Advanced 1-1-1-1
Novice 4×2
Post loads to comments.
(e 7/7) Compare to 3.9.11
For time:
35 Double Unders
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
15 C2B Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
9 C2B Pull Ups
35 Double Unders
Post time and RX to comments.
Christine, Armando & Earl repping On-Ramp
We’re Totes running a CrossFit Total on Saturday!
This Saturday we’ll be running the CrossFit Total and giving you a chance to see how your weeks and months of hard work has paid off as well as to lift in solidarity with the SBK team who’ll be competing in the Hybrid Total. Each athlete will have three attempts to find a new 1-RM at Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. Because the CFT takes some our Saturday schedule will run in 90-minute blocks as follows:
Block 3: 11-12:30
In order for things to run smoothly we ask that you arrive 15-20 minutes early to warm-up on your own and get ready to start lifting promptly at 8, 9:30 or 11. For more info, including movement standards on the CFT please read Mark Rippetoe’s article “The CrossFit Total” in preparation for Saturday.
Team CFSBK at the Hybrid Athletics CrossFit Total
Coach Margie has a big crew of CFSBK athletes heading out to Jersey this Saturday to compete in the Hybrid Athletics CrossFit Total. The full roster is:
Jess O.
Billy K.
Jim R.
Dave Byrd
Joel W.
Katie M.
and Coaches Margie & Jeremy
We wish them all the best this weekend and will keep you posted on PRs coming back from the event! Goooo team!
Always Room for One More
We have added 1 slot for Margie’s Tough Tits workshop. The slot will be first come, first serve. If you attempted to purchase a slot while it was sold out please email Margie at Margie(AT) so we can get you in for the next cycle.
The Turkish Get-up CrossFit Invictus
Zac & Nicole CrossFit Total Crossfit
How to Win Friends and Influence Paleo Whole 9
Front squat
270 (PR)
Awesome working with coach O. First time in a long time.
Linked 3 double unders (PR)
Bonus is I get to see the bouncing souls and Weston tonight. Is this 1994?
LADIES! Do not miss out on Tough Titsday, it is truly awesome. I highly recommend it if you are stuck on a lift or just want to know more about the philosophy of approaching the bar, breathing, etc.
Last night was my first night back in the gym since last week's Total! Sitting on my arse for 6 days did not do my body or hamstrings any good so I was glad to make it to Active Recovery with David at 6. My favorite part of David's A/R was the "burpee salutation" movements we did. Those and the other isometric movements felt really hard and good. Then at 7 was our final Strength Cycle class where we tested our 1RM for bench and clean. I PR'd the bench at 90 (+10) but only hit my previous PR of 108 on the clean. I'm really happy about it though because it was a pretty clean clean. 😛 Then Jeremy bestowed upon us the new strength T-shirts which just have to be seen because they are all kinds of awesome. I got two comments on it on the walk home from the gym alone!
I have worked at my job for 3 years, and only just now wandered into a back corner of the office to discover an entire supply of yoga mats and foam rollers, and got embarrassingly excited to realize I can start taking breaks at work to foam roll. There is an empty room in the office specifically for this purpose. I love my job.
Back squats in On Ramp last night: 100x3x5 felt good
Made up deadlift exposure this morning: 135x3x3 felt hard in a good way
WOD this morning: 13:35 didn't feel so great.
Made the following modifications:
– 15 DU's
– Pull-ups with green band (not chest to bar – chin over bar?)
DU's tripped me up. Clearly need some practice here. Thank you Marc for boosting my confidence at the end there.
On a happier note, I'm looking forward to Tough Titsday with Margie!! My boss was shockingly supportive of my leaving work a little early to go to an all-chick weight lifting class. I love it!
I've got a softball game later tonight so had to come in for the 7am class.
-jump rope technique practice
-saddle stretch
-calf march
Deadlifts (hope to make up FSQ tomorrow)
(95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2)
work: 225×2, 235×2, 245×2, 255×0
-these felt soooo heavy! loaded the barbell for 255 once I was set it felt too heavy to even give it a shot. called it then. really unsure what i'll hit on saturday. my 1rm is 260 but that seems far away.
