Warm-Up 2
3 Rounds of:
Plank x “30 Gymnastics” Alternate Facing up and Facing Down
10 Reverse Lunges, Each Leg
10 Ring Rows
25 Minutes of:
5 Heavy Dumbbell Windmills each side
10 V-Outs
130m Heavy Farmer’s Walks
Post loads to comments.
Michelle Rows her boat through the Storm.
CrossFit South Brooklyn on Spartan Radio
Coach Shane was the guest on the podcast for the Spartan Race this past week and discussed CrossFit and his work preparing Maurya S. who has been training at SBK specifically for the gruelling Spartan Beast a 12-mile whopper of a race in Vermont on August 6th. Watch Shane prove he’s no Robb Wolf here.
Crossword Solving Class with Stella Z.
No, not THAT Stella! In addition to being a badass in the gym our very own Stella Z. is one of the foremost competitors in sport of crossword. And she wants to teach you how to improve your game! She’s teamed up w/ her longtime nemesis Francis Heany to teach a class at the Brooklyn Brainery on August 15th from 8:30-10pm. Find out all the details and register here. Talk about broad time and modal domains!
CrossFit Sports Series Stand-up Paddle Event
CrossFit Sports Series is coming to NY with a Stand-up Paddle event out in Rockaway beach. The day includes all the gear, instruction and a fun competitive WOD mixing elements of CrossFit and SUP and even food! The event is scheduled for Saturday August, 13th starting at 10am. For full details and to register follow the link and/or check out one of the fliers next time you’re in the gym. Note, this will conflict with one of the Subway Series WODs. Play new sports, son!
Who is in for the Subway Series this year?!
Attention Scale Addicts Everyday Paleo
Can A Playground Be Too Safe NY Times
rob israel's question gets featured on the excellent blog Talk to Me Johnnie:
i'm sending my resume to welbourn now.
Bummer to miss the paddle day. I'll be on the beach in Spain! That's something that I have really wanted to do! It looks awesome and I see people do it out in Rockaway, and down in Puerto Rico, and it seems pretty awesome!
I forgot my bike helmet at the gym. It is silver and it says LAZER on it, which obviously makes it awesome. I will retrieve it next week.
Second embarrassing item, I noticed when I got home that my sweat pattern today made it look like I had peed my pants, I just want to take a moment to assure everyone that this is not the case.
Today's 7am class was hazy and eerily quiet. There was something about it that reminded me a little of 6am 3-a-days in Death Valley (SC). It made me long for the smell of magnolia and fresh cut grass. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I plan to participate in some of the subway series events. At least any that don't involve cleans because there's something funky going on with my right collarbone, it keeps swelling up to apple size after any WODs involving cleans. Need to figure that out before I do any more of those WODs.
Y'all, I need to share. As many of you know Nick and I came to the cult of CFSBK as members of another cult, Capoeira Brooklyn. (Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art, part dance, part fight, all awesome.) We started training there in spring 2008. Nick has lately pretty much stopped, and I took almost 2 years off when I was pregnant and after Linus was born, but since the winter I've been going pretty regularly and have been loving the combination of crossfit and capoeira. Together the two stretch and challenge my body and my emotions and my fears in really great ways.
I found out yesterday that the couple who run Capoeira Brooklyn are moving to Ithaca and shutting down the studio at the end of August. I am not really sure what I'll do with myself (besides, obv, come to CFSBK more!) We found an incredible community–much like this one–at the capoeira studio. We met our doula there. We'd been so excited about sending Linus to train there when he got old enough–that boy already loves to be upside-down, it was going to be perfect for him. There's going to be a big hole in my heart and in my life.
The news makes me appreciate CFSBK so much–I feel so lucky to have had *two* amazing communities of physical activity and movement. And I realize how much I have counted on both of them to make my life better. Not to get all maudlin and over-philosophical, but I seriously don't know what I would do if I lost them both. The closing of the capoeira studio is reminding me that I shouldn't take anything in my life for granted, and I should take advantage of the incredible resource on DeGraw street more. I really regret the casual way I made my way back to capoeira after Linus was born, assuming it would always be there.
So–those of you slacking from the gym because you feel like you've got other stuff on your plate and the gym will be there when you are ready for it…enjoy the luxury of that reality. It's not necessarily always guaranteed.
Handstand practice last night went well. The only time I have ever worked on free standing handstands was the one and only time I have been to CFSBK. Could definitely feel when I nailed a kick-up, and knew when the form wasn't there. Thanks again!
For those of you looking to practice zercher keg lifts at home, the brooklyn brewery is giving away barrels. http://www.brooklynbrewery.com/blog/2011/07/20/barrels-and-barrels-of-fun/.
