3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 Burpees
Rest as needed between rounds.
Like Thursday’s workout, we’re working with intervals today. The idea behind this WOD is to attack each round with veracity. Can you do the 30 Burpees unbroken? How fast was each 400? The rest periods will allow you to increase your work output per round as opposed to doing them unbroken. Slow down and skill work the burpees if you have difficulty maintaining your midline or shoulder position when you sprawl or walk out to the bottom top of the push-up.
Post time and Rx for each round as well as the length of your rest intervals.
Good luck to everyone heading down to Coney Island for the Brooklyn Cyclones CFSBK field trip. Bring back a fly ball!
Morning class superhero Shanna (like banana) H is running a marathon to raise money for New York Public Schools. Help her out (and help her beat her PR of 4:43) by visiting Shanna’s Fundraising Page here.
Scary Movie Night 2: Silent Night, Deadly Night
When was the last time you watched a good scary movie? We’ve got 2 on tap tonight which we’ll be projecting onto the wall for free. Tweet the deets below!
The people that brought you Scary Movie Night I and Halloween III: Season of the Witch are back with two more tales of murder and mayhem. Join us Tonight! starting at 8pm for a double feature for two of the finest Fright Flicks ever featured on the silver screen. First, find out that meat IS murder with Tobe Hooper’s masterpiece the original “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. Then stay for a truly chilling tale in which things and people are not what they seem in John Carpenter’s “The Thing”. This is one of the rare remakes that far surpasses the original. The first film will start at 8pm and the second at 10pm. It’s BYOB and BYOPaleoTreats!
Training Room: Guadamud Eduardo (94kg) from Ecuador Training For the 2007 Pan Am Games Youtube
Gymnastics Falls and Crashes Youtube
CrossFit Games Update 3
ve·rac·i·ty /vəˈrasətē/ Noun
1. Conformity to facts; accuracy: "the veracity of the story".
2. Habitual truthfulness: "his veracity and character"
I thought that definition might help those people, myself included, wondering how to "attack each round with veracity." Then again, probably not.
burpees totally fear the truth. they are dissembling bitches. i think we all know that in our hearts.
lol voraciousness? voraciously?
Are we to assume that since there was a mess up that David wrote this post or did Shane the great screw one up?
at my old school one of our core values was veracity–always tripped everyone up. I used it wrong too before I had it driven in my head for 2 years.
BTW we also need an 80s movie night.
Blade Runner, Coming to America, Big Trouble in Little China, Goonies, Karate Kid Trilogy (just make it 1 and 2 since 3 sucks) anyone?
@ shawn: if it was a typo, my money's on 'ferocity.' only one letter off, and close on the keyboard as well.
'Veracity' works if the intended idea was that peeps should strive for being honest about their quality of movement, which the writeup about burpees does suggest. (Also, no 395m runs, punks!) It's maybe slightly derogatory to those people who are actually good at this stuff, but not nonsensical…
Are the books in yet?
The mendaciousness of burpees is undisputatiable.
Are the books in yet?
@Shawn and @Melon: when I read the post my mind substituted "voracity" — although I doubt too many people who would be marked by an insatiable appetite for burpees…
I am putting $5 on the claim that David meant "vivacity"
vi·vac·i·ty (v-vs-t, v-)
The quality or condition of being vivacious; liveliness: "the light and vivacity that laugh in the eyes of a child" (Charles Dickens).
vivacity [vɪˈvæsɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. the quality or condition of being vivacious
2. (often plural) Rare a vivacious act or expression
noun liveliness, life, energy, spirit, pep, sparkle, animation, high spirits, welly (slang), gaiety, brio, ebullience, effervescence, sprightliness She danced past, bubbling with vivacity.
For instance:
My burpees bubbled with vivacity.
Regardless of what it means, it was nasty.
1) 2:43; rest 5 min
2) 2:48; rest 6 min
3) 3:28
Last set crushed me. Couldn't move any faster on the burpees. They seemed so slow.