DU / C2B Pullup WOD:
11:23 (1/2 rx'd)
-I did the first 21 plus 9 in the second round of c2b pullups. Got a tear in my right palm and couldn't really make contact with my chest after that. My hands were already sore from deadlifts and that definitely made it hard to grip the pullup bar. ouchies.
@ jenna j.–that's awesome! at my job we don't even have the option of taking the stairs, so everyday I have to stand around and wait for an elevator to take me to the 3rd floor. city job fail.
Due to an ongoing hamstring problem, I have decided to not participate in Hybrid Total this Saturday. I'm bummed mainly because I was looking forward to be part of the team… I also was sure I had at least 2 big PR's coming on my Dead and Press.
I'm thinking I will go up to support the team and play water-boy. Actually, since I paid, maybe I'll just press and win lowest total of the day. Maybe I'll have one PR yet….
Yesterday workout was depressing. Aside from not being able to squat heavy, I miss the 5th rep of my first set on bench (182.5).
Anyway, here are the numbers:
Warm up: 12 push-ups and 10 air squats for 3 rounds interspersed with:
Chins: reverse ladder: 5-4-3-2-2 no band
Squats: 45x10x3, 95x10x2, 135x10x3
Bench: 182.5 x 4
I had an appointment approaching and my shoulder felt like shit so I decided to bag it right there and then. Stupidly I did a set of 5 chin-ups which made my shoulder bark even more.
I'm not sure why chins would bother my shoulder, but that's not cool.
….. "Totes??" ……..
Two shout outs before noon! Woo!
Jenna, that is AWESOME. I can't believe they have foam rollers etc. Heres my 2 cents. Get some more LAX balls, bands etc, and then organize a Mobility WOD group at your office. It would be a hit!
Foxy and I just went out and got a new big fan so Bikram CrossFit will again be a thing of the past (sort of..) now off to gymnastics!
I just saw that New York Surf school does lessons after work! I was bummed because I didn't *want* to take another day off of work to go surfing. Lessons begin at 6pm on either Mondays or Wednesdays. Maybe an upcoming Monday…anybody interested???
1. excited to get back in the gym tonight and actually do the wod that's posted
2. very much interested in surf lessons after work, although i would have to leave early (not a huge problem)
3. not going to be totaling on Saturday and instead will be running a 10K, then heading to the Water Taxi Beach at the South Street Seaport for some fun/food/drinks around 2. there's a ferry from DUMBO that goes there and almost any subway to Fulton Street. join the fun! email me w/ any questions shpaddock AT gmail DOT com
how do people do those fancy bold letters in the comments? I'm amazed!
like the line that's through my post? HTML code@Lady Fox:
I'm definitely interested in some surf after work– I was bummed I missed the field trip. However, Mondays are usually out for me…
@Master Fox:
Put this: <B> before the words and this: </B> after them, but you have to use a lower-case "b."
For italics use "i" with those same carrots.
The slash in inside the second set of carrots denotes the tag is ending. Hope that makes sense.
Nice noon class with Margie.
I'm finding front squats in this cycle to be really hard and heavy.
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 165×2
Work: 175×2, 185x2x2, 190×2
Accessory WOD with 15-9-6 strict chinups: 6:20
like this
……Totes?.. ….Totes?..
Great day at gymnastics today. Some "firsts" for the day were
1. I did 3 back handsprings in a row several times and got good pointers on them
2. I was able to do a standing back bend to one large mat. (scaled)
3. I did a one arm cartwheel, once
Still plenty to work on and everything is pretty rough around the edges but progress is steady.
So overall a great day!!
7am class- my FS PR was 69# which I know is peanuts to most people but it was 7# more than the last time so I am stoked about that. WOD time was 13:20- ring rows. My DU's need work but it was cool when I was able to do 3 in a row.
Am working out with my friends at CF Virtuosity tomorrow so that should be fun. Maybe I'll even beat some dirty little hipster boy on the WOD time tomorrow, hehe.
