AMRAP in 5 Minutes
5 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Push Ups
30 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
Post rounds and RX to comments.
Katie M. 3rd Pull during Last Year’s Subway Series
Congratulations to Jacinto B. on finishing 8th Overall in the Master’s Division at the Games this weekend!!
The Second Annual Subway Series Starts Saturday!
Registration is now open for the first event of the 2011 CrossFit Subway Series! CrossFit Virtuosity will host a strongman-style event — bring your best!
The affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! Top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
We’re capping each event at 90 participants, so register now at to ensure a spot
Remember the Subway Series is for all athletes and each event will have multiple scaling options! We hope you’ll join us as we work to bring the trophy home to SBK this year!
Saturday’s three Strongman WODs are:
WOD #1
AMRAP in 2 mins
Axle Clean & Jerk (130# / 90#)
WOD #2
50′ Sled Backpedal (270# / 180#)
50′ Farmer’s Walk (2×130# / 2×90#)
100′ Overhead Slam Ball Carry (50# / 30#)
50′ Farmer’s Walk (2×130# / 2×90#)
50′ Sled Drag (270# / 180#)
Weights TBD
WOD #3
Max Weight Zercher Lift
Strongman Tutorial at Quist on Tuesday
Is the sport of Strongman new to you? Need to brush up on your odd object lifiting skills? Paul over at South Brooklyn Weighlifting Club has generously volunteered his space to let us practice with the toys you’ll see at the Subway Series event. This Tuesday from 5p-8p we’ll be over there shouldering stones and cleaning axles. The SBKWC is a short bike or a decent walk from CFSBK and there is the possibility of carpooling. If you are interested in attending contact Coach Fox christian(AT)
What was your favorite moment from this year’s CrossFit Games?
Inside a Strongman Seminar: Atlas Stones with Rob Orlando CFJ Preview Crossfit
The Economics of Performance, Health & Longevity Nikki Violetti
Skills CrossFit One World
Sorry to have missed out on the 7 AM today. While doing a long run in the Philly 'burbs this weekend, I tripped and fell on a patch of uneven sidewalk. TWICE. My hands are pretty fried and pushups or anything that requires a grip is pretty much out of the question until my hands heal up ๐
I'm thinking I might try to throw together some kind of hands-free WOD at home. So far I've thought of box jumps, lunges, air squats, hollow rocks, and sit-ups as possibilities to include. Is there anything else obvious I'm missing?
Favorite games moment was watching Annie sakamoto drive the he'll out of the sled after thinking she'd struggle with it after watching several bigger girls struggle to even get it moving.
I dont know if I've got a favorite moment, here are some highlights
– Annie T's performance on the Rope climb/clean event
– Annie T with taking the sled event
– Annie S' entire games debut
– Grahm H clawing back to 4th place in "The End" event
– Josh Bridges in general was a lot of fun to watch.
Spotty internet connection prevented me from seeing as much as I'd like to over the weekend. But overall a solid games I thought. Very different.
trying to train for my spartan race is leaving me burnt on both ends…
I can't run as much as I think I have to and when I do I am shot for crossfit on the other days. Being old stinks. =P
Today the FUunders ruined the amount of sets I could do more so than my legs being shot from yesterday's long run.
Thanks to David for helping me get my clean form more dialed in.
Despite Keith calling them as FU-unders, I say was call them Double FUNders from now on. Twice the fun of single unders!
Annie S is a TFBA, for realz. I also was kind of pulling for Josh Bridges once Miko was out early on. He seems like a real good dude. Overall I thought the events represented "fitness" very well. I liked the variety of movements, especially in the mono structural area.
what a 6am with coach d.o.
some sort of squat variation which helped loosen the hamstrings BIG TIME!!
Warm-Up 1 A
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
10 Front Squats with 45lb bar
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups 1st 2 sets C2B
AMRAP in 5 Minutes x 3
5 Power Cleans 155
10 Push Ups
30 KB Swings 1pd
Rest 1 Minute
rnd 1 2rnds + pc/pu
rnd 2 2rnds + pc
rnd 3 2rnds + 4pc
this one was HARD. but i really liked it. the minute rest, i think, made it harder.
easy swim at Red Hook Pool along with alec, deb and margie.
this really helped stretch everything out after the WOD.
watching spealler move that sled was amazing. small guy, struggled, overcame by sheer force of will. inspirational, for sure. that guy has heart for days.
