Warm-Up 1 A
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats
10 Push-Ups
5-8 Pull-Ups
Warm-Up 1 B
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats
10 Switch or Kneeling Push-Ups
3 Negatives or 5 Leg Assisted Pull-Ups (use rings or maybe box on low bars)
These movements are done for quality. Focus on PERFECT execution on these reps. Push-ups are held for a 1 count at the top. Scapulae retract at the top of Pull-ups.
Handstand Kick-ups
5 sets of 10 Reps
Please watch the following videos as we’ll be using these progressions in class today
Handstand Progressions Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Happy Birthday to Father of the Year and our favorite Sommelier Brian S.!
The Second Annual Subway Series
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2011 CrossFit Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate — the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Saturday, August 6th, 9am: CrossFit Virtuosity
Saturday, August 13th, 9am: CrossFit Long Island City
Saturday, August 20th, 9am: CrossFit Queens
Saturday, August 27th, 9am: CrossFit South Brooklyn
For a full rundown of scoring and to register check out the Eventbrite page here.
Last year was an amazing series of events full of heated competition and CrossFit-style commraderie. We hope you’ll join Team SBK and help bring the trophy home!
She’s a Dancin’ Machine!
Whitney H. is dancing this weekend in the Von Howard Project’s Triptych at the Dance Theater Workshop. Shows are Thurs, Fri, and Sat at 7:30pm. Sun at 2pm.
For more information on the performance and to purchase tickets check out the Dance Theater Workshop’s page.
For the facebook savy you can find more information here!
Michelin G’s Restaurant Opened Last Night!
Congratulations to one of NYC’s newest restauranteur’s Michelin G. on the opening of her restaurant Left Bank Manhattan! She’s been working tirelessly for months to pull everything together and we wish her much success!
8 Natural Ways to Prevent Sunburn Mark’s Daily Apple
10-Year-Old Kid Workout The Postgame
How Broccoli Fights Cancer Discovery News
Wow I can't believe I'm not going to be able to compete in this years Subway Series… that a huge let down ='(
Josh – right there with you! Who is going to wear the cape?!
Brooklyn Boulders Deal on Groupon today in case anyone is interested
Good work to 6 and 7am on their handstands today. Great seeing people dial these in and work out some issues they've had in the past. Also congrats Kate D on her first strict pull-up!
Today's homemade meal 1 was :
pork, greens and mustard salad for breakfast
Fun 6am class with David (and Kaci, Allen, and Michelle).
Warm-up 1B
15 hollow rocks
15 air squats
10 switch push-ups
5 pull-ups (with serious assistance from David)
I love lifting, but I'm looking forward to getting better at these movements too.
HSKU practice, partnered with Michelle
Attn. management: I have a friend at another box who was asking about ways to prevent tears during pull-ups and told her that I've found our little black grippy squares so very helpful. She was wondering where she could get some of her own. Did we buy them or make them ourselves?
I believe ours are homemade, but there are retail options as well. I have a pair called Lynx Grips that work pretty well, they are carried by Amazon and GNC (in case your friend wants to pick up some Noxplode and get insanely yoked as well.)
Solid gymnastics class today… With Margie!!!
Great to have a training buddy for a change!
Overall a very standard class outline-wise. Some notes
Front handsprings and cartwheels felt really good today. A little more consistent and organized. Finally was launching myself forward on fhs. Also, a few times I was able to hold a split handstand for like :05. Baby steps
Also, the hand wraps were donated by Kevin R. I think from gnc or a sports store.
Rickke or Peter – in the comp class yesterday you guys had on some type of wrist wraps.. where did you get them from? and do you like them better then tape?
They're atlus wrist wraps got them from sports authority, I think they are way better than tape.
Really enjoyed my first gymnastics class with David! You know, reflecting on it now, it's pretty cool that I can walk into a class like that and not immediately fall apart. Sometimes it's easy to take physical ability for granted, but I am having a moment of appreciation.
Anyway, it was super fun and hard! I kinda think the warm up drills were the most physically demanding part. It was cool to do so much inverted work. I felt a little more confident about my handstands and had fun working on assisted front hand springs.
Definitely want to go back!
Josh – I have some basic Red Devil wrist wraps. They're cheap, do the job, and not too cumbersome. It saves a lot of tape, too.
Tonight's handstand kick-ups were fun. I don't normally kick up to handstands using the progression we tried tonight, but I'm glad I got some practice at it since it pushed me to have a greater level of body control and awareness. Jackie and I tried a few straddle to handstands with David's help…not so easy, but I plan to try out the progressions against the wall again some time. I also really want to get to one of the gymnastics classes at Chelsea Piers soon!
Off to Chicago for work until Monday. Enjoy the rest of back off week everyone!
Strength cycle Week 2 Session 5
45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×2, 175×1, 185x3x5
45×5, 65×5, 75×3, 85x3x5
Weighted 15 lbs
5, 5, rep out to 7.95
Man lifting in this heat and humidity can be really draining. I felt terrible to start class. I knocked the PVC over twice on step overs. I thought it was gonna be a bad day. As I got focused things got a little better–but it definitely can be a fight. On friday its gonna be 100 degrees. Yahoo!
Strength cycle Week 2, Day 2 (session 5)
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 175×1
Work: 185x3x5
45×5, 65×5, 75×3, 85x3x5
10,10, 9 (Yargh! Dunno whats happened to my chins)
Thursday's hollow rocks are still… Afflicting me today!
Thx Noah and chris for your motivational coaching =)