4 Rounds of:
Bench Press, 5 reps
Row 25 Calories
Get on the erg immedidately following your bench set and row a hard 25 calories. Rest as needed between rounds. Your score is total lbs moved and total time on the erg. If you miss a rep on the bench, you get zero points for that set. For example:
150×5 = 750lbs
160×5 = 800lbs
170×4 = 0lbs
165×5 = 825lbs
Score = 2,375lbs / 6:06
Post score to comments.
Devi A looks focused during Push Jerk warm-ups
This Squat Cycle.
As mentioned previously, we’ll still be squatting 2x per week throughout this cycle. Wednesdays exposures will be heavy sets while Saturday’s will be volume sets. Below is the programming breakdown for each exposure.
Wednsday Heavy Squat
e1: Advanced:85%x3x5
Novice/Intermediate: 3-3-3-3-3 Working up to a submax heavy triple (leave 15-20 lbs in the tank)
e2: add 5-15lbs 3×5
e3: add 5-10lbs 3×5
e4: add 2.5-5lbs 3×5
Saturday: Volume Squat
e1: 65%x10x2 (or %75 of your first heavy triple from this cycle)
e2: +5-10lbs x10x2
e3: +5-10lbs x10x2
e4: +5-10lbs x10x2
For the CFSBK Red Hook Swim Club: Tabata Swimming CrossFit.com
CF Santa Cruz Does Weighted Push-Ups CrossFit.com
Sepak Takraw (No hands Volleyball)
Ngyuen Thi Buch Thuy: ‘Just Give Me The Damn Sepak Takraw Ball!’ The Onion
Hard and fun workout today
145 x 5 x 4
1.02, 1.02, 1.06, 1.13
Great working out with Kristin today. She really killed it on the erg!
Warmup: I only got through 2 rounds of this. I decided to go with low reps and do full-on pushups. I was only able to do 5-6 reps each round. My goal is sets of 10 by the end of the cycle. Pullups with the green band. Maybe I should stick to negatives this time — green band was still pretty hard, and I had to struggle for 8 reps.
I swear to Cthulhu, I am REALLY REALLY GOOD at doing quick arithmetic calculations outside the gym. But somehow, when I start working out, two plus two starts to equal seven. Nevertheless, I figured out what I was doing wrong (somehow I was multiplying 53X5 and getting 215) before I totally screwed up Kristin's and my logbooks:
53, 58, 63, 68 (total score: 1210)
1:32, 1:40, 1:40, 1:40 (total: 6:32)
I think I could have gone a wee bit heavier on the bench. Erg was my downfall. I need to keep working on staying tall.
Really looking forward to this one, I had started a bench press progression that got stalled out for a number of reasons, and I need to get back into it.
a lovely swim at Red Hook this am with alec and deb.
kept it short..
4 laps-3 laps-2 laps- 1 laps – 1 – 2- 3 – 4
tried the tabata swimming last year. no joke.
looking forward to this new cycle.
First Cthulhu Mythos reference I've seen on the board!
Great 6am classes this morning. Craig C put up some huge numbers on the bench and Mcdowell killed rows. Shout out to my partners Traci T at 7a and Michele L at 6a.
Whenever I get the opportunity to, I list Campus Crusade for Cthulhu as a college activity I was involved in.
David M,
I bought a pair of goggles this weekend. Just sayin'
Finally- Sepak Takraw looks incredibly difficult and the onion article is incredibly funny.
Great morning swim today with McGrath and Alec. Increased 2 lengths from last week. My goal is to increase 2 lengths each time. As well as not stop in the middle of the length. 8 lengths total.
Are you guys swimming tomorrow morning?
Will and I joined in on the secret swim club last wednesday. Walking it, it looks like your average small town high school gym/rec center, but when you turn the corner out into the pool area– hoo, boy! That pool is a real gem. Nice to kick off the morning that way. Good call, Capt. McGrath!
MIke M
The pool is open Mon – Fri 7am – 8.30am
I hope to go again Wednesday, first CF at 6am and then SWIM at 7am. That's the plan at least…
coach D.O. no you've got goggles, there's nothing stopping you. get your swim on!
If you can get me a Campus Crusade for Cthulhu t-shirt, I'll be in your debt.
Awesome Noon class, had a lot of fun with the workout.
Did some calf & hamstring mobility work before group droms.
Did 3rds of the 1A workout, and did sets of 8 strict pull ups.
For the WOD I did 3 warm up sets at (45, 135, 185)
4 Work Sets were:
(205X 5, :47Second Row)
(205X5 :44 Second row)
(205X 5 :49
(205 X 4, F 51 Second Row)
After set 3, I knew 205 was going to be tough but I decided to go for it. Thanks to Charlotte for the after class pointers on refining some rowing technique.
