Add 5-10lbs from the previous heavy squat exposure.
Post load to comments.
(e4/4) compare to 8.10.11
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Single Leg DB RDLs ea/leg
15 Plank Walk Outs
On the SLRDLs go only as heavy as you can maintain perfect form. Hips/shoulder square, back set.
On the plank walk outs go as far as possible while maintaining hollow body.
Post RDL loads to comments.
Asta F doing the official KB Swing of America at SS Event #3
CFSBK CSA Meet the Farmers Q &A is Tonight at 6pm!
All those interested in the new CSA here at CFSBK should come on down at 6pm to meet the two farmers bringing all the delicious meats and veggies to us and get any questions they have answered by Margie and farmers Jerry and Andy. Please RSVP to Margie(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you haven’t yet! See you tonight!
Subway Series Event #3 is SOLD OUT
If you didn’t get in to compete please come out but have the afternoon free please come out to support Team SBK. The cheering section can only get bigger and louder this week as Team SBK looks to retain its lead of the series at CrossFit Queens! Good luck Team SBK!
Remember next Saturday, August 27th the Subway Series comes home to SBK for the 4th and final event. Registration opens on Sunday and will undoubtedly sell out by Monday. We want to have our biggest group of competitors yet for the home game and bring this year’s trophy home to papa.
Flag Football Picnic Details
We’re hosting the picnic of the summer this Sunday, August 21st. Come out to Prospect Park for food, fun and flag football! Check out the details below:
CrossFit: Where Navy SEALS and Pregnant Soccer Mom’s Help Each Other Get Ripped Fast Company
Matt LaLonde: An Organic Chemist’s Perspective on Paleo Ancestry
WHOA! Is that Jacinto @ CrossFit: Where Navy SEALs and Pregnant Soccer Moms Help Each Other Get Ripped?
Shout out to all of y'all from Shree here in Boston!
I tried out Bare Burger on 7th Ave and 1st Street last night – burger joint offering grassfed beef and a bunch of other pretty clean protein choices (including elk, bison, etc.)
The burger was very good and they have no-bun and "lettuce wrap" options right on the menu if you are avoiding gluten. One note about the lettuce wrap, which I got: they haven't mastered how to wrap the burger and present it. Mine was wrapped like a long thin burrito or something, sliced in half, and presented on a plate. Turned out all the burger was in one half, and all the toppings in the second.
I was a little disappointed to tuck into the second half, I'll tell you that ๐
Anyway the ambiance is also nice – table service, no fluorescent lighting, booths.
Hey Crossfiter,
Was looking to buy a foam roller for myself, but then decided to go with a PVC pipe.. yea I know I'm badass (<cheap).
So the plumbing supply store in park slope sells 6" PVC at 10' lengths for $61.83..
My question is does anyone want in on this? or am I going to be foam rolling at home with a 10' PVC pipe?
I was looking to cut five 2' pieces.
Last night's Strength Cycle work: Recovery squat
Squat: 225x3x3
Probably should up the load at some point, but I like just keeping it simple. Not super crazy about how my hamstring reacted though.
One-arm DB press: 55x5x2 and 55×10
Again, I guess I should have gone heavier. It's hard to judge with a 1-arm dumbbell. It seems hard and then I can crank out 10 reps on the last set.
Pendlay Rows: 105x10x3
The good news is I could grip the bar and pull it. Forearm is still sore, but way better than later week, or even Sunday. Not ready for Deads or Chins yet tho.
Conditioning: The Prowler: 8 runs of ~25 yards with 70 pounds.
This was much better than last time. I didn't feel completely destroyed afterwards, but was out of breath the entire time. I did an inverse tabata: about 10 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. With this setup (lighter) I could go faster, rest less and did not lose steam and power after the 3rd run. Having Rage's Bombtrack on headphones helped.
Did anyone say Public Enemy yesterday? This is NY, we gotta have that on the list.
