Mike W Biking through the French Alps
To see more pics from Mike’s amazing bike trip, click here
Fight Gone Bad Team 1
Announcing the first Fight Gone Bad Team!
Christian Fox
John Michael
Josi Stone
Ellie Myers
Maxwell Knight
Once each team is assigned you’ll recieve an email with everyone’s contact information. You’ll have to nominate (or self nominate) a team captain, pick a team name, team colors and decide where everyone will start Fight Gone Bad. Good luck, Team 1!
Haven’t registered yet? Don’t be left in the dust! Learn more about FGB and register here!
Going to the Subway Series Tomorrow?
ATTN: SBKers competing or cheering at the Subway Series event this weekend at CrossFit Queens…show up in style with your skull and crossbones crew! Google Maps says it’s a 25 minute drive from the gym so accounting for possible traffic and the sometimes rough parking situation in Astoria we’ll plan to leave CFSBK at 8:15 the latest. If you plan on driving and can offer a ride or you need to hop in someone’s car please email christian (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com so we can organize. Fewer cars will mean fewer parking spaces, less gas, and more laughs to be shared en route. CFQ is also easily accessible via subway although triple check the MTA for service changes. Also, feel free to borrow your favorite jump rope from us to compete with.
The Picnic Approaches!
Get stoked! We’ve got a bunch of folks coming out to the picnic on Sunday.. but we need you!! For all the details regarding location, time and what to expect.. click here!!
A look at the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, supported by Fight Gone Bad 6 – video [wmv] [mov]
those pics are awesome, thanks for sharing mike.
I've been having an internal debate with myself ever since FGB was announced as to whether I wanted to participate — at a different time of year it would be an unqualified yes, but it's a week before my marathon so I was a little worried about screwing something up so close to race day. But now that I've thought about it a little more, I think it's highly unlikely I'd do anything that would hurt my chances of racing well, at least as long as I'm smart about it. (No jumping on the sides of the box that have the handles cut into them!) So I'm in! Can't wait.
How does it work as far as when you show up? I'm guessing there will be multiple heats?
Good call Stella! You will have a blast. I'm bummed I can't do it this year because I am teaching that day. Even going as a spectator is fun. Enjoy!
Mike W, you lucky man! Amazing photos! Please drop me a line at samirchopra1 AT yahoo DOT com.
great photo set, Mike!
Stella – multiple heats, for sure. Glad you're in! Heat and judging assignments, and more teams, will put together and announced as the date gets closer.
Hey CSA folks!
So far we have 15 signed up for Meat, 12 for Chicken and 15 for Veg. We need 5 more in Meat, 7 more for Chicken and 10 more for Veg so if you are interested, let us know!
Mike those photos are gorgeous! Must have been a fantastic trip.
amazing photos!
this morning i had a lovely swim at red hook park with mr mcgrath. tried to work on my breathing a bit – i waste a lot of energy when i turn to breath to the right. did 16 laps with a lot of breaks in between.
going to make the most of it for the next two weeks before the pool closes.
looking forward to the subway series tomorrow! woo
I want to sign up for FGB as well but I am concerned because I have the spartan race the following weekend. Plus time to raise money is so short.
maybe i'm breaking protocol since i'm only in foundations class but yeaterday's WOD of 15-9-6
500m row
15 dumbell thrusters
400m row
9 db thrusters
300m row
6 db thrusters
it was a pretty good metcon bulider although towards the end i felt my squat form on the thrusters break a little and i could've moved a little faster when i pressed the dumbells it was pretty good time for me which was 7:39
ohh and fox the row movements started to click with me.
I would encourage everyone with concerns about FGB and recovery time to sign up and participate.
While it is a high motor workout that will definitely leave you on the floor gasping for breath, I don't think recovery time should be much more than a day or two. It isn't a Hero WOD or some ridiculously heavy, crippling bar complex. I bet after 20 minutes or so after FGB you feel pretty OK. If you had a race the next day I'd say skip it, but next week you should be fine.
so excited to be on team 1! (as in #1, yea!).
good luck to everyone at the subway series tomorrow. also lookin' forward to the picnic on sunday. CFSBK= so much beauty.
Definitely signing up for FGB but as is usual, not sure about my weekend schedule and whether I will be here at weekend. Will we be running a FGBelated as we have in the past?
For anyone considering FGB, jump off the fence and do it, and do everything you can to be at the gym that day. The energy is incredible.
IM STILL on the rampage for the nice team t-shirts. I will continue to bring this up until either a) we get the nice t-shirts or b) i'm standing at FGB with my "thick cotton sweat absorber".
Everyone who is concerned about FGB should sign up, recovery isn't that bad (as Noah already put much more eliquently than what I was about to muster). Also, considering Matt Ufford did his workout last year in sparkly hot pants it is sure to be a GOOD SHOW this year. Granted, i'm concerned with how much more radical he can go without, you know, forgoing the clothes.
I'm off to DC, good luck to everyone at the Subway Series #3! ESPECIALLY YOU JESS FOX, you better do well. NO PRESSURE. 🙂
i would also like to see a makeup FGB since i'll be gone that weekend!
Whoever is on my team I've decided we're getting T-shirts inspired by these this year
Maybe we can get the new CFSBK favorite Bare Burger to sponsor us and be the Bare Burger Kings
We had FGB as a WOD two or three months after I came out of Foundations and I remember being smoked at the end of it, but felt fully recovered by a day or two later. So I wasn't concerned at all about being too gassed to do the marathon — just concerned that I might injure myself. But then I realized that as long as I'm wise about scaling the push press and careful about my form (especially on the sumo deadlift high pull), I should be fine.
