In 20 Minutes, find a max weight for the following couplet:
Hang Power Clean, 3 reps
Jerk, 1 Rep
Once you start you cannot put the bar down until all 4 reps are completed. If you’re new to these movements, use this time to practice positions and technique. Prioritize speed under the bar, in both the cleans and the jerk.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Strict Ring Pull-Ups, tempo 1-2-1-2
1:15 Couch Stretch, Each Leg alternating Rounds with 1:15 Super Frog, each leg
The Pull-up tempo is :01 up, :02 hold at top, :01 descent, :02 hold at bottom. If 5 is easy for you, add a few reps or make it an L-Sit Pull-Up. If you don’t have a strict pull-up, lower the rings enough so that your feet can assist you up. For the mobility couplet, you’ll end up doing one movement 3 times and the other 2. Bias the movement that seems more difficult for you.
Jaclyn on Barbell Warm-Ups
Congratulations Strength Cyclers!
We had some massive PR’s last night at the CrossFit Total graduation. How did everyone do? Please post to comments all your attempts and your total as well as your reflections on your performance.
Speaking of Strength Cycles.. here are the upcoming dates:
July Cycle A (Novice)
7/11/11 – 9/2/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
July Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
7/12/11 – 9/4/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
July Cycle C (2xW Morning Cycle)
7/11/11 – 8/31/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
For more information and to register, click here!
Surf’s Up!
What are you doing Monday afternoon? CrossFit will be closed that day but Coach Shane will be going to Beach 67 in Rockaway for a surf lesson and is inviting you too! The class would run from 11a-1p and up to 10 people can go.We can’t promise epic surf but should be a great day at the beach and an opportunity to use that fitness you’ve been cultivating so religiously. You’d need a suit and a towel and little else. Boards and surf tops are provided. The lesson’d be $70 bucks for 2 hours. Please Contact Us if you’re interested
The Best Damn Push-Up Article, Period T-Nation
145 on the c c c & j. Failed on 155. I liked this strength session a lot.
Feels good to make it back to Cfsbk. Been slacking lately and just going to my globo. I forget how much fun I have. Off to sesame place with my lovely ladies. See y'all tomorrow.
6am with D.O.
6 tabata rows start easy and increase
power clean/jerk prep
75 95 115 135 155 165 175F
hard! should have started heavier.
5rnds NFT
tempo strict ring pull ups.
alt couch stretch and super frog.
super frog = yeeeouch
red hook pool
opens july 5.
mon -fri
7am – 8.30am
squat 5×5 @ 205
unlike the doubles a few days ago, these felt really good. heavy but not that heavy–certainly all doable. much more consistent form. (could have, should have gone a little heavier probably)
bench 3×5 @ 135
again, heavy but fine.
So the end to my first strength cycle, and i have to say I really enjoyed it. The total was a lot of fun.
BSQ: 295 / 305 / 325(F) (#25 PR)
Press: 145 / 155(F) / 150 (#25 PR)
DL: 305 / 325 / 355 (F) (#20 PR)
The last deadlift still irks me, it wasn't physical; just a mental mistake of hiking it up the last two inches. Ohh well, next time. Still very happy with the gains.
I woul like to pose a question to those who have done the strength cycle. I am on the fence about a second back to back cycle versus a cycle back in the regular classes then strength in the fall, anyone with thoughts one way or the other?
Last night's Total was so exciting and inspiring to watch. I thought I'd never get to sleep last night due to adrenaline and Oaxaca overload.
Squat: 180 (15 pound PR)
Press: 72.5 (9 pound PR)
Deadlift: 230 (25 pound PR)
Total: 482.5 (80 pound PR over my last total)
Strength Cycle was an fantastic experience. I learned a lot about the lifts and became much more comfortable being uncomfortable. It was a huge confidence builder and at the same time a really peaceful and grounding experience. I loved coming in every week and doing the same warm-up, the same lifts, and seeing the same awesome people every week. It may sound monotonous but I ensure you it is not because every week as the weight goes up, things get more and more interesting mentally and physically. I will be signing up for another cycle sometime soon for sure!