the games… i thought the online feed was atrocious. I was trying to watch it but it was unwatchable most of the time. i liked everything i saw. bit chaotic at the swim it seemed. the games website is pretty crappy too. not well thought out.
it shouldnt be that hard to look up who won. took like 5 clicks…the games are over, put that shit on the front.
it breaks my heart that rob O couldnt pass that swim, I love when big strong dudes do well at this shit.
fave moment was Barber making a comeback to beat khalipa in that weird ass final event.
i was very surprised how much the men's leaderboard changed in the final couple events. when i looked at it sunday morning, graham was pretty much way down out of contention – then suddenly he started killing it in the final workouts. i wish i had seen those live.
i enjoyed watching CFNE win the affiliate title – especially the "girls" workout where 1 person on each team did Fran, Grace, Isabel, Diane, Karen, etc. (I did zone out during the 150 wall balls though.) I thought Heather B. was going to compete on her team, but it looks like she didn't, and didn't need to – the team was packed with firebreathers anyway. The Fran round was unbelievable – Mel Ockerby did the entire workout unbroken at a sprint, and then sprinted to tag her teammate to begin her workout.
I was amazed.
Wish we could've seen more of Jacinto's performance!
In the ladies' master's comp, Speal's mom and another competitor's mom were in the running – that brought a big smile to my face.
I'd love to hear from Ufford what it was like to be there in person. The crowd looked considerably bigger than last year.
7am class
-light droms
-Warmup 2 (planks, reverse lunges with 33lb bar in front rack position, ring rows)
1) 2 rounds plus cleans, pushups and 20 du's.
2) 1 round plus cleans + pushups (jump rope tangle here…fail!)
3) 2 rounds plus 1 clean.
-rx'd at 105#. those cleans got hard. I also ended up doing a few extra because apparently a split clean doesn't count. Thanks David. ๐ Can somebody tell my legs to not do that! they just want to go there naturally!
One of my favorite moments was watching the men and women pull that sled at the end. Something about the non-stop hand over hand pull was extremely hot.
I'm sadly going to be away this weekend, as that strongman stuff sounds awesome. Can I still come tomorrow evening?
Joel – YES!
AMRAP in 5 Minutes
5 Power Cleans 155#
10 Push Ups
30 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
Repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
1) 3 Rounds + 3 Power Cleans
2) 2 Rounds + 3 Power Cleans
3) 2 Rounds + 4 Power Cleans
Best moment of games:
1. Pat Barber sled pull past Khalipa
2. Josh Bridges
3. Annie S' performance
4. Angie Pye finshing tenth
Speal not winning (but hats off to Froning and all other athletes)
rnd 1: 2 rounds + 1 clean
rnd 2: 1 round + 8 DU
rnd 3: 1 round + 5 DU
as RX…. 155 got heavy in round 3, but if i could properly link DU this would have been a good showing from me. DU are my focus for this month when i get back…. Altitude is starting to not be such a factor, It's only 9600 feet above sea level lol. See yall in a week.
12pm Group Class
Warm-Up 1
Did 2 rounds then did a distraction on my ankle to clear it before the cleans
Barbell Warm-Ups
WOD 8.1.11 as Rx'd
R1: 2r+5/10
R2: 2r+3
R3: 2r+5/1
Fun workout
As RX:
Rnd 1: 3 + 1 clean
Rnd 2: 2 + 10 push ups
Rnd 3: 2 + 5 cleans
Good WOD. Doubles need work. Linked 25 in the last round. Had trouble linking more than 8 in a row throughout the WOD.
OK Fox, well, I don't think I can make it at 5, but I'd love to go tomorrow. Also, it's right near Fort Defiance which I just ate at, and absolutely loved.
Is there a time when we could work on some of the subway series movements this week? Some of them are new to me or I have only had one exposure.
tons of chatter about steroids and the Games all over the internet (including the comments on mainsite).
i know the athletes are tested, but some people are implying you can game the system and there is a fair amount of "it's INCREDIBLY obvious that…."
i'm naive about these things. is it "incredibly obvious"?
Hmm @ Michele I havent seen that chatter yet.
I know last year there was some chatter/jokes about Kristin C which I thought were off base and completely disrespectful based solely on how she looks.
In many ways I'd be really surprised that people in the Crossfit games used PEDs. I mean PEDs kinda of go against the whole healthy living philosophy most of us Crossfitters adhere to…
But then again at the end of the day Crossfit communities are made up of people, and some people regardless of community will do anything to win and get ahead. Especially now that you're looking at a much much bigger cash prize thats actually "worth" cheating for. So in that regard I wouldnt be surpised that someone would use PEDs at all. Funny huh?