Now to get good at wall balls…
it's a new requiremement that in order to attend group classes or private training at CFSBK you must sign up for and compete at FGB…for realz.
what about strength class? Lord Jeremy scoffs at your 17 minute metcon!
Shawn – yeah, but this one is only 15 minutes, rest don't count. Aren't you guys done by then anyway?
BTW – IMHO, you maaaay be sore in the quads for a few days after this workout, it depends on your recovery tactics and how accustomed you are to high volume work. If I remember correctly, last year Shane and Jeremy couldn't walk normally for a few days following. I was at the peak of my mass gain and couldn't go hard enough to really inflict much damage to myself. So, I agree that a week later should be no biggie, but a race in a day or two will suck.
lovely swim at Red Hook Pool this morning and lovely to have steph paddock join me.
place was empty. maybe 2 people per lane.
easy swim today. 32 lengths or something like that.
re FGB, anyone who's not sure about it. sign up, you will not regret it. it's an incredible experience and the atmosphere having the whole community at the gym is brilliant. SIGN UP
Im just kidding Fox, Im in anyways. FGB is my favorite of our big workout days.
ditto what folks have said about FGB. It's always an amazing day at SBK! And, it's fun to have teams and see what team names everyone comes up with. Oh yeah, and there's that Matt Ufford guy and his crazy shenanigans…
Thanks for the love Asta! The all caps definitely helps to support the "no pressure" part. Love it! We'll miss you guys both as athletes and as our fine photographers! Who will capture our awesomeness now? If we don't win this weekend, I say we all blame ASTA. 😉
Fun noon class with Margie–Great to see Katie M, too!
Made up yesterday's WOD. 4 rounds even w/ white band supported ring dips. This was my first metcon in I don't know how long…been using capoeira as my metcon, which is good, but means I'm not running much, so the runs were a lot of wind-sucking. Still, I feel good about the pace I kept. No major slacking rest periods.
Also got to meet Molly the new Fox-hound. (Whoah; has no one made that pun before?)
How do you edit posts? Forgot to ditto all the FGB shouts. I missed last year; did it the year before in the Lyceum about 2 months post-partum and it was AWESOME. Looking forward to this year!!
I signed up for FGB… Now to raise some money.
dont know where my post went
Bench (summer of 3 wheels)
285x5x3 (getting close), 185×20
Awesome photos Mike!
Good luck to all Subway Series folk tomorrow. Wish I was there, but alas stuck in SD…Pretty sick watching the fighter planes take off from Mirimar or wherever they are.
Went to CF San Diego today pretty cool box. Took a small class at 12pm
Came in did some mobility work, and then took 20min to find a 1 rep max power clean
Hit 205 then took 75% of that to do a death by Power clean. 1 rep min one, 2 reps after that etc. made it to round 1@ 145.
After that did Thursdays SBK wod.
Kick ass tomorrow!
Not signing up for FGB but asked for the day off from work so I can come to CFSBK and be a cheerleader! Hopefully my boss will say ok. If so, then I'm bringing some of my BFF's from CF Virtuosity and CF Harlem to cheer with me, too! We are tiny but we are loud! hahaha…
Will be on vacay in CA (home) all next week so I'll see all y'all next next week. I plan on taking a class (or two) at CF South Bay in Hermosa Beach, who, by the way, have a really excellent and informative blog! Ok peace out!
my sucktastic life implosion continues, so i could only squat 140 tonight. press, don't even ask.
however, i did more chinups.
and i have stella pup for the weekend.
could be worse.
I'll be at Subway Series cheerleading tomorrow, so I did volume squats today.
Squats feeling better every week. These went up well…maybe should've gone with an even 200#.
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!
Did volume squats today at open gym…190x10x2…Felt like I drank too much last night and didn't get enough sleep, but overall ok.
ankle finally allowed a cape cod murph
one hour 20 minutes
all squats unbroken
push-ups great
all push-ups singles on monkey bars with t-shirt as slippage-protector (maybe pushed off the sand with my toes a tiny bit)
walk/ran the last run because i forgot water
last year i did murph with no pull-ups just kettle bells as a sub
this year i had no second wind, not even a first – a true lonely muggy slog –
but every time my head peaked over and i could see down the metal avenue of the bars, i felt proud.
margie – i wrote to you on email to say that my wife and i wanted in on a veggie share and to thank you profusely for arranging the CSA. is your lack of response indicative of my wife and i not being the right sort of people for this venture?
Damn you and your friends Samir!
I get home from playing poker and expect to copy and paste, but noooo youre out partying with your "other" friends.
Now ill have to figure out what I lifted on my own.
be right back
Strength Cycle Week 6 Day 3
Today I wasnt sore but didnt have the same bounce of the wall energy I had the last few sessions. I think it was the humidity.
45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 215×2, 235×1
255 x 3 x5
Hardest Day yet. A couple reps were just parallel and was a little intimidated by going down to get the bounce. Wont let it happen again next week
Goal for next week. Dialing in all form. Really focusing and getting ready for total.
Bench Press
45×5, 9×5, 115×3, 145×1
Today felt lighter than last time around. i was able to push everything back up with good speed.
Would like to try and get to 195
45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 145×1
Didnt have it here today. This week form was complete 180 from last week. I think I was zapped and I was rushing. next week will ask to work with jeremy on bar drills from 45 pounds. I think I still have more weight in me–just lost the efficiency of the form today. Not 1 rep felt really good.
Id like to dial in the form and cues for the form and cues for the form next week.
Would be great to clean 175-180