Advanced 2-2-2-2
Novice 4×2
5 Rounds for time of:
3 Hang Power Snatch 115/75
5 Burpees
5 Burpees
3 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
5 Burpees
Rest :30
Post time and Rx to comments.
SBK at Rockaway Beach for an Independence Day Surf Session
Advanced Handstand Class, This Thursday!
We’ve stil got a few spots left Ken Haller’s Adanvanced Handstand class happening this Thursday! This is a great chance to further your inversion skills with similarly skilled athletes. Remember that you’ll need a minimum of a :05 freestanding handstand to qualify for this class. For a class description, current roster and to sign up, click here
Clapping Bar Muscle-ups Youtube
City Living Affects Your Brain Researchers Find Guardian
Good news for all you straggling baseball fans. The Cyclones didn't get back to me on Friday so I haven't purchased the tickets yet and you still have a chance to get in on coming to the game!
Saturday, July 16th, 6 pm. Drop me a note w/ how many tickets you'd like- feel free to bring your friends. I'll be buying them tomorrow so let me know by the end of day today.
akalishman AT
G;'day all. Will there b a 7PM group class today (as per Monday schedule)?
Deadlift: 2x2x2x2 at 255lbs
Unghhhh…this was one of those days where everything was hard. At first I thought it's because I ran 10 miles yesterday, but I ran 14 the day before we deadlifted last week and the lifts felt far easier by comparison with today. I wonder if it's that my body got used to waking up at 8 over the 4-day weekend, and is now hating me for getting up at 6.
DL (75, 105, 125, 145) 145, 155, 165F, 160.
WOD 10:51, 53#. At first I was going to do this at 43 and I'm glad I went up — it was hard but doable. But, what sadist keeps putting burpees in the WODs on deadlift days? Evil!
All my dreams came true this morning when I got to meet Felix at the 6am. Yoshi had him demonstrate how well his squat is already coming along, it was really impressive.
DL: 143-148-153-155
Nick mentioned the importance of landing flat-footed (and not on one's toes) when jumping up out of the burpee, and I found this to be pretty impossible with ankle mobility issues, so I switched to box jumps and push ups mid-way through (11:02, 35#). Could this kind of bad form be to blame for behind-the-knee-pain? I can't figure out what else it could be.
I missed the big surfing day at Rockaway? Looks like fun! who is rocking the swallowtail? Hope everybody stood up!
FELIX! That kid's ability to sleep through full-blast Beastie Boys is highly impressive!
Hey, y'all. Sorry I missed surfing and the beach. Will there ever be another go 'round?
Hey there,
Is today's schedule the same as all Tuesdays, or is there also a 7pm class?
@ jenna, if it makes you feel any better, felix hasn't stopped talking about you since this morning.
@ stella, if only his ability to sleep through the night were commensurate!!
anyway, great 6am with nick. failed twice on the second rep at 255 on the deadlift… I blame patriotic beer consumption and lack of sleep. that weight has never felt so heavy.
WOD in 8:18, 85#. the snatch is a real weak movement for me.
Yoshi, I think it's time to invest in a set of baby headphones and an iPod that only plays death metal. ๐
What is the schedule for the "last day of the strength cycle" today? 6pm or 7pm?
No 7p group class. Tuesday schedule.
@DajM from yesterday My brother came in at 6:22. He raced Cat 2 40-49 year old. How did it go for you?
Is there an active recovery today?
YES to Active Recovery!
Will & Co.
7pm Strength, as usual!
YAY for A/R! Hope I can get out of work in time to do it. Both Allan and I's hamstrings are experiencing crazy super delayed soreness, anyone else from strength cycle experiencing this? Maybe it is squat withdrawal. ๐
315 335 355 375(f)
i had that 375, got psyched out…….
8:55 wod rx'd……..snatch got really heavy at about round 3…..
