Goal hard or Go Home
We’ve got a ton of whiteboards at SBK but the Goals and Accomplishments boards are perhaps the most important. Training with a goal in mind and and having a solid plan to achieve it is the best most effective way to see results in the gym. And a goal that isn’t written down is little more than a wish. Starting today and moving forward we’d love to see this board filled with specific, timely, realistic goals that we can help you achieve. Need help in getting started check out Coach Fox’s award-winning article “Goal Setting” under the CFSBK Articles and Media section.
When you achieve something in the gym, no matter how big or seemingly small, put it under the accomplishments board! We love nothing more than when you get a double under a muscle-up or your first push-up or pull-up. Don’t keep it a secret share it with your friends and training partners. Let the rewards of your perspiration be serve as their inspiration (I typed that in a Jesse Jackson voice!).
Let’s get those boards filled up over the course of August!
Tonight’s Strongman Prep Workshop at South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club
Red Hook’s Strongest Man Paul S. is opening the doors of his South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club to us tonight for a Strongman session in anticipation of this weekend’s Subway Series Event at CF Virtuosity. Come learn the ins and outs of odd object lifting, axle clean and jerks and heavy carries. The event runs from 5p-8p and will be held at South Broooklyn Weightlifting Club 204-207 Van Dyke St, Brooklyn in Red Hook. It’s a short bike ride/drive from SBK or a long walk.
This event is open to all CFSBKers whether or not you’re participating this weekend but Paul can accomodate up to 20 people at a time so please email Coach Fox at christian(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to RSVP.
If you can Ride the Subway, You Can Do The Subway Series
The Subway Series was designed with ALL the members of our gyms in mind as a chance to get together and hit some challenging WODS as a community. This event isn’t just for the local Annie Thorsdottir’s and Rich Fronings it’s for everyone. Never competed in anything before? A little intimidated? No sweat homie, we got your back! All you have to do is sign up, come out and have a blast. There are scaling options galore and it is a great opportunity to explore some other great gyms in the area, meet new friends and maybe learn something new about yourself and your abilities. We hope you’ll join us in our fight to bring the trophy and bragging rights home to SBK this year!
You can sign up for Saturdays first event here. Remember it is capped at 90 people so sign up today!
Coach Noah’s Skill Session 1: Kipping Pull-up Class Still Has Slots
Got strict pull-ups? Then it’s time to get the kipping under your belt. Have a kipping pull-up but look more like an MC Hammer on crack on the bar than a world-class gymnast?! Join Coach Noah Thursday August 4th at 8pm for an entire hour dedicated toward mastering the kipping pull-up. The buy-in is 3 Strict Pull-ups for guys and 1 Strict Pull-ups for dolls. The cover is $10 and the dress code is grown and sexy. There are 3 slots left so contact Noah at noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to get in where you fit in.
Help a Brother Out: Sublet Needed
Recent SBK transplant David Fox-Powell is in need of a sublet starting in September. If you have know of anyone who has a spot please holler at him at dtothefp(AT)gmail.com
How would you improve the CF Games? What changes would you make for 2012?
Fittest on Earth CrossFit
CrossFit Games Stream Archives CrossFit
2011 CF Games ESPN3 Finals Show CrossFit
Power Cleans
5 sets of 2
Interesting shoe freak meets politics freak mashup:
New Balance struggles as last major athletic shoe brand still manufacturing in U.S.
I'm gonna be at CSB at 7 tonight, drive over to Paulie, then return to CSB at 8 . Anyone who wants a lift, give me a holler or just be at the gym at 7
D'oh, I wrote my goals on the accomplishments board.
Learning to do kipping pull ups and doing 25 consecutive DUs is my August goal, I have not come close to accomplishing either. My bust.
The goals I wrote on the board:
1) A muscle-up. I don't care if it's strict or kipping but I want to pull myself over the rings one way or another.
2) 50 consecutive double unders. I got to 30 last night during the 1st round of the 1st round of the WOD. Mostly this goal is to make me pick up a rope when I come into the gym, as I am sick of my double unders slowing me down so much on WODs.
3) Mobility/foam roll/etc. work every day.
My goal in July was to get to the gym 10x. I made 8. I'm OK with that. I skipped one morning b/c of Linus' birthday, and after learning about the imminent departure of my capoeira teachers, I decided to prioritize that for the rest of the summer. I did average more than 4 workouts/week which is my overall fitness goal, so that was good.
Goals for August: mobility work 3x/week; grease the groove pushups on weekdays (yeah Michele!)
Skill Class: The Kipping Pullup is all sold out!
If you were interested but the date or time, etc didn't work this week, or you were just late and missed it, I'm putting together a Wait List for the next time the class is offered, which will be soon! Email me at noah@crossfitsouthbrooklyn and I will add you to the list.
See you krazy kippers on Thursday!
PS I had nothing to do with the grown and sexy dress code, but I like it.
Are you sure, Noah?
Grown & Sexy sounds like something straight out of your phraseology. 🙂
Also, it's creepy.
Oh no! I'm in for the kipping class Thu and now I have to go shopping for a new outfit too?! Sheesh.
