1 Round NFT of:
Today’s WOD is to take some out of your day and do something that either helps you unwind or brings you some simple happiness. This needs to be something you don’t normally do or something you don’t think you do enough of. It could be as simple as sitting on your stoop and people watching for 20 minutes or calling an old friend and catching up. Maybe you take your dog for an extra long walk or sneak out of work to catch a matinee. There are no scaling options for today’s workout, you either did it or you didn’t.
Post workout to comments.
Rebecca R’s Pregnant Badassery
Check out Whitney H at her upcoming show, Triptych from July 21-24. There is a sale on tickets today for $15. You can also get more information on their Facebook page
Community Events
This Saturday we’ve got a Brooklyn Cyclones Game and Scary Movie Night 2 on tap for our members. We hope to see lots of familiar faces and maybe even some new ones out for these events. Three cheers for community events!
What is a Workout? George Allen
I'm going to read today, for pleasure not research! Maybe even do it on the deck in the sun.
Such a timely post. Something that's been really important to me lately. I was the lucky dice roller today, I get to leave early. I have a lunch at noon, and I'm not looking back! I'm either going to jet out to the beach and hop into the ocean, or, at a minimum, take a nice long stroll.
Good stuff, I love this blog.
I think I'll take my boy to the dog park today. It's been a long time for him since the baby was born. Infants and dog parks don't mix so we ussually just go for long walks now. We used to go to the dog park just the 2 of us all the time, something I didn't realize I missed until this post. I'm sure Zero (the dog) doesn't mind as he has taken the role of being the protector of Zoe (the baby) with great pride. Today can be his day off.
Ohh if you're interested, here is a picture of zero doing what he does best.
Ok that's it from me.
I misread today's post and thought the WOD was to sneak out of work and catch a manatee (Rx'ed). Now I have to find something else to do that brings me happiness.
Today I'm going to take some time and listen to one of my favorite albums from start to finish. I havent listened to "Low End Theory" in a long time and after seeing the A Tribe Called Quest Documentary on Wednesday, i think enough time has passed.
Is anyone interested in trying this out? I missed the one in SoCal because I had to move to NYC that weekend…
WOD accomplished (and before I even read this post). Let's just say I was late for work and my husband and I are both smiling. ๐
I'm in DC for work and I'm going to read my novel ("Freedom") on the train home instead of working/checking email. Yay! I love this WOD.
Great WOD! I just had a peaceful 20 min sit in the sun near the water at Battery Park. I watch a guy fishing, he didn't catch anything but I got to see him change his bait with some big-ass worms. I saw all kinds of families and tourists and listened to the water lapping underneath the promenade. I love the way the briney sea air smells and there are lovely flower gardens all along the path. The view is pretty special too – Lady Liberty, Governor's Island, boats and sailboats galore. ๐
Took the day off from work to have a relaxing morning.
Got a few things done around the house, including Installing a bike rack in the hallway (thanks Jenna!), then did some HSPU work, and finished out this weeks 5/3/1 exposure with some back squats.
Heading outside to read "A Dance with Dragons George" the new Game of Thrones book by R. R. Martin, take some photos, and later tonight Asta and I will catch the Finale of Harry Potter at the gorgeous Ziegfeld Theater where they even have reserved seating!
I'm planning to play hooky for a bit and continue watching an awesome documentary on Yellowstone. Yeah, yeah, I like nature documentaries. Don't be hating.
I just threw LOTS of non-paleo food onto my company credit card for lunch – my team was hungover from a night out drinking last night so we ordered everything under the sun – now everyone needs a nap – luckily I didn't go out so was able to control myself and eat a normal portion size ๐ hoping to leave early!
@DanH3 Low End Theory was my favorite album during my teenage years.
My favorite ATCQ album. I used to listen to it when I went to bed with my headphones under my pillow. In 7th or 8th grade I went to a Christian school and got my tape confiscated because the track "The infamous Date rape" which was actually spoke out about date rape. But NOPE! my principal saw it read the track listing and took it. One of the last days of school I was in his office and "stole" it back.
i am pretty nearly as stressed as i've ever been in my professional life, except that time 3 years ago when i was so worried about my job that part of my face went numb.
i have other weird symptoms now. when you're older, such things feel very threatening.
i'm hoping to lift tonight to calm myself down. really it's the best therapy i could have.
also stella could be there when i arrive.
Michele, just in case Stella isn't there, I'm arranging a special Lego appearance at the gym tonight. ๐
I re-potted two houseplants and bought a bouquet of purple flowers for my kitchen.
Instead of reading I went for an extra long walk with the dogs, which was not stress relieving at all. Molly (the new doggie) wants to get at any other dog we pass along the way, and not in a totally friendly way. Does anyone know of a good dog trainer that doesn't charge an arm and a leg? I'd be willing to part with either, just not both. The last guy I spoke with wanted $2G up front,..whoa.
@shawns good for you. You taking your tape back is making me think about another wod that would make me happy, go back to my HS and steal back all my Fitted hats that were confiscated over my 4 years there. We had a no hat policy.
Still at work right now, but plan to take my daughter, and our 2 basset hounds, Bruce and Lucy for a big hound walk tonight. This lets my wife get out for a run. The weather is fantastic today!
@DH3 and Shawn I saw the Tribe doc on tuesday and have been listening to The Low End Theory all week! Also threw in some Jungle Bros. and De La Soul for kicks. So brilliant.
I got up early and went swimming at Red Hook pool with Danielle! Got some great tips from her and she wants to teach me more! That's fantastic. CFSBK swim team here we come. ๐
Now, I'm going to meet some friends for a happy hour drink. I'm gonna order a fancy cocktail and not care about what it costs!
