Today’s Rest Day WOD is to write a CrossFit Haiku. Nothing like a fun little project to get the creative juices flowing. What’s a Haiku you ask? A Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry characterized by three simple lines. The first line contains 5 syllables, the second contains 7 and the last again contains 5. Think about images, emotions and experiences you have at the gym and see if you can’t write your own. Below are two examples courtesy of Mobility WOD
Psoas unfolding
Like the lotus blossom
I just vomited
Way of the painball
There are no days off
Leopard is supple
Post Haiku to comments.
While out in California for the Games, Rickke, Jacyln, Mike and Christine stopped by CrossFit Merge for a little team competition.
Speaking of Competitions..
The first event of the CrossFit Subway Series is just over a week away! Competitions like these are a great way to mix up your training environment and see how you do under a little more pressure. It doesn’t matter if you’re interested in competing at the affiliate team level or just a little competition-curious. Everyone is encouraged to come out and have some fun. Scaling options for all the workouts will be provided so that you can participate no matter what your level.
The first event will be held on Saturday, August 6th, 9am at CrossFit Virtuosity. For more information and to register, visit the eventbrite site.
The CrossFit Games Are Here!
After months of waiting the Games are finally here. You can watch some of the best CrossFitters on the planet battle it out for the title of fittest on earth for free online here. One of the best parts of the Games is that the events are unknown until shortly before competition. This means we don’t know what kinds of grueling tests these athletes will be put through until this weekend. The only known variable is that the events will definitely be very.. very grueling.
Highlights from the CrossFit/USAW Open
A Brief History Of The CrossFit Games
I have lacrosse balls
In my home, office, and car
Silly bald bastards
Kipping pull-ups no
forward rolls not yet, never?
handstand pushups no
summer eats the snow
pursuing humility
now: two green bands.
New WOD I love thee.
But sometimes you fucking suck,
But I still love thee.
lovely 7am swim at RED HOOK POOL (42yds) 1mile = 42 laps.
4,3, 2, 1 1, 2, 3, 4 laps
2×5 1st lap breath every 2 strokes. every 2nd lap increase strokes per breath. up to 6 strokes then breath.
2×5 1st lap breath every 2 strokes as cool down. 2nd lap start breathing every 8 strokes, next 2nd lap breath every 7 strokes. work till 4 strokes per breath.
bar bends beneath weight
stand up– count rep– breath– repeat
now you see yourself
angry mind sleeping
tosses thoughts of red water
morning brings short rest
Under the squat rack
ac/dc is playing
bounce out of the hole
Off to Spain, and not a moment too soon. See all of you fine feathered athletes in a couple of weeks.
Coordination fails
Curses raise in harmony
The jump rope I loathe
pulling on the erg
look up for inspiration
leaderboards please help
heavy heavy bar
crush my legs and back you may
crush my spirit never
My entire body aches
From squatting heavy
Lord help me, I love it so
Is that Depeche Mode
playing while we're box jumping?
Coach Nick in the house.
board shorts and thrusters
what is a squat clean and jerk?
vibrams and skins, yuck
the rings just hang there
toying with my emotions
muscle up, one day
today made up the bench press/row wod
kept the bench at 80# each round (80×4 = 320)
row for 25 cal: 1:16, 1:18, 1:20, 1:17 (total time = 5:11)
Dan B's is my favorite.
Beastie Boys, burpees.
Painful pushups, pullups, pride.
Rest. Revelation!
(I'm feeling a little alliterative today.)
No Sepultura
This box could do much better
Don't you think, fellows?
chest down to the mat
the humidity breaks me
big fans cool my skin
Haiku's are my absolute favorite pass-time, so happy to see this as the WOD 😉
anybody else having lots of problems with the live feed of the games? mine's pretty much unwatchable it's so choppy.
I'm watching live cricket – no problems with the feed 😉
walking gingerly
hamstrings screamingly implore…
pick up my socks, please?
stella's alliteration is tops!
At Active Recovery
Where I attempted a split
hamstrings did not rip
Katie, can you please rephrase that question in the form of a haiku?
One thousand wall-balls.
What, like that is a challenge?
live feed is terrible.
Gave up the Globo
and ran off to join this cult.
Murph's my new best friend.
This is fun. For the next rest day writing assignment, can we come up with crossfit-themed tourism slogans and/or crossfit themed pick up lines?
snatches smash my soul
hope I did not shit my pants
sweet, undies are clean
CrossFit South Brooklyn
causes pain and humiliation
yet leaves simple joy.
Crossfit themed pick-up lines? Nice idea.
"Girl, you sure got my muscle up!" Sorry, I'll stop.
sweating my ass off
what was that about some fans?
soon come weather change
Kipping pull-ups ouch
Bloody hands, blisters open
Heal! Then back for more
i see you, black square
almost knocked myself out once
wall balls= not my friend
oh no, that's our WOD?
sometimes rowing makes me sick.
must. not. make pain-face.