@Rob: I did. All of "It Takes A Nation of Millions.." should be on there. Bass in yo face!
David, it was before you were born…
Released July 5, 1983
Now I really feel old. ๐ I actually saw them years ago.
My lift was great today 185 pounds! My partners helped out a lot. Thanks!
Now I just have to fix keeping my head up… Before it was my knees so I would look down… now I need to look up. LOL (Can't win)
Anyone know if you can switch your choice to RX weight for the subway series? I think it would be better to have it maybe count for CFSBK than to just do it? What are people's thoughts?
Did y'all see this article about the "C" word in the Times today?
This really fascinates me for several reasons. Ive always had a fascination with Everest.
Man vs Nature
Man vs Himself
Man vs Man
Man vs the Social.Cultural norms
What would you do?
anyone else thing that deadlift video from the fast company article looked bad? maybe not the best example to use
Tip of the hat to Nick and Alec for great bike advice. I think I am shooting for a Karate Monkey. Part of the plan to expand my exercise and movement horizons. Thanks guys!
Luca I actually saw that video posted somewhere else that talked about bad form or something similar in Crossfit.
I didn't think that DL vid was that awful for a 1rm attempt. Certainly not the worst I've seen, and it'd have been legit at a meet. And, it's 3 TIMES HER BODYWEIGHT!
Really fun to look at all of yesterdays musical suggestions, sounds like the playlist will be lightening up a bit, which is a good thing.
I'd like to add this one.
Broke-dick Dog, by Architect…I take the opening line a a challenge. It gets me pretty pumped for a PR attempt.
Did 58 lbs 5×3 Seemed a little light–will go heavier next time
I think this is the first time i've ever had my photo AND name on the blog at the same time – now everyone is going to know who I am! D:
Anywho, fun fun fun from Event #2, happy Event #3 sold out, we will be in DC and will (unfortunately) be missing this one! So… with that being said, I expect everyone to do EXTRA WELL, obviously. Especially you Jess Fox. You heard me.
I'll be at the CSA thing tonight due to a change in plans that'll allow me to attend! But i'll be late.. since I don't get out of work until 6pm. Who are you people who get out of work prior to that time? And where can I sign up for your hours?!?!
here's my favorite 'bad deadlift' video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWepnDYs1Q0&feature=channel_video_title
(that said it is amazing she is lifting 3x her bodyweight)
I agree, not the most beautiful DL and it would not have been legit at a meet since there was downward movement on the bar and it rested on her legs, but still impressive nonetheless.
Excellent noon class w/ Margie today, tho I missed my partner-in-crime for the past few weeks Kate D…took a risk and went up 10lbs after repeating 185 last week and it felt GREAT. Super psyched about this. 195x3x5.
I didn't want to quibble about the form of someone lifting 3x her bodyweight but it looked ugly to me. I'm no anatomy expert so I defer to those who are but I'm not sure how comforting it is to know you herniated your disc lifting 3x your bodyweight. You're still f****ed, But I'm the idiot who jacked up her shoulder b/c of being improperly warmed up at a 6am class (one of those old people who needs extra sets…) so I'm hyper-sensitive about this stuff.
Some Foam Rolling and Right Ankle Distraction
3 Rounds NFT
12 Rev Lunges with a 35lb plate OH
12 GHD Sit-Ups <3
10 Ring Rows <3
Back Squat
(45×5, 115×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×2, 205×1)
Each exposure I've "planned" on making a 5# jump and then ended up making a 10lb jump. Really happy about this. These were most certainly slower coming up than last week but I knew I'd hit all the reps today.
Every Minute, On The Minute, For 20 Minutes
1 Hang Power Clean, 185lbs
3 Burpees
Completed every round in about 15-20 seconds. Felt very happy about 185 for 20 reps. There were only two reps I caught a tad low but otherwise they were all crisp and Fast. Stoked!
