(E1/4) Spinal Flexion will constitiute a missed rep, choose loads accordingly
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Compare to 1.3.11
AMRAP 12 Minutes
5 Knees to Elbows (or 10 Sit Ups)
10 Reverse Lunges ea
20 Double Unders
Post rounds and RX to comments.
Steph P. during Sectionals WOD #2
Congratulations to David Byrd on hitting 405×10 on his BSQ!
Welcome Back David and Margie who are back from working on Northeast Regionals in Boston!
Happy Birthday, Michele K!
The Total Cometh
Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensives are coming to an end and you know what that means…..The Total! The Total is next Wednesday, June 29th and starts at 6pm! Come watch in amazement as this cycle's participants fight for new PRs in the Squat, Press and Deadlift!
Northeast Regional Day 2 Video CrossFit
Deadlift Prep Part 1 and Part 2 Mobility WOD
Knee to Elbows with Kip Gymnastics WOD
Bendikt Magnusson DLs 575 for 22 Reps Youtube
3x3x3x3 at 240 lbs. Added 5 lbs to my heavy single back in January.
405 x 10…good lord.
Congrats David.
Deadlift: 115, 125, 135, 145. This is the first time I’ve ever deadlifted more than my own body weight, so I’m pleased.
WOD: 6 rounds + situps + lunges + 2 double-under attempts. I subbed situps for the K2E and 10 attempts for 20 double-unders. Those are still definitely not my strong point.
And…wow. 405×10? How does one even GET 405 pounds onto a bar?! I am in awe.
the sick thing about Byrd’s 405×10 was how easily he did it. dude squatted down and stood up ten times. bam. done.
good stuff.
What Shawn said.
Got back from Reebok Headquarters in Canton MA last night. The North East Qualifiers were amazing this year, a much bigger event in every single way. The level of competition has gotten pretty unreal, especially there being a lot of new faces in the women’s division. I think theres a good chance for Austin Malleolo (our #1 male) to podium at the games this year, he did:
21-15-9 repsDeadlift 315lbsBox Jump 30″
In sub 2:56 which is pretty unreal. He was top 3 in all the event this weekend which I think is a first for any male athlete. We’ll see what happens in Carson though. Also, David C, who competed at our sectional events this year (and won every event) tied for 4th place which is awesome considering it was his first regional.
Anyway- After Ecuador and the Qualifiers i am SO SO SO SO Happy to be back full time at CFSBK. I’ve felt removed from the gym for so long, Very excited to see all the familiar faces again
damn. this looks like a fun workout and deadlifts are my favorite but i think i have to miss it. i tweaked something in my back on FSQs the other day. ted palpated a bit and thinks it’s something in my spinal erector. it doesn’t hurt acutely but i feel some soreness if i move a certain way. if anyone has any suggestions for recovery let me know — i’ve been icing it on and off for now. may be time to finally get a heating pad if that will help.
Deadlifts: 3-3-3-3275295315335
WOD: Rx’d5 rounds + 1 Double Under
And Malleolo is a beast!
405×10. And that’s as a nice guy! I’d hate to see him angry! That’s some heavy duty work right there!
oh and thanks for the bday shout out 🙂
Happy Birthday Michele!!
Bon anniversaire ma belle Michele!
Dave, you are killing it! Nice work son!
Happy birthday mademoiselle Michele!
Thanks for the kind words…my legs appreciate it
Happy Birthday Michele
Happy Birthday Michele. Dave B, congrats, that’s super impressive!
I got to Deadlift with Malcolm today which hasn’t happened for like a year so bonus!DL 135×5, 185×3, 235x3265x3x4 Felt pretty good actually.
WOD – 7 rnds plus K2E’s and lunges.Nice to meet Mike from the city – dude lapped me on the WOD in like the second round and finished with 11 plus rounds (I think)!
deadlift felt strong so i kept going…..this is a PR for me so i am pretty happy….
wod: subbed 40 DU attempts and got 5 rounds +10 lunges
Can’t wait till Wednesday…
It was great dropping into the 6pm class tonight, everyone crushed it. Thanks David for the kind words, awesome job yourself as well.
