Warm-up 1A or 1B
Forward Roll Practice
Take 15 minutes to learn/experiment with Forward Rolls
20-Rep Overhead Squat
Take 25 Minutes to work up to a 20-rep Overhead Squat. Don’t sacrifice form for load here.
Post loads to comments.
Good luck to Christine G. who is participating in her first IronMan Triathalon today! Go get ’em Christine!
The New Cycle Starts Tomorrow
Today is the final day of Back-Off Week! The new cycle starts tomorrow and we’re shaking things up a little bit. We’ll still be squatting twice weekly (Wednesday/Saturday) but have jettisoned the Pull and Upper Body Strength days as the focus of this cycle will be on strength endurance and more traditional CrossFit programming. We look forward to seeing you increase your work capacity over broad time and modal domains!
Which movement(s) from the Warm-ups do you want to make the most improvement with this cycle?
Forward Roll Progression Gymnastics WOD
Nicole Carrol does 15 Overhead Squats at BW CrossFit
Keith W. of CF Virtuosity wants to heal your forearms/elbows FxD/T
Elbow Pain and Grody-Tacked Down Forearms MobilityWOD
Pullups, for sure. I know I won't be doing a strict one by the end of the cycle, but it would be cool to graduate to the blue band instead of the green.
What kind of squats are we doing this cycle?
awesome strength cycle hijinks today – temp a cool 92 or so.
tons of makeup sleep this weekend; that helped too.
Fun Sunday at Cfsbk. Got to work with coach Margie which was pretty awesome. Haven't done 20 reps of anything since I used to do 21's in my meathead days. Curls for the girls. Can't wait for tomorrow. Let's do this, leeroy Jenkins.
Thanks for the shout out to Christine. She had a strong swim (no wetsuit! Talk about Rx'd!) and she's past the halfway mark on the bike and still smiling. You can track her at ironmanlive.com bib# 484.
fun 9am with coach d.o.
3 Rounds of:
0:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)
10 overhead air squats
10 Ring Rows
forward rolls good. wanted to do the handstand to forward roll, but convinced myself not to. idiot!
20 REP OH SQUAT good times with the björn
could have done a bit more. i like the high volume lifting. definitely keeps things honest.
best of luck christine @ IMLP. hopefully it's not too hot up there. no wetsuit swim…nice!!
Strgh cycle Volume day:
Squat: 245x5x5
Felt solid. Jermey confirmed that.
187.5 x5x3
Woah. The last rep was an epic struggle between determination and gravity. Heart won out. Luckily a had an awesome spotter who let me grind it out. Thanks coach.
Met-con: prowler pushes. 6 pushes for maybe 20 yards?, with about 30 secs rest inbetweeen. 50×2, 100×4, 80×2
Brutal. It took forever to catch my breath.
Yesterday I did:
Chins: 3-3-3-4-5 and 5-4-3-3-3
Ditched 1's and 2's on the ladders. Need more time to move to 6.
Went for 100# Failed at rep 8. Went back and did another 5, then another 2. Then I put my tail between my legs and left the gym. I did do the mainsite WOD beforehand and about 100 double unders. That may have been a bad idea, in retrospect.
ESPN3 (didn't know there was a 3) is streaming the games on a delay. Coverage starts at 9PM on Fri night.
ESPN 3 Games coverage
Big AM class with lots of the OG's, enjoyed the warm-up, practicing handstands to forward rolls, along with some front flips…
Definitely like idea of standardizing the warm-ups, have seen them employed at other CrossFit Affiliates to great success. Many have been designed around progressions towards advance movements, e.g. muscle-ups, handstand pushups, etc.
Beginners work towards pullups, pushups, air squats
Novices get inverted, work on ring dips, empty bar squats, etc
Intermediates do Muscle-Up progressions, HSPU negative/shoulder taps, PVC OHS, etc
Advance folks do full Muscle-Ups, HSPU, Empty Bar OHS, etc.
Overhead Squats
Partnered with Alec, who's a wealth of knowledge as well as a fantastic storyteller. Always a great time and tend to walk away with 10 new vocabulary words/concepts to contemplate.
Warm up: 45×20, 65×10, 95×10
Work: 115×26
Enjoyed snatching the weight into position, would like to test 1rm soon.
Felt solid until rep 16 which felt little wonky, recovered with decent stability and continued on. Hit 20 reps but didn't have enough time for another attempt at a heavier weight — soldiered on until rep 26 where a step forward compromised bar positioning and ended the streak.
Upper body is feeling well organized, lower body is seeing a mobility issue where my left heel isn't contacting the ground while at the bottom of the squat. Applied the Alec's mobility recommendations and it worked wonders.
Last exposure to volume OHS was 95×20 on June 24th, where they felt weak and almost unfamiliar.
Next Steps
Snatch more frequently and go heavy
Work progressions towards new 1RM OHS and Snatch
Get back to bodyweight x 15+
Shout Outs
Alec: thanks for the great advice and am amazing tale, will catch up in email.
Marc: good to chat, kick some ass at Murph next week!
Rob: great to finally talk in person, hope your lifts went well! Good luck in training for FGB.
Christine: Good luck on the Ironman, can't wait to hear about your experience!
MON – FRI 7AM – 8:30
hope to see some of you on the morrow.
Just wanted to chime in with my support for the standardized warmups. Will we still be doing DROMs before the warmups or are they a replacement?
I'm actually most excited about the dedicated warmup time, more than the standardization. I fully expect to mix and match from warmup one and two: sometimes lunges (we don't do that much unilateral leg work) and sometimes ring rows (everyone needs more horizontal pulling – but especially me.)
Also: I maybe call bullshit on hollow rocks. Can somebody explain to me the benefit of this movement? Yes, it's hard – and I suck at them – but it doesn't seem to translate into real life. I plan to swap these out for plank and other core stability stuff.
Special note: I saw Shane having one of his personal training clients (local rockstar, Kate Brash) doing band Pallof presses. I want to do those! Anti-rotation!
AM – Trail running for Spartan Race prep in August
PM – OHS x 20
45# x 20
65# x 10
95# x 10
105# x 20
115# x 20
Time a little short for front rolls. Will make these up this week. Look forward to first day of new cycle tomorrow.
Thanks again!
fun morning classes this AM. I'm excited to have the landing pad on hand to play with some more gymnastics movements and give people who would have otherwise been apprehensive to attempt something a less intimidating set-up. I bought it used and didn't pay very much for it which I've now realized is because the foam is dead in the middle. I'm going to invest in a new one and 2 wedges which can help both advanced and novice athletes at the gym.
The hollow body position requires a good deal of anterior trunk and hip strength. In CrossFit, we do a lot of extension developing movements (pick almost anything) and often folks have an inability to counteract or even feel hyperextension when it happens. The HBR is an assistance movement designed to help develop both strength and awarness of trunk position, and maintaining a neurtral trunk is important in Everything we do. I'll make a deal with you, get good enough at hollow rocks such that you can do a mature rock for 30 reps and then reassess your position. (both literally and figuratively)
homemade meals today
1. 3 eggs with mixed veggies for breakfast
2. paleo "tacos" with ground beef, pico de gallo
Nino – I 2nd DO's sentiment, and his bet. I'll also raise you a Nor-Cal Margarita when you hit that 30 reps.
Alright, alright. I promise to do the hollow rocks at least half of the time (doing plank variations the other half.)
I'll let you know when I get close to that 30 reps. I suspect it will take about 8 years.