I was setting up to do 135 Squat Clean Thruster OTM for 20 minutes but C Fox egged me on to do the WOD I wrote for Sunday. Very happy he did!
Everything that's said about the video is true.
Random mental prep question, appropriate for a heavy squat day: Do people here do anything to prepare to be under the bar under a weight the failed on at their last attempt? Today my plan is to come in and do #315 for my squats, which I failed on last week (but hit #310 two weeks ago, so there isn't much wiggle room here). Extra warm up? Less warm up? Heavier breathing and grunting?
I've never thought about anything but the weight going up. That get's into the zone of Dr. Bob Rotella. Really, you must envision success. And think of nothing else. The mind does not understand the word "don't" well, like "don't hit the ball in the water." I feel like I think of nothing but up.
Wish I could fail at 315.
Joel just thing of how much of a badass you are compared to me…that bar will go up
I'm with JR on the "don't" thing (also useful for remembering stuff & disciplining kids)
Came back to do a catch-up post on last 2 days.
Goals: Fail. My goals were to log my workouts, do grease the groove pushups on weekdays, and mobility work 3x/week. I have just bombed them. Maybe too many? Anyway, today I stuck around and did some psoas stuff after squats and I'm just going to take it from here and ignore the past 2 weeks of suckitude.
Music: (Yeah Chris A for the Bad Brains shoutout!)
1. Intergalactic, Beastie Boys (w/ the INXS sample)
2. Lust for Life, Iggy Pop
3. Keep the Car Running, Arcade Fire
(I am old.)
Power Clean
Kroc Rows
15 each side @75#
quick one, bc wanted to go for it on bench tomorrow, but now looks like im working all day, will dead/bench on friday i guess
@Joel…a little late now, since you are probably getting under the bar as I type this. You did 310…315 is only like 1 percent heavier…No way is it impossible (i was stuck at 315 for a while) you can easily do it…and you will do 320 too and so forth and so on.
also, you can always do 312.5
Thanks Margie for bringing the CSA farmers in! I am totally in for a meat share — hubby and I have been loving the meat from our current share, but after it ends in September they're going to Manhattan-only pickups, so I'm all over a Brooklyn share.
Also I finally got to meet my namesake (the four-legged version). It always throws me when someone posts "Hey, Stella was at the gym tonight, sweet!" and I think, "No I wasn't, I always come in the morning!" And then I realize they mean that OTHER bitch ๐
i wish i were doing a chinup right now.
Fantastic turnout for the CSA tonight! Jerry and Andy were super impressed and excited. For those who were not able to attend, tomorrow or Friday's post will include the details on logistics, costs and, most importantly, how to express interest – we must have a critical mass in order to make it worthwhile for the farmers!
More soon!
Michele, you are too much…. Thanks for the tip on the burgers.
From yesterday: Suicidal Tendencies– nice! I listened to that album way too many times and have it on my iPod for sprints and the like: good call.
And Bad Brains, hell yeah. The early, fast stuff is great, but I always come back to "I Against I."
I too am fascinated by the Everest thing. I think it's amazing that something so basic and human (burying our dead) is put aside due to the location. Surely humans shouldn't be there in the first place, but that's no stopping us. It amazes me how dangerous it is when you can speak on the phone as you are dying. Crazy.
@Joel: hope it went up! Let us know.
I did 235 x 3 x 5 with the exception of one set only doing two and another set where depth wasn't sufficient on the last rep.
In April my 1 RM was 245. A year ago my 1 rm was 225.
I am crediting March's box squat work for teaching me the correct form and allowing big jumps in weight. Thanks you CFSBK!
Joel, you're my inspiration dude!