255 315 345 385
WOD: 6:24 (time includes rests)
Anyone interested in working some 2-2-2 squats and presses on the platforms with me tomorrow AM? Would like to get in one last workout before resting for Saturday and had to take today off.
a very, very small accomplishment: 1st time squatting triple digits since November 20. 3rd time in a row squatting with no SI pain. healing and learning, both. yes. huzzah. ๐
Trying to work my way into deadlifts.
WU: 55×5, 95×3, 135×3, 165×2, 185×2,
Work: 195×2, 205x2x2, 215×2
Accessory WOD: Did cleans instead of snatches: @105lbs, 8:07
That article about city living and brains had some pretty classic bad science reporting. But yeah, city life is definitely doing something to us.
PR'ed DL at 250, felt great, then failed at 255. Looking forward to testing 1RM Saturday.
WOD 8:47 @ 65# I feel like I have really hit a groove with scaling. I was able to keep moving the whole time today and Sunday.
DL 275-285-295-300×1
Back still feeling fine.
Metcon 7:13 @ 75#. I'm nowhere near snatches at 115, but at this weight the cleans were trivial, making it essentially a burpee workout (not that there's anything wrong with a burpee workout, I suppose).
strength cycle IV is in the can.
tonight we finished up by testing our 1-RMs in bench and cleans.
bench: 97.5 (2.5 lb PR.)
tiny tiny gain, even though I can bench much heavier work sets today than before. jack wants his thousand-pound Total… all I want is to bench a bill. really.
clean: 100 (12 lb PR.) big surprise – Jeremy called it, though. I relearned to clean at the Rip seminar, and hit a PR there which was only just in April. improving my technique opened the door for bigger numbers.
thanks Coach for the *All New* Strength Cycle t-shirts, debuted for this lucky cycle!
Competition wod with the 7pm crew was great,
250 row
9 muscle ups
9 jerks (155#)
500 row
6 muscle ups
6 jerks
750 row
3 muscle ups
3 jerks
Was good to work on the muscle ups with the turn out, not as efficient as I'd like to be but will have to practice so I can string them together and get that kip!
Great job to everyone, tons of drive tonight! Good to see everyone working on nailing those muscle ups!
Warmup: 95×5 135×5 185×5 235×3
Work: 265×2 275×2 285×2 300×2
285 felt good, so I went for three bills and was happy to see I could still pull it.
6:30 @ 75#
I agree with Mike, great 7pm comp class!
-250m row / 4 muscle ups / 9 jerks (105#)
-500m row / 3 muscle ups / 6 jerks
-750m row / 2 muscle ups / 3 jerks
Time = 14:23
My muscle ups were of the strict variety and heavily assisted by Rikke. All jerks were split and I ended up dropping the barbell more than I would have liked. 3 sets the first and second round. Last set was unbroken and probably felt the sharpest. Weird.
Good times. Looking to hit deadlifts and front squats in the morn!
6pm deadlifts 2-2-2-2
7pm comp class – I agree on the great work all around. Loved all the energy and encouragement.
250 row
9 muscle ups
9 jerks (135#)
500 row
6 muscle ups
6 jerks
750 row
3 muscle ups
3 jerks
scaled to 135# on the jerks for the ongoing shoulder issues. starting to feel a little less pain going overhead. still taking it slow, but hopefully I can start adding a little more weight soon.
Oh, and Jess Fox is my rowing hero! Great job tonight!
sorry i keep spelling your name wrong Rickke! never again!
Deadlifts (done Wed AM but need to be able to track back…)
(95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2)
work: 225×2, 235×2, 245×2, 255×0
-these felt soooo heavy! loaded the barbell for 255 once I was set it felt too heavy to even give it a shot. called it then. really unsure what i'll hit on saturday. my 1rm is 260 but that seems far away.
275,285,305 all x2
The 305 was a bit hard coming up so I dont know how much room I have left for the total even though I did 325 on the last total. I haven't deadlifted much since.
Comp Class
Pistol Practice
For Time:
130m Run
9 Pushups – One Arm
35 Air Squats
400m Run
6 Pushups – One Arm
35 Air Squats
530m Run
3 Pushups – One Arm
35 Air Squats
Time: 8:30