Sarah H. during Subway Series WOD #2!
The CFSBK CSA: Meet the Farmer
Join us tomorrow for an opportunity to meet Jerry and Andy the farmer’s who will be supplying our new CSA. Starting at 6pm you’ll have an opportunity to find out all the details about the farms and what a share includes, but here is a quick overview of pricing and logistics:
Mixed meat share: $575/4 months
Includes 15 lbs/month of Beef/Lamb/Pork (can accommodate no Pork eaters)
Chicken share: $190/4 months
Includes 10 lbs/month of chicken
Veg Share: $275/9 week share
Includes weekly box of 12-15 veggies
Pick up days will be Wednesdays from late afternoon to evening.
Shares can be shared! If you want to sign up but aren’t sure you will be able to eat all your veggies or meat, remember that you can go in with other people. We’ll post a CSA matchmaking sheet on the bulletin board in the gym so you can find each other.
To purchase a share, you’ll deal directly with the farms. Details will be posted after the Wednesday meeting.
To RSVP email Margie(AT)
Flag Football & Picnic This Sunday!
Are you ready for some football?! Join us this Sunday, August 21st at Prospect Park. Come eat, drink beverages and have a whole bunch of fun playing the sport of kings. RSVP to Noah(AT) If you want to play football let Noah know what your familiarity is w/ football on a scale of 1 (Football is the one w/ bases right?) to 5 (I played O-line for University of Phoenix Online). Bring kids, bring friends, bring a stranger!
Register for Fight Gone Bad Today!
FGB 6 is a just over a month away and it’s time join the Fight. Register here to join our team and begin your fundraising efforts for two great causes. We were the number 1 fundraising team in the world last year and Matt U. was the number one individual. Can we do it again? We can with your help!
Tough Titsday Sold Out!
Didn’t sign up for the upcoming cycle of Tough Titsday with Coach Margie? Well, tough tits because it sold out in record time! If you weren’t able to get in this go ’round shoot Margie(AT) an email with your interest in future cycles!
We just got Spotify at the gym! We’re working on a master playlist and we want your input. What’re your top 3 favorite workout songs?
Shin Splints 70s Big
Big Fat Blog Post 2 Robb Wolf
Omega 3 in Fish vs. Omega 3 in Oil Stronger Faster Healthier
Catch-up post…
I’m not meeting my August goals, but it’s hard to feel bad about that while I’m enjoying some delicious homemade lamb kofte (thanks for posting the recipe Michele!).
I did yesterday’s WOD. I managed six pull-ups with the dirty “white” band, which was better than expected. The standardized warm-ups are working! I switched to the skinny green band for the last nine. I only got through three rounds of the wall walk-ups and farmer’s carries (25#, 30#, 25#). I’m still getting the hang of the wall walk-ups and I'm not able to right up next to the wall yet.
Probably the wrong answer, but I like whatever you've been playing.
Katie glad you liked them!
B.I.G, Juicy (any biggie really)
Eminem, Lose Yourself
Blondie, Dreaming (debbie harry or gaga? por fucking favor)
and bonus Secret Embarassment Track, what I listen to to get ready to lift:
Foo Fighters(ugh) My Hero
first dead hang chin up today, speaking of embarrassing.
Dave Byrd saw me setting up with the thin pink band and goes, you may as well use nothing.
I tried nothing less than two weeks ago, but tonight I went right up.
so surprised I did another one to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
thanks Dave Byrd!
Catch up from yesterday.
1 RM chin-up – bodyweight (173#) + 105.4# (chin over vertical plane of bar)
Wall walks/farmer carry – 3 rounds + 5 wall walks. Farmer carry with 1 x 48kg KB, and 1 x 40kg KB. Switch hands at 65m.
I'll do a catch up post, too.
I'm doing ok with my August goals. I missed 1 heavy squat exposure when my back wasn't feeling the greatest. I've been feeling better about my squat, though, and I'm excited to jump back into some heavy squats tomorrow. I've done my 3 x 5 presses each week adding 5# each time. My big fail on my August goals: I haven't gone to a new PT yet for my shoulder. Feel free to bug me about this if you see me in the gym. Also, I'll repeat my plea for any good PT recommendations who take Oxford.
I couldn't make up Monday's WOD since my shoulder was bugging me. I decided to do Jerry instead.
run 1 mile
row 2k
run 1 mile
splits were something like this:
1st mile – 6:14
Row – 8:13
2nd mile – 8:10
I initially wrote the time down wrong at first as 23:27, but then looked at my watch after and it said 22:37. That's what happens when you eat a tres leches donut from Donut Plan before you work out. The row and the last run didn't feel so good. Again, I blame the donut.
Finished up with a great (and tough) Active Recovery with Mr. Fox. Hips, shoulders, and T spine are feeling it.
YES to Crossfit Gaga please!
Nice Michele!
Forgot to mention warmed up with Sets of unbroken muscle ups: 1-1-2-3-3
we're gonna have a gd gaga station?
I'll take lady Gaga but I need me some Nicki Minaj!!!
Drowning Pool–Bodies
System of a Down–B.Y.O.B
Missy Elliott–Work it
Snoop–Drop it like it's hot
Had to be censored on some other choices. Apparently Easy E doesn't make the cut. 😉
Tonight's comp class was great.
-3 Round NFT of 8 dislocate reverse lunges, 8 rotator cuff mobility work, 8 trap pullups
-Snatch drills
45×5, 65×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3
-all felt good. needed to take more time to get organized as it got heavier but all reps were doable. hurts the wrists like hell though! plan to open at 115 and hopefully hit 125 if all goes well!
Kipping Toes to Bar work:
-great teaching progression tonight by Coach Fox helped me to get the most ever linked around 5-7. sweet. now I've got those 3 minutes to look forward to at the end of everything else. oh. dear. god. 😉
The very concept that Rickke ate a donut and then ran a 6:14 mile to START a WOD just made my head explode.
LOVING all the GAGA enthusiasm!!!
"Sabatoge" by Beastie Boys!
"Yeah" by Usher (let's get a little funky up in here)
"Use Somebody "Kings of Leon
"Dog Days are Over" Florence and the Machine
Just about anything from Prince's "Purple Rain"
"How Ya Like Me Now" The Heavy (cool song in the movie "The Fighter"
"Dirt off your shoulder" Jay-Z or even better "Empire State of Mind" Jay-Z
"Lose Yourself" Eminem
"Fight the Power" Public Enemy
"Stronger" Kanye West
That's it for now–am likely to think of others 🙂
ooh, like right now. "Sexyback" Justin Timberlake
3 Doors Down- Kryptonite
Eminem- Lose Yourself
Linkin Park & Jay Z- Numb/ Encore