Totals were (3075, 3:11)
As Rx'd
185 1:13
195 1:37
205 1:47
225 1:41
Total Score:
4,050 6:30
This is the first time I've benched in a long time. Not looking forward to the DOMS this will cause for the next few days.
Fun noon class with Capt Osorio. I REALLY like the new warmup. Did three rounds of A1 with 5 negatives for the pullups. Oh, my dear long-lost strict pullups, will I ever see you again…?
I really liked this workout. And loved working with the fantabulous Margie & Ariel.
Score: 2225 (100, 110, 115, 120); 5:02 (1:16, 1:15, 1:16, 1:15)
This is my 7th trip to the gym in July…eep.
4 days…
I also enjoyed this workout AND getting to bench with Charlotte and Ariel. Well done
Bench: 90, 95, 100, 100 = 1,925
Row was 7:30 I believe, ranging from 1:47 to 1:56
I will be at the pool Wed AM!
looks like i'm joining the am pool crew for rizzle. started PT today for my hamstring and not supposed to be running too much (if at all).
looking forward to:
1. the new cycle
2. not traveling at all until the end of august
3. setting some actual goals for august that i look forward to sticking to!
That was a fun work out.
Until the last row, that is.
Sheesh. I'm just now, 4 hours later, feeling like a human again.
I don't even remember my numbers (I think I managed to get them on the board) and I'm not really sure where I put my log book once I got home. : )
I do know that I benched way more than I expected to and it felt really good. And then, it didn't.
Excellent afternoon session with Alec and David O.
WU: 3rounds 20 hollow rocks, kipping pull ups (5/10/15), sandbag jog/zercher carry/jog to lampost and back PR'd the kipping pull ups with 10 unbroken.
DL On the Minute for 10 minutes: (95×5,115×3,125×2,135×1) 140 work weight
3 Rounds: Row 15 cal. followed by max push ups with 2 minute rest between rounds Push up rounds in 11/13/15
Very satisfying day of effort.
Hey, I have been following the South BK programming for about 3 months in my globo in Queens. Figured I should start posting on here. I love the programming and I need to get my ass in to a CF box!! Sick of the globo! Anyhow, for today: 3,400 and 5:18.
Deceiving workout – good stuff. Nice to be in a group with David O and Mike M. Great job guys. Thanks to Margie for helping me get through tha last row.
1 – 135 / :56
2 – 140 / :51
3 – 145 / :48
4 – 150 / :48
Total weight: 2850
Total time: 3:23
All y'all with sub-1-minute times for rowing 25 calories astound me.
thanks for spotting me this morning david!
I don't know when the last time I benched was – maybe never? Erg's always a slog. 6:30 minutes of erg and all I can show is 100 cals? 🙂
Bench press
65 / 70 / 75 / 77 = 1435
1:33: / 1:35 / 1:41 / 1:41 = 6:30
Good class today with Margie!
This wod tore me up, first crossfit wod that ever made me throw up…
190/:43 (Clearly I should've gone out a bit harder on the first 2)
Goal to be better this cycle about writing in my loads/times.
175/180/185/190. Probably had some weight left in the tank here.
1:03/:58/1:05/1:13 Absolutely had nothing left in the tank here.
3650/4:18. I'm just like Mike Mishik, except, you know, really bad at rowing.
Am I the only HP Lovecraft dweeb with a "Horror At Red Hook" reference?
Anyway, I have to confess a guilty pleasure – lax ball on long car rides. Anyone?
Today was a WOD FAIL for David.
5pm Group Class
Warm-Up 1 with 6 overhand pull-ups per set
Bench Warm-Ups
R1: 125×5 & 0:58
R2: 135×5 & 0:57
R3: 140×5 & 1:08
Intermission, met with Pukie
R4: 145×4 & 1:29
Encore with Pukie
I wasn't going to do round 4 after tossing my cookies but I was feeling surprisingly better and really wanted to do more on the bench so I went for it. I came into the row thinking that I would just take it easy and was surprised when I got on and started pulling that I felt okay at about 70% intensity.. Until calorie 12 when like a ton of bricks I got slammed with some nausea and basically pulled with no pressure on the handle until I finished.
I've got a Very low metabolic tolerance for rowing sprints, they always hit my really hard and today was no exception. Thanks to my partners Mike and Rickke for the support and Margie for getting me some coconut water.
Thanks for posting Glostermarty!!
815 / 6:54
37, 42, 42, 42
1:48, 1:40, 1:44, 1:42
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't push myself very hard for this WOD. I'm not sure why.
LAX ball on any car rides.
Just have to be careful..sometimes you get that oh so good distracting pain…its almost as distracting as talking on your phone pr texting while driving… but great way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
I usually lodge it in my lat and just push back into it as Im driving
Oh, also, in good news, there was no lower back tightening at all from the rowing, and the early returns from my trip to Alec are (unsurprisingly) looking good. Rec'd Alec and Deb to my sister who has been dealing with a variety of mobility issues.
