5 Rounds for max reps:
1 Minute Row, calories
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Ring Dips, Ring Push-Ups or Push-Ups
1 Minute Rest
1 Minute Push Press 115/80
1 Minute Rest
Post Rx, total reps per movement and overall total to comments.
Goodbye Typepad!
Today is our very last post ever on typepad. Tomorrow you’ll see a new blog which we’re all very excited about. All the previous posts, pictures and comments will migrate to the new blog so nothing will be lost. If you use the www.CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com URL you’ll be automatically directed, if not, we’ll post the squarespace URL on typepad tomorrow so that you can update your links. Typepad has been good to us, but greener pastures await.
Did anyone check out the Undead Jazz Fest last night?
Early Farmers Were Sicker And Shorter Than Their Forager Ancestors Discover
Does Meat Rot In Your Colon? No! What Does? Beans, Grains and Vegetables Gnoll
The Sun Is The Best Optometrist NYTimes
How Tom Jones Turned Caveman and Shed Two Stones In 5 Months Daily Mail
We’re Getting Smaller And Our Brains Are Shrinking, Is Farming To Blame? Daily Mail
And it shall be called Fight Gone Mediocre.
goodbye typepad. kind of sad actually
Hey Guys! One last shameless plug for the event I’ll be volunteering at today…
Come out and ride a bike to power a concert!
CFSBK – In under 4 years you have gone from squatting in a public park to wondering why there are not showers and a steam room at Degraw street.How far you have come and I am happy to have been there to see most of it.
Keep up the good work and I hope to be back doing some of it soon!
i read through some of the initial blog posts last night; definitely made me appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that got the box where it is today. props!
reaction to the mandate that Games athletes must wear Reebok uniforms:
343 Reps Upstate. Subbed as follows:Erg->Squats (A bit unfair I usually row 13 cals, but averaged 30 Squats)Dips->Inverted Rows (wow, much harder than ring rows)Presses->Pushups (1/2 from knees)
Calories 97Pushups 76Push presses 45 @ 85# (woulda been happier @ 75#)
…found out halfway through that there were FIVE rounds instead of 3.
First workout in a month! (Not counting a couple little things in Denver this week.) Quite a doozy to come back to…85 calories/68 pushups/77 push press @ 55#. Kept it slow and steady. PU/PP volume dropped off like crazy after round 2.
Had no access to rings, today so did push ups instead. 115# Push Presses.
77 Calories
209 push ups
47 Push Presses
This is me trying to be better about posting, especially after a few weeks away from the gym (ugh)! Came back Sunday with a vengeance (actually, with a nasty hacking cough that prompted Renee to ask me kindly not to die during the WOD). Took it easyish.
Pushups were the absolute limiting factor for me, as always. I probably went a bit too light on the push press (32#), but it's still a newish thing for me and I wanted to focus on form and try for a consistent # of reps across rounds on the PP (14-14-13-13-15). I really liked this workout.