For Time:
Row 500m
25 Thrusters, 45lbs
15 Pull-Ups
Row 500m
25 Thrusters, 45lbs
15 Pull-Ups
Dropping an empty barbell results in an on the spot 10 burpee penalty!
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to normal “Jackie” 11.27.10
Spend the remainder of class working on mobility, particularly shoulder internal rotation/extension and hip internal rotation
Holy Katz! Check out Matt K at the first Subway Series Event
Check out the trailer for Gabrus‘ new MTV Show, “The Substitute“
Kipping Pull-Up Class Tonight
Join Coach Noah in his second installment of the SBK Skill Sessions. This week we’re working on the elusive Kipping Pull-Up. To learn more about this Skill Session, read here. There are dtill two slots left!
Fight Gone Bad Approaches!
Every year CFSBK participates in the annual CrossFit charity drive, “Fight Gone Bad”. For those of you who have been with us for more than a year, you’ll recognize this as one of our biggest annual community events. After signing up on the FGB6 site, you can jumpstart your fund raising effort and begin preparing for the grueling event. On the big day (9/17) we’ll be celebrating with prizes, custom t-shirts, BBQing and a whole lot more.
Last year CFSBK took 1st place in the WORLD for fundraising with a whopping $48,052 (seriously!) raised for chairty. With your help, we can come back even stronger for 2011 and show the world what CrossFit South Brooklyn is all about! For more information, registration links and a look at the current team, click here!
Meet The Coaches
Do you know all 9 CFSBK coaches? Some folks on a regular schedule only get to work with a handful of us. If that’s you, head on down to the Coaching Staff Page to learn a little more about us.
Which coach do you work with most often?
Annie Sakamoto, “2011 Spirit Of The Games” Winner CrossFit
An Inside Look Into CrossFit Culture Competitor
The Paleo Diet Creation Myth The Lazy Caveman
You Can’t Fix A Body You Hate Everyday Paleo
Musings Of A Powerlifter For the Love Of Cookies
My goal is to do this all unbroken (totally doable), and not assess any penalties!
Yeah Mr. Gabrus!
I'm leaving work a little early on September 12 to catch me some appointment TV at 4:30!
Right on Mr. Gabrus!
Feedback: Checking this blog is usually the first thing I do in the morning. Sometimes I have to pee first. But usually it's WOD first. Keep up the good work, coaches.
Yesterday's squats were at 200#. Paid the price for not coming early enough to get mobility work in on my shoulders. Sad robot.
Tonight the black band and I have a hot date at the pullup bar. I am determined to get to first base.
After some last minute cancellations we have 4 spots open for the Kipping Pullup class. Come one, come all, come kip!
thanks for the shoutout CFSBK!
set your DVRs or more likely…tell your kids to set their DVRs
Sorry to the swimmers that I bailed on today, but I was up early enough to realize I could lift instead…Clean and Bench so much better than Free and Breast
Power Cleans
Bench Press (summer of 3 wheels)
280x5x3, 180×20
Gabrus! I was about to apologize to you! I had a swim fail. I got into Jeremy's car and, well… it didn't want to wake up.
Ended up riding my back through the park instead, which was really nice. It's a beautiful morning.
Gabrus and Margie, you guys picked the right morning to skip the pool. Apparently it was closed this morning due to someone… dropping the kids off at the pool last night.
Double half Jackie? That is some evil genius programming right there.
Margie, I know; you guys would have had a really shitty swim.
What a flattering picture — can't wait for this weekend's WOD.
New job craziness means I haven't been able to come Tues-Wed-Thurs, but I'll be back on Friday to practice muscle ups for Saturday!
Yeah Gabrus!
@joe. sounds like a Dr.Evil Wod.
Annie Sakamoto is a true American hero. If you've never seen the "Nasty Girls" video, check out the link below. Watching it is like the CrossFit baptism rite
Annie Sakamoto is awesome! If looking her up on youTube be sure to write "nasty girls" and not "dirty girls", unless well.. you're not looking for crossfit videos.
I usually work with everyone because my schedule is all over the place. I like all of you coach-y people and try to cycle through each of your classes so that NO ONE FEELS LEFT OUT. 🙂
I am coming to this WOD tonight! Mainly because i'm feeling really invincible (11×120# bsq last night!) and need to be put back in my place which this will do.
Coincidentally I named my CFSBK fantasy football team Annie Sakamoto yesterday
Right now I work with Jeremy the most though I've taken class with everyone. Its actually hard to remember whos coached me the most since in almost every class theres always coaches helping out even if they arent coaching.
Having Shane sub our strength class Mon, I realized I hadnt been in a Shane class for awhile. Is that cause I havent been coming inthe morning or Thursdays?