Crossfit games streaming
Not working so I give up.
Watch X-games instead?
rob: between events
streaming's choppiness was maddening
probs still bad at two
For my "I don't have time to workout", 'I don't know why", "I am on holidays next week", "I am on a long break" client.
no time to wod hey?
shitty excuses
be more creative
I lost some text. Revised!
For my "I don't have time to workout", 'I don't know why", "I am on holidays next week", "I am on a long break" client.
no time to wod hey?
those are shitty excuses
be more creative
135x5x2, 225x5x2, 275x3x3
Dumbell Bench (summer of 3 wheels, needed a back off)
live feed is terrible.
Waves rush shore, retreat
Women emerge, racing neck
Dan B's haiku is HILARIOUS. I sometimes have to put the kaibosh on Depeche Mode in our house.
As prescribed seems tough–
scale it? David looks aghast.
"Charlotte! Go Rx'd."
Made up Wednesday's squat work with the lovely and charming Katie D, happy birthday! Worked @ 175# for sets across. 5×3 feels mentally harder but physically easier, I think, than 3×5. I think. Had to scoot before doing the RDL/K2E stuff.
i should be working.
right after this video.
ok, just one more.
Because I haven't posted enough already…
Met-con supplement to last night's lifting:
As many Burpees as I can do in 30 seconds rounds for 5 rounds.
10, 10, 10, 9, 9, then I did 10 penalty burpees (for not making it to 10) in 40 seconds.
For Rest I alternated 30 seconds and 60 seconds rest between rounds.
This seems pretty slow to me. Form was so-so and deteriorated. Surprising!
@Katie: thank for the tip in haiku form!
Date with foam roller
Soft tissue karma sutra
quads silently scream
in n out burger
Why do you taste so yummy?
Paleo Fu*k you!
Drove out to Santa Monica and saw event1. Met up with the NYC turned sbkers–Rikke, mike, Christine for a sec. Saw part of men's competition then saw all of the women. Cool to see some of these folks in person. Met up with JMD he is alive and well. ThEre were some pretty big waves and a crazy undertow. At one point women were swimming for like 15 seconds without moving.
There was a great crowd and lots of energy despite it being so cold.
Ron Orlando did not finished they said he felt like he was gonna drown which is completely understandable given conditions.
Mikko s. Supposedly had his eardrum blown out by a wave and still finished.
ooooh. so many, many good ones. Dan B., yes! ShawnS, I hear you re: in 'n' out.
Here's an ode to sciatica:
Gobbled Aleve pre
7 a.m. class. Pull erg.
Might vomit. Urp! No.
Cow mat sweat angel
Blooms wet beneath my gasping
Endorphin high five.
Shawn wins.
My last two double-doubles have been protein style, and they're just not the same. /Sad face.
Did I mention that this swimming idea pisses me off to no end?
It's an insult to swimming (now I know how the gymnasts feel) and it's culturally biased in a way that no other event is. It takes years to learn how to properly swim. If I had just a modicum of cardio right now, I could crush any non-swimmer at the games. It's not fucking running for god's sakes, it's a technique drive skill. I could go on, but I'll spare you…
Parallel strict pull-ups:
My wrist is bothering me from the push-ups earlier, so I couldn't do chins and did the neutral grip on the home pull-up bar. They were really hard. I barely made 5. That sucks.
I'm threatening to make this my last post. I'm stalking you CFSBK!
Got this info from a fantasy bookie site (quite funny):
"Two competitors have been eliminated: Rob Orlando, who apparently grabbed a judge’s paddleboard during the swim portion of WOD 1 because it was either that or drown (I’d make the same decision), and 2009 Champ Mikko Salo, who was apparently kicked in the head during the swim and blew out an eardrum. He nevertheless powered through WOD1, vomited at the finish line, then decided that a handstand walk was a bad idea and withdrew from the rest of the competition. Tough luck for Mikko, who spent all year training and looked to be in tremendous shape."
I have to disagree with your Rob. The point of the games is to test for the "fittest on earth" and in the grand scheme of life and sports, swimming is a pretty basic capacity to test for. They're saying swim in open water from point a to point b. It's not pretending to be a swim meet and like all the events is rewarding those who have a higher skill set in that domain. Just like the heavy snatch event rewards people who have put in lots of time (years?) into learning how to snatch heavy weights. I would almost say it's more difficult to find someone to teach you how to snatch than it is to teach you how to swim, especially from a financial perspective. Your claim that you could crush any non-swimmer at the games also doesnt sit well with me. If they included a guitar solo event (which would be awesome! :P) then I could see agreeing with you. But at the end of the day, these guys and girls have HUGE engines resulting from lots of hard work and very favorable genetics.
I will also add that I'm bummed on the total lack of broadcasting that's happening and the programming overall so far is sort of lackluster in my opinion. But maybe that's because I can't SEE any of it :/