Today’s Rest day WOD is to.. Talk to someone new! This can be someone you work with but never talk to, someone you buy coffee from every day but have never introduced yourself to or anyone else that you might cross paths with today. We live in a large and crowded city where interactions with other people (especially strangers) are taken for granted and often avoided. Take a few minutes to try to stimulate a short (or long!) conversation with someone today you wouldn’t normally talk to.
If you put yourself out there and it’s not recieved well, don’t take it personally just try again with someone else. The WOD for today is to give it a shot and see what happens.
Post results to comments.
Coach Laurel’s Sandy Handstand
Going to the Subway Series?
Anyone who needs a ride or can offer a ride to the Subway Series event in Long Island City this Saturday should email Chris(AT) so that we can organize rides. We’re excited to see everyone come out to compete or spectate!
Announcing the Next Tough Titsday Cycle!
Ladies, it is time to get your estrogen on. This four part series is geared for beginning lifters who want to develop competency on the four barbell lifts: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Press. We’ll focus on technique, how to establish appropriate warm up and work set weights, as well as the mental aspect of preparing to manage heavy loads. Titsday is a practical class using moderate volume and weight; it should complement your regular CrossFit life.
This is your chance to dude out in a women’s only environment.
For beginning lifters who have been out of Foundations at least one month and had some exposure to the movements. Limited to 5 participants.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Margie(AT) with questions.
Sundays @ 10am on: 9/21, 9/25, 10/4, 10/9
Each class is one hour and 15 minutes
Cost is $100/4 sessions
Sign up here!
Videos from the Ancestral Health Symposium Vimeo
2011 CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes Part 1 CrossFit Journal (Free)
2011 CrossFit Games Behind the Scenes Part 2 CrossFit Journal (Free)
Everything is Terrible! Category: Exercise
First order of business. Dudes, I got my first band assisted pullup last night. It was the black band. And it was mouth (not chin) to bar, but I am claiming it by golly. This was my first pullup without Shane pushing me up. Special thanks to Jeremy and Jack for helping me not kill myself with the bands.
Second, I can give two people a ride Saturday, but I am going to Spa Castle afterwards. So they might need to take the 7/g/b62 home.
Third, and most important, subway series strategy. I am a badass at rowing and at KB swings, but have no HSPU or Muscle Ups. Is it best to do which of following:
1: Do WOD as rxed, crush the first half, and take a hit on the second half
2: Scale the second half only and just go for a small help to the team
3: Scale the entire WOD and try to get the most points possible for the team
Billy – the way scoring works fo these events is that only the top 3 male and female Rx'd scores count towards the gym's score. For this one in particular if someone has no hspus for sure I'd recommend doing the row and the kb swings Rx'd, and then doing the db presses and pull/push as a scale (if allowed). It may be the case that folks scaling one aspect will have to scale the whole shebang, so in that case you'll have to pick. Scaling everything will mean a pretty light kb for most folks but will ensure that you get an 8 minute workout in as opposed to a 3+ minute one. It's a quagmire for sure. Whatever you decide, if you give it your all Team SBK will support you!
Hey ladies!
Next Titsday cycle is actually 9/18, 9/25, 10/2 and 10/9
a lovely 6am with coach shane, yoshi, jodi and felix
pre WU
foam roll goodness
3 Rounds of:
20 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats w thera band
10 Push-Ups
6 Pull-Ups strict
(45×10 115×8 185×5 (too big a jump, brain malfunction))
felt better than last week. in btw sets stretching helped a lot.
3 rnds nft
8 weighted step ups w 30lb dbs
8 turkish get up sit ups w 20kg kb. hard to keep wrists straight.
best of luck to all competing in the subway series. KICK ASS!!
Woohoo, I am in for Tough Titsday! Thanks Margie for clearing up the confusion on the dates.
I'm also in for today's noon class and I can't wait — it's been two weeks since I've been to the gym and that's too damn long.
Lazy posting yesterday:
Foam rolled, lax balled, and mobility prepped at work. Trying to make this a habit.
Made up my heavy squats at 6PM, 3×5@250#.
First rep, first set felt the weird tissue pain I had been getting a few months ago and reracked. Did some AlecDeb Magic Exercises, and then went back after it and it was fine. Fox helped me with the very good cue to just squat down, I think teaching the squat so much I had gotten programmed to really overexaggerate my hips going back and was just looking silly and being inefficient.