My hamstrings are SO sore. I didn't realize how potent all those back handsprings would be. Im sore deep in my adductors and deep in lateral hamstrings.
Off to Virgina for the weekend, hope everyone has a nice weekend!
WOW! those are some impressive PRs guys…I'm sorry I missed it (the first time I've missed a strength cycle total). Did Jack-attack get his much desired 1000 total?
Great total last night. The ladies were particularly impressive, as well as Will with his monster squat.
360 squat, 175 Press, 405 dead lift, for a total of 940. I pr'd all the lifts, albeit by smaller margins this time. I'm chipping away at the elusive 1000. At this stage of the game it seems like every small pr is a victory. The energy was electric. I really appreciate Jeremy's coaching, he has more faith in me than I have.
Nick: in answer to your query, I think a 2nd cycle would be in order. The so called "novice effect" is what takes place in the 1st cycle for the most part, where your initial gains are massive. This is great, because it's so exciting, and it keeps you fired up. The real value,however, I think comes from the times where the gains get smaller, not every lift is a pr, and each workout kicks you in the ass. Both in crossfit as in lifting, we chase failure, which is a great teacher. You will get stronger, both physically and mentally. I have lifted with you and I guarantee that you are nowhere near your potential. You are a strong mofo and you have some big #'s in you. Just my opinion. Sorry to sound like I'm preaching, but lifting is my new religion:)
Great prs folks! that's great stuff!
Nick, I've done continuous strength work for a while now. The answer is that it's really up to you, and what your goals are. If this was your first strength cycle, then there is a very reasonable chance that you will still benefit from further linear progression. i.e. you may not be ready for intermediate programming, but Jeremy can help you to answer that question. There's no particular downside to doing more strength work, it was right for me, and I really enjoyed it, but I don't think there's an objective answer to it.
The question is really what do you want to do? there are folks that run tris, tough mudders, ragnars, marathons, rugby, etc. etc. they figure out what their personal goals are and go from there. For me, I could probably benefit from some more conditioning work and intend to address that post hybrid total. Good luck with your programming, it's hard to go wrong in this gym!
Well, I just got my answer. Great post Jack! I agree with you 100%…a repeat cycle is mandatory especially with a coach like Jeremy. I've learned a lot about myself by being under a bar. The determination, devotion and ultimately end results speak for themselves. Miss you Jack!
I actually dragged my lazybones out of bed for the 6 a.m. class, after fortuitously running into Steph P. on the R train last night and solemnly swearing I'd see her at the crack o' dawn (thanks, Steph!).
Couplet at 53#, worked sets across to practice technique, speed, and form. Only got in one round on the rings/stretching as I had to skedaddle for work.
Belated congratulations:
– To the strong people!
– On the new site! (I'm a sucker for all these lovely rounded corners)
– To all CFSBK lovebirds!
I would so surf with you guys on Monday if I weren't out of town.
Watching that total last night was great. Got a bit goosebumpy when Jack pulled the 405 of the floor (and I don't even know him yet). I was just watching in between sets of front squats and saw it coming up and everybody started yelling and I before I knew it I chirped "get there" as the bar was just about at the knee. And so he did. Congrats guys. I will definitely be doing a strength cycle at some point, perhaps come fall.
Awesome job last night totalers! Really great event. In addition to the impressive numbers, I liked the guts that were shown by all the lifters last night– really tenacious lifts were made, very inspiring.
Nick: The linear progression is like gold. Dig into it while you can. Soon enough it will come to an end and you will lament for the days when you were adding weight to the bar and hitting 3×5 PR's every day.
In other words– do another cycle now and build on it while linear progression supplies last. After 2 months your strength base must still have headroom, so milk it for all it's worth.
thanks for the feedback Jack, JR, Juliana, and Rob. I do believe i will be in the next strength cycle.
i keep drawing up a crack psychological profile of The Strength Cycler but rob israel's damned tantric past throws the whole model off.
165 on the strength couplet.
The pull ups were a joke but the mobility wod was not fun at all. Frankly, it totally sucked. My flexibility needs a lot of work. Embarrassing and humbling, today.