Michele – haters gonna hate…
Billy – come to South Brooklyn Weighlifting Club tomorrow sometime between 5 and 8pm, the info is above in today's post.
I have to say that I'd be kind of surprised if people at the top level of any sport weren't using PEDs. Crossfit being somewhat lifestyle oriented, and geared towards people of a more naturalist bent, I'd expect it less, but at the same time these are incredibly driven, competitive people with a good amount of money on the line, and a very low cost to getting caught (you get banned from the Crossfit games I'd assume and not much else). I'd never cast aspersions on any individual without knowledge, but I'd be quite surprised if there weren't a few competitors taking something.
Hey all! I think this is my first time on the new website–wow. I was glued to the Games this year, possibly because I've had the opportunity to train at CrossFit Central this summer, and they sent three women to compete.
I loved the swim, and the killer kage, but most of all I loved how the athletes congratulated each other, and cheered one another on. At the very last event, Sam Briggs went up to Kristin and was giving her tips on how to pull in the sled–what other sport has that?! Also, props to fellow Wolverine Julie Foucher!
SNIP!–we miss you. When are you coming to visit??? And yes, Julie Foucher was impressive!
Wanted to post some August goals:
-home cooked dinners Monday-Thursday (yes, I've been eating out waaay too much)
-no booze Monday-Thursday. (see above. allowing some wine on weekends but want to avoid in general)
-swimming 2x week
-in bed by 11pm 4x week.
I can do this. After I do, I will reward myself with a trip to the Riviera Maya on August 29th. Ok, actually the trip is booked anyway but I'm still committed to achieving these goals. ๐
PED's? Definitely. Not all athletes but some. Were talking about 250k here. It's a shame but in my opinion competition is not crossfit. It is a part of crossfit but it is a small part and to most people it is not even in the equation. The idea of PED's in crossfit makes me mental as I like to think we are all on the same level from pros to casual. When I do Fran, I like to see how I stack up. PED's ruin that. Ok I'm done ranting.
5pm with Margasaurus
WOD as Rx'd
Rnd 1 – 3 + 5/3
Rnd 2 – 2 + 5
Rnd 3 – 2 + 4
This was good, hard, sweaty, fun. Fun chasing Noah. I don't remember sweating this much during a workout ever. I used more chalk than I've ever had to and it just kept caking up in my hands.
I forgot to write it down on the board, but my August goals are to fully follow programming for the month (sneaking as many classes as I can) and to be healed enough to surf again by the end of the month.
7am swim at the Red Hook Pool with the usual cast of characters: Alec, McGrath and Margie. Added 2 lengths to last week's number. Hard today. Sorry to hear there is only one month left. I am really enjoying it.
Semi-private with Alec and Coach David. WU: DROMS, 3RNFT: Row 15 cal./ 10 push ups (all unbroken)/10 ring rows
DL every 1:15 x 7: (95×5,115×5,125×2,135×1) 145x1x7 1st DL was a total shock to the system, then things moved smoothly from there.
Tire pulls with 1pd KB inside. Laughable.
My favorite moment of the games was watching in astonishment somebody cycling 120 wall balls in a row.
My August Goal is to try my best to be as strict with myself as possible about counting reps/completing movements in there entirety.
Today's warm up 1A did two rounds and some light calf stretching
the WOD i did Rx'd and the cleans were def heavy.
Round 1: 2 Rounds + 4 cleans
Round 2: 2 Rounds
Round 3: 2 Rounds +1 PC
All pushups unbroken.
Strength Cycle, sort of a split routine day:
Press: 140x5x3
Cleans: 150x3x2 and 155×3
Squat: 135x10x2
Met-Con: 1 minute each of: box jumps, (16"), row, dumbbell thrusters (30 pound each) rest 1 minute, 2 rounds.
Round 1: 2 Rds+7 DUs.
Round 2: 2 Rds exactly
Round 3: 1 Rd+12 DUs.
Strength Cycle, Week 4, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3. 175×2, 195×1
Work: 210x5x3 (New 5RM)
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×1
Work: 145x5x3
WU: 95×5, 135×3, 185×2, 215×1
Work: 230×5
This shit is starting to get heavy. The heavy squats show up later in the deadlift.
Rob: If you were still on the new Rouge box then it was 20" minimum. FGB cometh…
Fun workout today, another sneaky one with a rest interval that really just meant you had more gas to do cleans and (at least for me) kept getting caught doing cleans at the end of each round, yowch!
