Every Minute On the Minute for 20 Minutes:
1 Hang Power Clean
3-5 Burpees
The HPC’s for this workout should be heavy enough that you’ve got to really get tight and organized to perform them, but light enough that you maintain perfect form. If fatigue sets in to the point where you’re not pulling under fast enough or things start to get a little wonky, drop some weight. Your goal for today is and SPEED and CONSISTENCY on the HPCs. If you miss a rep you can’t attempt the weight again until the following round. If you miss 2 reps in a row you need to decrease the weight at least 10 lbs. Pick a burpee rep scheme that will allow you to complete all the work before the :30 mark.
Watch this video to see the kind of tempo we’re looking for.
Post loads and experience to comments.
Double Half Jackie from Jeff Fleming on Vimeo.
Check out “Jefff” performing a sub-7 minute Double Half Jackie! Jeff F follows our programming remotely from his garage in Canada. How cool is that?!
Congrats Team SBK!
Team SBK took first place at yesterday’s Subway Series event at CF Long Island City. Click this link to see how all 22 of our athletes did. Hooray! 2 events down, 2 to go including the final event at CFSBK. Lets keep up the strong showing at these events and see if we can’t take home 1st overall this year. We’re ever MORE excited about all the people who have come out to participate and the first time competitors, you guys are awesome!
Meet The Farmer This Wednesday at SBK
Interested in joining the CFSBK CSA? This Wednesday at 6pm farmer’s Jerry and Andy will come by to talk about the program and give you a personal insight into where your food is coming from. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the slow food movement and support local sustainable agriculture! If you’d like to come by and meet them please RSVP to Margie(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com so we can guage interest and make sure theres enough room. To read more about the CFSBK CSA program, click here.
Picnic Next Week!
Next Sunday CFSBK is going out for a community picnic and a little optional football. Treat yourself, your friends and/or family to a day in the park. Catch up with gym friends and meet new folks all while getting a healthy dosage of vitamin D. All are invited and encouraged to go! We’re going to assume anyone who doesnt come out for this either hates America or is allergic to fun.
“Rebuilding Your Life Through CrossFit”
Nancy Raineri is 64 years old and has struggled with alcoholism for more than 20 years. She remains sober now thanks in part to CrossFit Sonora Sports and Fitness Center in Sonora, Calif.
"We're going to assume anyone who doesnt come out for this either hates America or is allergic to fun."
Ouch! Or has a niece whose seventeenth birthday that is, and will be in Philly to celebrate? I swear!
Great stuff,One thing it's hard to workout on your own.Keep it up buddy!!
I can't be there on Sunday because there is a demonstration involving flag-burning that requires my presence. Noam Chomsky insists I attend.
took the 9am class after a client no-showed. Why does rain keep people away…seriously?
-lax ball, foam roll
-Warmup 2: 2 rounds
Clean barbell drills/warmup:
33, 63, 83, 103, 113, 118
118# for all 20 rounds, 5 burpees
-able to finish all rounds within 20 secs but it was tough! After round 5, I wasn't looking forward to 15 more. Hang cleans are so much harder and I still wasn't dropping down far or fast enough.
I really liked this work out! Might be my new favorite.
Cleans 55 lbs for all rounds.
3 squat thrusts
I'm gonna be out of town for the BBQ, but I've been wanting to play some football for awhile! Can we do this again soon?!
What time are we starting up the picnic again on Sunday?
I hate America -and- I'm allergic to fun.
Wod today was fun (oops), 135# and 3 burpees only.
Strength Cycle B: Volume/Bench/Deads…
Squat: 255x5x5
1-arm DB bench: 70×5 and 75x5x2
Dead: still can't pull due to arm sprain. It's way better than Wednesday, but even light rows were not so great. I'll take it easy and hopefully recover fast. I took the time to do so more lax ball, foam rolling and milk drinking. Went home and did some PNF and static stretching on my hamstring and more LaX ball on the glute/ham and shoulder…
Did today's workout at #145 and 5 burpees. HPC 5-15 felt really good. A bit of fatigue really started getting me to push all the way through and really jump it and a few times the speed of the bar surprised me. Other times I was not getting my arms around fast enough.