My first total. What a night. What a coach, what a great group of people, what a night.
Squat – 215, 225, 235 (35# PR)
Press – 80, 85, 90 (5# PR)
Deadlift – 240, 250, 260f (25#PR)
Total: 575
Yowzers. I really didn't know what to expect — my last squat 5×3 at 205 felt so mind numbingly heavy that I wasn't sure how much I was really going to be able to tackle for a 1RM. Thought I could open at 225, but then decided to play it safe and opened at 215. Nothing was easy, but I think there's still a (little) way to go.
Press is a nemesis for me; I was psyched to go up in my PR at all. Felt strong, though. I think I can nail another 10# in the not-too-far-off future.
Deadlift. Holy moly. That 250 was effing HEAVY. Enter Jeremy — "it's gonna feel stuck, just keep pulling and it will go." That got 250 up, but not 260. Actually fun to fight for it. I apologize, though, for anyone had to look at whatever weirdness was going on with my face.
Weightlifting ain't pretty, apparently.
Overall, the strength cycle has been a phenomenal experience. The PRs are amazing, but I'd say my biggest gains have been in focus — lots of practice in having to block everything out with bodyweight + on your shoulders. Incredible.
I would be remiss if I didn't give a big shout out to Margie — the beginning of my serious progress started in her Tough Tits class with Bethany, Bailey and Ariel. It was great to lift with you all again. If and When Margie offers this class again, ladies, TAKE IT. TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT. When I first came to CrossFit last April, I remember being really tweaked out and not wanting to ever bail a bar. I didn't want to make any noise. Margie and the Tit-tays was the first time it hit me that that was just silly. Silly silly silly.
Thanks to everyone in this strength cycle — super fun to lift with all of you, especially two weeks of pre-injury Paul, the tits gals, Michele and Jack who have been through it before and offer up invaluable advice and anecdotes. I'm completely intimidated to stay over on those platforms for another cycle, but I'm gonna join Nick and do it all over again right away. (I just got a big pit in my belly… oy…)
Last night I managed to get 4 plates, which was pretty fucking awesome. 365 was heavy, 385 was heavy, and 405 was, unsurprisingly, heavy. It's hard to articulate what its like. Locking everything down as you get ready to commit to being under the bar is never enough to prepare you for the shock of how much of your upper brain functions get swept away once you lift it out of the rack. I was impressed by Jack's primal screaming bar-rattling method. I felt pretty good about the lifts going in. For me, so much of the process is about keeping your mind focused and being very clear about how the lift actually works, so when you need to correct for any balance or momentum issue you just start pulling something out. There's no energy left over to figure out what the plan is as things are happening because being under the bar just makes you retarded, so the whole thing needs to be clear in your head before hand.
That being said, I'm having trouble emotionally with bouncing through the bottom. The first lift I half did it and it worked, but against everyone's advice I fought the descent more than I should have on the second and third. I think I'm just afraid that the bar is going to crush my spine through the floor, or something irrational of that nature.
There was a point with the 405 where I lost the momentum coming up, and I had to recruit everything I had to get it going again. I would have been pretty pissed if I didn't make it, and I was totally focused. Which is what I really like about doing the strength cycle. This may sound kind of absurd, but in the last few weeks it feels like I'm starting to figure out how the squat actually works, and there's clearly a bunch of technique that I need to get better at.
Oh yeah, and there were some other lifts after that. I guess. In terms of my vision blanking, dizzyness, ear ringing etc. the last total was a lot more of a shock to my system, but the squat basically made me worthless for everything else after. I matched my previous PR for press (135) and deadlift (365) but I didn't bother to attempt the 3rd set. #30 PR on the squat.
Obviously I'm in for the next cycle.
the bar actually got stuck on a fat roll in my palm when I tried to transition to jerk
also @Dmak
The name of the pizza place on court is Enoteca (its awesome everyone else)
Last night was my first total and I loved it. Thank you to all my fellow strength cyclers, Margie, and everyone who came to watch and help out. A big thank you to Jeremy for all of your hard work last night and during the cycle. Your encouragement and patience helped me reach and exceed the goals I set for myself eight weeks ago.