Charlotte and I are kinda the downer duo today — apologies in advance. My college rowing coach, Harry Parker, has been diagnosed with a blood cancer called MDS. One teammate of mine recently remarked on his struggle with this news like so: "confronting the mortality of a force of nature." I think that's true for all of us who know Harry. He is an amazing human being — larger than life, without being bellicose. (He often goes through entire practices without saying a word.) And one of the best coaching records in sport. Here's a profile of Harry in the Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/sports/colleges/articles/2011/07/21/harvards_parker_up_for_a_fight/?page=full.
If there's anyone who can fight this thing, it's Harry. I hope and trust that he'll come out on top.
Can we do this next back-off week???
Um, I don't know what happened. Tried to do some HTML. Fail.
wow Nick and Charlotte, really really sorry to hear about your friend. I've been just through it with a close colleague of 10 years. We can talk about it next time I see you. I'll tell you what we did. Hang in there.
Here's a really elegant little website to track your strength progress using the Rippetoe strength standards:
Charlotte. Word. Period.
Nick: I'm sorry. If the Globe piece is any indication, if anyone will beat this, Harry Parker will.
"Cool" strength class tonight… Intensity Day:
Squatt: 270×10
This was my first "heavy" day in a month and even though I've done this weight two or three times now, I was nervous due to my hamstring, the heat and the fact it was a rep out. The bar moved pretty fast and except for a funky rep 4 where I got off-balance and a grinding rep 10 when I was running out of gas, it was the first time to 10 in well over 2 months. That was cool.
Press: 135x5x3
I made it through to 1 plate. Cool. The 5th reps were all a struggle.
Deficit DeadLift: 285×5
It was good to deadlift again for the first time in a month too. I figure the Deficit was a good choice since the loads are lighter and it's the heaviest stuff that really pulls on my hamstring.
I had to opt out of a met-con tonight. I mean really. The amount of water loss was incredible, not to mention it took me two hours to complete the above.
Injury Report:
felt as good as it has. It warmed up well and 255 felt fine. After the rep-out I could feel it had tightened up a bit so I walked it out and LaX balled it a bit more. I've been doing tons of therapy on it daily. Ice, compression, LaX ball, rumble-roller, static stretches, Gillian stretch at least 5 times a day. Probably need to work in more PNF stretches again, I've gotten away from those.
Is definitely way better, but something weird happened on the bounce of the 3rd rep of the 3rd set of presses. I couldn't stop there and didn't. It's a bit stiffer than pre-workout. Hope to be ready to Clean on Sunday, but may have to wait until Tuesday.
90% I think it's ready for box jumps. Just need to work it out a bit more.
Glute: 100% healed
I was espeically impressed by the on-ramp and foundations classes tonight who actually did WOD's and for the most part appeared to be having fun. Some cool cats there. Good attitude and work ethic people!
Did I mention how cool the workout was? Good night!
great post, charlotte.
nice job, rob.
Today I spent the day babysitting my 2.5 year old nephew Aiden. This was my first time fully in charge of anyone older then say, 20, so I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't have younger siblings growing up and outside of SBK rarely spend time with kids so I had to ask my sister very basic care taking questions like:
Does he go to the bathroom on his own? Do I have to like, wipe him?
Can I like, leave him alone or do I need to be watching him the whole time?
Can I just let him wander around the backyard naked? (actual question)
For those of you with a similar experience level raising kids, the answers are:
Watching the whole time
NO, DAVID!, What? Oh God..
With all that out of the way we had a nice day together. I learned you can't really reason with a 2.5 year old, more so you're just preventing them from not crawling into the fridge or eating small plastic things. Aiden did at one point fall off the couch and hit his head on the table which we both had a freak out about, but a little ice, a lot of crying and a bump on his head later everything is okay. Otherwise you just seem to play with them with whatever is catching their eye at that point and try and be funny.
To use the parlance of our neighborhood, as a "Baller" I have to hand it to all you "breeders", this stuff takes a lot out of you..
Yesterday's second at home meal was organic sausages and an orange, today I made eggs twice at my sister. The paleo options here are… sparce.
Super-total LOL at Billy Keefe's comment (even though I don't know who he is)!!
And Stella's Crossword Puzzle class sounds nerdily interesting! Hmm…. *drumming fingertips on chin while looking upwards and squinting right eye*
yes, I read the posts this afternoon and I forgot to say "well said Charlotte." It's important to remember to appreciate….
So in that vein, thank you David, "SBK" and my coach Jeremy.
And of course fellow perennial cycle B'ers Michele, Dave and Jack.
25 Minutes:
Dumbbell windmills (25#DB)
Farmer walks (24kg KB, 32kg KB)
Completed 5 sets of this. Dumbbell windmills exposed another big weakness of mine. One side lacked strength or flexibility or something, but every rep was very tough.
Farmer walks were with with 24kg KB in one hand and 32kg KB in the other for 65m. Switch hands, and walk another 65m back to garage.
it was great being back in the gym and, well, sweating (even though i could do that just standing still).
i hope to be in the subway series but it really depends on how my body is feeling and what the workouts are. TBD i guess.