Add 5-10lbs from the previous heavy squat exposure.
Post loads to comments.
(e3/4) compare to 8.3.11
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Strict Toes to Bars
15 Single Leg DB RDLs
On the RDLs go as heavy as possible with good form, hips and shoulders squared to floor
Congratulations to Maggie and Eli on gettin hitched!
Congratulations to Krishnan V on his 20 minute PR on the NY Tri this weekend. Krishan came in at 2 hours 57 minutes and left us this note: “Crossfit CERTAINLY was a factor in my improvement both mentally/physically during the training/race”
Congratulations to Ruvin and Erica on the birth of their new son (yet to be named!) and to Jack L for officially becoming “Grandpa Jack“
Farewell Michele L! We’ve loved having you in class and wish you the best back in Michigan!
We are excited to announce that SBK is hoping to pilot our first Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project this September. In partnership with Herondale Farm and Sol Flower Farm, SBK would be a weekly pick up point for organic vegetables and pastured meat and chicken. You can workout and pick up your sustainably grown and raised groceries in one spot! We are so full service.
What’s a CSA?
(From Localharvest.org) “Community Supported Agriculture has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a “membership” or a “subscription”) and in return receive a box of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.”
About the Farms
Herondale Farm is located in Ancramdale, NY, not too far from Hudson. Farmer Jerry Peele raises cows, lambs, pigs and chickens on pasture using a traditional rotational grazing system. Cows and lambs are grassfed and finished, pigs and chickens primarily eat off the land with a small supplement of organic feed. Herondale leases part of its land to Sol Flower Farm, which grows a variety of organic vegetables and flowers.
About the Shares
Sol Flower Farm will offer a weekly box of veggies packed with whatever is being harvested from September through November. You’re likely to find yummy items like: summer squash, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, onions, eggplant, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, salad mix, dill, parsley, winter squash and lots more. Boxes are designed to feed 2-4 people.
Herondale Farm will have two kinds of monthly packages: a mixed meat package containing 15 lbs of a variety of steaks, roasts, and sausage from beef, lamb, pork; and a chicken package containing 10 lbs of a whole chicken plus parts and sausage. You can sign up for one or both!
All shares are 4 month memberships.
Got Questions?
Meet the Farmers next Wednesday, August 17 at 6pm at the gym. Jerry and Andy (the vegetable guy) will be down to talk to you about all the details of becoming a member. Please come by to learn more! RSVP to margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com so we can gauge interest and have enough seats.
PS You don’t have have to be a member of SBK to join – spread the word!
Rock and Roll Youtube
Strongman Dogs Youtube
OH FUCK YEAH. pardon me. the csa is great news
When is CFSBK taking over Brooklyn officially? And can we secede from New York State?
YAY, Maggie and Eli! Congratulations (and what a gorgeous photo)!
Also YAY CSA! I've really enjoyed my meat share with High Point Farms (which another SBKer alerted me to), but that is ending in a couple of weeks and they're not doing the Brooklyn Heights location in the fall. So I could definitely use another source of yummy pastured meat. NOMNOMNOM.
Also also: I cannot WAIT to get back in the gym now that my hands are better. Another @*&!ing business trip tomorrow but by god I will be in on Friday!
Good Luck to you Michelle! I've enjoyed having your around SBK this summer. Hope to see you back in the future.
What a beautiful photo, congratulations Maggie and Eli!
excellent 6am with coach D.O.
pre WU
foam roll
3 Rounds of:
0:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)
15 air squats with theraband,
10 Ring Rows
gilly/squat goodness
calf stretching goodness
BSQ good lifting with isaac today
(45×5 135×5 185×5 225×4)
felt pretty solid. felt tough each time walking back into position with that much weight.
question : would standing with say 400lb (or a heavier weight than one squats with) be a good exercise to prep one for a heavier squat?
15 RDL each leg
15 T2B
missed SWIMMING today. tomorrow or friday hopefully. who's with me?
all the best michelle.
Yes, rack walkouts are a good prep for heavy squats. Load the bar up with something 20lbs heavier than your heaviest squat, walk it out and then re-rack. Increase from there. The goal is train a tight set up, decisive unracking of the bar, and practice taking small steps out of the rack to get into position.
Also, I will probably be at the pool tomorrow.
Walkout's are fine. They don't need to be done very often. I only use them as a part of a prep for a meet or upcoming 1RM attempt. They will be part of my last workout, I'll lift light and walkout heavy. Other than that they are just an excuse to write big numbers down in your log book.
thanks margie, thanks jeremy.
McGrath, I'm off on Friday, so I'll be hitting the pool! What time do you guys normally show up?
i am so signing up for the meat share in that CSA!!
For my first ever CFSBK post I would like to give a huge congrats to Katie M. for her well-deserved AOM recognition. (Sorry I am a few days behind but I was away without internet! – horrors). Even though I am a few days late, I couldn't read that and not say congratulations to my scheduling buddy. You earned it!