P.S. David- I've given out like a bunch of CFSBK pamphlets to my clients at the salon in the past couple of months 🙂
Great to actually be at the gym today working out. I don't know how it is that I managed five days a week for nearly a year straight and now struggle to make it to three (not counting coaching.) I'm hoping to do better in the coming months (barring vacations.)
Front Squats with Melissa were great! 155,165, 175F, 175 (pr!) Woohoo! I think I only got this because DanR yelled at me at just the right moment. Thanks Dan! This lift WOULD have gotten me back on the board, but I bet that Lady Fox will be putting up a bigger number as soon as she puts her mind to it. By-the-way, has anyone else noticed Avery slowly taking over the leader board? Nice work!
WOD: 6:05 – decided not to go C2B on this one because I realized I hadn't done any kipping pull-ups in about a month. Forearms still turned into rigid sausages, but I didn't have to spend a lot of time resting.
Nice to workout with everyone in the big 6pm class tonight!
FS 1-1-1-1
215-225-235-245 (PR)
I think I may have had 255…next time.
DUs / C2B PUs: 5:13
I should've had sub 5, but made the mistake doing the first set of pull-ups unbroken, which led to needing more rest on the last 2 sets. Dan R was right next to me steadily blasting through. Great work!
195-205-210-215 (PR 10#) First time really squatting without significant knee pain
Wod was pretty well summed up already as "rigid sausage" esque…
4:46 Rx'd
I think I got a couple extra seconds from the swaying of the bar/extra momentum by the street as Josh and Malcolm counter balanced my kip 😛
I had to do it
thanks to everyone for being so friendly on my drop in at 7pm tonight
fs: worked up to 195# pr… felt really good… could go a little heavier
du / c2b pu: 6:35 rx
WOD 180-185(pr)-190(f)-190(pr)
Back felt really tight during the squats but was happy to make progress.
Acc WOD: 4:10 Rx'd. All I wanted to do was catch Dan's time. Now I can't lift my hands to my face…
Love Zac, Nicole, and Molly Hatchet
Today's FSQ weights were 165, 170, 175 (PR)
I managed a 9:00 minutes time with band support on the pull ups and double-unders.
FS: 167-167-167-167
The actual lifting of the weight wasn't so bad, but the bruising pain of the bar on my left deltoid persuaded me from trying to go heavier. Do I just need more padding there, or does the pain go away in time? The good news is that I've historically not been able to keep my elbows high enough to front squat at this weight.
Worked with Malcolm and the AoTM Chris A on front squatting. Has been a long time and wanted to dial in my technique on the front squat, and it's also my backoff week after a full session of Wendler 5/3/1 programming — so went for a low weight rep out on my front squats.
Did 245×2 last time I was at CFSBK, so used that for my computations on this site which totally kicks ass for anyone else who's interested in the computing numbers for the Wendler method in a hurry (it even does the bar math for us lazy folks).
So rep out was 10 reps at 200lbs, stopped short of compromising body position as well as air supply.
Borrowed Vincent's rope for the WoD and finished in 4:14 as rx'd. Broke up the pullups using PR's recommendation of 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 3/3/3. Two fouls on the pullups through, one in the first round, and another in the second. Double unders were unbroken until an error in the last round. Was awesome being in the same heat as Rickke, who crushed the first round with unbroken C2B pullups and some solid DU's throughout — great work!
Vincent, had a feeling you'd crush this WoD and stoked to see it worked out! Thanks again for letting me use your rope.
Laurel, good chatting prior to the workout. Would like to pick your brain more on the topic and share strategies for avoiding injury.
Detailed Notes
Front Squatting
Could feel slight biasing to initiate the lift with the left leg crept in around rep 5, and minor discrepancies in posture towards the 8th rep.
C2B Pullups were surprisingly solid. Did extra reps, which always sucks.
Noticing that I'm rotating to the right slightly, which I think it due to my left leg firing just a moment prior to the right.