6am today with Coach Nick tackling yesterday's WOD. Ouch. Two weeks away for vacation feels like a looong time away from the box. I did make it into CrossFit Great Barrington up in Mass once last week. Great space, great people, and they had a woman at the games who ended up tying for 2nd in the women's 60-plus.
Competition Class is being held over at Paulie's today. Come on down and lift some stones!
My (soon to be posted) goal for August is to be 100% paleo with the exceptions an occasional beer(s) and dairy in my coffee/iced lattes. My alcohol consumption is pretty limited 1-2xM anyway so im not worried about it.
Also- to go to gymnastics 1xW and take 2-3 classes with the group at CF. I took off gymnastics last week to give my poor little wrists a break
i sort of lost sight of my goals because i have been traveling and working so much and not making it into the gym like i want, but for a while i was working toward a 200lb deadlift by end of summer. i feel like i haven't deadlifted in a month, but i was at 180 last time, up from 135 when i started a few months ago. not bad progress.
i would also like a 200lb squat before the end of the year. i'm at 150-155 now. doable? i'm probably going to do a strength intensive (or two) this fall.
1. To get back in the gym injury free
2. To get a freakin' muscle up!!! Just one, that's all I'm asking…:)
soon to be posted goal: kipping pull ups. I'd like to set the number at 5, but that's only if I can make it to the next kipping workshop and figure out the movement… will do my best to make it happen.
oh, goal #2: steal fox's essence.
Im with you on muscle ups!
Yes! Muscle ups! I would like that too!
Noah mentioned a potential muscle-up seminar like the kipping one. Given that I count, me, Deb, Shawn, and Teresa already, it seems like there's some potential demand.
Recovery Squats – Chins
Squat: 225x3x3
Chins: 5×5
Goals for August:
Swim at least 1x/week
Frequency pushups/pullups 4x/week
1 group class/week
Have as much fun as possible
muscle up seminar? yes please.
goals for august…
make all back squat exposures this cycle
swim each week till the pool closes beginning sept.
and i want to say again the standardized warms ups are seriously good.
Made up yesterday's clean / push up / double under WOD:
1 – 4 rounds
2 – 2 rounds + 5 push ups
3 – 2 rounds + 10 push ups
This was a great WOD. I went out too fast on the first round and couldn't sustain anything close to that pace the last 2 rounds. 155# cleans are tough for me for reps, but glad I'm pushing myself to go a little heavier.
I was gonna go to the strongman practice out in Red Hook afterwards, but I didn't have it in me. Instead, I stuck around for a much needed active recovery with David. Lots of good stuff, which helped with all the mobility issues after being on a plane for many hours and sitting down too long as a spectator at the CF Games.
I have lots of thoughts from the Games experience, but a few highlights – 1) watching Jacinto compete in general, and particularly seeing him walk out and compete in the main stadium the last day 2) CF New England's performance in the final WOD 3) the top 3 women. I was hoping Kristan Clever would be the first repeat champion, but Annie T definitely showed up. I was really impressed with Becca Voigt climbing to 3rd.
I'll be posting my August goals on the board tomorrow!
1. Nutrition: Continue to pack my Paleo lunch and snacks every day. Cook 2 of 3 meals at home on the weekends (if I cook, it’s Paleo; if I go out, it’s anything but).
2. Fitness: 1 strict push-up. I just tried and I was so close. I think I can do this… To achieve this goal, I will continue to work on perfect form during warm-ups (belly tight!) and get on Michele/Jeremy’s push-up plan (no more excuses).
3. Life: Get out more! I’ve been spending way too much time in my apartment. I’m becoming a crazy cat lady (but without the cats, of course).
couldn't make it in to lift tonight. sadness.
this is like my fifth strength cycle and i think i've missed class two times total in all that time – the other time, i did an insane (in a bad way) workout at another affiliate as penance.
today i was just working (in a bad way) til 10 without eating (in a bad way).
doing my pushups and sulking.
I say yes to muscle ups tutorial.
Fun times over in red hook!
Axel clean and jerk work at about 90#. Did a 1 min pressure test and got about 9 I think. The fat bar is definitely more challenging on the grip. Also need to make sure that I stand the bar all the way up at the end.
Farmers walk with 90# each hand seems more manageable than I initially thought although I did almost trip and bust my ass.
Finished with the max zercher. This is such an awkward and uncomfortable lift. Got up to about 160# but it didn't look pretty (but really is any of this stuff supposed to look pretty???).
We didn't get to work the sled so might try to do that tomorrow evening…
Huge thanks to Paulie and Becca for having us out and for some great strongman tips! It's always so much fun to play with these toys!
I am sore (fo sho) as hell.
Power Clean/Push up/Double under wod:
4 rounds + 7 Push ups
3 rounds + 1 Clean
3 rounds + 3 Cleans
Felt pretty good, finally started to drop a little (tiny but more than usual) in getting under the power clean.
Let's do it! I'm in for something muscle up related maybe a few times a week so that I can get the repetitions in!…and, then, BAM, I will knock one out…(that's what I'm hoping) – how can we make this happen?