Gabrus! This looks awesome!
7:20 Rx – NO Drops, NO Burpees
500m row
Thrusters 25 unbroken
Pull Ups 5-5-5
536m Row (didn't pay attention)
Thrusters 15-10
Pull Ups 15 Unbroken.
Breaking this up was easier on the reps but took much time switching stations.
i was awake and ready to go swimming and for some reason didn't. nice!!
There is just something wrong with "Mr Gabrus"
About 10 minute of Foam Rolling
Ankle Distraction and Wrist distraction
3 Rounds
16 Reverse Lunges, with 33# overhead
10 Ring Rows <3
:30 Plank
Bqck Squats
(45×8, 115×5, 135×5, 165×5, 175×3, 185×2, 195×1)
Double 1/2 Jackie
8:19 as Rx'd
Rowing: First Round 1:50-2:00 Splits, Second Round 2:05-2:20 Splits
Thrusters: All Unbroken
Pull-Ups: All Unbroken
Only slept like 2 hours Tuesday night so I was in no shape to squat yesterday so I did everything today.
8:39 on the the Double Half Jackie.
First round:
row about 1:50
thrusters and pull ups unbroken
Second round:
row about 2:00
thrusters 10, standing rest, 10, rest, 5
pull ups unbroken
nice stretching post workout.
I usually hit the 5pm so I work mostly with coach Fox with occasional appearances by coach Margie and coach Shane with the big D.O. wandering around here and there.
So. Out. Of. Shape. Thanks to Coach Shane for helping me through 2x 1/2 Jackie!
33 lb push press
Green + brown band
First hard workout after about 2+ months off from a herniated disc. I'll take it…..
since i'm early mornings during the week, it's coach d.o.
saturday coach margie and sunday coach fox.
Double Half Jackie
Rows approximately 1:52-1:55 pace
Thrusters unbroken
Pull-Ups unbroken
Happy with the row pacing. Sub 6:30 possible for me. Would have to get a little more uncomfy on rower though.
That's a HALF!!!!???? Jesus.
Shane – You. Are. THE. Man.
Thanks for getting me through that.
Must do more conditioning work. The erg is not my friend.
15:41 with a 33lbs bar and some jumping assisted pullups.
Thrusters were definitely a killer. Maybe I should I have scaled the bar a little more.
The 2nd set I had to break up into I think 3 or 4 chunks.
Pullups were 5-5-5.
Fun day at the gym today, Got to work with mr Ben G himself.
I have to admit that when I first started CFSBK almost a year ago, I hated the ERG. Now I really enjoy it, if that is possible.
Double Half-Jackie (The Smithers or Dr Evil Wod)
first row: 1:38-1:42 ish (went out too fast
Thrusters 25 unbroken
pull ups unbroken
2nd row: 2:05 ish
Thrusters 10, 8, 7 (or something like that, bar not put down)
pull ups un broken.
Time 7:50
This wod left me completely gassed, but was a lot of fun.
(make mine a) Double Half Jackie
7:59 Rx'd
Thanks to Dan for keeping me in a pace. Sorry I had to abandon you to teach 🙁
A bit disappointed that I broke up the pull ups in 2nd round. I don't know how people did this in 6 and change!
13:43, 45# and 8p/u instead of 15 – but managed to do 2-3 p/u at a time so that's an improvement!
Christine was awesome encouragement, enjoyed doing this "team/buddy" style. Thrusters pounded me into the ground, the 2nd set was pretty sadface.
Nice to see everyone tonight, especially you BAZ.
Please pass the fish oil…
Also, am I the only CFSBK'r who uses beyond the white board?
Pre-class Workout
Benched rep-out: 15×150
Checked shoulder range of movement:
Pullups: no issue
Strict Dips: no issue (did 20 unbroken just to pressure test)
Row: no issue
HSPU: no issue
Kettlebell swing: no issue
WTF, so why does my shoulder hurt when I drink a cup of tea!?
3 rounds of
8 roll to V-ups
14 pistols (7 then switch legs)
10 hand release pushups
5 pullups
Double 1/2 Jackie
Round 1: 3 minutes flat
Transition back to erg: ~10 seconds
Round 2: 3 minutes 33 seconds
Unbroken everything, transitioning took more time than I thought, especially to and from the pullup bar. Really surprised myself on the erg — 1:45 felt really good the first round, couldn't keep it up in round 2 though.
Really great balance of being able to go hard and allowing myself to go there.
Nice work everyone!
8:55 on the WOD today. Was completely and utterly gassed afterwards, although it didn't feel that way entirely during the WOD. I still don't know how people did it in under 7 either.
Had to dig deep to keep moving on this WOD: 12:46, most difficult were the thrusters.