Tempo: 2-2-X
Add 5-10 lbs to last week. Make sure to remain explosive!
Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
Post loads to comments.
(e6/8) compare to 6.24.11
For Time:
Row 1000m
50 Box Jumps
There is a 5 Box Jump Penalty every time your stroke rating goes above 30 s/m. (With the exception of the first :20 of rowing). The goal is to pull hard, as opposed to pulling fast.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 1.19.11
Happy Belated Birthday, “Petey Hopps“!
There is NO ACTIVE RECOVERY today.
The Return of “Tough Titsday”!
Ladies, it is time to get your estrogen on. This four part series is geared for beginning lifters who want to develop competency on the four barbell lifts: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press and Press. We’ll focus on technique, how to establish appropriate warm up and work set weights, as well as the mental aspect of preparing to manage heavy loads. Titsday is a practical class using moderate volume and weight; it should complement your regular CrossFit life.
- This is your chance to dude out in a women’s only environment.
- For beginning lifters who have been out of Foundations at least one month and had some exposure to the movements. Limited to 4 participants.
- Please don’t hesitate to contact Margie with questions.
- Thursdays @ 6pm July 21, July 28, August 4 and August 11.
- Want more? Check out these Testimonials
Advanced Handstand Class, This Thursday!
We’ve got 6 hand-balancers signed up for the free Advanced Handstand Class with Ken Haller this week. This is a great chance to further your inversion skills with similarly skilled athletes. Remember that you’ll need a minimum of a :05 freestanding handstand to qualify for this class. For a class description, current roster and to sign up, click here.
New Addias Weightlifting Shoes! Rogue
Best Minimalist Training Shoe On The Market Eric Cressey
Most Vegetarians Return to Eating Meat Healthy Home Economist
Free “No Excuses Run” with lululemon atheltica Brooklyn this Wednesday
*oogles those Adidas* But I just got my other weightlifting shoes….
I actually almost preordered a pair of the NB–I saw a Grey color that I really liked. Then they disappeared so I didnt want to pull the trigger yet especially going into strength cycle.
Oh, damn! I'm one of those who was begging so hard for Titsday to return, but getting out of work in time for a 6 PM class is damn near impossible 🙁
Wanted to give everyone a heads up — thanks to an earlier SBK blog post, I learned about the Brooklyn Brainery (http://www.brooklynbrainery.com), and next month my friend Francis and I are going to be teaching a class there! It's on August 8 and we will be teaching how to become a better crossword solver. You can't sign up for the class yet, but if you're interested, get on the Brainery's mailing list so you can hear about it as soon as they post the signup info (their classes sell out pretty fast).
I would have also really liked to do Titsday, but I can't make it in before 7pm.
Workout was fun today.
FSQ 63 LBS 5×3
Scaled the WOD to 750m Row and 50 box jumps in 7:12. Kind of wish I hadn't scaled.
Those Adidas shoes are pretty sweet, but be warned, they seem to have a rubber heel (as opposed to wood) and .6" heel instead of the standard .75" on oly shoes. They seem to be kind of a hybrid between a true Oly shoe and maybe a powerlifting shoe (like the Rip model Rogue sells.) Pretty shoes though, might have to buy a pair for the sake of "research."
Tempo FSQs today at 145, fun.
WOD in 6:54 with a 24" box. Getting better at cycling 24" jumps, still have room to go. Rowing 1K beforehand does not make for ideal practice conditions. Fun WOD, simple and straightforward, I like it!
Great 8 & 9am classes!
Got my own squatting in…
Tempo Front Squat (2-2-x)
(45×5, 75×5)
work: 100x2x5
5:38 at 20" box jump
-overall this is :10 faster than when we did this in January. Gained ground on the row finishing in 4:09 instead of 4:16. Kept moving through the box jumps but had to reset a couple of times when I got tripped up. I know I can go faster through this and hope to get all of these unbroken one day.
140 with Vince. It's a good weight for me–anymore and I may lose the speed and explosiveness.
Row bj wod
Can't cycle those 24s because I have to quad jump and load up. After rowing my quads were shot so I couldn't move. I hve no clue how Vince did it in 5:40. That's just insane.
Front squatting with two new folks that I have not had the pleasure of lifting with before: Rickke and Mike. Good stuff guys!
I'm not sure I did this lifting right as I might have not been as explosive as needed:
WU: 45×5, 95×3, 115×2
Work: 135, 145, 155, 165
Accessory WOD with 24" box: 6:48
Yay for 2 days in the gym this week! Forgot to put it on the board, my goal for July is 10 workouts in the box. Hear it.
Great lifting w/ Laurel. We did quasi-heavy sets across at 145#. Nice welcome-back weight. Then, WOD at 7:03? Didn't try to cycle the box jumps, just kept a steady pace–I know I don't have the metabolic fitness right now for cycling.
Also, I just checked the January blog post when we last did this workout. I was injured then and totally missed Baz's stunning Ranger post. Sir, bravo.
Also, one day when I have an organized life again (like, in 16 years) I will do a strength cycle. I am in awe of Bethany's 230# DL. Brava.
Dying to get back in. Haven't been since Wednesday, which makes this perhaps the largest amount of time I haven't been in since I got out of foundations. Moving is the worst. Perhaps good to get a few days of rest in. The Monday/Wednesday DL/FSQ definitely fries me.
My second attempt at posting… Not sure what happened with my first try, but it never showed up.
I missed the heavy front squat exposure this week, so I made it up today. My work set was 73x4x3. Still working on keeping my elbows up and staying tight.
WOD (scaled to 750m, 30 box jumps 16") – 5:12, probably won't scale next time
I also enjoyed this WOD – simple and fun, perfect for a Saturday morning.
Awesome warm up this morning!
Same to you Samir, Front squatting tempo with Rickke and Samir…
Increased weights at 10# heavier than last week each double:
Fun accessory wod: 5:39 (20" box + 45# plate) chasing Rickke and Peter the entire time, you guys both smoked it!
Damn Jess, nudged me by a second!
stupid wall ball…
Lovely 11am group. Ditto on Laurel's great warm-up.
Nice squatting with Samir & Mike. Love the tempo squats.
Row/box jumps
5:31 24"
Hi all,
Today's pool WOD was:
Warm-Up/Skill Work
Back Flips into the Pool, about 5 minutes
4 Rounds for time of:
20 Pistols, alternating legs
1 Full Lap of the Pool
7 Handstand Push-Ups
1 Full Lap of the Pool
I didn't have a clock, so I couldn't time myself but I did it as quickly as I could. The swimming was a fun and interesting component. I'm a very poor swimmer so it gassed me a bit since I couldn't be efficient. Looking back, I think that 2 laps per swim would have been a lot more challenging and still within reason. The Pistols were done without rest really and my right leg seemed Much stronger and easier to balance on than my left today. Handstand push-ups were mostly done in 3-2-2 sets. I think the 4 set was 2-2-1-1-1.
Also hiked around the James River today which was fun.
Man I wish sbk had a pool so we could do workouts like that.
8 rounds NFT weighted carries: lugging bags of mulch around grandma's back yard while she asks if it's time to get ice cream yet.
Warm Up:
10 min NFT
-5 squat jumps
-3 push ups
-10 side lunges
-3 ring rows
Tempo Front Squat
warm up:
45×5 95×4 135×3
WOD (one arm)
For Time:
800m Run
50 Box Jumps
Time: 4:57