Did my Wendler DLs first, an ongoing project to try and unf*ck my deadlifting. Finished with a set of 265#x6, I've been trying to make each rep really perfect and not grind out any reps at the expense of form. Felt decent.
Did the WOD as rx:
3 RD+ 5 PC
3 RD+ 1 PC
2 RD+ 5PC, 10PU, 6DU
Happy with my consistency, would have liked to stay in the 3 RD range throughout, but I guess that was a bit ambitious. My cleans were a bit funky, I thought at first that I was having problems catching, but it was more an issue of keeping my elbows fast. Once I tried to move those faster the catch got easier. Puships felt relatively ok, DUs felt good.
Goals for month:
Squat 300
75 Pushups unbroken
Also- that is a very cool picture of Katie, whom I have seen far too little of lately.
Round 1: 2 + 5 pushups
Round 2: 2 + 5 cleans
Round 3: 2 + 4 cleans
Cleans scaled to 115.
I like these interval workouts. I was expecting this to be like FGB, but it wasn't as bad (next to Fran, nothing gives me butterflies like FGB).
Margie, I'm sorry I dissed your music. Exhaustion is no excuse for rudeness.
Uh, I know I couldn't have been the only chica to hit this wod. Where are my lady-folk???
Had a grilled porkchop and a tomato and grilled zucchini salad for dinner. Mr. Fox did an excellent job, so yummy.
there was also grilled zucchini in that salad, an idea I got from Mrs DePaolo
Fox, I saw Katie at 7:40 this a.m., killing it on her bike, fighting her way upstream to Manhattan. Tough as nails, is she. Like Yoda, I speak.
Worked out at the 5pm w/the margus minimaximus
R1: 2rounds +5cleans
R2: 2 rounds
R3: 2 rounds
I Rx'd the weight, but then had to do the modification for the DubUnd (15 Fo Realz), which are coming along, but slowly. I can't string them together, but I can do 1on/1off for about 5 until my front delts start burning up. The cleans felt pretty light, but I I kept it light because I knew I was going to be super slowmo on the DU, I'm also slow on pushups. I can't figure out how to breathe and do pushups at the same time, I always end up holding my breath and then half way through look like a gaping fish on the floor. :/
Warmup was plank/lunge, I did the side planks today. – I'm going to work on my pec w/the lax ball ala rec from mister fox.
Goals for August: 10 consecutive DU, learn how to move my body in a proper fashion on the Erg. Prepare for FGB/aka work out at least 2x a week while in California.
Fav. Games moments: I really liked watching Lisa Shiu in Killer Kage, she looks like a TFBA.
Elisabeth Akinwale's handstand walk was just incredible too – she looked like she could do that all day.
Oh, and strongman stuff sounds super fun. Totally annoyed that I have a physio final during it. >_<
This WOD was mostly an exercise in DU futility for me. Some days I can get 5-6 in a row without too much trouble, last night, not so much. I scaled back to 15 per round but still probably spent 3:30 of each 5 min on the jumps.
1 rd + PC + 9 PU
1 rd + PC + 4 PU
1 rd + PC + 3 PU
As evidenced by that performance, Fox, I've been around far too little lately. I have to get better at doing more than just lifting on the road.
Tom, that chat on Jay St. was a highlight of the morning. Happy commuting!
In other news, [|this] is delicious. Skipped the sugar and the yogurt, added some zucchinis that really needed to get used. Good hot or at room temp.
Strength Cycle, Week 4, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3. 175×2, 195×1
Work: 210x5x3 (New 5RM)
This is getting heavier. Still not a fear of failure but a bit of a struggle getting out the hole. Have to stay much more focused now
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×1
Work: 145x5x3
This still feels pretty light. Samir and I may have done an extra set since we miscounted.
WU: 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 265×1,
Work: 270×5
This still feels pretty good. Good Bar speed. Don't have to switch grips yet. The warmups felt heavy, but the work set was very doable.
Scaled this one to 130# since 155 is more than my bodyweight and trying to do these fairly fast tweaks my back. I also had to sub high jumps for double unders as I can't string together more than a couple of these at a time and there isn't any space in this gym.
2 rounds + 5 power cleans + 10 pushups
2 rounds + 3 power cleans (WTF?)
2 rounds + 5 power cleans + 10 pushups
Great WOD! Does anybody have any experience with sciatic pain? On power cleans especially, I get a pinch in my lower left back that feels like sciatica.