Add 5-10 lbs to last week
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(E 4/8) Compare to 7.30.11
Back Roll to Candlestick 101
Burpee Broad Jump 101
3 Rounds NFT:
5 Candlestick to Pistol
40′ Burpee Broad Jump
Focus on sticking the landing on the Burpee Broad Jump
For those unable to pistol use the Roll to Candlestick as a scaling option
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Strong(wo)man: Christine D. is competing in the Subway Series today!
Subway Series Event #1 is Here!
Event Number 1 of the 2011 Subway Series is today at CrossFit Virtuosity starting at 9am! The first event is a strongman event. Team SBK has team heading out to represent. Join us in wishing them good luck! Have a great time and kick some a$$!
Check the following link for detailed information on the event standards for today’s WODs.
If you’d like to participate in the next event which will be next Saturday starting at 9am at CrossFit Long Island City registration will open on Sunday and go through Midnight on Thursday. You can register right HERE! Registration is required and the event will have a cap and is expected to sell-out so sign-up early!
If you aren’t up for participating this go ’round that’s cool come on out to support Team SBK. Extra cool points for those who show up w/ face or body paint! See you there!!
All the News that’s Fit to Print
The SBK Newsletter is just about ready to go! Each month newsletter features a fresh article from Coach Fox as well keeps you up to date on all special events, schedule changes for that month. If you’re not getting it already email Info(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and we’ll get you on the list!
Skill Session 2: Kip Harder & Skill Session 3: Muscle-up with a Vengeance
If you missed Coach Noah’s kipping workshop on Thursday night don’t worry your pretty little head! Noah is hosting another kipping workshop this coming Thursday, August 11th at 8pm. There are four slots left in the class! Remember the buy-in for this class is 1 strict pull-up for the ladies and 3 strict pull-ups for the dude bros. If you’d like to attend email Noah(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to get in.
The enterprising Coach Noah is tucked away in the lab working on his third Skill Session dedicating to getting you that elusive muscle-up. More details to come but if you’re interested shoot Noah an email to let him know.
Who is representing Team SBK today in the subway series? Who is going out to cheer, yell and act in a way that would embarrass their mother?!
Backward Roll Progression GymnasticsWOD
A Skateboard’s Eye View of NYC Youtube
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow. I'll be there to capture you lifting, cheering and generally causing a ruckus and being up to no good. Will do my best to limit the amount of "CrossFit Face" that's NSFW.
If all goes well, I'll be asleep shortly, and then awake in a few hours, get to CFSBK with enough time to squat heavy before jumping into the car bound for Virtuosity with Asta, fox, and lady fox.
Good luck all you Subway Series-ers! I'll be thinking of you as I set off on my first 20-miler of the season (gulp).
Good Luck Subway Series Athletes! Make us prouder! Alec and I will be teaching a workshop, but will be cheering in spirit!
Stoked for today's Subway Series, Team SBK is rolling into the event 23 (self included) strong! Domination is imminent…
Sad I can't make it. Move some heavy shit and have fun.
Good luck to everyone competing in the Subway series! I hope to join you either next weekend or the last weekend in August.
Quiet 9am with Margie, Chris, and Chris today. My work set was 90, which was challenging but felt like I still have room to grow.
8am with coach margie
pre WU
foam roll
WU 1
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups experimenting with the new grip, more fingers.
BSQ v good to lift with mike today
(45×10 95×5 135×5 185×5)
felt solid. looking forward to adding more next week
3 rnds NFT
5 Candlestick to standing. this was challenging.
10×3 burpees. no jumping.
best of luck to team SBK today.
Good luck at the Subway Series today Strong Men and Women!!! Sorry I wasn't able to make it to cheer you on– hope it was/is fun though!
Great showing at CFV for the Subway Series!
Jeremy took 2nd place among men
Melissa L and Jess F took 2nd and 3rd respectively among ladies.
Everyone competed their butts off and I was proud to be a part of it.
Overall after 1 event SBK is in 2nd place and will need a strong presence at CFLIC next week and the weeks after. SUP be damned, I hope as many or even more of our crew make it out next week.
Thanks too to our cheering section: Daniel, Rebecca, Teresa, David, Josh, and Dharma! And to Dan R for capturing it on film.
Holy cats! I forgot JMD, we had a JMD sighting! Also special props to all the first time competitors today. You guys rock!
subway series event = awesome.