245 had felt rough last week, 250 felt pretty good, 260 next week.
2X1/2Jackie in 7:14 RX.
1:53ish split 1st RD, 2:03ish split second, everything else unbroken with a few thruster pauses in the rack in the second round.
Felt really good, finally getting comfortable on the erg and being able to find that middle ground where I can pull strong, make decent splits, and not leave my lungs on the gym floor. Spending two weeks eating, breathing, and teaching pullups has made my pullups a bit more efficient too. Also bolstered by my positioning for the WOD, I could see everyone and they couldn't see me- that always makes me go faster because when I see people resting I feel like I have a chance to overtake them. Weird CF WOD psychology I guess.
Anybody in for this after Subway Series? I won't be there for the comp, but I always enjoy a good after party!
During double half Jackie yesterday I discovered a new rowing technique that helped my times incredibly. Thanks Ben for videotaping.
Rowing Properly
FIRST: I just signed up for PALEO PAX which is a monthly subscription that for 20$ (month by month) you receive 4-6 paleo snacks delivered to your door. What you get will also vary month to month. Basically, it's a great concept and I'm stoked to receive goodies in the mail from them. I know many of you are paleo or paleo-ish or just hungry in general soooo.. you can find more info here! Hope you sign up too!
SECOND: See you all tmw! Billy, I would scale it so that you get the full spectrum of the workout. Don't worry about holding anyone back or whatever, do what seems right. The fun of these events is that though it's a competition, I feel like you're really competing with yourself to push harder, etc. 🙂
dh3–you should totally warm up your row with that technique tomorrow! you know, scare the competition. 😉
also, it seems like there are several people with cars that will be driving out to LIC with room for others! Just spoke to Mr. Fox and we're planning on meeting at the gym in the morn and leaving no later than 8:20. Meet us there to carpool and such.
p.s. For my rest day WOD, I'm going to start a conversation with a bartender here in about an hour.
I have room for 1 more in my car for tomorrow's subway series. I can pick up from CFSBK at 8am if anyone is interested, email me at
Double half jackie. 8:59 rx'd in today's 7 am class. Took way too much time on the transition to the second rnd erg. Not wholly unhappy except that first round of pull ups went something like 8,5,2 and the second 5, 5, 4 (slipped off bar), 1. thought I should have done first round unbroken, at least. Conditioning issue? Blubber issue? Are the two related? Speaking of blubber, I already know that it's highly unlikely that I'll reach my August goal of losing 5lbs in my mid section. I foresee too many beer soaked weekends as this month wanes. Lame, but a man has got to know his limitations.
On a happier note, 7 am classmate Martha Southgate has a totally thought-provoking essay as the sidebar to the cover story in the "The Help" issue (8/12) of Entertainment Weekly. Check it out!,,20516492,00.html
Did anyone else watch Mat Lalonde's video? I highly recommend it. Pretty great that he walked into a room full of Paleo purists and said "we don't really know how bad some of these things (legumes, dairy, rice) are and for which people, so don't overstate things."
When is that guy going to write a book?
Strength Cycle, Week 5, Day 3
This was a rough day. I felt a little beat up and it showed. I think I need to sleep better, take more fish oil, and eat more.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1
Work: 235x5x3 (third rep of third set was a bit shallow)
WU: 45×5, 75×2, 95×1, 105×1
Work: 110x5x2, 110×2 (failed on 3rd rep – the whole set didn't feel right; will repeat this weight next week)
WU: 95×3, 115×2, 135×1
Work: 145x5x3 (fails on 3rd rep of 1st and 2nd set; I was muscling up a bit too much).
Phew. This is getting really hard and heavy.
180x10x2 backsquat…felt like i owned this weight, excited to add some more
worked on some hspu/muscle ups everything felt real good, Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Kick Ass!
4 rounds
short run
40 double unders
Good wod with Matt and Rickke
Good to be back in the gym after a few days on the beach in NJ. I got to work out at Jackie's old gym. Pretty cool place where your standard globo gym goers peacefully coexist with crossfitters. I needed to take a few days off to recover from the strongman subway series event. I tweaked my lower back on the zercher, so I didn't do the heavy squats this week. Instead, I worked some HSPUs and muscle ups, which my shoulder wasn't happy about. Hoping my shoulder feels better for tomorrow's event. Good luck to everyone competing!