Ill try and get a swim in tomorrow 7am? I set my alarm today, then immediately turned it off…gotta stop staying up late high watching cartoons
also, I am down for a CSA
mike m. i try to get there at 7am. I'm going tomorrow. not sure I'll be there Friday
Milk Thistle update
Nick et al,
The story on Milk Thistle's dairy is that they are on 99% grass/hay. The only supplemental feed they receive is maybe a handful when they come in for milking because it placates them, but they don't always eat it. The content of the feed changes based on what the farmer orders and may have included soy here and there, but really the amount is so tiny it's inconsequential.
Whoa. I am into the CSAs. Nice work Maggie and Eli!
I made up Monday's workout on my own last night. It was rough. I did 40lb dumbbells, it felt like wrestling an octopus. None of the sets were unbroken and I had to do singles for the last 8 (out of a set of 9) reps. I didnt have bumper plates so I had to stop and start my deadlifts like an inch off the ground. It was hard and ugly and I am sore in ways that suggest bad form.
Hoping to feel better about todays WOD when I come in after work. Posting this as a way of encouraging myself to leave work in time to make it in. 🙂
Congrats to many folks mentioned above! And yes, that picture is beautiful.
7am swim this morning with Whit and Jenna.
-more great tips from Jenna! Worked more on staying long to help manage my breathing. Only got 10 lengths in today (due to time) but I feel like it was quality practice. I was able to get all but 2 of my lengths completely finished without having to revert to a breaststroke because either a) I was gassed or b) I sucked in some water. Progress! 🙂 I was also able to count the number of strokes per length (43) which seems high…but I can't for the life of me get myself to slow down.
I just have to point out the power of a workout buddy. Whit and I planned for me to pick her up at 6:45 to head over to Red Hook. I thought of about a million reasons to cancel between last night and this morning, but then decided that I didn't want to let her (or Jenna for that matter) down. Even though once we got there we pretty much went at our own pace, it's still so great to have them there as motivation. Thank you ladies!!!
love the CSA opportunity! How about adding a Milk Thistle share too??? I betcha Jeremy buys enough to support them himself… 😉
Soy, hm? I thought it was all the bench pressing Jeremy was doing…
Congrats, Mag and Eli! I hope you watch today's "rock and roll" video and can substitute 'being happily married' for 'learning to ride a bike'.
I would love in on a meat share. Tomorrow Jess and I start working our way through the pig we got from them, update forthcoming
6 am with Coach DO. 6 am is early.
Warmup 1 (green band above knees on squats). Calf and squat stretches.
Back Squat warmup: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3.
Work: 200x3x5.
Felt pretty good. I'm starting to square away my right knee buckle/hip flexor tightness problem. Still dodgy at times.
I'm likely in for the Meat CSA as mine at High Point Farms is ending (that was me Stella). But not the vegetable part because I'm in one that goes until November. Next year.
12pm with margie. two rounds of warm up 2 followed by some supermans and paleo chair to get ready for squatting. squats: 160x3x5. these were my heaviest, most comfortable, and i hope best looking squats ever. i just had a really great squat day yall. and this weight is just above my body weight (157), which is somewhat of a benchmark. my goal was to hit 165 at the end of the cycle and i can definitely do that.
margie — thanks for the clarification on milkthistle. in the future i won't be so quick to dismiss a farm based on some random out-of-context interview i found on the internets. i am still drinking 'natural by nature' grass-fed milk which my local butcher has, but i'll be buying milkthistle this weekend for sure!
super excited for this meat share!
Once again a lovely noontime squatting session with Margie and Kate D. Repeated last week's weight of 185 because somehow last week I forgot how to squat to full depth. This week the mistake was not repeated, hurrah. Also, I figured out about the role of my lats in a tight rack position which instantly made the bar feel 10-15lbs lighter, wow how magic is that. I came in today thinking I wasn't sure how much heavier I'd be able to go this cycle; now I feel like 190 and possibly even 195 is in my future next week. Woot.
Also woot: MEAT CSA! Awesome. And we may sign up for veggies as well. I love the challenge of cooking out of a CSA veggie box, and making interesting meals out of turnips, onions and sorrel, for example.
Hola folks! Wow. First time checking the site and a Csa pickup? IN!!! Big time! I will have a little catching up to do when I get back, but the r&r has been well worth it, and it's been straight up linear progression relaxation! Very glad to see that CFSBK continues to raise the roof. This truly is full service! Congratulations to the newlyweds, and the new parents and grandparents! Thats great stuff. See all of you beastly athletes next week! Now for some mejillones and a barbadillo!
Dying to get back to the gym. Been a week. I had a great time in VT, even though my plans to go to the Crossfit gym up there were spoiled, mostly by a demanding nephew and an injured girlfriend (box jumps for the loss). Can't get in tonight. Tomorrow it is. Maybe extra early to do heavy squats so I can still volume squat on Saturday.
The rest did treat me well, as did lots of laxballing (whoever suggested lax balling in the car, you were geniuses. It was awesome, except it was much harder to do my right side than left side so I got out all loosey goosey on the left and all tight on the right.