Leaving work early to read in the park! Hoping to finish my book (Babbitt) this weekend. TGIF!!
I did Monday's (07.11) WOD over again…
but NFT and 135lb cleans. It took around 30 minutes, but at least this time I finished. Now maybe my disappointed ancestors will stop the nightly visits.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Today I went to the beginner/intermediate class. The difference in caliber of athletes between the Beginner and B/I class is now obvious to me. Lots of dancers, former child gymnasts and generally fit people in this class. The beginner class has a much wider range of people and are generally bigger classes. Anyway, It was a fun and very humbling class.
Some highlights:
– Today I got a cue about how to move my shoulders and hips when I feel like Im about to fall out of a handstand that Really helped. I kind of had an "aha" moment with it. I had heard it before and not quite gotten it but it seemed to click today and I look forward to applying it to my inversion training.
– I did my first assisted, poorly executed backflip today. Never had tried this movement before but I think I've got the basic idea so now I just need to do a ton of attempts before I can actually do it correctly and land on my feet.
– Front handsprings are overall better than they've been but are still pretty inconsistent and have lots of errors. Primarily in my inability to keep my legs straight during the turn over and dropping my arms when I turn over.
– I really like the conditioning portion of gymnastics class. It's usually pretty tough but I have been very diligent about being a stickler for form on them and not cutting corners. Certain drills that I couldn't do before are manageable now. I like the conditioning in the B/I class a little better than the B class because we do stuff like handstand walking and burpee broad jumps and forward rolls to hollow rocks.
My wrists have been sore lately so Im going to take a couple days off any inversions, hope to feel 100% by next Wednesday.
My RWOD for today:
After gymnastics I went to a few local galleries to check out some art then I went to MoMA which I haven't been to in like 2 years. It was nice to go alone and move at my own pace. Only 1 or 2 things really stuck out to me and the best moment was actually standing at an overlook on the 3rd floor and people watching from the atrium for like 15 minutes.
Nice to stop by the gym for open gym
My WOD for today: actually coming home straight from work, instead of being in a mad dash to head out of town or run around town doing errands like the crazybusylady I've been lately. I puttered around my kitchen and prepped some treats for my friends who are coming over for Wine Club* later, which will be WOD part 2 — catching up and being goofy and pretending we know something about rose.
*Slogans for Wine Club include:
The First Rule of Wine Club is that There Is No Wine Club and
Wine Club: It's Like Book Club Without the Books
bethany, that was sweet, thank you! didn't see your post til now. next time i will bring treats for your pup!
stella, as expected, delivered on the good lovin.
Backsquatted 5×3 worked on lighter weight and really stuck to form, focused on driving my knees out. Felt good especially with dealing with the aftermath from morrison.
3×5 shoulder press, worked up to 120, only jumped 5 pounds from 115. I might have been able to go 125 but I'm glad I stuck to 120 and stayed pretty strong throughout.
Death by muscle up with Rickke, wasn't really a death of anything. Got to the 5th round, games standard muscle ups, wrists and locked out. After a discussion with Margie it's clear my timing is off and probably explains when I swing more than once I'm clueless when to pull up.
Rest wod: read Born to Run, this book is awesome and if any of you haven't read it I totally recommend it!
Wished my dad a happy birthday at the rehab center where they are working on his new knee.
Went garage sailing with my beautiful wife and puppy.
Bought 5 trees for the back yard. Apple, two pear, birch and weeping cherry.
Ordered a new sliding glass door with internal venetian blinds.
@ Charlotte also reading Freedom.
Still waiting for my book to arrive in the mail.
3-3-3 back squat – worked up to 235#
3-3-3 press – worked up to 115#
Death by muscle ups with Mike. Made it to the 6th round with some time left. I think I could've pulled off the 7th round, but my shoulder wasn't feeling so happy, so I called it.
Big thanks to Margie for the great tips and suggestions on my strength training. I'm feeling very fortunate to be training at SBK.
As for the other WOD today – I was hoping to get to the beach to read and play in the ocean, but it didn't happen. Hopefully I'll get to make it up on Sunday after Jacinto Storm.
What a great WOD!
I took it to heart (we arrived in Vermont late Thursday night):
Checked out two auctions, almost bought a Herman Miller patio chair;
Had a large lemon-lime fizz (fresh squeezed lemon, lime, maple syrup, seltzer, ice – shake, enjoy);
Hammock time, enjoying this glorious weather; short nap;
Mexican food with great friends;
Sitting on deck, vodka tonic in hand, around fire pit (the nights up here get down to about 60) and watched the bats do their dance before it got too dark to see anything but the face of my beautiful wife in the light of the fire.
Strength Cycle Day 3
Squat 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×2, 175x5x3
still feels the same as 165, 170. It goes up relatively easy with some effort. I fear week 3 though.
45×5, 65×5, 80x5x3
Again this felt okay, on the last set you could feel it got a little harder, but still no struggle.
Jump position drills, 75×3, 95x2x3, 105x3x3
I actually snuck in a few extra reps today (sorry jeremy) cause I felt like a light bulb went on for me today with some of jeremys cues. I wanted to practice and make sure I got the weight right since it was light enough.
Conditioning 4rds max rep burpees in :30 seconds, rest in plank
I chose suckiest: 35lbs
rd 1: 15
rd2: 10
rd: 3 7
rd 4 6 or 7
My usually decent plank felt terrible after the burn in my shoulders from thrusters.
Deb, those were some classics.
My favorite era in hip hop 93-about 98
Strength Cycle Day 3
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2
Work: 175x5x3
WU: 45×5, 65×5
Work: 80x5x3
Jump position drills, 75×3, 95×3
Work: 105x3x3