Squat: 180, 190, 205 (30# PR)
Press: 70, 72.5, 77.5 (PR but not sure by how much. I am especially happy about this number because only a few months ago I couldn't go overhead at all due to a shoulder injury.)
Deadlift: 220, 235, 260F (30# PR)
Total: 517.5
The strength cycle pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I really needed that push. I learned a lot about myself during the past eight weeks and truly enjoyed every minute of it. There were times when I was really kind of scared and super intimidated, but working through that fear has made me a much stronger person both physically and mentally. I am no longer afraid to try heavy weights, as evidenced by my last deadlift attempt of 260#. I was bummed that I didn’t make it, but actually really proud that I tried it. It is proof of how far I have come, because I would have been scared to try that eight weeks ago.
The strength cycle helped me do things I never thought I would be able to do. I encourage anyone and everyone to give it a try!
Oh, and I second Robin's words about Margie's class. That class gave me a great foundation of skills to take into the strength cycle. And it also gave me the chance to hang out with some amazing and inspiring ladies:)
3x hang power clean + 1 jerk: 195 best set. Still missing the whole getting underneath the bar. Basically curling the bar up on the last couple cleans which isn't kind on my wrists.
Really inspired by all the strength cycle stories and numbers, nicely done everyone!
Rehab workout:
I followed Rip's protocol for muscle strains and hit the gym for light squats today…
air squats: 10, 10, 10
Barbell: 45x5x2, 45×10, 95×10,
Work: 135x5x2 and 135×8
Just trying to get the blood flowing through the injured muscle. Felt good and the glute felt better afterwards. The problem is it hurts when I walk and I'm seriously concerned about anything heavy or max effort. I will get some water therapy this weekend (beach, pool, sun, heat) in Florida and hope that the pain subsides. I will be surprising my sister on her birthday Saturday. Should be fun!
Pushups: 3×10
I'm a big fan of pushups. That's all I did before I started barbell training and I know created a reasonable base for my bench. I use to do 5-7 sets of 20 scattered throughout my cardio workouts. Warmups, in the middle, before and after stretching… I really would like to try to get my sets back to where 20 is easy and I can put down 40 without really troubling over it. Muscle endurance, but hopefully a hypertrophy add-on that won't mess with my recovery.
Chins: 5-4-3-2-1 ladder x 2
I'm digging this. This time I didn't use a band for 3-2-1 and used a super light band (little red) for 5 and 4. I also timed my rest periods and kept it lower. Hopefully this will lead to something. (like 3×10 without a band already!) I would like to work this in 2-3 times a week.
Enjoy the body weight workout. Foam rolled, lacrosse ball and some static stretching.
Worked up to 185# hpc, hpc, hpc, j.
Mobility stuff was tough.
Worked up to 165#.
Loved the mobility aspect of the WOD today. Great all around class. Thanks Shane & Jess.
Impressive work by strength cycle folks! Looking forward to my strength cycle debut at some point soon.
Made it up to 150 on the couplet, 155 just wouldn't happen.
Flexibility, oh you are my nemesis. The pull up portion was easy, trying to get my body into even a 90 degree pike seems impossible so I did them in a half assed knees bent legs not all the way up L sit position which I guess was more of a W. Couch and frog stretch were great if by great one means very painful.
Group warmups at 45 and 95
115 135 145 155(missed second clean) 155
First attempts:
115 / 135 / 135 / 155 with crap form
(Not getting under it enough, using too much arms and smashing the bar into my collar bones, then muscling up the weight)
Second attempts:
95 / 95 / 115 / 135 with better form
What just happened?!
Warm up:
Group DROMS, Stretching, etc
Practice Pistols
Right leg
Left leg
Bottom to Bottom squats w/box
Sitting at the bottom for 3 minutes,
coming up only once every 5 seconds
Goals for this movement:
-without a box
-5 minutes
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Ring Rows
1:15 Couch Stretch, Each Leg alternating Rounds with 1:15 Super Frog, each leg
6x50m w/2min rest