-jess fox ripping through the axel clean+jerks and jumping in to help out those of us new to them
-mel killing it on the Zercher
– our heat of "scaled" women's Zercher in general, which got so heavy there WAS NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON THE BAR FOR ALL THE PLATES (!)
-the world's most awesome 4-month old Boston terrier/bulldog puppy, Benson
-jeremy smoking the sled WOD – felt like the whole room turned to watch, and our crew let out a huge roar
-chris fox lifting eleventy billion pounds on the last men's Zercher heat of the day
thanks for the encouragement and coaching. if you're on the fence about competing for our gym in one of these, do yourself a favor and do it. you won't be sorry.
I am sooooo impressed by the SBK athletes representing today at the Subway Series! I was most impressed though by our first time and/or "scaled" female competitors. I know many of you were nervous and wondering why in the hell you signed up, but once the clock started, all that was gone and the TFBA's emerged. So awesome to watch.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to see much of the men's action, except of course for the hubby's 2nd place finish in the zercher. Hot!
As for me, I'd call it a good day. 🙂 As Fox mentioned I finished 3rd overall but I'm most stoked about Melissa L. taking 2nd. (In case you're wondering THE Phaidra Knight, who I think finished 5th at regionals or something, finished in 1st–if you haven't seen her compete, it's pretty impressive.)
Axel C&J at 90# = 18 reps (tied for 5th)
-nothing fancy to say about this. Except it was awesome to watch Christine D. go first and set the bar high with 24 reps!
Zercher = maxed out at 515lbs. (3rd place)
-Uh, this was shit-ton heavy! I honestly surprised myself with this because at around 300, it felt like a struggle. Already have nice bruises in the elbow area and I'm sure they'll be prettier tomorrow.
Sled WOD = 1:07 (6th place)
-man I felt like I was bookin' it, but then had to reset my grip on the 2nd farmer's carry. I also started to pull the sled the wrong way on the last drag, but quickly corrected it. This wod was over before you knew it…although my quads felt it for a while afterwards. 😉
Like others have mentioned, if you've even got the slightest inkling to compete, this is the perfect opportunity. It's really a very supportive and encouraging environment. Hope to see more us SBK at the next event!
Great day today at the Subway Series! I loved watching everyone compete. My highlight was watching Melissa and Jess dominate the Zercher. Watching Mr. Fox put up big numbers on the Zercher with a busted rib was impressive too. Wish I could've seen Christine's 24 on the axel and Jeremy's medley in sub 1 minute!
I really liked all the events, especially since none of them played to my strengths.
Zercher – 345#
Medley – 1:32
Axel – 15
50th overall. Hopefully I can contribute a little more at LIC!
11AM class today. Warmup A felt great, even on new-baby sleep schedule.
The squats were another story.
Warmup: 45×10, 135×5, 165×5, 185×5
Work: 205×10 felt harder than I wanted it to feel (I had no problems at 205 last time). Knocked it down to 195 and only got 8. I definitely feel sleep disruptions in my lifting, these took way more out of me than I expected.
3rnd NFT 5x candlestick to pistol, 40' burpee broad jumps
Really Awesome time today at the Subway Series. It was awesome watching everyone compete.
Really impressed with the Ladies on the Zercher lifts.WOW
Sled Medley time: 1:02
Axel C&J- 18
Zercher- 545
had even more fun at fette sau
Great work at sub series! I would have loved to have been been there. A string of small injuries has kept me home for the last few comps. On the mend though I hope.
Squat 195x10x2. Squats are feeling strong this cycle.
Images from today's Subway Series are online.
Congratulations Team SBK!! I wish I coulda been there to see the magic!
Great sessions today and a Fun Active Recovery Class. We Lacrossed balled the #@$% out of our lower legs!
After classes I had a 1 on 1 gymnastics session at Chelsea Piers. I had some moves that I really wanted to dig into more. Overall it was okay, I have a better understanding of a Round Off now and got to see what im doing wrong on their camera. My plan is to do one private lesson every 2 months or so to help refine technique in group classes. I might try a different instructor next time though. :/
Post class I had a lovely day walking around Manhattan, taking a nap on the high line, seeing some cool art galleries and relaxing.
Great time at the first event of the subway series!
Everyone Crushed it!
Zercher lift: 585#
Medley: 1:20
Axel: 19
Didn't post Friday's wod either:
170x2x10: Both sets felt ok, really focusing on the bounce out of the bottom of the squat is making weights feel a lot better going through the motions.
medley – 1:10
Axle – 18 (was bullshit, should have been 19)
zercher – 665