Add 5-15 lbs to last weeks exposure as appropriate
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(e3/4) compare to 8.6.11
3 Rounds NFT:
8 FSQ Rack Reverse Lunges, each side
8 Get Up Sit Ups, each side
Go as heavy as you can on these with perfect form.
Post loads to comments.
Check out our own Martha S on CNN discussing the historical accuracy of, “The Help”.
Onward CrossFit Soilders!
Good luck to all the SBK’ers competing today in Event 2 of the CF Subway Series! We’ve got a great crowd headed out to LIC to represent through competition and comradery. Let us know how you guys and gals all do!
Good Luck SUPers!
Some folks are also heading down to Rockaway Beach for the CrossFit WOD SUP (Stand Up Paddleboarding) event today. Post to comments your experiences today.. and Have Fun!!
What’s your favorite Beer?
Denver Bronco Knowshon Moreno Training at CrossFit Verve Vimeo
The Beer Post CrossFit One World
8 Hours in Brooklyn Vimeo
Daaamn anyone got $2500 to burn? If so we should shoot a spot at CFSBK with that Phantom Flex. I'm sure we have a crew with the knowledge and skills to pull it off.
50 of us could jut pitch in $50 bucks. Would make a hell of a commercial for the gym. lol
Mmmmmm, beer.
Hook me up with a Franziskaner Hefeweizen dark, and I'm a happy girl.
That 8 hours in Brooklyn video demonstrates yet again, perhaps for the zillionth time, that the human body and the world around us, regarded as mundane and ordinary, as we move quickly, hurriedly, and stressfully, from one time-bound commitment to the next, are actually art works in their own right. Sometimes the still camera brings about this revelation, sometimes the Phantom Flex. But its there all the time. We just need to pay attention.
Hey all.
I am helping my partner break down her show at Dumbo Arts Center on Monday afternoon. We need one other person to help load a truck with some heavy-ish and awkward items. So, if anyone's in Dumbo Monday PM and wants an improvised strongman workout (about an hour?), email me at jdzevin (at) me.com. We can pay you back in beer and/or an active recovery class.
Lately I'm loving Gaffel. Crisp and summery.
i don't drink a lot of beer, especially now that i'm post-gluten, but i do love it. my favorites are UFO hefeweizen for general drinking and harpoon IPA with food. (i really developed a taste for harpoon beer when i lived in boston.) next week i am headed to SF and i have a brewery tour at anchor steam brewery already scheduled!
nice small 9am class with margie today. my first time making it in for volume squats. executed two tough sets at 125. margie had me reduce the foot angle in my stance today and it felt great. that would be the second squat revelation she bestowed on me this week (the other being that my posture was too upright… and when i leaned forward 2 degrees it was like taking 10 pounds off the bar). thanks again, margie.
also, really enjoyed that article by martha S. one of the things i love most about CFSBK is how many talented people you get to work out with.
Thanks for that link to the Martha Southgate appearance on CNN.
One good turn deserves another:
Haven't had a drink in 2 years but I used to love dogfish head 90 minute IPA. That with a glass of Jameson sounds about right. Ussually for 2 sets of 5. That's the snake bite.
Team SBK took 1st today in the 2nd event of the subway series!
anxious to hear more news from the subway series! go team!
thanks to David O for the gently Active Recovery today. the couple hours a week I am able to spend in the gym these days is seriously all I am living for. I am very grateful for this little sweaty oasis of ours.
note to Stella: I think I took your info at the Fox's party, but i serm to have misplaced it. would you mind shooting me an email at mignyc (at) gmail dot com?
Congrats subway series competitors!
Had a nice noon class with Noah today. Squatted 255x2x10. After failing on my heavy squats the other day, there was something about getting under the bar where I didn't attack it w/ quite the same confidence, but it kept going up, and actually felt quite good on the second set.
Accessory work was hard, even with just a 15 pound weight on those turkish get up sit ups.
I then did some muscle-up work. I am over the rings, with the help of Mike, Ken, and Rickke yesterday, and Noah today. Now I just have to hold and do that damned dip. I think this is a more than attainable August goal.
To my friends in the raw milk business:
please do not email about this, talk on the phone about it, or post on the blog. We don't want to see the SWAT raid your home.
Thank you.
That is awesome Martha– really nice job on the CNN. You handled that like an expert, do you go on TV a lot?
Squats today were good… felt stronger than I'd expected 185x10x2
the a/w with 10lb kb and 45lb bar… those situps are hard!
Congrats to everyone who kicked ass today in LIC!!!
Happy we won. Great to meet a lot of new people (from the night side of the gym) I hope I can remember all your names.
See you guys monday morning!
A fantastic Private session, Teaser Class and Active Recovery today!
Also great to see much if Team SBK post WIN at the gymnasium.
3 Rounds of:
10 Low Bar Back Squats, 45lbs
10 Push-Ups on the Low Rings
6 Pull-Ups
15 Hollow Rocks
I like to get a little movement specific prep on the high volume squat day by incorporating it into my warm-up. Also, saw the rings and decided to do ring push-ups. They were decidedly harder.