175# and 5 burpees: finished in the 13-15 second range…felt really good today
Great Job to everyone who came out yesterday at the Subway Series! Way to Represent!!!
Fun workout.
To my surprise, the 135 I chose for the cleans today felt too easy. Afterwards I tried a HPC with someone's 155, and it went up pretty well…if I could do it again, I'd start there with a couple sets of 5's on the side to easily go down if necessary. Apparently I need to re-evaluate my mental assumptions about where my clean is – which is great.
Since I couldn't go up in weight, I added burpees to make it harder. Voluntarily doing more burpees than is necessary is pretty unusual.
Next Subway Series WOD is up
The Queen's event looks awesome, but will be away that weekend. Good luck to everyone, you'll totally rock this one!
Did today's WOD at 165 and burpees
This was difficult.
As far as the EMOTM workouts go, this one seemed to last forever. Hit this at 115 and 3 burpees, having to decrease the burpee work from 4 after a few minutes.
still dropping weight, so my lifts continue to suffer.
not sure i should even bother to Total, which is a distressing thought.
on the good side, i can do a lot more (still lightly banded) pullups.
Loved this WOD. Good stuff, Fox!
155# HPC / 5 burpees – all rounds between 15 – 18 secs. I think I probably should've tried 165#.
Off of the DL! Still gotta be careful, but so much fun… on this lift I need to make the move from the hang to racked more "elbows."
95lbs. and 3 solid burpees each time, all around :20-:24.
Thanks to Noah and Fox.
This was a fun ride at 95#/3 burpees. Timing was very consistent at 17-20 sec/round, so that's good. I still feel like cleans are a puzzle I am many steps away from solving, but I am starting to see at least what the steps are…
Fun WOD, always enjoy EMOTM stuff.
Probably went too light, 155 is a common # in programming and I just stuck there out of a lack of creativity or cojones, take your pick. All the cleans felt solid and fast, did 5 burpees and consistently finished each round at 12-14 seconds.
Way to go Jefff!
Re: the picnic… My parents are visiting this weekend. I can't decide how weird it would be to bring them. I'll let them decide since they're the ones making the trip. I'm assuming this is at Prospect Park, but where in the park?
Today my WOD was helping my roommate mike move out of our apartment and into his new one in kensington. Both apartments are 4 floor walk ups and the other fellow (not mike) helping us was excellent at moving all the pillows, picture frames etc 🙂
Good times in the pouring rain today, felt fine until afterwards when i got slammed with the sleepies.
Heel was hurting a bit making it hard to be aggressive with clean. started light at 125 but then grabbed nearby plates and went to 130 then 140. Should have done 145 or 150 for the whole thing.
made up yesterday's squat 200x10x2
I forgot to mention that I'll be doing a mirror of Samir's flag-burning protest next weekend near the Jersey shore. A very popular hot spot for radicals and "anti-amercanists". It's a family thing, sorry.
More importantly– nice work to the team yesterday! 1st place– woohoo!
With a 5AM wakeup call from the newborn, and a packed day of toddler birthday parties, I opted to go the Jefff route and do this in my building gym.
135 pound cleans, 4 burpees per round. Felt great. Maybe could have gone a bit heavier on the cleans, but 135 felt just hard enough to force good form.
this weeks Subway Series event is already more than 1/2 sold out. If you haven't yet, get on board!
great crossfit weekend!
subway series was a lot of fun – everyone rocked it! looking forward to queens next week.
WOD @ 115, 5 burpees
all rounds were done within 24 seconds
haven't done either movement in a while, felt ok on the lower back/hamstring, although i'm quite sore now (monday).
Did the WOD with 135 lbc HPC & 5 burpees – finished on average below 25 seconds. could have gone 10 lbs heavier with the HPC…