Shoulder is tender, but no longer in agony. Hoping I won't have to scratch for this weekend.
In other news, a friend is starting up a monthly paleo pack that will include a variety of paleo foods. Check it out, and if you're into tea, they also have a monthly subscription for tea.
CAST COMES OFF FRIDAY!!!! (replaced with a removable one)
so0o0o0o0o0o0 happy!
congrats Josh!!!!!
my Victory of the Day: there was lunch.
Joel, I can take some credit for lax in the car.
Josh, you have no idea who I am, but I saw you doing burpees one handed, and you are a killah. Very glad for you.
I <3 squats. 5×3@195. I <3 meat, too. If this CSA shows up on Weds or Sat, that will be a red letter day for me.
Happiest of happy’s to the newlyweds!
@ Joel W – Crossfit in VT? Where? Last I checked it was one of the few states without an affiliate.
Well, two weeks off does things to you.
Squats – Warm up 45×5, 135×5, 185×5
Work – 225×3 (poor form, shallow on depth, brought it down on recommendation from Coach Fox); 205x3x4 (felt “ok” but was a little shallow on some, thanks for the pointers Margie)
Blahh. Feeling weak Billy Ray. Looking weak Louis.
Hip mobility before wod, absolutely no knee pain for the second week straight
Squatted with Chris today, good times…225x3x5
1st set was by far the worse, last set felt almost light….maybe warm up heavier next time?? Thoughts?
Doing these NFT wods have really helped. 3 weeks ago I barely could stay balanced with the 20# db, today worked on 35# db and felt much more manageable. The hollow rocks for warm ups have made my strict toes to bar incredibly more efficient as well.
BSQ work sets were 175, 180, 185, 190 and 195. My previous PR was 175. Need to go deeper. Got a little week on the last set of 3.
No time for accessory work, duty called. Nice vibe in the gym tonight.
Congrats on the healing Josh!
Great session with Shane and Alec tonight.
WU: 3RNFT: Lunges (Front/Reverse/Side), TRX push ups (10), Ring plank (:30 hold)
Press: (22×5,37×5,42×3,47×1) 53x3x5
Pull up-Pistol-Ring Dip work: 3RNFT: 3 pistols ea. leg (green band assist), Pull ups R1: 5 strict/5 thin bl. band assist, R2: 5/5, R3: 3/2/5 with band assist, Dips (10 with thin bl. band assist ea. time)
Getting there. Getting there.
And nice to see JMD!
Strength Cycle Week 5, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 175×2, 195×1, 215×1
Work: 230x5x3 (fifth rep on first set a little shallow, some breathing tips from Jeremy for the 2nd and the 3rd sets really helped)
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 115×1, 135×1
Work: 155×3 (something went wrong with the grip on the first set, too narrow, so I failed on the 4th rep), fixed the grip, changed the bar, and then 155x5x2
Chinups @25lbs: 5,5,7
Nice squatting with Mike this evening. Thanks so much for barking at me when I hit depth! 🙂
270x3x5. Felt better than last week's 265 so I think 275 next week may be in the cards.
Owe lots of shout outs, but a belated big ups to Katie for the athlete of the month honors!
Chris A. – that was a big up, we still need a shout out from you 😉
So much to say!!
Congratulations to everyone listed above and a belated congrats to Julie!! So much good news for one day 🙂
Michelle – I will miss you at 6am! I wish I had known that yesterday was going to be your last day. We could have had a formal goodbye. Best of luck back in Michigan!
Kacy – thank you!
CSA – Yes, yes, yes! Would anyone like to share a share? I live alone, so I don’t think I need enough meat and vegetables to feed 2-4 people.
8pm class – squats felt great. Today was my first heavy exposure this cycle (don’t ask me how). I think I'm finally finding the bounce…
115x3x5 (not sure if that’s the right order, but you know what I mean)
Back Squat – 3/265#, 3/265#, 3/265#, 3/265#, 3/265# – Those felt pretty close to 100% effort. Not sure if I can move up much more weight at this point.
Single Leg RDL – 50# DB
Jefff – I am gladdd to see you posting and keeping uppp!
BSQ Heavy Day
Came in about 40min early and foam rolled stretched hamstrings calf muscles.
BSQ 230X5X3
Consistently getting better. who knew?
Strength Cycle Week 5, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 175×3, 195×1, 215×1
Work: 230x5x3
1st set realy fuckin sucks. After the 1st set I almost wanted to go home but then set 2 and 3 get easier. Warmups and set 1 have been really killin me lately.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 115×1, 135×1
Work: 155×3
Got harder this week. I think I probably have 2-3 more increases in me.
Chinups @30lbs: 5,5,5
Not a strength of mine (see small biceps). I always feel like 5 isnt quite enough work but then I cant get past 5 on the last set.
@Katie M. I'm totally down to share w/you in the CSA..
Dang, fox, ok! Here's a SHOUT OUT for Katie! 🙂
190! Thanks Margie for the form tips.