David, that sounds familiar. Thanks for the ice earlier, btw.
I plan to join the CFSBK swim club on Wed. am at 7! Does Red Hook require a swim cap?
Score 840 / 7:49
Bench 42x5x4
Row 155 159 202 1:52
This was pretty hard. I had an especially hard time figuring out how to make the calories go faster. It seemed like the harder/faster I pulled nothing changed. And I probably could have gone a little heavier on the bench.
I'm still having trouble with hallow rocks and "box assisted pullups" in the warm ups. It just feels like I'm doing it wrong, but I do like that I get lots of opportunities to practice.
2700 / 3:19
135 / 0:46
135 / 0:48
135 / 0:52
135 / 0:54
I don't think I've felt so hard-hit by a workout since the last time I did a full-effort Fran. My quads and shoulders were yelling at me, had a little nausea and my head was pounding afterward. I'm wondering if it wasn't a bit of dehydration. Felt fine by the time I got home, and the endorphins kicking in made the BB King in my headphones sound REALLY good. It's a natural high, man.
Strength Cycle, Week 3, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
Work: 195x5x3
WU: 45×5, 75×3
Work: 90x5x3
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×1, 205×1
Work: 215x5x1
1. Bench = 165# x 5, Row = 0:41
2. Bench = 170# x 5, Row = 0:41
3. Bench = 175# x 5, Row = 0:39
4. Bench = 175# x 3, Row = 0:37 (0 Points for Bench Press)
Bench Total – 165+170+175+0 = 510
Row Total = 2:38
I knew last set of bench press was going to be a miracle to pull 5 reps out, but did not want to drop down in weight.
First row on our shiny new C2 Model D rower. Rows were NASTY! Damper at 10 for all 4 sets. Did not check stroke rate, but picked it up on last 2 sets.
Was there a damper or any other settings you guys standardized on for this WOD?
a) 85 / 1:10
b) 90 / 1:15
c) 90 / 1:17
d) 90 / 1:20
Total weight: 1775
Total time: 5:02
Great workout. I managed to not puke, which I'm rather happy about. Definitely need to work on my rowing form; I'm a hot flailing mess out there. Hah. Was really nice to workout with Laurel and Jess.
Notes: Was still sore today from Sat. hollow rock, I think I have a better idea how to correct my form after we went over in class today. My forearms are still twingy when I do negatives, I'm working on them with lax ball… Working on appropriate breathing technique for presses. I probably could have pushed the weight some more? But maybe not, because I was pretty wasted by the last rep.
Yay for heavy squat Wednesday!! Looking forward to this cycle and making some gains.
Warmup 1A:
15 hollow rocks (knees bent)
15 airsquats
10 pushups
5 chinups (not unbroken)
-finished all 3 rounds just as time was called.
Bench warmup: 45×5, 65×5, 85×5
1) 90#, 1:14
2) 95#, 1:18
3) 100#, 1:22
4) 105#, 1:21
Total = 1950#, 5:15
This was a doozy but fun. My legs started feeling like jello after the very first round. Also felt something creeping up in my stomach just before starting the 2nd round and after seeing David and Mike both hit the bathrooms right after, I was scared. Luckily, I only had to burp.
Great partnering with Sarah and Laurel! Thanks for the push ladies!
Sorry, read scoring wrong.
Bench Press = (5×165) + (5×170) + (5×175) + (0x175) = 2550 Points
Row = 2:38
@ Allison, Red Hook pool doesn't require swim caps or goggles but everyone wears them. I think goggles are necessary unless you can already swim in a perfectly straight line. I sure as hell can't. Looks like I'll miss this Wednesday and possibly Friday, but my goal is to return next week!
This one was tough but fun. Took me a good 25 min to recover.
205/ 51
205/ 50
205/ 59
205/ 51
Total: 4100 / 3:31
Big shout out to McGrath for really pushing me through this one.
Bring on some heavy squats. Lightweight baby.
I guess this workout was harder on my mindgrapes than I thought because I did my math all wrong.
165, 0:49
185, 0:47
195, 0:44
195, 0:48
Total: 3700, 3:08
Tuesday 7 a.m. (monday's work out)
135, 51
145, 54
145, 55
150, 58
totals: 2875, 3:38
Really not loving the difference in my time btwn first and last row. (Note to self: do not take two Aleves before working out unless you want to nearly vomit at end of WOD).
Strength Cycle, Week 3, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1
Work: 195x5x3
We're getting heavier…slightly harder to get out the hole each time.
WU: 45×5, 75×3
Work: 90x5x3
Also getting a bit heavier–especially for 5 reps
WU: 135×5, 185×5, 225×2,
Work: 255x5x1
These are heavy for 5 but I dont have to use the switch grip yet