Advanced 2-2-2-2
Novice 4×3
Post loads to comments.
(e5/8) compare to 6.22.11
AMRAP 10 min
30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
20 KB American Swings 32/20kg
10 “Games Standard” Push-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to Strength Cyclers Will S and Robin R on their engagement!
Congratulations to Coaches Chris and Jess on their 3 year anniversary!
Congratulations to all American badasses Alec and Deb on their 15 year anniversary!
CrossFit Total Today!
Today is the day. Strength Intensive Cycles A & B will be graduating with a CrossFit Total at 6pm. Each athlete will have three attempts to 1RM in their Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are welcome and encouraged to come out and watch the event.
CFSBK Field Trip to the Brooklyn Cyclones Game
We’ve already got 12 people signed up to head down to Coney Island and check out the Brooklyn Cyclones game on Saturday, July 16th at 6pm. If we hit 20 people we can get a group discount and free hats! Remember this isn’t limited to CrossFitters, friends, enemies, frenemies, romantic interests from rival families and imaginary friends are all welcome too! Please RSVP to Ariel (akalishman AT by Friday at 2pm to save your seat!
Please read “Virtuosity” by Greg Glassman
Frankie Edgar doing 100 Dips in 3 Minutes
$10.95M Apartment in Manhattan with an Indoor Pool Honestly WTF
Thanks guys for the well wishes on our anniversary. I so wish we would have known SBK before our wedding so we could have celebrated with you all. You all are fantastic people! And huge congrats to Will & Robin and Deb & Alec!
Comp class last night:
3 wod pressure test:
-Isabel, 5 min cap – 24 reps completed at 80#
-5 min rest
-Grace, 4 min cap – 20 reps completed rx'd at 95#
-4 min rest
-Fran, 3 min cap – 21 thrusters plus 10 pullups, rx'd at 65#
-yowzers did that get hard. I really had nothing left for Fran. Isabel was def the hardest because snatches are a huge weakness of mine. Reverted to split snatching the latter reps which feels surprisingly natural to me. Still so much technique to work on though.
2x2x2x2 at 155 lbs. 3 rounds AMRAP
good luck strength cyclers! light weights!
@Alec and Deb, congratulations! 15 years! Great stuff
Great (long) night at the gym last night! Loved the AR class…very educational, esp the part about the gluteal fold and other new vocab 🙂
-DL -5×130, 5×150, 15×170
-AR class
-Comp Class – 3 wod pressure test:
-Isabel, 5 min cap – 30 reps completed at 75# in 4:55
-5 min rest
-Grace, 4 min cap – 24 reps completed rx'd at 95#
-4 min rest
-Fran, 3 min cap – 21 thrusters, 21 pullups, plus 1 thruster rx'd at 65#
Goal for 2011 is to do Isabel as rx'ed so def need to work on snatch technique. Really looking forward to more comp classes!
a bitch really cannot wait to lift today.
Congratulations to all the lovebirds!!
Your guys' idea of an "apartment" and our's up here in Calgary are slightly diffrent. "Wtf" is right!
nyone interested in playing softball? I'd like to organize with some of the coaches help a crossfit round robin tourney of softball to be played this summer.
Who is interested in playing. Email me at
Hey can someone post this to the top of the site in case anyone misses this?
Hey guys! Can I suggest a page for the new site: gym records! It would be fun the check the records before showing up for a workout.
7am class- FS 4×3- 59#. It may not seem like a lot to most people, but it's 7lbs. more than what I did last Wednesday! Did elbows-to-hands plank pushups instead of the game ones. 3 rounds AMRAP. Is it weird that I keep admiring the gnarly red mat burns on my forearms in the mirror? hahaha…
Congrats to all celebrating anniversaries and engagements!
Good luck tonight to all the strength cycle folks! I've heard the final total is always a fun, electric event. Bummed I can't make it to cheer, but next time for sure.
so who is buying me that apartment? c'mon.. INDOOR SWIM PARTIES!
todays workout looks fun. may need to make this up friday.
Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Kick some serious ass Strength Peoples!!!
Front Squats:
155 165 225 235
WOD: Rx'd 2 pood
2 rounds + 20 Wall Balls.
The swings got heavy on this one.
Good luck all you strong folk!
Am bummed I won't be able to come into class tomorrow — I have to be at work at 7:30 which is just early enough that I can't even do the 6 AM class. Boo!
Good luck to the strength cycle CFTers! BTW been prepping for the CFT in CT. Presses are feeling good. Was able to do 5×3 at 95# today and two sets of heavy doubles at 105# and 115# after my triples. 115 is a ten pound PR. Really hoping for 120 next weekend! Also worked the deadlift 5×3 at 215# and 2 sets of heavy doubles at 245# and 255#. Hoping for 270# at the total.
165 / 165 / 185 / 185
15lb ball & 32kg kettlebell
2 rounds + 12 wall balls
(I may have prolapsed my sphincter after those 70lb kettlebell swings)
FS: 135×3, 155×3, 155×3, 155×3
AMRAP: 2 rounds, 22 WB @ 20lbs (KB 1.5p)
The front squats felt pretty good – although I've been nursing my knee and my back lately, neither gave me any trouble tonight, which is very relieving. The last rep of the last set was the only one where I felt it got away from me a little bit.