My veracity was tested on this one for sure. Woke up early and decided to do this WOD at the Red Hook track: run a lap, then the burpees. 18:20. The burpees were awful until I broke them down into sets of 5 for the last 30–that was almost doable…almost. Off to Cape Cod for a week now and then a week in the Berkshires (Massachusetts surf and turf vacation). See you at the gym in August.
Decided to move a bit today. First workout of any sort since cracking the rib. Slightly painful but tolerable.
800m run
30 Squats
30 Push Ups
Took about 20 minutes, nothing was fast. The worst part was the exhale breath on the runs, that smarted.
Samir's vivacious burpees tested his tenacity, but bubbled with veracity…
I am about to attack this blog with veracity…
Today was my first day back to group classes after strength cycle and vacation. I rolled my ankle during the warm up so I had to sub rowing for running, but was able to do all the burpees. Then I threw up in the bathroom after the WOD. But it was still great to be back, I missed CFSBK. And that's the truth!
Nice job to all in 10am. Great warm-up, Margie!
2:25, 2:27, 2:37
Fun workout to do with a hangover. Running splits stayed within 2 seconds of each other. Burpees a lot slower in the last round.
david confirms VORACITY was the intended word (active recovery class sleuthing confirms.)
Wow, Jess Bailey, that's quite a day… glad to hear you're back though!
3 rounds 5:00, 4:59, 7:11
burpees were from knees after the first 10.
No rest. I ran very slowly. Saving my legs for Jacinto.
a lovely 8am with coach margie
line drills
high knees
leap frogs
subbed 500m row for run. ouch
4:36 4:39 5:29
horrible in a good way.
Burpees are no joke – especially 90 of them. Good workout to remember as a solo WOD. Also did AR – not as flexible in the groin as I thought. 🙂 Looking forward to Cyclones!
Oh – rounds were: 4:11, 4:35, 5:18. 400s went 1:45, 1:42, 1:48.
1) 3:28
2) 4:03
3) 4:04
All Rx'd. All burpees unbroken. 3 minutes rest between sets.
Still doing squat thrusts instead of full burpees: 4:29, 4:29, 4:28
4 minutes rest between rounds. Squat thrusts are feeling easier.
Everyone worked really hard this morning, nice job. And great consistency Katie!
This wod was a lot harder than I expected.
4:21, 4:41, 4:31
-all of the burpees felt/were super slow. Rested about 5 mins between rounds.
Now on our way to the Cyclones game! Gorgeous night for baseball.
US Weightlifting Nationals are being streamed on the Web:
For yesterdays WOD I got my beard trimmed by a good barber which was quite relaxing….
Mobility (foam rolling, some static stretching) and received some ART on hamstring. Ice-ice-ba…
Chins: Reverse ladder: 5-4-3-2-2 and 5-4-3-2-2
uh that was painful
Like I mentioned in A/R today. The blog is a complicated algorithm of existential interpretation and exercise prescription that only the illuminated ones can truly decipher. Each day we see a riddle hidden in a puzzle hidden in a koan hidden behind of veil of an ordinary blog post. Was each round today attacked with veracity? You tell me.
can we hide the blog post in a sausage?
Yea and verily! Where are the books?
3:07, 3:02, DNF
runs were slow and awkward with some foot pain but burpees were unbroken. wanted to break 3min. last round but felt pukey during run probably from lack of sleep (worked late). going to bed early for Storm.
Damn, I should have gone to see the Cyclones game with SBK instead of going to Phillies-Mets to see Cole Hamels get lit up like a Christmas tree. At least I had plenty of phellow Phillies phans at Citi Field for company.
Warm up:
Some fun group line-up activities
Frankenstein walks
Vertical jumps
Mountain climber stretch
3 rounds for time: (rest as needed in-between rounds)
Run 400m
30 Burpees modified just plank position
-First round 3:19
-About 3 minute rest
-Second round 3:19
-About 4 minute rest
-Third round 3:43