jerking, i was mostly push pressing. Perhaps that's a September goal.
the Hurricane has been cancelled…we can all stop freaking out now, right?
am I the only one thinking we're getting crazy for this hurricane. you all can bitch at me later if it comes true… ๐
Christine, definitely not too heavy. Every clean and jerk looked good or I would have had you drop weight. AND, you finished well within the 7 min cap. Awesome work!
For those that finished early, definitely add more load next time. Fun night tonight at the gym. Loved putting you all through the sandbag runs to start. "Don't drop the baby!"
Hope to see you all on Saturday for the Subway Series. Screw the hurricane!
Great time Matt!!!