Grip definitely needs work, would like to do the 21/15/9 pullups unbroken.
front squat PR 185# Happy with this! WOD 12:35. Very messy. Kipping PU's and DU's in disarray. Sad with this. Off to Italy&France on Sunday for 2 week career change from carpenter to cycling guide in French/Italian Alps+Tour de France spectating. Will send pix.
rest as Rx'd
205 255 275 (f) 255
11:46 Rx
Doubles still need work. I could not link more than 8 in a row.
Thanks!!!! Maybe I can come in for a haircut one of these days. Which salon are you at?
Mike W,
This morning I *ALMOST* asked you when you'd be headed to Europe again and then I totally flaked on it. Bon Voyage!
Good times in the gym today, I only had to teach at 6 and 7am but luckily got to spend some time in the evening cleaning up the community area and catching up with a few people.
Goodnight, everyone!
Wod: First round of doubles were unbroken. Auspicious start. Chest to bar. mmm, not so great. Got to 15 in the first round and realized I'd never finish the workout as rx'd so did the remainder of the pull ups on that round and the two others chin over bar. second and third rounds of doubles were totes (mah-gotes) sloppy. Last set not so bad.
Time: 7:49. blech.
More solid chest to bar pull ups next goal.
On the other hand, Front squat 240#. PR by 25#. Thx, Malcolm for keeping me honest on my depth.
coming to class tonight was a last minute impulse decision… and a good one. great fiver with mr. fox.
warm up 45×5, 65×3, 85×3
work 95x3x4 (I think I'm writing that correctly…)
haven't front squatted since February, so picked up where I left off.
WOD: 7:12
20 DU's each round (legit only! hollerrrrrr.) pullups blue band, 15-9-6.
scaled this bad boy since i had done 90 min of yoga in the morning and was headed to 2.5 hrs of dance rehearsal tonight. DU's are feeling so good these days. very very exciting. i got a solid rhythm going with single-double-single-double, etc. haven't done pull-ups in a while, which is why i took down the volume. need to use my arms in rehearsal tmw night!
thanks for a fun class everyone.
Front sqaut Warm up: 45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 155×3
Work set – 185x3x4
Still experiencing a lot of knee pain, now mostly in my left knee.
WOD in 7:06 dead friggin’ even with Dan (H3?)
C2B was attempted and achieved for the majority but they broke down, especially near the end of rounds 2 and 3 so there were probably a number there that were just chin over bar. Very surprised at the difficulty in trying to whip the rope around after the first round with my “sausage” forearms. Really lost time on the second rnd of doubles trying to get moving again. I would like to try this again with Dan R’s strategy.
@ michele: that sounds like a crossfit epitaph…
so happy to be lifting things up and putting them down! stayed fairly light on the FSQ and did 5×3 @ 100#
WOD: 6:07
scaling: DUs as RX; 15-9-6 non C2B pull ups
was going to do 21-15-9 and quickly realized i'm very out of practice/shape and scaled back. also, my dainty skin wasn't really liking the bar! need to work on that ASAP
Fun time last night.
Front squat. Wasn't sure where this was going to end up. 205, 215,230,240,250F.
Just went too deep on the 250 and couldn't come up out of that hole.
Was happy with the 240 though.
Wod I did with Rx'd c2b pullups, but only 20 doubles a round.
8:15. Right shoulder started feeling pretty trashed in the C2B at the end of the 15 round, so took the rest carefully with time lost to stretching and shaking out the shoulder. Feels fine now so I think this was the right decision. Pretty hard to do mid wod though with everyone around me flying.
Came in too late for 5 so got to make up deadlifts
275,285,305 all x2
The 305 was a bit hard coming up so I dont know how much room I have left for the total even though I did 325 on the last total. I haven't deadlifted much since.
Squat 185,190,195,200
ll these were tough. The bar just felt heavy today right in the rack but I was able to do all of them. I was happy to get to 200. I don't know how much more room I have.
Front Squat
Warm up:
45×5 135×4 185×3 225×2
245×3 255×3 255×3… not enough time for forth set GRRRRR
For time:
Box Jump 24"
Ring Row – One arm
Time: 4:47
-Felt rushed, might have to make the morning classes