I did tomorrow's volume squats today. Glad they didn't irritate my lower back too much.
185 x 10 x 2 — up 10# from last week. The weight felt really doable and my form is getting better. Finally getting a consistently better bounce out of the hole.
A little conditioning WOD afterwards for kicks with Matt and Mike:
4 rounds
~250 meter run
40 double unders
@ Billy: Congrats on your first pull-up– awesomo. Good luck tomorrow.
@Samir– don't short change yourself by not eating enough. At this point in your cycle, you can't have either too much fat or too much protein, so have at it. Recover well this weekend and you'll kill it next week. 5×3 is so hard when you are pushing your ceiling. It takes guts just to go back for the last set– you should feel proud just for making the attempt.
I did a one-armed workout of sorts. With limited time I warmed up a bit and hit:
One-armed DB press: 50x5x2 and 50×9. Should have gone heavier. (right arm, left arm sprained)
WOD: 15 box jumps, 15 one-armed thrusters, 270 meter run. Twice.
First round was 20" box, second round 16". 2 minutes per round. Should have done 3.
I am looking forward to the point where I start to feel the burn and dig it– I am not there yet. I remember it, but now I get in that "place" and do not enjoy it and just want it all to end. Please just hand me a heavy barbell. Please. I hate to say this, but I think I need some LSD just to help ease into the glycolytic pathway.
My arm is doing 10 times better than Wednesday, so I think I'll be able to hold the bar to my back Sunday for some heavy squatting. Presses are probably a week off…
That is all.
7am class-Double 1/2 Jackie:
2 Rounds of 500M row+25 thrusters (22#bar)+15 jumping pull-ups
I knew this was gonna be our WOD today so I purposely skipped breakfast so I wouldn't feel nauseous again after rowing! It worked. Did jumping pull-ups but I really just want to be able to do green-band pull-ups. Must figure out a way to do this…
Thanks Chris A. for posting that link. Who knew that Ms. Martha Southgate, my quiet and unassuming workout partner this morning, is a literary ROCKSTAR?!! Werq, sister.
Fail on the RWOD today.. in that I only left my apartment once with my roommate for a few minutes. Alas- Tomorrow and onward!
About to watch the lalond video now.
I also watched the games videos last night. really interesting view into the back end of the games, glad to see the interviews with Rob Orlando etc.
Congrats Billy good to see your hard work paying off.
Whooo! I felt like I took a Viagra or something before class. I had a bunch of energy and felt good. Not sure what it was Still not getting as much sleep as I should (thats a big goal of mine the next few weeks as things get tougher…lol posting this at 12:47 AM).
Anyhow yea Im not sure what it was. I didnt eat til like 1pm today because I had blood drawn so I had to fast. Could that have given me energy? All the food and milk ive been eating really does make me sleepy. Today by lifting time I had only had 1 meal and a half gallon of milk.
I also started eating or is it drinking fish oil again 2 days ago. Maybe, that's it. The soreness today was way down.
But arghhh I left my fish oil in the fridge at CFSBK.
Strength Cycle, Week 5, Day 3
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1
Work: 235x5x3
Felt good. After Rep 1 and 2 of set 1 it was really good. Just can't get psyched out by the early reps. The last set there was some bar uneveness which I will correct by stretching out my lats more next class (especially my left).
WU: 45×5, 75×2, 95×1, 105×1
Work: 110x5x2, 110×2
Felt pretty good. Hard by the end but still very doable.
WU: 95×3, 115×2, 135×1
Work: 145x5x3
Maybe the best Ive ever felt on cleans. I came into today wanting to really focus on bar speed and acceleration going up….looking at the video it still looks like slow motion but what do you know, really consciously pulling explosively into scarecrow after my triple extension made the bar feel weightless and then my elbows kind of naturally whipped under the bar. That was the first time I ever felt that. I didnt even really have to consciously drive my elbows around. Additionally, the bar would land softly on my collarbone. No Bar Hickeys for me today despite this matching my 1x PR.
Looking at the video I can still get more speed on the bar, but now I know the cue. I also have to make sure to not jump til the bar gets to my pockets. 1 or 2 reps something wonky happened around my knee and I think I jumped up early causing me to muscle up the bar.