Perform the following complex every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
Loading is 45% bodyweight for advanced athletes. This version of “The Bear”
was made popular by coach Mike Rutherford. If you are able to complete
all the rounds, first start scaling up until you can do the weight as
rx’d, then begin to add one rep to the circuit. 7 reps of the complex
for 20 rounds as rx’d is the gold standard.
Post load and rounds completed as rx’d (within the minute) to comments. If you fell behind the clock, indicate how far you got and how many rounds you were able to complete in the remaining time.
Compare to 12.9.09
Ever hear the one about the Powerlifter and the O-lifter?
Hybrid Total Results
Team SBK represented in a big way out in Connecticut yesterday!
Dave Byrd-515/175/565-1255 for 2nd Place in Master’s Division
Billy K.-215/NL/325-540
Jim R.-385 PR/185 PR/385 PR-955
Katie Mears-245/95/315-655 PR
Joel W.-375 PR/155 PR/385 PR
Jeremy F.-395/195/485-1075
Rob I.-275/155 PR/335
Tremendous work by all of the team! A big thanks to Coaches Margie and Jeremy for organizing the team and getting everyone to put up some serious weight!
Monday Morning On-Ramp
Tomorrow at 7AM we’ll be holding the innaugural AM On-Ramp class! Athletes fresh out of Foundations or anyone needing more time to refine their basics before hopping into group classes are encouraged to attend. If you’re unsure whether On-Ramp is right for you email
Who’s ready for Crush Week?
The Dumbell Bear CrossFit
How Important is Food Variety? Mark’s Daily Apple
It's my favorite WOD!
Killer Wod today. Loved it 40lb dumbbells. Fell apart at round 6 or 7. Just Amrap after that. Awesome, bring on the crush week. My apologies to the 11am class today who had to see me shirtless, it was hot today. Lol
Dumbell Bear @ #25. 5 rounds per minute for 20 minutes.
It took about a half hour to stop pumping sweat like crazy despite using a hose and a cold shower. Didn't we just finish Crush Week?
BWT – 175#
DB – 40#/Hand
11 rounds on the minute completed + 5 Deadlift + 5 HPC in 12th minute. Felt great until 11th minute and then the gas was gone.
Total Completed – 16 Rounds + 5 deadlift
That was torture.
Foam Roll about 5 Minutes
Play with Herschel about 10 Minutes
Squat Clean: 95×5, 115×5, 135×4, 155×1
DB Press: 20×5, 30×5, 40×5
For time:
10 Squat Cleans, 145
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 270m
8 Squat Cleans, 145
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 270m
6 Squat Cleans, 145
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 270m
4 Squat Cleans, 145
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 270m
2 Squat Cleans, 145
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 270m
That was a slog, maybe 20 minutes? Maybe 15? My stopwatch died mid-workout or the sun killed it. The HSPUs started easy but around the 4th round they really slowed me down, I meant to do a descending ladder with them like the squat cleans but I did the first three rounds as 10 sets by mistake so I figured I'd just keep it that way throughout. The Squat cleans felt heavy but not overwhelming. I paced those pretty slowly though.
Good workout!
Kudos to everyone who did TDBB today. I have never completed it, even scaled down.
30#/hand, 11 rounds rx, 16 rounds total.
Tied with Christine (Christina?), which makes me happy because, although I barely know her, she seems bad-ass.
That was pretty rough. After I lost the clock in the 12th round, I switched the rest to before the thrusters, since the deadlifts and cleans were easy enough that I could just grit my teeth and get through them. I'm glad I went down to 30# at the last minute – doubt I could have made 10 rounds at 35.
DB Bear: 30#/Hand 40% BW
All rounds in under 25 seconds
First time completing this. Next time 45% BW
Oh the Dumb Bear.
Did it with 40's in each hand (cause thats how I roll kids.) Whooped me pretty good, gritted through 10 rds on the minute, then the rest approximately every other minute, finished with 15, 5 DLs and 3 HCs.
While switching weights pre-Bear I crushed my fingers between 2 dumbells, so this was an interesting exercise in pain tolerance as well. Gotta keep things interesting.
Rx'd 35# DB's.
All 20 rounds unbroken. Every round finished in less than 30 seconds.
Great WOD. The last 2 rounds were tough.
late post. a fine 9am with coach nick
400m row
foam work.
25lbs till rnd 12
15lbs for the rest.
just wanted to finish. felt good.
was a little beat up from the total and took nicks advice to take the TDBB a little easy.
thrusters suck. am going to be working on these.
took lucy and finn to the playground while the mrs took her turn at TDBB.
bring ID and a LOCK for a locker if you're interested.
Joining in with the late posts.
Run 400m
foam roll
The Dumbbell Bear
Went with 35lbs dumbbells (40% of body weight)
20 rounds of unbroken reps, total time 19:21
Completed each round in ~20 seconds.
Managed to maintain good form for the entire workout, but felt some decay in the path of the dumbbell in my left hand during the thrusters in the final round.
Undecided if I'll go up in weight or reps for next time. Regardless, I need to do more unilateral training, left arm is weak!
And in anticipation of a brutal crush week, I thought people might appreciate a step-by-step on making dixie cup pain applicators 24 at a time.
was very sorry to miss this WOD today. i love me some bears.
I am sure a bunch of people commented on the total yesterday, but I will just add that I laid down for a nap at 5pm on Saturday and woke up at 7am this morning utterly confused as to why the clocks all said AM. Haha. Learned a lot, very happy with the 40lb PR on the deadlift. Sad about the failed first attempt of the press. Excited to get back to training this week after my 14 hour nap. It was really fun to meet athletes from other gyms, especially the master's women, fun to see how much longer we have to work on getting better!
Warm up: 200 DU's; 3 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups; 15 squats
DB: 35 lbs (40% of body weight).
Did the first 15 rounds on time (below 40 secs on average); then completed 4 rounds in the next 5 minutes. Total = 19 rounds in 20 minutes.
Goal for next time to complete 20 rounds…
Cool down: 3 mile run in 22 minutes. focused on running form in 5 fingers
WOW!. Amazing weekend. Just wanted to say thank you again to Jeremy for the great coaching; I went 55lbs over my previous squat PR and hit 515lbs. Also another big jump from 525 to 565 on my deadlift. It was great competing with everyone and CFSBK kicked ass
WOD w/One Arm
Dumbbell Bear modified to a Kettle Bell 20kg
Every minute on the minute, for 20 minutes
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
-Go heavier if only using one arm