Traci T takes an Anti-Gravity Yoga Class
CFSBK's New Website
In one week, CFSBK will be launching a new website. We're leaving Typepad and migrating this blog to Squarespace. The new website will offer more features for members, a much cleaner design and easier navigation. The URL will stay the same but if you use the typepad URL you'll have to update it to continue to follow the blog. All the previous posts and comments will still be available on the new site so don't worry about losing any workout notes. This site has been good to us and we'll miss the old blue and gold design, but greener pastures await…
If you were given $100k that you couldn't spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
Beyond Paleo: moving from a “paleo diet” to a “paleo template
I would give it to my friend Dana who was mowed down by a cyclist in prospect park. 10 days in the ICU is very expensive.
Give it to my brother for my niece’s college fund. She’ll be off to college in 2012 and I cannot believe how expensive tuition is nowadays!
easy. give it to my mother, to ease her retirement.
it would go right into 529 plans for the kids. If that doesn’t count, and it needs to be charitable, I’d give half to police athletic leagues, boys and girls clubs, anything that gives young kids an opportunity to be part of an organization, learn a sport, and stay out of trouble. The other half, I’d try to piggy back onto John Allison and the BB&T charitable foundation, which donates money to college economics departments, under the condition that “Atlas Shrugged” is required reading, and they actually teach a course on capitalism.
100 Bucks goes to stem cell research.
JR: Why don’t I know you? I was wondering if there were any other Objectivists or Objectivist-friendly folk at CFSBK.
25K to my folks, 25K to my brother, 50K to the michael j fox foundation for parkinson’s research.
25K to Parkinson’s research and the rest to my mom so she could pay off her house and retire!
isn’t the rules “spend on yourself”.. I’m going cave jumping!
Then maybe Disney World
Oh man COULDN’T dang.. okay then ill send someone else I know cavr jumping!
Then they could tell me all about it =/
I’d give it to David O so we can get some showers
Josh, you are too young to begin living vicariously through people.
That article on the paleo template is pretty interesting. I’ve been a decently strict “Classic Paleoist” for a while and the article brought up some tweaks I’ve thought about myself, mainly adding yogurt and sweet potatoes back in for some of the positive properties they can bring. I think sometimes the severity of the Paleo mindset can inhibit thinking, and am looking forward to doing some experimenting.
noah – take a look at one of my favorite paleo-spectrum blogs if you haven’t seen it already:
kurt harris talks a lot about the logic behind avoiding certain foods, but he does advocate for the consumption of grass-fed dairy, a good amount of fat (particularly saturated fat), and even white rice now and then as a harmless source of starch, all of which are things strict paleo advises against.
if i had $100k and couldn’t spend it on myself i’d have to give it to my parents. they are almost retirement age and still work too damn much. i’d like for them to pay off the house and be able to relax a bit more and maybe go on a nice vacation.
@Stella, I am John Galt! <:0
Give it to Planned Parenthood international.
Works to achieve the trifecta of lower infant mortality, higher women’s education and work status (which is one of the few types of development aid which actually has statistically significant benefit for individual income growth) and slowing population growth which wins for environmental protection.
I’m going to play as if I can’t use it on SBK. I think I would use about 25K for my nephew’s college education and another 25K as a family insurance plan in case anyone needs it. The rest.. well I’m not really sure, I think I’d want to move it towards something environmental and/or disease prevention related. I suppose I would have to do a lot more research before I invested it.
Jack,With 100K we’d put in the “Jack Levavi Spa at CFSBK”
i had tons of coursework on capitalism both in high school and college. figured that was normal in a liberal arts education.
I’d give 25k each to my kids for a post-college ‘find out who I really am’ bout of world travel. Then the other 50k would go wherever Jess thought it should.
I would put my $100K toward plush robes for each client who attends Jack’s namesake spa.
Because what good is a large chunk of money if you can’t lounge around for a while?
(I also really enjoy Fox’s answer. I doubt Will would consult me on the spending of big chunks of cash.)
@michele, are you sure you had tons of course on “capitalism?” If you said economics I’d agree for sure, but, without getting into the weeds here, let’s just say that the economics department at, for example, George Mason, is the exception to the rule (Donald Boudreaux, for example.) This is well-documented. Whether or not that is a good thing or a bad thing, that, that ma belle, is entirely subjective, and that is the wonderful thing about charity. You try to help people in the way that you personally think is best!
@fox I think your ideas were the best yet. Not enough of that happening and I certainly regret not doing more of it myself. I also love the 50/50. Good call!
Nephews would definitely receive college money. Or entrepreneurship money.
WRT paleo principles, I’ve definitely tried to use it more as a template than anything. I have been drinking organic lactose free milk in an effort to gain some muscle, and worry much more about eating my lunch paleo and my dinners at home paleo. I forgive myself if I am out at a meal with friends.
As to another paleo principle, I’m now on my 3rd week of standing at my desk (I also converted my supervisor). Between the hamstring stretching I have been doing at the gym, and standing a significant amount more, I’m amazed at how much less tight my hamstrings are, and how much more solid my posterior chain feels in such a short time.
JR: You go, Galt! I organize social events in the city for a fair-sized number of young Objectivists about twice a month. One of those is a monthly happy hour, the other is a “something else” (play, karaoke night, dinner party, etc.) Shoot me an email if you want to be added to the Evite list — stellavision (at) gmail.
After re-reading through the posts i realized it was 100k not $100. So I’m gonna take 1/2 the money give it to stem-cell research then I’m gonna take the other 50K and give it to
Dan H – I thought you were just reeeeealy against stem cell research.
danh3, who’s mary and what did she do?
a grando 6am with D.O
WU3min ergcalf stretchmountain climbers
DL(135 225)315 335 355 375
WODAMRAP 12MINS5 K2E strict10 step ups10 KB swings 1.5pd
8rnds + 5 K2E
$100K? give 15k to my mom, bro and sis. 15k for liese lucy and finn. and 10k on a wicked piss up. all are invited.
Front SquatWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95×5(with green band)Work: 115×3 125×3 135×3 145×3
Still trying to focus on form and staying tight at the bottom.
WOD:21/15/9Burpee Box Jumps (20″) & Dumbbell Thrusters (25#)
11:46. Haven’t done burpee box jumps since the lyceum, I don’t think. Had to scale down the thrusters from the Rx weight.
5pm with the awesome Jeremy.Front squat: 45×5, 95×3; 115×3; 135x3155x3x4 — feeling better all the time!
21-15-9 Burpee box jump (24”) and 30# dumbbell push press9:02
@danb i typo’d the charity. freedomtoMARRY.orgfor rights to all people who want to get married.
Comp class with Fox was awesome tonite. got to work with Teresa & Josh. That work out was tough. I think squatting & particular the OH is going to be my primary focus until i can get depth consistently.
Competition Class
With PR, Melissa and Jess Fox we did the 250’s WOD from the Regionals:
For Time:250 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups250 Kettlebell Swings 1.5p, 1p250 Double Unders250 Overhead Squats
I think we got to the 80somthing rep on the overhead squats before the time cap. The Pull-ups started real easy and ended up being difficult to cycle more than 5 once we cracked 180 or so. Used the rubber pads to prevent excessive hand tearing. The KB’s were okay, I did a set of 32? and then a set of 20, Mel jumped in when I needed a break. Doubles went okay and I only got to do two sets of the overhead squats, a set of 10 and another of 9 I think.
Enjoyed this workout with the competition kids.
100k goes here
I would donate it to the “what the f*¢k happened to Rob’s squat today” foundation because obviously that is some messed up sh!t. We need to help that out.