Add 5-10 lbs (as appropriate) to last week.
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(E3/8) Compare to 7.27.11
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Plank Walk Outs
15 Single Leg DB RDLs
On the RDLs go as heavy as possible with good form, hips and shoulders squared to floor
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Change You Can Believe In!
Josie & Yoshi circa ’08/’09 (top) Josie, Yoshi and baby Felix circa last week (bottom)
Happy Birthday Joel W!
8pm Group Class Reminder
All you night owls don’t forget to join Coach Noah for this evening’s new 8pm Group class!
Kipping Workshop Sold Out!
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-up workshop has sold out! But fear not kids there is another on the horizon. If you didn’t make it in for this Thursday’s Skill Session or couldn’t make it email Noah at noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com for the details on the next one!
Who wants to Fight?
Fight Gone Bad 6 will be here before you know it! For a complete write-up on the event check out our Fight Gone Bad 6 Overview with all the info you need to know about registration and participation. Last year we were the number one fundraiser in the world and more than 50 athletes participated in the event. This year it’s scheduled for September 17th and is undoubtedly going to be our best yet. Register now and get ready to fight!
Who is doing the Subway Series Event #1 this weekend?
Axle Clean and Press Youtube
440lb Farmer’s Carry Youtube
405lb Zercher Lift at 176lbs Youtube
Understanding and Managing Fatigue Mike Reinold
Thanks to Paul and Joel today, tons of helpful cues on the backsquat…
upped 5 pounds from last week and felt way easier…220x3x5
Legs will be fried from RDL's and backsquats for the next few days, no difference from last week..
Put up some new goals for this month..
7 unbroken muscle ups (turn out)
275 backsquat
Another good day with the back squat…
This definitely felt like work today, I did my first set and started wondering if I was really capable of doing the full five sets at 205. I got through them fine, the last rep on the last two sets I was wasn't as in sync on my way up as I want, my butt kind of jumped ahead and I ended up diving my chest a bit. Otherwise, Fox's instruction for hand position was great and I have to remember that the white racks are a bit lower, so I have to consciously place the bar a bit higher up on my shoulders when I set up.
Worked on opening up my pecs w/lax for 20 min trying to prevent that nerve business I have going on and getting rid of what Fox called my 'cavewoman arms' Haha. More calf rolling, my traps are pretty sore from power cleans on Monday.
[Thanks for the explanation re:reps Jess!]
Warm up 2
Back Squat
up 5# from last week
Squats felt ok. Gotta get the knees out a little more and less control the negative on the way down. Eventually I'll figure out the right bounce out of the hole. Great to squat with Chris!
Accessory work was tough. Did the RDL with 25# DBs. Walk outs were good, but a little rough on my bum shoulder.
Here's the goals I posted on the board today:
– hit each squat exposure this month (and subsequent months) with a goal of a 300# LBBSQ by the end of the year.
– more focused mobility / strengthening work on both shoulders 3 times a week, with a little more emphasis on the one with the torn labrum. My year-end goal with this is to avoid surgery. I had surgery for the same injury on the same shoulder in 2007, tore it again this March and figured I'd try an alternative to surgery this time. I've been doing some mobility and strengthening every week, but it's not very focused. I might try to get myself to PT once a week for the next month or 2. If anyone has suggestions for a good PT that takes Oxford insurance I would appreciate it.
– strict overhead press once a week. Year end goal is a 140# press.
295 would have been Rx'd for me but it was just too god damn heavy. I missed week 1.
I like milk. I would usually buy Nat by Nat grass-fed at Fairway for $5.99/gal. I felt like it really helped me recover and gain weight when that was what I wanted from it. Unfortunately it also helped me get fat. I am not Ryan, or Joel.
a bitch got to lift today! woot!
strength cycle
squat's gettin way serious
bench – new protocol, five sets of three reps each. i guess that's because i stalled and need to get un-stalled.
*many thanks to the 90-hr workweek diet.
Strength Cycle, Week 4, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2, 195×1, 205×1
Work: 215x5x3 (this used to be my old 3RM)
WU: 45×5, 75×3, 85×1, 95×1
Work: 100x5x3
Chins @20lbs: 5,5,9
Presses felt harder than squats today.
Upper body strength gains! Great semi private with Alec and Shane.
WU: 3RNFT: 10 squats w/10# plate, 10 barbell rows, :15 Tiger plank
Press 3×5: (22×5,32×5, 38×5, 42 x3) 48x4x5 extra set to work breath
3RNFT: Pull ups (9), Step overs w/12" box (15 ea. leg), Ring dips (8 w/ blue band)
First 2 sets of pull ups were 5 strict then 4 with thin blue band, last set was 3 strict then 6 with same band. 5 strict is a PR!
Feeling really good about all this. And nice to see some folks in the gym that I haven't seen in awhile!
Nice numbers, Lady Fox 😉
so there i go and post about QxRxS and then go and fudge up my post. great example.
I actually did 190x3x5…duh.
thanks for not following my lead guys. 😉
warm up #1
tough. ok, i guess. I noticed a lot of variance between best and worst lifts. I think I need to get my mind right for each of the 15 lifts next time.
august goal–lose 5 pounds of beer fat in the mid section. will help my conditioning.
(I didn't put this on the board, but damn, I'd like to get me some muscle ups). Muscle up tutorial sometime soon?
Well I felt incredibly strong tonight as the 5 sets of 3 reps at 265# felt light. After I finished the last set I realized I only had 245# on the bar which is 10# less than last week. Rather disappointed now.
Jefff, Miscalculations are much cooler when they work the other way and you had more on the bar than you thought. I did the same thing with my Deadlift a few cycles back
Also, Avery and Luca!
Thanks for letting me squat with you guys today. Loved the box! Y'all have an awesome crew. Uh oh…..did the y'all just peg where I'm from? I will see YOU ALL some more this week. Cheers!
Strength Cycle, Week 4, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 175×2, 195×1, 205×1
Work: 215x5x3
Felt heavy today. Still really want to figure out the nuances of staying butt back and not shifting forward to my quads….
WU: 45×5, 75×3, 85×1, 95×1
Work: 100x5x3
These actually felt okay for me–based off today I think I hav a lot more room to go.
Chins @25lbs: 5,5,6
These get heavy–had a 20 second negative hold but wouldnt budge up any higher on the rep out.
tonight: squats at 155x5x3 (PR). unfortunately had no time for the accessory work as i had to get home and do actual work. next week i'll be aiming to squat my body weight (160).
i really enjoyed noah's 8pm class tonight. i like small classes on squat days (and all other days) and i feel like noah somehow managed to watch every last one of my squats! i got some great tips. i feel like i'm re-learning the back squat after months of front squatting, and this is my first BSQ cycle out of foundations anyhow.
Great working w/ Kate D for the second week in a row…nice noon class w/ Margie.
OMG milk..to the person looking for good grassfed cream, Natural by Nature is yum. Goes in the coffee in abundance every day in our house.
Went up 10# but Margie said I wasn't hitting depth on a lot of my reps, GAAAH.
185x3x5. Didn't have time for accessory work.
Putting this here for historical posterity:
Warm up B yesterday. Then 310x3x5. I honestly didn't think I was going to stand it up every set, and then it just kept coming up. Fox gave me a nice cue on where my head should be as I lift.