230x5x3…the lightest sets of the cycle yet, except I was getting serious dizzy spells after getting off the bar each time. Fox mentioned breathing more in between sets and slowing down between each rep, I think I was a bit too excited the weight felt light and will have to take that advice next time. Thanks Fox.
nft: 40# dumb bells (did both sets unbroken and really worked on hanging onto that grip, it got grueling on the second set)
muscle up practice sets of 3-3-2-2. Today I did it after the wod, was trying to hit 3 sets of 3 unbroken but missed the last rep. Taking a break for the next couple days and going to test a max set in a couple days
oh…Rob Orlando doing Grace at 275#….no big deal…
Back squats are getting heavy! Or, las sentadillas son pesados, right Mr. Fox? ๐
Felt pretty good, although my rack position was a little more funky than usual since my shoulder is not happy. Nice job to Mishik who made his heavy 5 x 3 look light.
35# DB RDL 15 x each side
15 scap push-ups (instead of walkouts)
Many thanks to Margie for pulling together the CSA! Looking forward to lots of good food to cook this fall.
Great to be at the gym and hour earlier than usual tonight. Felt like walking into a party. Nice to see some folks I haven't seen in awhile.
Work with Alec and Shane.
WU: 3RNFT: 10 squats (15# med. ball hold), 10 parallette push ups (all rounds unbroken), :15 extended plank. Always feel my hands and feet slipping on these.
Press 3×5: (22×5,37×5,43×3,47×1) 55.5x5x3 Not sure, but think this has got to be some kind of 5 rep PR. Will have to check.
3RNFT: Pull ups (10, strict/thin blue band assist) R1:6/4 R2:5/5 R3:5/5
Glute /ham raisesx6 (played with variations), Ring dips (10 w/thin blue band) all rounds unbroken
Continue to feel progress in the upper body strength department.
And loved all the puppy time tonight!
Back squats: 120, 120, 120, 120F, 115
Struggled to keep my knees out through the first three sets. Failed on the second rep of the fourth set. Today was my first time bailing on the bar and I was a little embarrassed. Blah, blah I know I shouldn't say that, but I am.
2 Rounds NFT:
15 SL DB RDL, 15#
15 plank walk outs
I had to break up the planks.
Sรญ, Rickke, sรญ…
Heavy but good
GREAT vibe in the gym tonight! And some serious squatting by many folks ๐
Traci T., Charlotte and Rob I.,
Bad Brains chatter paid off. Heard some on spotfly (have no idea what it is or how it works) at the 6pm class tonite!
good work with Rob N. tonite on back sqat: 275 x3 x5.
Strength Cycle, Week 6, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 215×1, 235×1
Work: 245x5x3 (Well, this would be a new PR if I was doing 1RMs)
WU: 45×5, 75×2, 95×1, 105×1
Work: 110×4 (failed on 5th rep; something was wrong with left elbow; went back down to 95), then 95x5x2
Chinups @30lbs: 5,5, 7
I feel like I've entered a brand new headspace when it comes to squatting. Like a new place – never been here before. I'd like to stick around. Someone renew my visa.
8pm with noah tonight. it was definitely a party in there… group class, stength cyclers, personal sessions, and i think a foundations class! but despite the great energy there tonight was my first bad squat night, and the first time i failed on a squat. i did 160 very comfortably last week and practically (maybe literally.. shhh) skipped home from the gym, but tonight i couldn't make 165 work and failed in the 4th set. i have a million things to blame but whatever.. i'll hit the weight another time soon enough when the mojo is better.
btw, whoever brought that really cute small bulldog tonight, please bring him back. (so i can steal him.)
Squats at 6 a.m. were a little wonky; everything for me is always a little wonky at 6 a.m. Looking forward to the fall when my calendar chills the eff out and I can resume an evening/weekend class schedule. Anyway!
Warmup: 45×5, 75×5, 95×5, 115×5, 125×2
Work: 4×3 @135, then David had me do 3×3 box squats on one of the low foot stools at 95 to address said wonkiness. Yo, D.O.! Just an extra thanks for all the help this a.m.