I haven't hated a medicine ball that much in quite some time.
185,185,190, 195×1 (f)
Got a little too agressive there at the end–even so I think i could've had it but my wrist gave out on me. I didnt feel really good after picking up teh bar and tried to adjust on the fly–shouldve put it back down. Oh well there will be next week.
2rds and 29 wallballs RX. Finished rd 1 in under 3 minutes, rd 2 finished at 7 something, rd 3 couldnt do more than 3 wall balls at a time–then rested for 20 seconds.
Staring up at the 10 foot target from that close is like watching a movie in the front row. My neck feels cranked.
Awesome watching most of the strength class can't wait to get going.
Gymnastics Today
We did a lot of the same warm-up drills and stretches that we usually do. I really struggled with my cartwheels, one arm cartwheels and round offs today. I couldn't find my groove, kept landing diagonally and basically flailing around awkwardly. Although a highlight was that I kind of did a back bend onto two mats which I haven't been able to before. After the line drills we worked front hand springs and back hand springs. Back hand springs feel great and I think by next week I'll be able to link 2 or more together. Front Handsprings didn't feel great today, I was jumping too early or too late or not high enough or too high. Basically every pass I did the coach would say something about how crappy it was. A little frustrating but I will persist.
When I got to the gym Ryan said me him and Dan should all attempt max unbroken pull-ups so I went ahead and did that. PR'd at 45 unbroken. Weee!!
Also- I saw "Dial M for Murder" in 3D today at Film Forum. It was great!
Great work to everyone today, both Totalers and CrossFitters!
Got to 230 for the front squats and then called it. Back is just a wee bit achy from last night's dead lifts.
WOD, Wall ball @ 20# and kb at 1.5 pood. 2rnds + WB + 14 Kb swings.
Wall balls suck.
the 1.5 pood swings were not as bad as I thought they'd be.
the "games standard" push ups were just weird. I'd never done them.
After, felt like I'd entered and left the twilight zone and had no idea where I was at the end. hmmm.
Wish i'd been able to stick around for the totallers. Hope all went well! I was thinking of y'all!
Congratulations to all the Totalers on getting to see all your hard work pay off. Wish I could have been there tonight.
Anyone interested in surfing on Monday, Sean B. and I are talking about going out to Beach 67 in Rockaway for a lesson. The lesson would run from 11a-1p. We'd have space for up to 10 people. Can't promise epic surf but should be a great day at the beach. You'd need a suit and a towel and little else. Boards and surf tops are provided. The lesson'd be 70 bucks for 2 hours.
Please contact me at shanewilliams02(AT) by end of the day Friday if you want to go!
Front Squats – 2/205#, 2/215#, 2/225#, 1/235#
WOD (Rx'd 20# ball, 10' target, 32kg KB) – 2 rounds + 30 wall balls + 1 swing
Gas tank felt empty tonight.
Good job all.
Strength Cycle (sub)Total
Awesome evening being humbled by some seriously strong people – Robin, Bethany and Jess Bailey, holy shit. Dan and Nick made strong showings at their first Totals, and Will and Jack put up some huge numbers.
Seeing Jack's squat PR was tremendous.
This was my fourth strength cycle, so I had both very definite goals and a healthy dose of realism (no longer a beginner, so my improvement curve is flattening out.)
Really happy with the results, even though I could not squat because of a hip injury.
squat: null
press: 72.5 (7-lb PR)
deadlift: 210 (10-lb PR)
Thanks Deb+Alec for the ongoing therapeutic care and pre-Total tune-up. Without you guys I doubt I would've even been lifting tonight.
Thanks Jeremy for running such a successful program and shepherding the little lifting flock.
Front squat 255. Heavy stuff, would have dropped the weight on the first rep but coach Shane got me through it. Gotta keep those knees out and chest up. Thanks coach.
Amrap 2 rounds + 15 wallballs
20 lb wallball and 2 pood.
Only reason I got that far was because if the encouragement from Mr Yoshi. Everytime I wanted to quit be pushed me for a rep or 2. Thanks brother.
First time with 2 pood, heavy stuff. Another great day at CFsbk
Warm Up:
I was not very effective in the group warm up,
might have to make/do my own warm up off to the side
Front Squat (body building position – arms crossed)
Warm up:
45×5 135×4 225×2
255×2 265×2 275x2F1 260x2F2
WOD (one arm)
10 min AMRAP:
15 Wall Ball Shots at 10' w/15lbs slam ball
10 KBswings American style 20kg
5 Push-Ups
3 rounds + 7 Wall Ball Shots
made up front squats on Thursday before evening classes.
(45×5, 75×5, 105×3, 135×2)
work: 145×2, 155×2, 165×1+f, 165×1+f
-these were really hard tonight. it's both painful to hold the barbell and it's literally cutting off my oxygen flow. had to take several seconds before my first attempt at 165 to steady myself and make sure I wasn't going to pass out. Should have fought harder for that second rep.
Hope to make up the wod during open gym on Friday.