Back Squats
(115×5, 135×5, 145×3, 155×3)
Felt good, last week was too light so I made a 15lb jump. I like the 2x volume squats because it give you about 10 total reps to organize a slightly fatigued lift.
Tomorrow's WOD
For 25 Minutes:
two sefs of a 65m Farmer's Walk, 45lbs
5 Parallete HSPU Negatives
did about 4 rounds. Details on this WOD tomorrow.
also- the reason I did tomorrow's WOD today is that I may be helping my roommate of 5 years move out :'(
2 More things:
1. Fox called me to inform me that I did not in fact do Sunday's WOD, I did Monday's WOD. That's my fault for not checking the programming Google Calender and doing it from memory.
2. I really need to start proof reading my posts. I blame my swollen forearms.
Anyone know the final scores for the final? I had to leave early, blech.
Oops, scores for the subway series, rather.
What a long but fantastic day out at LIC. CFSBK represented so well and I was stoked when we were announced winners!!! I might be a little gender-biased but my highlights included: watching ALL of our rx'd ladies get at least one HSPU (f*ck yeah, paddock!) and Sarah H. beasting through the "scaled" version. BUT, everyone really did a fantastic job!
As for me, I ended up 3rd female overall and finished with 18 HSPU's. These were all kipped but I was able to get a couple sets of 3-4 in there! This was hugely due the AMAZING SBK cheering squad. I only needed 2 more before moving on to muscle-up's…sheer adrenaline might have gotten me one. ๐
Big props go out to our SBK cheering team! Yosh, Josie, Felix, Melissa, Keith, Allison, Katie and Antoine (hope I didn't miss anyone!). Seriously, today was a long day and we really loved you all being there. Hope to see you all signed up to compete at the next event!
Long day at LIC today, but so worth it! Everyone did an amazing job. I'm pretty sure there were more SBKers there today than folks from any other gym, including the host. I count myself lucky to work (and workout) with you fools. As said, South Brooklyn came in 1st place for this weeks event. Let's see if we can carry that forward to Astoria next week ๐
Billy – you can see the scores on the spreadsheet that had the heats on it.
Also – my current fav beer is Negro Modelo, preferably in the can with a rim of salt and a lime wedge. In the cooler months I prefer a Guinness or an IPA
Had a nice time at LIC today. Really great crowd of cheerers and competitors. It was especially nice to meet so many morning folk. The Coaches Fox were amazing, they never stopped cheering and coaching everyone through, even though it was a pretty long day. Super congrats to Steph P on her first hand-stand push-up, way to get it done!
The official scores are here. Wanted an easier way to see the individual ranking break down for individuals and recomputed for men/women separately here.
Don't worry, it doesn't change the standings. ๐
@Marc Big thumbs up for Dogfish Head!
Congrats to our competitors!
p.s. just rechecked the spreadsheet and it looks like Billy took first in the ladies "scaled" division! nice work billy!
Just wanted to say thanks to Dave, Shane, the Foxes and the SBK crowd for the hospitality while I was here on vacation. The drop-in WODs were great and today's Subway Series event was awesome.
I look forward to coming back to SBK when I'm stationed at West Point.
great time at LIC. I didnt know what to expect of my performance but i really wanted to get to the MUs and test my new kip, not today. My hspu kip is new too and i used that. Awesome team. I'm proud.
favorite beer: of the gluten frees i like Green's blonde and Bard's when I can find it.
I've used the phantom camera a few times, its cool.
Dang, I told the judge to count me in RXed. I think I had the 4th best score overall for women. Weird event.
Good times at CFLIC today! It was so great to have such a huge CFSBK cheerleading squad. Awesome job to everyone who competed and thanks SO much to everyone who came to support.
I think I took 7th overall. I did the 600m row and 40 1.5pood KBS in 3:34, got through the 20 HSPU, and 6 muscle ups. My goal was 40 unbroken KBS and 10 muscle ups. Hit my goal with the KBSs, but HSPUs took a lot more out of me than expected, so I didn't make it to 10 muscle ups.
Btw – in case it wasn't clear for everyone that checked out the score sheet, it was the ladies that brought this win home for CFSBK. Please put me on the waiting list for your kipping HSPU workshop.
As for favorite beers – I have a few, although I'm more of a tequila, gin, whiskey guy. I'll choose the bourbon barrel aged Coney Island beer I had today with everyone that went to Bierkraft after the competition. This beer facilitated lots of learning moments at lunch today, including much conversation about bandana code. We learned that CFSBK actually has one.
Great to hear about the big win at LIC guys, way to rock it. More importantly, sounds like everyone had a really fun time.
Got my volume squat work in today at 205, still feels good although its getting a bit heavy.
See y'all tomorrow.
Oh, and I was a bartender for a long time, so a beer list might take a while. Here's one:
Left Hand Milk Stout. I'm almost positive you could drink it for recovery after squatting.