I think I'm so used to rushing around like a crazylady in the mornings that I tend to rush through lifts if I go to 6 a.m. class.
Speaking of rushing, no time for accessory work, sadly — my day job was eagerly awaiting resuming sucking the life out of me.
I look forward to more CSA info; was bummed I couldn't make it tonight.
Sentadillas y Leche y Tacos.
Sentadillas should remain in the SBK lexicon.
Shoutout to M.O.P. "Ante Up" Twice coming on right before my squat.
Strength Cycle, Week 6, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 215×2, 235×1
Work: 250x5x3 This weight was an official new PR for me. Now the chase for 300!
I felt real energetic today (again MOP was helpful) but the weight was still heavier than expected. I do think I still have some good linear progression left in the tank though.
WU: 45×5, 75×4, 95×2, 105×1
Work: 115x5x3
These were heavy today. Im 2.5 lbs away from a PR. I think I can get it on my x3x5s next time. After that…not so sure.
Chinups @35lbs: 5,5, 5
Did a 1 leg frog kip on set 2 to get the last rep, and on set 3 I needed a 2 legged frog kick.
These are getting heavy.
I think I've got a couple of strict push ups, which might mean I accomplished my August goal, but I kind of want a coach to watch my form before I declare it an accomplishment.
98 x 3 x 5 – My heaviest yet. Felt ok, but apparently my knees are not staying out. Working on it.
It went up. Squatted 315x3x5 with PR, and it went up. He said I was close to shallow a couple times, but for the most part, it went up, and went up smooth. I think more than anything it was just focus on form, and getting prepared correctly, that made it come up.
I then worked on kipping toes to bars for Saturday, with some help from Fox. It was tough, though I did start one string of a good number, but it's definitely a new skill. I will try not to get too frustrated when learning a new skill, as per Fox's admonishment.
After 250 felt light last week I jumped 10# to hit 260x3x5 today. Lo and behold it felt heavy as hell, and I was shooting forward all over the place. Some things feel good, some bad, but I was happy to gut through it.
I've found a pattern in the way these squats have been going:
Set 1: I want to die
Set 2 and 3: Everything is pretty chill
Set 4: Easily the hardest, fatigue has set in but its not over yet.
Set 5: Someone could stab me while I was squatting and I'd finish.
Please don't take me up on the Set 5 Challenge.
5-6 hours of sleep the last many nights is starting to catch up with me. Goal was to to hit 5 x 3 at 275# tonight. First rep felt like a 1RM. Backed weight off to 265#, and felt like a 1RM. Backed off to 245#, and felt like a 1RM. No gas in the tank tonight. Decided watching my friends/wife do 3 sets of 800m runs would be more productive. Back at it tomorrow.
Quick post because it's late and well past my 11pm bedtime goal…
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×3, 175×2)
work: 185x3x5
-this is the same weight I started at but FINALLY my squats felt good. I failed on my 4th set, 2nd rep of these last week and called it quits. Tonight all felt strong and seemed to move rather quickly. I had begun to think I had forgotten how to squat but I think it was squatting alone that affected me. I tend to overthink and over-analyze every damn movement. Tonight it was good to work with Melissa and J. Bails and have Noah, Fox and David around. Definitely felt much more comfortable and appreciated the extra eyes!
Again, no time for accessory work though. My schedule has been Crazy lately…
Felt great last night! Thanks to Fox and others for the positive feedback on my squat depth. I finally got my shoulders to let me grip the bar close. In the second set of BSQ I just felt my whole spine finally go rigid from my head to my bum and I just thought, "Yes, this is how my back is supposed to feel in a squat." Very happy.
5 sets of 35-50 single unders
A tiny bit of fast footwork
2×3 chin up negatives
Warmup 1
WU: 45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 185×3
Work: 200-200-200-205-205
Only had time for 1 rnd of
15 Romanian deadlifts with 33# bar (these are still not pretty for me)
15 Plank walk outs