Loved the vibe at South Brooklyn, I’ll definitely be back!
Deadlift: 275-295-295-295wod: 11 + 16 lunges rx’d
WOD9 rounds plus 5 k2e plus 8 lunges
Deadlift from Friday (squat and bench tonight)385x5x1
After a somewhat disappointing race performance yesterday, it felt really good to come into the gym and be able to get a heavier triple on the first exposure of the cycle than I was able to get on the 2RM last time. Yay! 123-133-143-145-145, and 5 rounds plus 4 sit ups on the WOD. Someday I will have double unders. Fun to have so many visitors tonight too.
Happy birthday Michele!
Deadlift – 3/355#, 3/365#, 3/385#,3/405#
WOD – 10 Rounds+5 K2E + 20 lunges (10 each side)
Finally figured something out today on my deadlift that has eluded me for a long time. I have difficulty telling if I am setting my back or not, just don’t have good propreoception in my lower back. I found out that if I squeeze my butt hard enough my low back comes along for the ride. Good stuff.
Kept the lifting light to figure stuff out, and it appears to have paid off. Did 265 3×4 with DMak which felt totally old school and awesome. Haven’t lifted with him in way too long.
Then on the WOD did 6 rounds + 5k2e + 9 Lunges each side.
Doubles felt better than usual. Jump was only huge, not stupid huge, but all were unbroken.
Lovely time at the gym tonight – great lifting with Erica.
Decided to go with sets across and on the lighter side of heavy to give myself lots of running room. I have a bad habit of aiming for what I could do a year ago and then getting annoyed when I can’t do it.
185x3x4 – this was very doable, felt heavy but didn’t slow down. No hip troubles, which is WONDERFUL!
WOD w/ kipping K2E: 9 rounds + K2E + Lunges. Was just reaching for my rope at “time”.
Great to meet the NYC folks who were dropping in tonight!
Fantastic day at the gym today! So much good energy, love it. And definitely nice to see some visitors in the house. Welcome!
DL’s:(95×3, 135×3, 185×2)work: 210×3, 220×3, 230×3-last 2 at 230 didn’t feel like they looked great so I was happy calling it there. I’ve really missed deadlifts.
Wod:8 rounds even.-need to learn how to string together the k2e as that’s what slowed me down. Fun to “try” to keep up with Laurel and Christine!
215-235-265-235Still taking it slow coming back from injury. Nice to DL with Noah. Great feedback all around.
11 rounds + 5 lunges
Thanks for being so welcoming! Hope to see you all again soon.
DL (135, 185, 225, 255) 275, 275, 225i was fighting to keep my chest up on those 275s so dropped back for the last set.
scaled the doubles back to 10– got 5 doubles short of 5 rds.
DL 275, 285, 295 (skipped last set due to time constraints).WOD. Just missed 8 rounds by 2 DUs. That annoyed me. Now I’m over it. Happy summer solstice.
Deadlift3-3-3-3(3×95, 3×135, 3×185)Work – 185-195-200-185* AMRAP – 11 rounds *dropped down to keep form intact. These were much heavier than they should have been which slightly disappointing…old 3 rep max 1/7/11 was 230#. I def need to work on my strength more again now that regionals is over.   Margie / Jess – thanks for the coaching.Â
Wanted to get this down:
275-285-305-315 on the DL with Rob N. Need to work on staying tighter and coming down in better position.
WOD: 8 rounds even. Hit the 20th DU at 11:58. A few of the DU rounds went unbroken which was really nice. Kipped the K2Es but had trouble cycling them. Just like my kipping pull ups.
deadlift210 220 230 240 X3
5 sets of 5 K2E, 10 Alt. lunges 20 double undersand additional set of K2E and Lunges before the time was called at 12 min.